2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Vim syntax file
2016-10-15 18:54:22 -07:00
" #############################################################################
" #############################################################################
" Note: Be careful when merging the upstream version of this file.
2017-09-09 04:14:15 -07:00
" Much of this is generated by scripts/genvimvim.lua
" (installs to $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/vim/generated.vim)
2016-10-15 18:54:22 -07:00
" #############################################################################
" #############################################################################
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded {{{2
if exists("b:current_syntax")
2021-09-10 00:02:40 -07:00
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
set cpo&vim
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
let s:vim9script = "\n" .. getline(1, 32)->join("\n") =~# '\n\s*vim9\%[script]\>'
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" vimTodo: contains common special-notices for comments {{{2
" Use the vimCommentGroup cluster to add your own.
2015-07-02 13:23:33 -07:00
syn keyword vimTodo contained COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=vimTodo,@Spell
2015-04-02 09:45:34 -07:00
" Special and plugin vim commands {{{2
2017-07-08 03:44:36 -07:00
syn match vimCommand contained "\<z[-+^.=]\=\>"
2015-10-30 11:35:12 -07:00
syn keyword vimOnlyCommand contained fix[del] op[en] sh[ell] P[rint]
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained Arguments Asm Break Cfilter Clear Continue DiffOrig Evaluate Finish Gdb Lfilter Man Over Program Run S Source Step Stop Termdebug TermdebugCommand TOhtml Until Winbar XMLent XMLns
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2015-07-26 11:21:58 -07:00
" Vim-specific options {{{2
syn keyword vimOnlyOption contained biosk bioskey cp compatible consk conskey cm cryptmethod edcompatible guipty key macatsui mzq mzquantum osfiletype oft renderoptions rop st shelltype sn shortname tenc termencoding ta textauto tx textmode tf ttyfast ttym ttymouse tbi ttybuiltin wiv weirdinvert
" Turn-off setting variants
syn keyword vimOnlyOption contained nobiosk nobioskey noconsk noconskey nocp nocompatible noguipty nomacatsui nosn noshortname nota notextauto notx notextmode notf nottyfast notbi nottybuiltin nowiv noweirdinvert
" Invertible setting variants
syn keyword vimOnlyOption contained invbiosk invbioskey invconsk invconskey invcp invcompatible invguipty invmacatsui invsn invshortname invta invtextauto invtx invtextmode invtf invttyfast invtbi invttybuiltin invwiv invweirdinvert
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" termcap codes (which can also be set) {{{2
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimOption term output code, START_STR='syn keyword vimOption contained', END_STR=''
syn keyword vimOption contained t_AB t_AF t_AU t_AL t_al t_bc t_BE t_BD t_cd t_ce t_Ce t_CF t_cl t_cm t_Co t_CS t_Cs t_cs t_CV t_da t_db t_DL t_dl t_ds t_Ds t_EC t_EI t_fs t_fd t_fe t_GP t_IE t_IS t_ke t_ks t_le t_mb t_md t_me t_mr t_ms t_nd t_op t_RF t_RB t_RC t_RI t_Ri t_RK t_RS t_RT t_RV t_Sb t_SC t_se t_Sf t_SH t_SI t_Si t_so t_SR t_sr t_ST t_Te t_te t_TE t_ti t_TI t_Ts t_ts t_u7 t_ue t_us t_Us t_ut t_vb t_ve t_vi t_VS t_vs t_WP t_WS t_XM t_xn t_xs t_ZH t_ZR t_8f t_8b t_8u
" term key codes
syn keyword vimOption contained t_F1 t_F2 t_F3 t_F4 t_F5 t_F6 t_F7 t_F8 t_F9 t_k1 t_K1 t_k2 t_k3 t_K3 t_k4 t_K4 t_k5 t_K5 t_k6 t_K6 t_k7 t_K7 t_k8 t_K8 t_k9 t_K9 t_KA t_kb t_kB t_KB t_KC t_kd t_kD t_KD t_KE t_KF t_KG t_kh t_KH t_kI t_KI t_KJ t_KK t_kl t_KL t_kN t_kP t_kr t_ku
2015-06-24 11:00:42 -07:00
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_%1"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_#2"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_#4"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_@7"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_*7"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_&8"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_%i"
syn match vimTermOption contained "t_k;"
2015-07-26 11:21:58 -07:00
" unsupported settings: these are supported by vi but don't do anything in vim {{{2
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: Missing vimOption, START_STR='syn keyword vimErrSetting contained', END_STR=''
syn keyword vimErrSetting contained akm altkeymap anti antialias ap autoprint bf beautify biosk bioskey consk conskey fk fkmap fl flash gr graphic ht hardtabs macatsui mesg novice open opt optimize oft osfiletype redraw slow slowopen sourceany w1200 w300 w9600
syn keyword vimErrSetting contained noakm noaltkeymap noanti noantialias noap noautoprint nobf nobeautify nobiosk nobioskey noconsk noconskey nofk nofkmap nofl noflash nogr nographic nomacatsui nomesg nonovice noopen noopt nooptimize noredraw noslow noslowopen nosourceany
syn keyword vimErrSetting contained invakm invaltkeymap invanti invantialias invap invautoprint invbf invbeautify invbiosk invbioskey invconsk invconskey invfk invfkmap invfl invflash invgr invgraphic invmacatsui invmesg invnovice invopen invopt invoptimize invredraw invslow invslowopen invsourceany
2015-04-02 09:45:34 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case ignore
" Highlight commonly used Groupnames {{{2
2022-03-04 05:35:44 -07:00
syn keyword vimGroup contained Comment Constant String Character Number Boolean Float Identifier Function Statement Conditional Repeat Label Operator Keyword Exception PreProc Include Define Macro PreCondit Type StorageClass Structure Typedef Special SpecialChar Tag Delimiter SpecialComment Debug Underlined Ignore Error Todo
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Default highlighting groups {{{2
2024-02-16 03:58:40 -07:00
syn keyword vimHLGroup contained ErrorMsg IncSearch ModeMsg NonText StatusLine StatusLineNC EndOfBuffer VertSplit DiffText PmenuSbar TabLineSel TabLineFill Cursor lCursor QuickFixLine CursorLineSign CursorLineFold CurSearch PmenuKind PmenuKindSel PmenuExtra PmenuExtraSel Normal Directory LineNr CursorLineNr MoreMsg Question Search SpellBad SpellCap SpellRare SpellLocal PmenuThumb Pmenu PmenuSel SpecialKey Title WarningMsg WildMenu Folded FoldColumn SignColumn Visual DiffAdd DiffChange DiffDelete TabLine CursorColumn CursorLine ColorColumn Conceal MatchParen CursorIM LineNrAbove LineNrBelow
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
syn keyword vimOnlyHLGroup contained Menu Scrollbar StatusLineTerm StatusLineTermNC ToolbarButton ToolbarLine Tooltip VisualNOS
2024-02-14 00:29:56 -07:00
syn keyword nvimHLGroup contained FloatBorder FloatFooter FloatTitle MsgSeparator NormalFloat NormalNC Substitute TermCursor TermCursorNC VisualNC Whitespace WinBar WinBarNC WinSeparator
2015-04-02 09:45:34 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case match
2024-01-24 01:59:41 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Special Vim Highlighting (not automatic) {{{1
2023-04-23 06:22:55 -07:00
" Set up folding commands for this syntax highlighting file {{{2
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
if exists("g:vimsyn_folding") && g:vimsyn_folding =~# '[afhHlmpPrt]'
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'a'
com! -nargs=* VimFolda <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFolda <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'f'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldf <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldf <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'h'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldh <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldh <args>
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'H'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldH <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldH <args>
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'l'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldl <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldl <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'm'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldm <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldm <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2022-03-04 05:35:44 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'p'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldp <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldp <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'P'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldP <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldP <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'r'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldr <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldr <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_folding =~# 't'
com! -nargs=* VimFoldt <args> fold
com! -nargs=* VimFoldt <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
com! -nargs=* VimFolda <args>
com! -nargs=* VimFoldf <args>
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
com! -nargs=* VimFoldh <args>
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
com! -nargs=* VimFoldH <args>
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
com! -nargs=* VimFoldl <args>
com! -nargs=* VimFoldm <args>
com! -nargs=* VimFoldp <args>
com! -nargs=* VimFoldP <args>
com! -nargs=* VimFoldr <args>
com! -nargs=* VimFoldt <args>
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Deprecated variable options {{{2
if exists("g:vim_minlines")
let g:vimsyn_minlines= g:vim_minlines
if exists("g:vim_maxlines")
let g:vimsyn_maxlines= g:vim_maxlines
if exists("g:vimsyntax_noerror")
let g:vimsyn_noerror= g:vimsyntax_noerror
2017-09-09 04:14:15 -07:00
" Variable options {{{2
if exists("g:vim_maxlines")
let s:vimsyn_maxlines= g:vim_maxlines
let s:vimsyn_maxlines= 60
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Numbers {{{2
" =======
2024-03-11 16:20:04 -07:00
syn case ignore
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vimNumber '\<\d\+\%(\.\d\+\%(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\=\)\=' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
syn match vimNumber '\<0b[01]\+' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
syn match vimNumber '\<0o\=\o\+' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
syn match vimNumber '\<0x\x\+' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
syn match vimNumber '\<0z\>' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
syn match vimNumber '\<0z\%(\x\x\)\+\%(\.\%(\x\x\)\+\)*' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
syn match vimNumber '\%(^\|\A\)\zs#\x\{6}' skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst1,vimCommand,@vimComment
2024-03-11 16:20:04 -07:00
syn case match
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2019-08-01 21:56:33 -07:00
" All vimCommands are contained by vimIsCommand. {{{2
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimCmdList contains=vimAbb,vimAddress,vimAutoCmd,vimAugroup,vimBehave,vimDef,@vimEcho,vimEnddef,vimEndfunction,vimExecute,vimIsCommand,vimExtCmd,vimFor,vimFunction,vimGlobal,vimHighlight,vimLet,vimMap,vimMark,vimNotFunc,vimNorm,vimSet,vimSyntax,vimUnlet,vimUnmap,vimUserCmd,vimMenu,vimMenutranslate
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
syn match vimCmdSep "[:|]\+" skipwhite nextgroup=@vimCmdList,vimSubst1
2024-01-24 01:59:41 -07:00
syn match vimIsCommand "\<\%(\h\w*\|[23]mat\%[ch]\)\>" contains=vimCommand
2018-10-29 01:55:33 -07:00
syn match vimVar contained "\<\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
syn match vimVar "\<[bwglstav]:\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
syn match vimVar "\s\zs&\%([lg]:\)\=\a\+\>"
syn match vimVar "\s\zs&t_\S[a-zA-Z0-9]\>"
syn match vimVar "\s\zs&t_k;"
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
syn match vimFBVar contained "\<[bwglstav]:\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimCommand contained in
2024-02-27 16:57:18 -07:00
syn cluster vimExprList contains=vimEnvvar,vimFunc,vimFuncVar,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimLetRegister,vimString,vimVar
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Insertions And Appends: insert append {{{2
2021-11-17 02:02:59 -07:00
" (buftype != nofile test avoids having append, change, insert show up in the command window)
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" =======================
2021-11-17 02:02:59 -07:00
if &buftype != 'nofile'
2024-04-14 16:46:14 -07:00
syn region vimInsert matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=a\%[ppend]$" matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$" extend
syn region vimInsert matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=c\%[hange]$" matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$" extend
syn region vimInsert matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=i\%[nsert]$" matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$" extend
2021-11-17 02:02:59 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Behave! {{{2
" =======
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_nobehaveerror")
syn match vimBehaveError contained "[^ ]\+"
2024-02-16 03:59:56 -07:00
syn match vimBehave "\<be\%[have]\>" nextgroup=vimBehaveBang,vimBehaveModel,vimBehaveError skipwhite
syn match vimBehaveBang contained "\a\@1<=!" nextgroup=vimBehaveModel skipwhite
syn keyword vimBehaveModel contained mswin xterm
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Filetypes {{{2
" =========
syn match vimFiletype "\<filet\%[ype]\(\s\+\I\i*\)*" skipwhite contains=vimFTCmd,vimFTOption,vimFTError
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_vimFTError")
syn match vimFTError contained "\I\i*"
syn keyword vimFTCmd contained filet[ype]
syn keyword vimFTOption contained detect indent off on plugin
" Augroup : vimAugroupError removed because long augroups caused sync'ing problems. {{{2
" ======= : Trade-off: Increasing synclines with slower editing vs augroup END error checking.
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn cluster vimAugroupList contains=@vimCmdList,vimFilter,vimFunc,vimLineComment,vimSpecFile,vimOper,vimNumber,vimOperParen,@vimComment,vimString,vimSubst,vimRegister,vimCmplxRepeat,vimNotation,vimCtrlChar,vimFuncVar,vimContinue
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
syn match vimAugroup "\<aug\%[roup]\>" contains=vimAugroupKey,vimAugroupBang skipwhite nextgroup=vimAugroupBang,vimAutoCmdGroup
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
if exists("g:vimsyn_folding") && g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'a'
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
syn region vimAugroup fold start="\<aug\%[roup]\>\ze\s\+\%([eE][nN][dD]\)\@!\S\+" matchgroup=vimAugroupKey end="\<aug\%[roup]\>\ze\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\>" contains=vimAutoCmd,@vimAugroupList,vimAugroupkey skipwhite nextgroup=vimAugroupEnd
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
syn region vimAugroup start="\<aug\%[roup]\>\ze\s\+\%([eE][nN][dD]\)\@!\S\+" matchgroup=vimAugroupKey end="\<aug\%[roup]\>\ze\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\>" contains=vimAutoCmd,@vimAugroupList,vimAugroupkey skipwhite nextgroup=vimAugroupEnd
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_noaugrouperror")
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
syn match vimAugroupError "\<aug\%[roup]\>\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
syn match vimAutoCmdGroup contained "\S\+"
syn match vimAugroupEnd contained "\c\<END\>"
syn match vimAugroupBang contained "\a\@1<=!" skipwhite nextgroup=vimAutoCmdGroup
syn keyword vimAugroupKey contained aug[roup] skipwhite nextgroup=vimAugroupBang,vimAutoCmdGroup,vimAugroupEnd
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Operators: {{{2
" =========
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimOperGroup contains=vimEnvvar,vimFunc,vimFuncVar,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimNumber,vimString,vimRegister,@vimContinue,vim9Comment,vimVar
2023-12-05 15:04:00 -07:00
syn match vimOper "||\|&&\|[-+*/%.!]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
2021-11-07 16:10:44 -07:00
syn match vimOper "\%#=1\(==\|!=\|>=\|<=\|=\~\|!\~\|>\|<\|=\|!\~#\)[?#]\{0,2}" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
syn match vimOper "\(\<is\|\<isnot\)[?#]\{0,2}\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
2024-03-22 15:43:25 -07:00
syn region vimOperParen matchgroup=vimParenSep start="(" end=")" contains=@vimOperGroup
2021-05-01 18:09:53 -07:00
syn region vimOperParen matchgroup=vimSep start="#\={" end="}" contains=@vimOperGroup nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_noopererror")
syn match vimOperError ")"
2024-04-14 16:46:14 -07:00
" Functions: Tag is provided for those who wish to highlight tagged functions {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" =========
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncList contains=vimFuncBang,vimFunctionError,vimFuncKey,vimFuncSID,Tag
syn cluster vimDefList contains=vimFuncBang,vimFunctionError,vimDefKey,vimFuncSID,Tag
2024-04-14 16:46:14 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyCommon contains=@vimCmdList,vimCmplxRepeat,vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimDef,vimEnvvar,vimFBVar,vimFunc,vimFunction,vimLetHereDoc,vimNotation,vimNotFunc,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimRegister,vimSearch,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimFuncFold
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList contains=@vimFuncBodyCommon,vimComment,vimLineComment,vimFuncVar,vimInsert
syn cluster vimDefBodyList contains=@vimFuncBodyCommon,vim9Comment,vim9LineComment
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn region vimFuncPattern contained matchgroup=vimOper start="/" end="$" contains=@vimSubstList
syn match vimFunction "\<fu\%[nction]\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimCmdSep,vimComment,vimFuncPattern contains=vimFuncKey
syn match vimDef "\<def\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimCmdSep,vimComment,vimFuncPattern contains=vimDefKey
syn match vimFunction "\<fu\%[nction]\>!\=\s*\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sg]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)\+" contains=@vimFuncList skipwhite nextgroup=vimFuncParams
syn match vimDef "\<def\s\+new\%(\i\|{.\{-1,}}\)\+" contains=@vimDefList nextgroup=vimDefParams
syn match vimDef "\<def\>!\=\s*\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sg]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)\+" contains=@vimDefList nextgroup=vimDefParams
syn match vimFuncComment contained +".*+ skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimFuncBody,vimEndfunction
syn match vimDefComment contained "#.*" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimDefBody,vimEnddef
syn match vimFuncBang contained "!"
syn match vimFuncSID contained "\c<sid>"
syn match vimFuncSID contained "\<[sg]:"
syn keyword vimFuncKey contained fu[nction]
syn keyword vimDefKey contained def
syn region vimFuncParams contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" skip=+\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + end=")" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimFuncBody,vimFuncComment,vimEndfunction,vimFuncMod contains=vimFuncParam,@vimContinue
syn region vimDefParams contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" end=")" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimDefBody,vimDefComment,vimEnddef,vimReturnType contains=vimDefParam,vim9Comment
syn match vimFuncParam contained "\<\h\w*\>\|\.\.\." skipwhite nextgroup=vimFuncParamEquals
syn match vimDefParam contained "\<\h\w*\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimParamType,vimFuncParamEquals
syn match vimFuncParamEquals contained "=" skipwhite nextgroup=@vimExprList
syn match vimFuncMod contained "\<\%(abort\|closure\|dict\|range\)\>" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimFuncBody,vimFuncComment,vimEndfunction,vimFuncMod
syn region vimFuncBody contained start="^" matchgroup=vimCommand end="\<endfu\%[nction]\>" contains=@vimFuncBodyList
syn region vimDefBody contained start="^" matchgroup=vimCommand end="\<enddef\>" contains=@vimDefBodyList
syn match vimEndfunction "\<endf\%[unction]\>"
syn match vimEnddef "\<enddef\>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
if exists("g:vimsyn_folding") && g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'f'
2024-04-14 16:46:14 -07:00
syn region vimFuncFold start="^\s*:\=\s*fu\%[nction]\>!\=\s*\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sg]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)\+\s*(" end="^\s*:\=\s*endf\%[unction]\>" contains=vimFunction fold keepend extend transparent
syn region vimFuncFold start="^\s*:\=\s*def\>!\=\s*\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sg]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\)\+(" end="^\s*:\=\s*enddef\>" contains=vimDef fold keepend extend transparent
syn region vimFuncFold start="^\s*:\=\s*def\s\+new\i\+(" end="^\s*:\=\s*enddef\>" contains=vimDef fold keepend extend transparent
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn match vimFuncVar contained "a:\%(\K\k*\|\d\+\)\>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimFuncBlank contained "\s\+"
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
" Types: {{{2
" =====
2021-09-09 23:48:27 -07:00
" vimTypes : new for vim9
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn region vimReturnType contained start=":\s" end="$" matchgroup=vim9Comment end="\ze#" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimDefBody,vimDefComment,vimEnddef contains=vimTypeSep transparent
syn match vimParamType contained ":\s\+\a" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimFuncParamEquals contains=vimTypeSep,@vimType
syn match vimTypeSep contained ":\s\@=" skipwhite nextgroup=@vimType
syn keyword vimType contained any blob bool channel float job number string void
syn match vimType contained "\<func\>"
syn region vimCompoundType contained matchgroup=vimType start="\<func(" end=")" nextgroup=vimTypeSep contains=@vimType oneline transparent
syn region vimCompoundType contained matchgroup=vimType start="\<\%(list\|dict\)<" end=">" contains=@vimType oneline transparent
syn match vimUserType contained "\<\u\w*\>"
syn cluster vimType contains=vimType,vimCompoundType,vimUserType
2024-02-01 15:41:10 -07:00
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
" Keymaps: {{{2
2024-02-01 15:41:10 -07:00
" =======
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vimKeymapStart "^" contained skipwhite nextgroup=vimKeymapLhs,@vimKeymapLineComment
2024-02-01 15:41:10 -07:00
syn match vimKeymapLhs "\S\+" contained skipwhite nextgroup=vimKeymapRhs contains=vimNotation
syn match vimKeymapRhs "\S\+" contained skipwhite nextgroup=vimKeymapTailComment contains=vimNotation
syn match vimKeymapTailComment "\S.*" contained
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
" TODO: remove when :" comment is matched in parts as "ex-colon comment" --djk
if s:vim9script
syn match vim9KeymapLineComment "#.*" contained contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vim9CommentTitle
syn match vimKeymapLineComment +".*+ contained contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vimCommentTitle
syn cluster vimKeymapLineComment contains=vim9\=KeymapLineComment
2024-02-01 15:41:10 -07:00
syn region vimKeymap matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<loadk\%[eymap]\>" end="\%$" contains=vimKeymapStart
2021-09-09 23:48:27 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Special Filenames, Modifiers, Extension Removal: {{{2
" ===============================================
2024-02-26 15:22:57 -07:00
syn match vimSpecFile "<c\(word\|WORD\)>" nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst1
syn match vimSpecFile "<\([acs]file\|amatch\|abuf\)>" nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst1
syn match vimSpecFile "\s%[ \t:]"ms=s+1,me=e-1 nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst1
syn match vimSpecFile "\s%$"ms=s+1 nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst1
syn match vimSpecFile "\s%<"ms=s+1,me=e-1 nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst1
syn match vimSpecFile "#\d\+\|[#%]<\>" nextgroup=vimSpecFileMod,vimSubst1
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimSpecFileMod "\(:[phtre]\)\+" contained
" User-Specified Commands: {{{2
" =======================
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn cluster vimUserCmdList contains=@vimCmdList,vimCmplxRepeat,@vimComment,vimCtrlChar,vimEscapeBrace,vimFunc,vimNotation,vimNumber,vimOper,vimRegister,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSubstRep,vimSubstRange
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimUserCommand contained com[mand]
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vimUserCmdName contained "\<\u\w*\>" nextgroup=vimUserCmdBlock skipwhite
syn match vimUserCmd "\<com\%[mand]!\=\>.*$" contains=vimUserAttrb,vimUserAttrbError,vimUserCommand,@vimUserCmdList,vimComFilter,vimCmdBlock,vimUserCmdName
2015-07-02 13:23:33 -07:00
syn match vimUserAttrbError contained "-\a\+\ze\s"
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-nargs=[01*?+]" contains=vimUserAttrbKey,vimOper
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-complete=" contains=vimUserAttrbKey,vimOper nextgroup=vimUserAttrbCmplt,vimUserCmdError
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-range\(=%\|=\d\+\)\=" contains=vimNumber,vimOper,vimUserAttrbKey
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-count\(=\d\+\)\=" contains=vimNumber,vimOper,vimUserAttrbKey
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-bang\>" contains=vimOper,vimUserAttrbKey
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-bar\>" contains=vimOper,vimUserAttrbKey
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-buffer\>" contains=vimOper,vimUserAttrbKey
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-register\>" contains=vimOper,vimUserAttrbKey
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_nousercmderror")
syn match vimUserCmdError contained "\S\+\>"
syn case ignore
syn keyword vimUserAttrbKey contained bar ban[g] cou[nt] ra[nge] com[plete] n[args] re[gister]
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimUserAttrbCmplt, START_STR='syn keyword vimUserAttrbCmplt contained', END_STR=''
syn keyword vimUserAttrbCmplt contained arglist augroup behave buffer color command compiler cscope diff_buffer dir environment event expression file file_in_path filetype function help highlight history keymap locale mapclear mapping menu messages syntax syntime option packadd runtime shellcmd sign tag tag_listfiles user var breakpoint scriptnames
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimUserAttrbCmplt contained custom customlist nextgroup=vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc,vimUserCmdError
2024-02-14 00:01:24 -07:00
syn match vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc contained ",\%([sS]:\|<[sS][iI][dD]>\)\=\%(\h\w*\%([.#]\h\w*\)\+\|\h\w*\)"hs=s+1 nextgroup=vimUserCmdError
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case match
syn match vimUserAttrbCmplt contained "custom,\u\w*"
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn region vimUserCmdBlock contained matchgroup=vimSep start="{" end="}" contains=@vimDefBodyList
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Lower Priority Comments: after some vim commands... {{{2
" =======================
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn region vimCommentString contained oneline start='\S\s\+"'ms=e end='"'
if s:vim9script
syn match vimComment excludenl +\s"[^\-:.%#=*].*$+lc=1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn match vimComment +\<endif\s\+".*$+lc=5 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn match vimComment +\<else\s\+".*$+lc=4 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
" Vim9 comments - TODO: might be highlighted while they don't work
syn match vim9Comment excludenl +\s#[^{].*$+lc=1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment +\<endif\s\+#[^{].*$+lc=5 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment +\<else\s\+#[^{].*$+lc=4 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
" Vim9 comment inside expression
" syn match vim9Comment +\s\zs#[^{].*$+ms=s+1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
" syn match vim9Comment +^\s*#[^{].*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
" syn match vim9Comment +^\s*#$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn cluster vimComment contains=vim9Comment
syn match vimComment excludenl +\s"[^\-:.%#=*].*$+lc=1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vimComment +\<endif\s\+".*$+lc=5 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vimComment +\<else\s\+".*$+lc=4 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
" Vim9 comments - TODO: might be highlighted while they don't work
syn match vim9Comment excludenl +\s#[^{].*$+lc=1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn match vim9Comment +\<endif\s\+#[^{].*$+lc=5 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn match vim9Comment +\<else\s\+#[^{].*$+lc=4 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
" Vim9 comment inside expression
syn match vim9Comment +\s\zs#[^{].*$+ms=s+1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn match vim9Comment +^\s*#[^{].*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn match vim9Comment +^\s*#$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString contained
syn cluster vimComment contains=vimComment
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Environment Variables: {{{2
" =====================
syn match vimEnvvar "\$\I\i*"
syn match vimEnvvar "\${\I\i*}"
" In-String Specials: {{{2
" Try to catch strings, if nothing else matches (therefore it must precede the others!)
" vimEscapeBrace handles ["] []"] (ie. "s don't terminate string inside [])
syn region vimEscapeBrace oneline contained transparent start="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*\[\zs\^\=\]\=" skip="\\\\\|\\\]" end="]"me=e-1
syn match vimPatSepErr contained "\\)"
syn match vimPatSep contained "\\|"
2019-07-28 17:09:53 -07:00
syn region vimPatSepZone oneline contained matchgroup=vimPatSepZ start="\\%\=\ze(" skip="\\\\" end="\\)\|[^\\]['"]" contains=@vimStringGroup
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn region vimPatRegion contained transparent matchgroup=vimPatSepR start="\\[z%]\=(" end="\\)" contains=@vimSubstList oneline
syn match vimNotPatSep contained "\\\\"
2022-06-13 23:52:04 -07:00
syn cluster vimStringGroup contains=vimEscape,vimEscapeBrace,vimPatSep,vimNotPatSep,vimPatSepErr,vimPatSepZone,@Spell
2018-10-29 01:55:33 -07:00
syn region vimString oneline keepend start=+[^a-zA-Z>!\\@]"+lc=1 skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ matchgroup=vimStringEnd end=+"+ contains=@vimStringGroup
2017-11-07 12:51:49 -07:00
syn region vimString oneline keepend start=+[^a-zA-Z>!\\@]'+lc=1 end=+'+
2021-04-28 05:39:30 -07:00
"syn region vimString oneline start="\s/\s*\A"lc=1 skip="\\\\\|\\+" end="/" contains=@vimStringGroup " see tst45.vim
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimString contained +"[^"]*\\$+ skipnl nextgroup=vimStringCont
syn match vimStringCont contained +\(\\\\\|.\)\{-}[^\\]"+
2022-06-13 23:52:04 -07:00
syn match vimEscape contained "\\."
2024-02-01 15:36:26 -07:00
" syn match vimEscape contained +\\[befnrt\"]+
syn match vimEscape contained "\\\o\{1,3}\|\\[xX]\x\{1,2}\|\\u\x\{1,4}\|\\U\x\{1,8}"
syn match vimEscape contained "\\<" contains=vimNotation
syn match vimEscape contained "\\<\*[^>]*>\=>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-02-27 16:57:18 -07:00
syn region vimString oneline start=+$'+ skip=+''+ end=+'+ contains=vimStringInterpolationBrace,vimStringInterpolationExpr
syn region vimString oneline start=+$"+ end=+"+ contains=@vimStringGroup,vimStringInterpolationBrace,vimStringInterpolationExpr
syn region vimStringInterpolationExpr oneline contained matchgroup=vimSep start=+{+ end=+}+ contains=@vimExprList
syn match vimStringInterpolationBrace contained "{{"
syn match vimStringInterpolationBrace contained "}}"
2024-01-28 19:59:38 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Substitutions: {{{2
" =============
syn cluster vimSubstList contains=vimPatSep,vimPatRegion,vimPatSepErr,vimSubstTwoBS,vimSubstRange,vimNotation
syn cluster vimSubstRepList contains=vimSubstSubstr,vimSubstTwoBS,vimNotation
syn cluster vimSubstList add=vimCollection
2024-02-26 15:22:57 -07:00
syn match vimSubst "^\s*\%(s\%[ubstitute]\|sm\%[agic]\|sno\%[magic]\)\>[\"#|]\@!" nextgroup=vimSubstPat
syn match vimSubst "^\s*\%(s\%[ubstitute]\|sm\%[agic]\|sno\%[magic]\)_\@=" nextgroup=vimSubstPat
syn match vimSubst "^\s*\%(s\%[ubstitute]\|sm\%[agic]\>\|sno\%[magic]\)\ze#.\{-}#.\{-}#" nextgroup=vimSubstPat
syn match vimSubst1 contained "\%(s\%[ubstitute]\|sm\%[agic]\>\|sno\%[magic]\)\>[\"#|]\@!" nextgroup=vimSubstPat
syn match vimSubst1 contained "\%(s\%[ubstitute]\|sm\%[agic]\>\|sno\%[magic]\)_\@=" nextgroup=vimSubstPat
syn match vimSubst1 contained "\%(s\%[ubstitute]\|sm\%[agic]\>\|sno\%[magic]\)\ze#.\{-}#.\{-}#" nextgroup=vimSubstPat
" TODO: Vim9 illegal separators for abbreviated :s form are [-.:], :su\%[...] required
" : # is allowed but "not recommended" (see :h pattern-delimiter)
syn region vimSubstPat contained matchgroup=vimSubstDelim start="\z([!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{}~]\)"rs=s+1 skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" end="\z1"re=e-1,me=e-1 contains=@vimSubstList nextgroup=vimSubstRep4 oneline
syn region vimSubstRep4 contained matchgroup=vimSubstDelim start="\z(.\)" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" end="\z1" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" contains=@vimSubstRepList nextgroup=vimSubstFlagErr oneline
syn region vimCollection contained transparent start="\\\@<!\[" skip="\\\[" end="\]" contains=vimCollClass
syn match vimCollClassErr contained "\[:.\{-\}:\]"
syn match vimCollClass contained transparent "\%#=1\[:\(alnum\|alpha\|blank\|cntrl\|digit\|graph\|lower\|print\|punct\|space\|upper\|xdigit\|retu\%[rn]\|tab\|escape\|backspace\):\]"
syn match vimSubstSubstr contained "\\z\=\d"
syn match vimSubstTwoBS contained "\\\\"
syn match vimSubstFlagErr contained "[^< \t\r|]\+" contains=vimSubstFlags
syn match vimSubstFlags contained "[&cegiIlnpr#]\+"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" 'String': {{{2
syn match vimString "[^(,]'[^']\{-}\zs'"
" Marks, Registers, Addresses, Filters: {{{2
2024-02-26 15:22:57 -07:00
syn match vimMark "'[a-zA-Z0-9]\ze[-+,!]" nextgroup=vimFilter,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst1
syn match vimMark "'[<>]\ze[-+,!]" nextgroup=vimFilter,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst1
syn match vimMark ",\zs'[<>]\ze" nextgroup=vimFilter,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst1
syn match vimMark "[!,:]\zs'[a-zA-Z0-9]" nextgroup=vimFilter,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst1
syn match vimMark "\<norm\%[al]\s\zs'[a-zA-Z0-9]" nextgroup=vimFilter,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst1
syn match vimMarkNumber "[-+]\d\+" contained contains=vimOper nextgroup=vimSubst1
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimPlainMark contained "'[a-zA-Z0-9]"
2019-08-01 21:56:33 -07:00
syn match vimRange "[`'][a-zA-Z0-9],[`'][a-zA-Z0-9]" contains=vimMark skipwhite nextgroup=vimFilter
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2015-07-02 13:23:33 -07:00
syn match vimRegister '[^,;[{: \t]\zs"[a-zA-Z0-9.%#:_\-/]\ze[^a-zA-Z_":0-9]'
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimRegister '\<norm\s\+\zs"[a-zA-Z0-9]'
syn match vimRegister '\<normal\s\+\zs"[a-zA-Z0-9]'
syn match vimRegister '@"'
syn match vimPlainRegister contained '"[a-zA-Z0-9\-:.%#*+=]'
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
syn match vimLetRegister contained '@["0-9\-a-zA-Z#=*+_/]'
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimAddress ",\zs[.$]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimSubst1
syn match vimAddress "%\ze\a" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSubst1
2019-08-01 21:56:33 -07:00
syn match vimFilter "^!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
2021-04-30 22:39:00 -07:00
syn match vimFilter contained "!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
syn match vimComFilter contained "|!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Complex Repeats: (:h complex-repeat) {{{2
2024-02-01 19:45:15 -07:00
" ===============
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimCmplxRepeat '[^a-zA-Z_/\\()]q[0-9a-zA-Z"]\>'lc=1
syn match vimCmplxRepeat '@[0-9a-z".=@:]\ze\($\|[^a-zA-Z]\>\)'
" Set command and associated set-options (vimOptions) with comment {{{2
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn region vimSet matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<\%(setl\%[ocal]\|setg\%[lobal]\|se\%[t]\)\>" skip="\%(\\\\\)*\\.\n\@!" end="$" end="|" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" keepend contains=vimSetEqual,vimOption,vimErrSetting,@vimComment,vimSetString,vimSetMod
2024-02-01 19:45:15 -07:00
syn region vimSetEqual contained start="[=:]\|[-+^]=" skip="\\\\\|\\\s" end="[| \t]"me=e-1 end="$" contains=vimCtrlChar,vimSetSep,vimNotation,vimEnvvar
2018-10-29 01:55:33 -07:00
syn region vimSetString contained start=+="+hs=s+1 skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=vimCtrlChar
2021-05-01 18:09:53 -07:00
syn match vimSetSep contained "[,:]"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimSetMod contained "&vim\=\|[!&?<]\|all&"
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Let: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ===
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
syn keyword vimLet let skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar,vimLetHereDoc,vimLetRegister,vimVarList
syn keyword vimConst cons[t] skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimLetHereDoc,vimVarList
syn region vimVarList contained start="\[" end="]" contains=vimVar,vimContinue
syn keyword vimUnlet unl[et] skipwhite nextgroup=vimUnletBang,vimUnletVars
syn match vimUnletBang contained "!" skipwhite nextgroup=vimUnletVars
syn region vimUnletVars contained start="$\I\|\h" skip="\n\s*\\" end="$" end="|" contains=vimVar,vimEnvvar,vimContinue,vimString,vimNumber
2024-04-14 16:46:14 -07:00
VimFoldh syn region vimLetHereDoc matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStart start='=<<\s*\%(trim\s\+\%(eval\s\+\)\=\|eval\s\+\%(trim\s\+\)\=\)\=\z(\L\S*\)' matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStop end='^\s*\z1\s*$' extend
syn keyword vimLet var skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar,vimLetHereDoc
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
" For: {{{2
" ===
syn keyword vimFor for skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimVarList
2024-03-22 15:43:25 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Abbreviations: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" =============
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimCommand abbrev, START_STR='syn keyword vimAbb', END_STR='skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs'
2024-02-22 16:13:33 -07:00
syn keyword vimAbb ab[breviate] ca[bbrev] cnorea[bbrev] cuna[bbrev] ia[bbrev] inorea[bbrev] iuna[bbrev] norea[bbrev] una[bbreviate] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
2024-03-28 03:08:05 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimCommand abclear, START_STR='syn keyword vimAbb', END_STR='skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod'
syn keyword vimAbb abc[lear] cabc[lear] iabc[lear] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Autocmd: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" =======
2015-06-24 11:00:42 -07:00
syn match vimAutoEventList contained "\(!\s\+\)\=\(\a\+,\)*\a\+" contains=vimAutoEvent,nvimAutoEvent nextgroup=vimAutoCmdSpace
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimAutoCmdSpace contained "\s\+" nextgroup=vimAutoCmdSfxList
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vimAutoCmdSfxList contained "\S*" skipwhite nextgroup=vimAutoCmdMod,vimAutoCmdBlock
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimAutoCmd au[tocmd] do[autocmd] doautoa[ll] skipwhite nextgroup=vimAutoEventList
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vimAutoCmdMod "\(++\)\=\(once\|nested\)" skipwhite nextgroup=vimAutoCmdBlock
syn region vimAutoCmdBlock contained matchgroup=vimSep start="{" end="}" contains=@vimDefBodyList
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-02-01 19:45:15 -07:00
" Echo And Execute: -- prefer strings! {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ================
2024-03-15 06:46:38 -07:00
" NOTE: No trailing comments
syn region vimEcho
\ matchgroup=vimCommand
\ start="\<ec\%[ho]\>"
\ start="\<echoe\%[rr]\>"
\ start="\<echom\%[sg]\>"
\ start="\<echoc\%[onsole]\>"
\ start="\<echon\>"
\ start="\<echow\%[indow]\>"
\ skip=+\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ +
\ matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|" excludenl end="$" contains=@vimContinue,@vimExprList transparent
syn match vimEchohl "\<echohl\=\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimGroup,vimHLGroup,vimEchohlNone,vimOnlyHLGroup,nvimHLGroup
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case ignore
2024-03-15 06:46:38 -07:00
syn keyword vimEchohlNone contained none
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case match
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimEcho contains=vimEcho,vimEchohl
2024-03-15 06:46:38 -07:00
syn region vimExecute matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<exe\%[cute]\>" skip=+\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|" excludenl end="$" contains=@vimContinue,@vimExprList transparent
2024-02-27 16:57:18 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Maps: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ====
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
syn match vimMap "\<map\>\ze\s*(\@!" skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
syn match vimMap "\<map!" contains=vimMapBang skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimCommand map, START_STR='syn keyword vimMap', END_STR='skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs'
syn keyword vimMap cm[ap] cno[remap] im[ap] ino[remap] lm[ap] ln[oremap] nm[ap] nn[oremap] no[remap] om[ap] ono[remap] smap snor[emap] tma[p] tno[remap] vm[ap] vn[oremap] xm[ap] xn[oremap] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
2024-02-22 16:13:33 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimCommand mapclear, START_STR='syn keyword vimMap', END_STR='skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod'
syn keyword vimMap cmapc[lear] imapc[lear] lmapc[lear] nmapc[lear] omapc[lear] smapc[lear] tmapc[lear] vmapc[lear] xmapc[lear] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod
syn keyword vimMap mapc[lear] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod
2024-02-13 23:47:08 -07:00
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimCommand unmap, START_STR='syn keyword vimUnmap', END_STR='skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs'
syn keyword vimUnmap cu[nmap] iu[nmap] lu[nmap] nun[map] ou[nmap] sunm[ap] tunma[p] unm[ap] vu[nmap] xu[nmap] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapBang,vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
2024-03-09 19:21:34 -07:00
syn match vimMapLhs contained "\%(.\|\S\)\+" contains=vimCtrlChar,vimNotation skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapRhs
syn match vimMapLhs contained "\%(.\|\S\)\+\ze\s*$" contains=vimCtrlChar,vimNotation skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimMapRhsContinue
syn match vimMapBang contained "\a\@1<=!" skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn match vimMapMod contained "\%#=1\c<\(buffer\|expr\|\(local\)\=leader\|nowait\|plug\|script\|sid\|unique\|silent\)\+>" contains=vimMapModKey,vimMapModErr skipwhite nextgroup=vimMapMod,vimMapLhs
2024-03-09 19:21:34 -07:00
syn region vimMapRhs contained start="\S" skip=+\\|\|\@1<=|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + end="|" end="$" contains=@vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimNotation skipnl nextgroup=vimMapRhsContinue
" assume a continuation comment introduces the RHS
syn region vimMapRhsContinue contained start=+^\s*\%(\\\|"\\ \)+ skip=+\\|\|\@1<=|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + end="|" end="$" contains=@vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimNotation
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case ignore
2015-07-02 13:23:33 -07:00
syn keyword vimMapModKey contained buffer expr leader localleader nowait plug script sid silent unique
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn case match
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Menus: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" =====
2024-03-09 19:18:35 -07:00
" NOTE: tail comments disallowed
" GEN_SYN_VIM: vimCommand menu, START_STR='syn keyword vimMenu', END_STR='skipwhite nextgroup=vimMenuBang,vimMenuMod,vimMenuName,vimMenuPriority,vimMenuStatus'
syn keyword vimMenu am[enu] an[oremenu] aun[menu] cme[nu] cnoreme[nu] cunme[nu] ime[nu] inoreme[nu] iunme[nu] me[nu] nme[nu] nnoreme[nu] noreme[nu] nunme[nu] ome[nu] onoreme[nu] ounme[nu] sme[nu] snoreme[nu] sunme[nu] tlm[enu] tln[oremenu] tlu[nmenu] tm[enu] tu[nmenu] unme[nu] vme[nu] vnoreme[nu] vunme[nu] xme[nu] xnoreme[nu] xunme[nu] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMenuBang,vimMenuMod,vimMenuName,vimMenuPriority,vimMenuStatus
syn keyword vimMenu popu[p] skipwhite nextgroup=vimMenuBang,vimMenuName
syn region vimMenuRhs contained contains=@vimContinue,vimNotation start="|\@!\S" skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + end="$" matchgroup=vimSep end="|"
syn region vimMenuRhsContinue contained contains=@vimContinue,vimNotation start=+^\s*\%(\\\|"\\ \)+ skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + end="$" matchgroup=vimSep end="|"
2024-03-19 16:04:31 -07:00
syn match vimMenuName "\.\@!\%(\\\s\|\S\)\+" contained contains=vimMenuNotation,vimNotation skipwhite nextgroup=vimCmdSep,vimMenuRhs
syn match vimMenuName "\.\@!\%(\\\s\|\S\)\+\ze\s*$" contained contains=vimMenuNotation,vimNotation skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimCmdSep,vimMenuRhsContinue
2024-03-09 19:18:35 -07:00
syn match vimMenuNotation "&\a\|&&\|\\\s\|\\\." contained
syn match vimMenuPriority "\<\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)*\>" contained skipwhite nextgroup=vimMenuName
syn match vimMenuMod "\c<\%(script\|silent\|special\)>" contained skipwhite nextgroup=vimMenuName,vimMenuPriority,vimMenuMod contains=vimMapModKey,vimMapModErr
syn keyword vimMenuStatus enable disable nextgroup=vimMenuName skipwhite
syn match vimMenuBang "\a\@1<=!" contained skipwhite nextgroup=vimMenuName,vimMenuMod
syn region vimMenutranslate
\ matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<menut\%[ranslate]\>"
\ skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ +
\ end="$" matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|" matchgroup=vimMenuClear end="\<clear\ze\s*\%(["#|]\|$\)"
\ contains=@vimContinue,vimMenutranslateName keepend transparent
" oneline is sufficient to match the current formatting in runtime/lang/*.vim
syn match vimMenutranslateName "\%(\\\s\|\S\)\+" contained contains=vimMenuNotation,vimNotation
syn match vimMenutranslateComment +".*+ contained containedin=vimMenutranslate
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Angle-Bracket Notation: (tnx to Michael Geddes) {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ======================
syn case ignore
2024-02-01 15:36:26 -07:00
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd]-\)\{0,4}x\=\%(f\d\{1,2}\|[^ \t:]\|space\|bar\|bslash\|nl\|newline\|lf\|linefeed\|cr\|retu\%[rn]\|enter\|k\=del\%[ete]\|bs\|backspace\|tab\|esc\|csi\|right\|paste\%(start\|end\)\|left\|help\|undo\|k\=insert\|ins\|mouse\|[kz]\=home\|[kz]\=end\|kplus\|kminus\|kdivide\|kmultiply\|kenter\|kpoint\|space\|k\=\%(page\)\=\%(\|down\|up\|k\d\>\)\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}\%(net\|dec\|jsb\|pterm\|urxvt\|sgr\)mouse>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}\%(left\|middle\|right\)\%(mouse\|drag\|release\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}left\%(mouse\|release\)nm>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}x[12]\%(mouse\|drag\|release\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}sgrmouserelease>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}mouse\%(up\|down\|move\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd2-4]-\)\{0,4}scrollwheel\%(up\|down\|right\|left\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%(sid\|nop\|nul\|lt\|drop\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%(snr\|plug\|cursorhold\|ignore\|cmd\|scriptcmd\|focus\%(gained\|lost\)\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation '\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<C-R>[0-9a-z"%#:.\-=]'he=e-1 contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation '\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%(q-\)\=\%(line[12]\|count\|bang\|reg\|args\|mods\|f-args\|f-mods\|lt\)>' contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([cas]file\|abuf\|amatch\|cexpr\|cword\|cWORD\|client\|stack\|script\|sf\=lnum\)>" contains=vimBracket
syn match vimNotation "\%#=1\%(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\%([scamd]-\)\{0,4}char-\%(\d\+\|0\o\+\|0x\x\+\)>" contains=vimBracket
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimBracket contained "[\\<>]"
syn case match
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" User Function Highlighting: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" (following Gautam Iyer's suggestion)
" ==========================
2024-03-15 13:08:56 -07:00
syn match vimFunc "\%(\%([sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\|<[sS][iI][dD]>\)\=\%(\w\+\.\)*\I[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\)\ze\s*(" contains=vimFuncEcho,vimFuncName,vimUserFunc,vimExecute
syn match vimUserFunc contained "\%(\%([sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\|<[sS][iI][dD]>\)\=\%(\w\+\.\)*\I[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\)\|\<\u[a-zA-Z0-9.]*\>\|\<if\>" contains=vimNotation
syn keyword vimFuncEcho contained ec ech echo
2021-04-29 05:54:38 -07:00
" User Command Highlighting: {{{2
2021-07-01 14:31:30 -07:00
syn match vimUsrCmd '^\s*\zs\u\%(\w*\)\@>\%([(#[]\|\s\+\%([-+*/%]\=\|\.\.\)=\)\@!'
2021-04-29 05:54:38 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Errors And Warnings: {{{2
" ====================
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_novimfunctionerror")
syn match vimFunctionError "\s\zs[a-z0-9]\i\{-}\ze\s*(" contained contains=vimFuncKey,vimFuncBlank
2019-08-01 21:56:33 -07:00
syn match vimFunctionError "\s\zs\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\)\d\i\{-}\ze\s*(" contained contains=vimFuncKey,vimFuncBlank
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimElseIfErr "\<else\s\+if\>"
syn match vimBufnrWarn /\<bufnr\s*(\s*["']\.['"]\s*)/
2023-01-01 07:00:39 -07:00
syn match vimNotFunc "\<if\>\|\<el\%[seif]\>\|\<retu\%[rn]\>\|\<while\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimOper,vimOperParen,vimVar,vimFunc,vimNotation
2019-08-01 21:56:33 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Norm: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ====
syn match vimNorm "\<norm\%[al]!\=" skipwhite nextgroup=vimNormCmds
syn match vimNormCmds contained ".*$"
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Syntax: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn match vimGroupList contained "[^[:space:],]\+\%(\s*,\s*[^[:space:],]\+\)*" contains=vimGroupSpecial
syn region vimGroupList contained start=/^\s*["#]\\ \|^\s*\\\|[^[:space:],]\+\s*,/ skip=/\s*\n\s*\\\|\s*\n\s*["#]\\ \|^\s*\\\|^\s*["#]\\ / end=/[^[:space:],]\s*$\|[^[:space:],]\ze\s\+\w/ contains=@vimContinue,vimGroupSpecial
syn keyword vimGroupSpecial contained ALL ALLBUT CONTAINED TOP
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_novimsynerror")
syn match vimSynError contained "\i\+"
syn match vimSynError contained "\i\+=" nextgroup=vimGroupList
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn match vimSynContains contained "\<contain\%(s\|edin\)=" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimGroupList
syn match vimSynKeyContainedin contained "\<containedin=" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimGroupList
syn match vimSynNextgroup contained "\<nextgroup=" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimGroupList
2024-01-28 19:49:13 -07:00
if has("conceal")
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
" no whitespace allowed after '='
2024-01-28 19:49:13 -07:00
syn match vimSynCchar contained "\<cchar=" nextgroup=vimSynCcharValue
syn match vimSynCcharValue contained "\S"
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vimSyntax "\<sy\%[ntax]\>" contains=vimCommand skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynType,@vimComment
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimSyntax
" Syntax: case {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained case skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynCase,vimSynCaseError
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_novimsyncaseerror")
syn match vimSynCaseError contained "\i\+"
syn keyword vimSynCase contained ignore match
" Syntax: clear {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained clear skipwhite nextgroup=vimGroupList
" Syntax: cluster {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained cluster skipwhite nextgroup=vimClusterName
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn region vimClusterName contained keepend matchgroup=vimGroupName start="\h\w*\>" skip=+\\\\\|\\\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="$\||" contains=@vimContinue,vimGroupAdd,vimGroupRem,vimSynContains,vimSynError
syn match vimGroupAdd contained keepend "\<add=" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimGroupList
syn match vimGroupRem contained keepend "\<remove=" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=vimGroupList
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-01-03 10:03:04 -07:00
" Syntax: foldlevel {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained foldlevel skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynFoldMethod,vimSynFoldMethodError
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_novimsynfoldmethoderror")
syn match vimSynFoldMethodError contained "\i\+"
syn keyword vimSynFoldMethod contained start minimum
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
" Syntax: iskeyword {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained iskeyword skipwhite nextgroup=vimIskList
syn match vimIskList contained '\S\+' contains=vimIskSep
syn match vimIskSep contained ','
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Syntax: include {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained include skipwhite nextgroup=vimGroupList
" Syntax: keyword {{{2
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimSynKeyGroup contains=@vimContinue,vimSynCchar,vimSynNextgroup,vimSynKeyOpt,vimSynKeyContainedin
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimSynType contained keyword skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynKeyRegion
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn region vimSynKeyRegion contained keepend matchgroup=vimGroupName start="\h\w*\>" skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|\|$" contains=@vimSynKeyGroup
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn match vimSynKeyOpt contained "\%#=1\<\(conceal\|contained\|transparent\|skipempty\|skipwhite\|skipnl\)\>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Syntax: match {{{2
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimSynMtchGroup contains=@vimContinue,vimSynCchar,vimSynContains,vimSynError,vimSynMtchOpt,vimSynNextgroup,vimSynRegPat,vimNotation,vimMtchComment
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimSynType contained match skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynMatchRegion
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn region vimSynMatchRegion contained keepend matchgroup=vimGroupName start="\h\w*\>" skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|\|$" contains=@vimSynMtchGroup
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn match vimSynMtchOpt contained "\%#=1\<\(conceal\|transparent\|contained\|excludenl\|keepend\|skipempty\|skipwhite\|display\|extend\|skipnl\|fold\)\>"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Syntax: off and on {{{2
syn keyword vimSynType contained enable list manual off on reset
" Syntax: region {{{2
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn cluster vimSynRegPatGroup contains=@vimContinue,vimPatSep,vimNotPatSep,vimSynPatRange,vimSynNotPatRange,vimSubstSubstr,vimPatRegion,vimPatSepErr,vimNotation
syn cluster vimSynRegGroup contains=@vimContinue,vimSynCchar,vimSynContains,vimSynNextgroup,vimSynRegOpt,vimSynReg,vimSynMtchGrp
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimSynType contained region skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynRegion
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn region vimSynRegion contained keepend matchgroup=vimGroupName start="\h\w*" skip=+\\\\\|\\\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + end="|\|$" contains=@vimSynRegGroup
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn match vimSynRegOpt contained "\%#=1\<\(conceal\(ends\)\=\|transparent\|contained\|excludenl\|skipempty\|skipwhite\|display\|keepend\|oneline\|extend\|skipnl\|fold\)\>"
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn match vimSynReg contained "\<\%(start\|skip\|end\)=" nextgroup=vimSynRegPat
2015-06-24 11:00:42 -07:00
syn match vimSynMtchGrp contained "matchgroup=" nextgroup=vimGroup,vimHLGroup,vimOnlyHLGroup,nvimHLGroup
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn region vimSynRegPat contained extend start="\z([-`~!@#$%^&*_=+;:'",./?]\)" skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ / end="\z1" contains=@vimSynRegPatGroup skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynPatMod,vimSynReg
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn match vimSynPatMod contained "\%#=1\(hs\|ms\|me\|hs\|he\|rs\|re\)=[se]\([-+]\d\+\)\="
syn match vimSynPatMod contained "\%#=1\(hs\|ms\|me\|hs\|he\|rs\|re\)=[se]\([-+]\d\+\)\=," nextgroup=vimSynPatMod
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimSynPatMod contained "lc=\d\+"
syn match vimSynPatMod contained "lc=\d\+," nextgroup=vimSynPatMod
syn region vimSynPatRange contained start="\[" skip="\\\\\|\\]" end="]"
syn match vimSynNotPatRange contained "\\\\\|\\\["
syn match vimMtchComment contained '"[^"]\+$'
" Syntax: sync {{{2
" ============
syn keyword vimSynType contained sync skipwhite nextgroup=vimSyncC,vimSyncLines,vimSyncMatch,vimSyncError,vimSyncLinebreak,vimSyncLinecont,vimSyncRegion
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_novimsyncerror")
syn match vimSyncError contained "\i\+"
syn keyword vimSyncC contained ccomment clear fromstart
syn keyword vimSyncMatch contained match skipwhite nextgroup=vimSyncGroupName
syn keyword vimSyncRegion contained region skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynReg
syn match vimSyncLinebreak contained "\<linebreaks=" skipwhite nextgroup=vimNumber
syn keyword vimSyncLinecont contained linecont skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynRegPat
syn match vimSyncLines contained "\(min\|max\)\=lines=" nextgroup=vimNumber
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
syn match vimSyncGroupName contained "\h\w*" skipwhite nextgroup=vimSyncKey
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimSyncKey contained "\<groupthere\|grouphere\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimSyncGroup
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
syn match vimSyncGroup contained "\h\w*" skipwhite nextgroup=vimSynRegPat,vimSyncNone
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimSyncNone contained NONE
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Additional IsCommand: here by reasons of precedence {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ====================
syn match vimIsCommand "<Bar>\s*\a\+" transparent contains=vimCommand,vimNotation
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Highlighting: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ============
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn cluster vimHighlightCluster contains=vimHiLink,vimHiClear,vimHiKeyList,@vimComment
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_novimhictermerror")
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn match vimHiCtermError contained "\D\i*"
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimHighlight "\<hi\%[ghlight]\>" skipwhite nextgroup=vimHiBang,@vimHighlightCluster
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
syn match vimHiBang contained "\a\@1<=!" skipwhite nextgroup=@vimHighlightCluster
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimHiGroup contained "\i\+"
syn case ignore
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
syn keyword vimHiAttrib contained none bold inverse italic nocombine reverse standout strikethrough underline undercurl underdashed underdotted underdouble
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn keyword vimFgBgAttrib contained none bg background fg foreground
syn case match
syn match vimHiAttribList contained "\i\+" contains=vimHiAttrib
syn match vimHiAttribList contained "\i\+,"he=e-1 contains=vimHiAttrib nextgroup=vimHiAttribList
syn case ignore
2021-07-01 14:31:30 -07:00
syn keyword vimHiCtermColor contained black blue brown cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkmagenta darkred darkyellow gray green grey grey40 grey50 grey90 lightblue lightcyan lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightmagenta lightred lightyellow magenta red seagreen white yellow
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimHiCtermColor contained "\<color\d\{1,3}\>"
syn case match
syn match vimHiFontname contained "[a-zA-Z\-*]\+"
syn match vimHiGuiFontname contained "'[a-zA-Z\-* ]\+'"
syn match vimHiGuiRgb contained "#\x\{6}"
" Highlighting: hi group key=arg ... {{{2
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
syn cluster vimHiCluster contains=vimGroup,vimHiBlend,vimHiGroup,vimHiTerm,vimHiCTerm,vimHiStartStop,vimHiCtermFgBg,vimHiCtermul,vimHiCtermfont,vimHiGui,vimHiGuiFont,vimHiGuiFgBg,vimHiKeyError,vimNotation,vimComment,vim9comment
syn region vimHiKeyList contained start="\i\+" skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|" excludenl end="$" contains=@vimContinue,@vimHiCluster
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror") && !exists("g:vimsyn_vimhikeyerror")
syn match vimHiKeyError contained "\i\+="he=e-1
syn match vimHiTerm contained "\cterm="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiAttribList
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
syn match vimHiStartStop contained "\c\%(start\|stop\)="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiTermcap,vimOption
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimHiCTerm contained "\ccterm="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiAttribList
syn match vimHiCtermFgBg contained "\ccterm[fb]g="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiNmbr,vimHiCtermColor,vimFgBgAttrib,vimHiCtermError
2021-04-29 05:54:38 -07:00
syn match vimHiCtermul contained "\cctermul="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiNmbr,vimHiCtermColor,vimFgBgAttrib,vimHiCtermError
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
syn match vimHiCtermfont contained "\cctermfont="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiNmbr,vimHiCtermColor,vimFgBgAttrib,vimHiCtermError
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimHiGui contained "\cgui="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiAttribList
syn match vimHiGuiFont contained "\cfont="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiFontname
syn match vimHiGuiFgBg contained "\cgui\%([fb]g\|sp\)="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiGroup,vimHiGuiFontname,vimHiGuiRgb,vimFgBgAttrib
syn match vimHiTermcap contained "\S\+" contains=vimNotation
2019-12-05 23:14:54 -07:00
syn match vimHiBlend contained "\cblend="he=e-1 nextgroup=vimHiNmbr
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimHiNmbr contained '\d\+'
" Highlight: clear {{{2
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
syn keyword vimHiClear contained clear skipwhite nextgroup=vimGroup,vimHiGroup
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Highlight: link {{{2
2018-10-29 01:55:33 -07:00
" see tst24 (hi def vs hi) (Jul 06, 2018)
"syn region vimHiLink contained oneline matchgroup=vimCommand start="\(\<hi\%[ghlight]\s\+\)\@<=\(\(def\%[ault]\s\+\)\=link\>\|\<def\>\)" end="$" contains=vimHiGroup,vimGroup,vimHLGroup,vimNotation
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
" TODO: simplify and allow line continuations --djk
syn region vimHiLink contained matchgroup=Type start="\%(\<hi\%[ghlight]!\=\s\+\)\@<=\%(\%(def\%[ault]\s\+\)\=link\>\|\<def\%[ault]\>\)" skip=+\\\\\|\\|\|\n\s*\\\|\n\s*"\\ + matchgroup=vimCmdSep end="|" excludenl end="$" contains=@vimContinue,@vimHiCluster
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Control Characters: {{{2
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" ==================
syn match vimCtrlChar "[--]"
" Beginners - Patterns that involve ^ {{{2
" =========
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
if s:vim9script
syn match vimLineComment +^[ \t:]*".*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vimCommentTitle contained
syn match vim9LineComment +^[ \t:]*#.*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vim9CommentTitle
syn match vimLineComment +^[ \t:]*".*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vimCommentTitle
syn match vim9LineComment +^[ \t:]*#.*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vim9CommentTitle contained
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn match vimCommentTitle '"\s*\%([sS]:\|\h\w*#\)\=\u\w*\(\s\+\u\w*\)*:'hs=s+1 contained contains=vimCommentTitleLeader,vimTodo,@vimCommentGroup
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vim9CommentTitle '#\s*\%([sS]:\|\h\w*#\)\=\u\w*\(\s\+\u\w*\)*:'hs=s+1 contained contains=vim9CommentTitleLeader,vimTodo,@vimCommentGroup
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
syn match vimContinue "^\s*\zs\\"
syn match vimContinueComment '^\s*\zs["#]\\ .*' contained
syn cluster vimContinue contains=vimContinue,vimContinueComment
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn region vimString start="^\s*\\\z(['"]\)" skip='\\\\\|\\\z1' end="\z1" oneline keepend contains=@vimStringGroup,vimContinue
syn match vimCommentTitleLeader '"\s\+'ms=s+1 contained
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
syn match vim9CommentTitleLeader '#\s\+'ms=s+1 contained
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Searches And Globals: {{{2
" ====================
syn match vimSearch '^\s*[/?].*' contains=vimSearchDelim
syn match vimSearchDelim '^\s*\zs[/?]\|[/?]$' contained
2024-02-26 15:22:57 -07:00
syn region vimGlobal matchgroup=Statement start='\<g\%[lobal]!\=/' skip='\\.' end='/' skipwhite nextgroup=vimSubst1
syn region vimGlobal matchgroup=Statement start='\<v\%[global]!\=/' skip='\\.' end='/' skipwhite nextgroup=vimSubst1
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
" Vim9 Script Regions: {{{2
" ==================
if s:vim9script
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
syn cluster vimLegacyTop contains=TOP,vim9LegacyHeader,vim9Comment,vim9LineComment
VimFoldH syn region vim9LegacyHeader start="\%^" end="^\ze\s*vim9s\%[cript]\>" contains=@vimLegacyTop,vimComment,vimLineComment
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
syn keyword vim9Vim9ScriptArg noclear contained
syn keyword vim9Vim9Script vim9s[cript] nextgroup=vim9Vim9ScriptArg skipwhite
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
" Embedded Scripts: {{{2
" ================
" perl,ruby : Benoit Cerrina
" python,tcl : Johannes Zellner
" mzscheme, lua : Charles Campbell
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Allows users to specify the type of embedded script highlighting
" they want: (perl/python/ruby/tcl support)
" g:vimsyn_embed == 0 : don't embed any scripts
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
" g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'l' : embed lua
" g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'm' : embed mzscheme
" g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'p' : embed perl
" g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'P' : embed python
" g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'r' : embed ruby
" g:vimsyn_embed =~# 't' : embed tcl
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
if !exists("g:vimsyn_embed")
2021-03-27 16:43:06 -07:00
let g:vimsyn_embed = 'l'
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" [-- lua --] {{{3
let s:luapath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/lua.vim")
if !filereadable(s:luapath)
for s:luapath in split(globpath(&rtp,"syntax/lua.vim"),"\n")
if filereadable(fnameescape(s:luapath))
let s:luapath= fnameescape(s:luapath)
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'l' && filereadable(s:luapath)
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
unlet! b:current_syntax
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimLuaRegion
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
exe "syn include @vimLuaScript ".s:luapath
VimFoldl syn region vimLuaRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+lua\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+ contains=@vimLuaScript
2019-08-01 21:56:33 -07:00
VimFoldl syn region vimLuaRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+lua\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimLuaScript
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimLuaRegion
syn region vimEmbedError start=+lua\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+lua\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
unlet s:luapath
" [-- perl --] {{{3
let s:perlpath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/perl.vim")
if !filereadable(s:perlpath)
for s:perlpath in split(globpath(&rtp,"syntax/perl.vim"),"\n")
if filereadable(fnameescape(s:perlpath))
let s:perlpath= fnameescape(s:perlpath)
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'p' && filereadable(s:perlpath)
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
unlet! b:current_syntax
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimPerlRegion
2017-01-03 15:53:59 -07:00
let s:foldmethod = &l:foldmethod
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
exe "syn include @vimPerlScript ".s:perlpath
2017-01-03 15:53:59 -07:00
let &l:foldmethod = s:foldmethod
2018-10-29 00:31:05 -07:00
VimFoldp syn region vimPerlRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+pe\%[rl]\s*<<\s*\z(\S*\)\ze\(\s*["#].*\)\=$+ end=+^\z1\ze\(\s*[#"].*\)\=$+ contains=@vimPerlScript
VimFoldp syn region vimPerlRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+pe\%[rl]\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimPerlScript
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimPerlRegion
syn region vimEmbedError start=+pe\%[rl]\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+pe\%[rl]\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
unlet s:perlpath
" [-- ruby --] {{{3
let s:rubypath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/ruby.vim")
if !filereadable(s:rubypath)
for s:rubypath in split(globpath(&rtp,"syntax/ruby.vim"),"\n")
if filereadable(fnameescape(s:rubypath))
let s:rubypath= fnameescape(s:rubypath)
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'r' && filereadable(s:rubypath)
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimRubyRegion
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
unlet! b:current_syntax
2017-01-03 15:53:59 -07:00
let s:foldmethod = &l:foldmethod
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
exe "syn include @vimRubyScript ".s:rubypath
2017-01-03 15:53:59 -07:00
let &l:foldmethod = s:foldmethod
2018-10-29 00:31:05 -07:00
VimFoldr syn region vimRubyRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+rub[y]\s*<<\s*\z(\S*\)\ze\(\s*#.*\)\=$+ end=+^\z1\ze\(\s*".*\)\=$+ contains=@vimRubyScript
syn region vimRubyRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+rub[y]\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimRubyScript
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimRubyRegion
syn region vimEmbedError start=+rub[y]\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+rub[y]\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
unlet s:rubypath
" [-- python --] {{{3
let s:pythonpath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/python.vim")
if !filereadable(s:pythonpath)
for s:pythonpath in split(globpath(&rtp,"syntax/python.vim"),"\n")
if filereadable(fnameescape(s:pythonpath))
let s:pythonpath= fnameescape(s:pythonpath)
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'P' && filereadable(s:pythonpath)
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
unlet! b:current_syntax
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimPythonRegion
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
exe "syn include @vimPythonScript ".s:pythonpath
2021-11-27 11:39:42 -07:00
VimFoldP syn region vimPythonRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+py\%[thon][3x]\=\s*<<\s*\%(trim\s*\)\=\z(\S*\)\ze\(\s*#.*\)\=$+ end=+^\z1\ze\(\s*".*\)\=$+ contains=@vimPythonScript
VimFoldP syn region vimPythonRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+py\%[thon][3x]\=\s*<<\s*\%(trim\s*\)\=$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimPythonScript
VimFoldP syn region vimPythonRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+Py\%[thon]2or3\s*<<\s*\%(trim\s*\)\=\z(\S*\)\ze\(\s*#.*\)\=$+ end=+^\z1\ze\(\s*".*\)\=$+ contains=@vimPythonScript
VimFoldP syn region vimPythonRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+Py\%[thon]2or3\=\s*<<\s*\%(trim\s*\)\=$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimPythonScript
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimPythonRegion
syn region vimEmbedError start=+py\%[thon]3\=\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+py\%[thon]3\=\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
unlet s:pythonpath
" [-- tcl --] {{{3
if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
" apparently has("tcl") has been hanging vim on some windows systems with cygwin
let s:trytcl= (&shell !~ '\<\%(bash\>\|4[nN][tT]\|\<zsh\)\>\%(\.exe\)\=$')
let s:trytcl= 1
if s:trytcl
let s:tclpath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/tcl.vim")
if !filereadable(s:tclpath)
for s:tclpath in split(globpath(&rtp,"syntax/tcl.vim"),"\n")
if filereadable(fnameescape(s:tclpath))
let s:tclpath= fnameescape(s:tclpath)
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_embed =~# 't' && filereadable(s:tclpath)
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
unlet! b:current_syntax
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimTclRegion
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
exe "syn include @vimTclScript ".s:tclpath
VimFoldt syn region vimTclRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+tc[l]\=\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+ contains=@vimTclScript
VimFoldt syn region vimTclRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+tc[l]\=\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimTclScript
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimTclScript
syn region vimEmbedError start=+tc[l]\=\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+tc[l]\=\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
unlet s:tclpath
syn region vimEmbedError start=+tc[l]\=\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+tc[l]\=\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
unlet s:trytcl
" [-- mzscheme --] {{{3
let s:mzschemepath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/scheme.vim")
if !filereadable(s:mzschemepath)
for s:mzschemepath in split(globpath(&rtp,"syntax/mzscheme.vim"),"\n")
if filereadable(fnameescape(s:mzschemepath))
let s:mzschemepath= fnameescape(s:mzschemepath)
2016-12-18 15:39:58 -07:00
if g:vimsyn_embed =~# 'm' && filereadable(s:mzschemepath)
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
unlet! b:current_syntax
2017-09-09 04:14:15 -07:00
let s:iskKeep= &isk
2018-10-28 22:51:05 -07:00
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimMzSchemeRegion
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
exe "syn include @vimMzSchemeScript ".s:mzschemepath
2017-09-09 04:14:15 -07:00
let &isk= s:iskKeep
unlet s:iskKeep
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
VimFoldm syn region vimMzSchemeRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+mz\%[scheme]\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+ contains=@vimMzSchemeScript
VimFoldm syn region vimMzSchemeRegion matchgroup=vimScriptDelim start=+mz\%[scheme]\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+ contains=@vimMzSchemeScript
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimMzSchemeRegion
syn region vimEmbedError start=+mz\%[scheme]\s*<<\s*\z(.*\)$+ end=+^\z1$+
syn region vimEmbedError start=+mz\%[scheme]\s*<<\s*$+ end=+\.$+
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
unlet s:mzschemepath
" Synchronize (speed) {{{2
if exists("g:vimsyn_minlines")
exe "syn sync minlines=".g:vimsyn_minlines
2017-09-09 04:14:15 -07:00
exe "syn sync maxlines=".s:vimsyn_maxlines
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn sync linecont "^\s\+\\"
2024-03-09 19:18:35 -07:00
syn sync linebreaks=1
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
syn sync match vimAugroupSyncA groupthere NONE "\<aug\%[roup]\>\s\+[eE][nN][dD]"
" ====================
" Highlighting Settings {{{2
" ====================
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
if !exists("skip_vim_syntax_inits")
if !exists("g:vimsyn_noerror")
hi def link vimBehaveError vimError
hi def link vimCollClassErr vimError
hi def link vimErrSetting vimError
2017-09-09 04:15:03 -07:00
hi def link vimEmbedError Normal
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimFTError vimError
hi def link vimFunctionError vimError
hi def link vimFunc vimError
hi def link vimHiAttribList vimError
hi def link vimHiCtermError vimError
hi def link vimHiKeyError vimError
hi def link vimMapModErr vimError
hi def link vimSubstFlagErr vimError
hi def link vimSynCaseError vimError
2024-01-03 10:03:04 -07:00
hi def link vimSynFoldMethodError vimError
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimBufnrWarn vimWarn
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
hi def link vim9Vim9ScriptArg Special
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimAbb vimCommand
hi def link vimAddress vimMark
2024-03-03 15:35:29 -07:00
hi def link vimAugroupBang vimBang
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimAugroupError vimError
hi def link vimAugroupKey vimCommand
hi def link vimAutoCmd vimCommand
hi def link vimAutoEvent Type
2021-04-30 22:39:00 -07:00
hi def link vimAutoCmdMod Special
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
hi def link vimBang vimOper
2024-02-26 15:22:57 -07:00
hi def link vimBehaveBang vimBang
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimBehaveModel vimBehave
hi def link vimBehave vimCommand
hi def link vimBracket Delimiter
hi def link vimCmplxRepeat SpecialChar
hi def link vimCommand Statement
hi def link vimComment Comment
2021-04-27 20:14:29 -07:00
hi def link vim9Comment Comment
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimCommentString vimString
hi def link vimCommentTitle PreProc
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
hi def link vim9CommentTitle PreProc
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimCondHL vimCommand
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
hi def link vimConst vimCommand
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimContinue Special
2024-01-28 15:33:43 -07:00
hi def link vimContinueComment vimComment
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimCtrlChar SpecialChar
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
hi def link vimDefComment vimComment
hi def link vimDefKey vimCommand
hi def link vimDefParam vimVar
2024-02-27 16:57:18 -07:00
hi def link vimEcho vimCommand
2024-03-15 06:46:38 -07:00
hi def link vimEchohlNone vimGroup
hi def link vimEchohl vimCommand
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimElseIfErr Error
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
hi def link vimEndfunction vimCommand
hi def link vimEnddef vimCommand
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimEnvvar PreProc
hi def link vimError Error
2022-06-13 23:52:04 -07:00
hi def link vimEscape Special
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimFBVar vimVar
hi def link vimFgBgAttrib vimHiAttrib
2022-04-08 10:53:41 -07:00
hi def link vimFuncEcho vimCommand
2023-12-12 09:22:35 -07:00
hi def link vimFor vimCommand
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimFTCmd vimCommand
hi def link vimFTOption vimSynType
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
hi def link vimFuncBang vimBang
hi def link vimFuncComment vimComment
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimFuncKey vimCommand
hi def link vimFuncName Function
2024-03-21 16:31:43 -07:00
hi def link vimFuncMod Special
hi def link vimFuncParam vimVar
hi def link vimFuncParamEquals vimOper
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimFuncSID Special
hi def link vimFuncVar Identifier
hi def link vimGroupAdd vimSynOption
hi def link vimGroupName vimGroup
hi def link vimGroupRem vimSynOption
hi def link vimGroupSpecial Special
hi def link vimGroup Type
hi def link vimHiAttrib PreProc
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
hi def link vimHiBang vimBang
2019-12-05 23:14:54 -07:00
hi def link vimHiBlend vimHiTerm
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
hi def link vimHiClear Type
hi def link vimHiCtermColor Constant
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimHiCtermFgBg vimHiTerm
2024-03-18 15:38:30 -07:00
hi def link vimHiCtermfont vimHiTerm
hi def link vimHiCtermul vimHiTerm
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimHiCTerm vimHiTerm
hi def link vimHighlight vimCommand
hi def link vimHiGroup vimGroupName
hi def link vimHiGuiFgBg vimHiTerm
hi def link vimHiGuiFont vimHiTerm
hi def link vimHiGuiRgb vimNumber
hi def link vimHiGui vimHiTerm
hi def link vimHiNmbr Number
hi def link vimHiStartStop vimHiTerm
hi def link vimHiTerm Type
hi def link vimHLGroup vimGroup
hi def link vimInsert vimString
hi def link vimIskSep Delimiter
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
hi def link vim9KeymapLineComment vimKeymapLineComment
2024-02-01 15:41:10 -07:00
hi def link vimKeymapLineComment vimComment
hi def link vimKeymapTailComment vimComment
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimLet vimCommand
2021-04-23 19:48:41 -07:00
hi def link vimLetHereDoc vimString
hi def link vimLetHereDocStart Special
hi def link vimLetHereDocStop Special
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
hi def link vimLetRegister Special
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimLineComment vimComment
2021-04-27 20:14:29 -07:00
hi def link vim9LineComment vimComment
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
hi def link vimMapBang vimBang
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimMapModKey vimFuncSID
hi def link vimMapMod vimBracket
hi def link vimMap vimCommand
hi def link vimMark Number
hi def link vimMarkNumber vimNumber
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
hi def link vimMenuBang vimBang
2024-03-09 19:18:35 -07:00
hi def link vimMenuClear Special
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimMenuMod vimMapMod
hi def link vimMenuName PreProc
2024-03-09 19:18:35 -07:00
hi def link vimMenu vimCommand
hi def link vimMenuNotation vimNotation
hi def link vimMenuPriority Number
hi def link vimMenuStatus Special
hi def link vimMenutranslateComment vimComment
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimMtchComment vimComment
hi def link vimNorm vimCommand
hi def link vimNotation Special
hi def link vimNotFunc vimCommand
hi def link vimNotPatSep vimString
hi def link vimNumber Number
hi def link vimOperError Error
hi def link vimOper Operator
hi def link vimOption PreProc
hi def link vimParenSep Delimiter
2018-10-29 01:55:33 -07:00
hi def link vimPatSepErr vimError
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimPatSepR vimPatSep
hi def link vimPatSep SpecialChar
hi def link vimPatSepZone vimString
hi def link vimPatSepZ vimPatSep
hi def link vimPattern Type
hi def link vimPlainMark vimMark
hi def link vimPlainRegister vimRegister
hi def link vimRegister SpecialChar
hi def link vimScriptDelim Comment
hi def link vimSearchDelim Statement
hi def link vimSearch vimString
hi def link vimSep Delimiter
hi def link vimSetMod vimOption
hi def link vimSetSep Statement
hi def link vimSetString vimString
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
hi def link vim9Vim9Script vimCommand
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimSpecFile Identifier
hi def link vimSpecFileMod vimSpecFile
hi def link vimSpecial Type
hi def link vimStringCont vimString
hi def link vimString String
2018-10-29 01:55:33 -07:00
hi def link vimStringEnd vimString
2024-01-28 19:59:38 -07:00
hi def link vimStringInterpolationBrace vimEscape
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimSubst1 vimSubst
hi def link vimSubstDelim Delimiter
hi def link vimSubstFlags Special
hi def link vimSubstSubstr SpecialChar
hi def link vimSubstTwoBS vimString
hi def link vimSubst vimCommand
hi def link vimSynCaseError Error
hi def link vimSynCase Type
hi def link vimSyncC Type
hi def link vimSyncError Error
hi def link vimSyncGroupName vimGroupName
hi def link vimSyncGroup vimGroupName
hi def link vimSyncKey Type
hi def link vimSyncNone Type
hi def link vimSynContains vimSynOption
hi def link vimSynError Error
2024-01-03 10:03:04 -07:00
hi def link vimSynFoldMethodError Error
hi def link vimSynFoldMethod Type
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimSynKeyContainedin vimSynContains
hi def link vimSynKeyOpt vimSynOption
2024-01-28 19:49:13 -07:00
hi def link vimSynCchar vimSynOption
hi def link vimSynCcharValue Character
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimSynMtchGrp vimSynOption
hi def link vimSynMtchOpt vimSynOption
hi def link vimSynNextgroup vimSynOption
hi def link vimSynNotPatRange vimSynRegPat
hi def link vimSynOption Special
hi def link vimSynPatRange vimString
hi def link vimSynRegOpt vimSynOption
hi def link vimSynRegPat vimString
hi def link vimSynReg Type
hi def link vimSyntax vimCommand
hi def link vimSynType vimSpecial
hi def link vimTodo Todo
2021-09-09 23:48:27 -07:00
hi def link vimType Type
2023-12-10 08:14:29 -07:00
hi def link vimUnlet vimCommand
2024-02-11 15:56:48 -07:00
hi def link vimUnletBang vimBang
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
hi def link vimUnmap vimMap
hi def link vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc Special
hi def link vimUserAttrbCmplt vimSpecial
hi def link vimUserAttrbKey vimOption
hi def link vimUserAttrb vimSpecial
hi def link vimUserAttrbError Error
hi def link vimUserCmdError Error
hi def link vimUserCommand vimCommand
hi def link vimUserFunc Normal
hi def link vimVar Identifier
hi def link vimWarn WarningMsg
2017-09-30 04:45:08 -07:00
hi def link nvimAutoEvent vimAutoEvent
hi def link nvimHLGroup vimHLGroup
2017-04-28 12:14:34 -07:00
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
" Current Syntax Variable: {{{2
let b:current_syntax = "vim"
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Cleanup: {{{1
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
delc VimFolda
delc VimFoldf
2024-04-13 16:35:08 -07:00
delc VimFoldh
delc VimFoldH
2016-10-04 07:26:07 -07:00
delc VimFoldl
delc VimFoldm
delc VimFoldp
delc VimFoldP
delc VimFoldr
delc VimFoldt
2014-07-10 21:05:51 -07:00
let &cpo = s:keepcpo
2024-04-10 16:41:44 -07:00
unlet s:keepcpo s:vim9script
2024-03-09 19:21:34 -07:00
" vim:ts=18 fdm=marker ft=vim