mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 18:55:14 -07:00
Update runtime files.
Omit syntax/man.vim.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: ShellCheck
" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2020 Sep 4
if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "shellcheck"
if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2 " older Vim always used :setlocal
command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
CompilerSet makeprg=shellcheck\ -f\ gcc
CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ %trror:\ %m\ [SC%n],
\%f:%l:%c:\ %tarning:\ %m\ [SC%n],
\%f:%l:%c:\ %tote:\ %m\ [SC%n],
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ CompleteDone After Insert mode completion is done. Either
CursorHold When the user doesn't press a key for the time
specified with 'updatetime'. Not re-triggered
specified with 'updatetime'. Not triggered
until the user has pressed a key (i.e. doesn't
fire every 'updatetime' ms if you leave Vim to
make some coffee. :) See |CursorHold-example|
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ Example: >
All expressions within one level are parsed from left to right.
expr1 *expr1* *E109*
expr1 *expr1* *trinary* *E109*
expr2 ? expr1 : expr1
@ -353,6 +353,13 @@ ways to change this:
3. Docs for the default filetype plugins. *ftplugin-docs*
AWK *ft-awk-plugin*
Support for features specific to GNU Awk, like @include, can be enabled by
setting: >
let g:awk_is_gawk = 1
CHANGELOG *ft-changelog-plugin*
Allows for easy entrance of Changelog entries in Changelog files. There are
@ -180,14 +180,6 @@ This does require the |+menu| feature enabled at compile time.
Creating New Menus *creating-menus*
*:me* *:menu* *:noreme* *:noremenu*
*:am* *:amenu* *:an* *:anoremenu*
*:nme* *:nmenu* *:nnoreme* *:nnoremenu*
*:ome* *:omenu* *:onoreme* *:onoremenu*
*:vme* *:vmenu* *:vnoreme* *:vnoremenu*
*:xme* *:xmenu* *:xnoreme* *:xnoremenu*
*:sme* *:smenu* *:snoreme* *:snoremenu*
*:ime* *:imenu* *:inoreme* *:inoremenu*
*:cme* *:cmenu* *:cnoreme* *:cnoremenu*
*E330* *E327* *E331* *E336* *E333*
*E328* *E329* *E337* *E792*
To create a new menu item, use the ":menu" commands. They are mostly like
@ -222,6 +214,7 @@ With the shortcut "F" (while keeping the <Alt> key pressed), and then "O",
this menu can be used. The second part is shown as "Open :e". The ":e"
is right aligned, and the "O" is underlined, to indicate it is the shortcut.
*:am* *:amenu* *:an* *:anoremenu*
The ":amenu" command can be used to define menu entries for all modes at once.
To make the command work correctly, a character is automatically inserted for
some modes:
@ -257,6 +250,30 @@ expression register: >
Note that <Esc> in Cmdline mode executes the command, like in a mapping. This
is Vi compatible. Use CTRL-C to quit Cmdline mode.
*:nme* *:nmenu* *:nnoreme* *:nnoremenu* *:nunme* *:nunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "n" work in Normal mode. |mapmode-n|
*:ome* *:omenu* *:onoreme* *:onoremenu* *:ounme* *:ounmenu*
Menu commands starting with "o" work in Operator-pending mode. |mapmode-o|
*:vme* *:vmenu* *:vnoreme* *:vnoremenu* *:vunme* *:vunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "v" work in Visual mode. |mapmode-v|
*:xme* *:xmenu* *:xnoreme* *:xnoremenu* *:xunme* *:xunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "x" work in Visual and Select mode. |mapmode-x|
*:sme* *:smenu* *:snoreme* *:snoremenu* *:sunme* *:sunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "s" work in Select mode. |mapmode-s|
*:ime* *:imenu* *:inoreme* *:inoremenu* *:iunme* *:iunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "i" work in Insert mode. |mapmode-i|
*:cme* *:cmenu* *:cnoreme* *:cnoremenu* *:cunme* *:cunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "c" work in Cmdline mode. |mapmode-c|
*:tlm* *:tlmenu* *:tln* *:tlnoremenu* *:tlu* *:tlunmenu*
Menu commands starting with "tl" work in Terminal mode. |mapmode-t|
*:menu-<silent>* *:menu-silent*
To define a menu which will not be echoed on the command line, add
"<silent>" as the first argument. Example: >
@ -464,13 +481,6 @@ Deleting Menus *delete-menus*
*:unme* *:unmenu*
*:aun* *:aunmenu*
*:nunme* *:nunmenu*
*:ounme* *:ounmenu*
*:vunme* *:vunmenu*
*:xunme* *:xunmenu*
*:sunme* *:sunmenu*
*:iunme* *:iunmenu*
*:cunme* *:cunmenu*
To delete a menu item or a whole submenu, use the unmenu commands, which are
analogous to the unmap commands. Eg: >
:unmenu! Edit.Paste
@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pod6 setf pod6
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.php,*.php\d,*.phtml,*.ctp setf php
" PHP config
au BufNewFile,BufRead php.ini,php.ini-* setf dosini
au BufNewFile,BufRead php.ini-* setf dosini
" Pike and Cmod
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pike,*.pmod setf pike
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: awk, nawk, gawk, mawk
" Maintainer: Antonio Colombo <azc100@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2017 Feb 17
" Last Change: 2020 Sep 28
" This plugin was prepared by Mark Sikora
" This plugin was updated as proposed by Doug Kearns
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@ -13,6 +14,42 @@ endif
" Don't load another plugin for this buffer
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl commentstring<"
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
setlocal define=function
setlocal suffixesadd+=.awk
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl fo< com< cms< def< sua<" .
\ " | unlet! b:browsefilter"
" TODO: set this in scripts.vim?
if exists("g:awk_is_gawk")
setlocal include=@include
setlocal suffixesadd+=.gawk
if has("unix") || has("win32unix")
setlocal formatprg=gawk\ -f-\ -o/dev/stdout
let b:undo_ftplugin .= " | setl fp<"
let path = system("gawk 'BEGIN { printf ENVIRON[\"AWKPATH\"] }'")
let path = substitute(path, '^\.\=:\|:\.\=$\|:\.\=:', ',,', 'g') " POSIX cwd
let path = substitute(path, ':', ',', 'g')
let &l:path = path
let b:undo_ftplugin .= " | setl inc< path<"
if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "Awk Source Files (*.awk,*.gawk)\t*.awk;*.gawk\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: nowrap sw=2 sts=2 ts=8
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Vim script
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
" Last Change: 2020 Jul 19
" Last Change: 2020 Sep 27
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ endif
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=GetVimIndent()
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=cat,=fina,=END,0\\,0=\"\\\
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=},=else,=cat,=finall,=END,0\\,0=\"\\\
setlocal indentkeys-=0#
let b:undo_indent = "setl indentkeys< indentexpr<"
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function GetVimIndentIntern()
" A line starting with :au does not increment/decrement indent.
if prev_text !~ '^\s*au\%[tocmd]'
let i = match(prev_text, '\(^\||\)\s*\(if\|wh\%[ile]\|for\|try\|cat\%[ch]\|fina\%[lly]\|fu\%[nction]\|el\%[seif]\)\>')
let i = match(prev_text, '\(^\||\)\s*\(export\s\+\)\?\({\|\(if\|wh\%[ile]\|for\|try\|cat\%[ch]\|fina\|finall\%[y]\|fu\%[nction]\|def\|el\%[seif]\)\>\)')
if i >= 0
let ind += shiftwidth()
if strpart(prev_text, i, 1) == '|' && has('syntax_items')
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ function GetVimIndentIntern()
" Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on a :endif, :endwhile, :catch, :finally, :endtry,
" :endfun, :else and :augroup END.
if cur_text =~ '^\s*\(ene\@!\|cat\|fina\|el\|aug\%[roup]\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\)'
if cur_text =~ '^\s*\(ene\@!\|}\|cat\|finall\|el\|aug\%[roup]\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\)'
let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
" Language: shell (sh) Korn shell (ksh) bash (sh)
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
" Previous Maintainer: Lennart Schultz <Lennart.Schultz@ecmwf.int>
" Last Change: Apr 14, 2020
" Version: 190
" Last Change: Aug 10, 2020
" Version: 193
" URL: http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#SYNTAX_SH
" For options and settings, please use: :help ft-sh-syntax
" This file includes many ideas from Eric Brunet (eric.brunet@ens.fr)
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ if getline(1) =~ '\<ksh$'
elseif getline(1) =~ '\<bash$'
let b:is_bash = 1
elseif getline(1) =~ '\<dash$'
let b:is_posix = 1
elseif !exists("g:is_kornshell") && !exists("g:is_bash") && !exists("g:is_posix") && !exists("g:is_sh")
let b:is_dash = 1
elseif !exists("g:is_kornshell") && !exists("g:is_bash") && !exists("g:is_posix") && !exists("g:is_sh") && !exists("g:is_dash")
let s:shell = ""
if executable("/bin/sh")
let s:shell = resolve("/bin/sh")
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ elseif !exists("g:is_kornshell") && !exists("g:is_bash") && !exists("g:is_posix"
elseif s:shell =~ 'bash$'
let b:is_bash = 1
elseif s:shell =~ 'dash$'
let b:is_posix = 1
let b:is_dash = 1
unlet s:shell
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ endif
" So, when the user sets "g:is_bash", "g:is_kornshell",
" or "g:is_posix", a b:is_sh is converted into b:is_bash/b:is_kornshell,
" respectively.
if !exists("b:is_kornshell") && !exists("b:is_bash")
if !exists("b:is_kornshell") && !exists("b:is_bash") && !exists("b:is_dash")
if exists("g:is_posix") && !exists("g:is_kornshell")
let g:is_kornshell= g:is_posix
@ -59,11 +59,21 @@ if !exists("b:is_kornshell") && !exists("b:is_bash")
if exists("b:is_sh")
unlet b:is_sh
elseif exists("g:is_dash")
let b:is_dash= 1
if exists("b:is_sh")
unlet b:is_sh
let b:is_sh= 1
" if b:is_dash, set b:is_posix too
if exists("b:is_dash")
let b:is_posix= 1
" set up default g:sh_fold_enabled {{{1
" ================================
if !exists("g:sh_fold_enabled")
@ -133,7 +143,7 @@ syn cluster shCurlyList contains=shNumber,shComma,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefS
" COMBAK: removing shEscape fromshDblQuoteList fails ksh04:43
syn cluster shDblQuoteList contains=shArithmetic,shCommandSub,shCommandSubBQ,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shPosnParm,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial,shSpecialDQ
syn cluster shDerefList contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefVar,shDerefSpecial,shDerefWordError,shDerefPSR,shDerefPPS
syn cluster shDerefVarList contains=shDerefOff,shDerefOp,shDerefVarArray,shDerefOpError
syn cluster shDerefVarList contains=shDerefOffset,shDerefOp,shDerefVarArray,shDerefOpError
syn cluster shEchoList contains=shArithmetic,shCommandSub,shCommandSubBQ,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEscape,shExSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shCtrlSeq,shEchoQuote
syn cluster shExprList1 contains=shCharClass,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shDblBrace,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shCtrlSeq
syn cluster shExprList2 contains=@shExprList1,@shCaseList,shTest
@ -358,7 +368,7 @@ elseif !exists("g:sh_no_error")
syn region shSingleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=@Spell nextgroup=shSpecialStart,shSpecialSQ
syn region shDoubleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+\%(\%(\\\\\)*\\\)\@<!"+ skip=+\\.+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial,@Spell nextgroup=shSpecialStart
syn region shDoubleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+"+ matchgroup=shSpecial skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contained contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial,@Spell nextgroup=shSpecialStart
syn region shDoubleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+"+ matchgroup=shSpecial skip=+\\"+ matchgroup=shQuote end=+"+ contained contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial,@Spell nextgroup=shSpecialStart
syn match shStringSpecial "[^[:print:] \t]" contained
syn match shStringSpecial "[^\\]\zs\%(\\\\\)*\\[\\"'`$()#]" nextgroup=shComment
syn match shSpecialSQ "[^\\]\zs\%(\\\\\)*\\[\\"'`$()#]" contained nextgroup=shBkslshSnglQuote,@shNoZSList
@ -424,6 +434,9 @@ if exists("b:is_bash")
syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\%(set\|unset\)\>[/a-zA-Z_]\@!" end="\ze[;|#)]\|$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+=" contains=@shIdList nextgroup=shComment
elseif exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_posix")
syn match shSet "^\s*set\ze\s\+$"
if exists("b:is_dash")
syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\%(local\)\>\ze[/]\@!" end="$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+[#=]" contains=@shIdList
syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(export\)\>\ze[/]\@!" end="$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+[#=]" contains=@shIdList
syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\%(set\|unset\>\)\ze[/a-zA-Z_]\@!" end="\ze[;|#)]\|$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+[#=]" contains=@shIdList nextgroup=shComment
@ -471,14 +484,14 @@ endif
" bash: ${!prefix*} and ${#parameter}: {{{1
" ====================================
if exists("b:is_bash")
syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${!" end="\*\=}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefOff
syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${!" end="\*\=}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefOffset
syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=!\h\w*" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList
if exists("b:is_kornshell")
syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=!\h\w*[[:alnum:]_.]*" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList
syn match shDerefSpecial contained "{\@<=[-*@?0]" nextgroup=shDerefOp,shDerefOpError
syn match shDerefSpecial contained "{\@<=[-*@?0]" nextgroup=shDerefOp,shDerefOffset,shDerefOpError
syn match shDerefSpecial contained "\({[#!]\)\@<=[[:alnum:]*@_]\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList,shDerefOp
syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=\h\w*" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList
syn match shDerefVar contained '\d' nextgroup=@shDerefVarList
@ -502,6 +515,7 @@ syn region shDerefVarArray contained matchgroup=shDeref start="\[" end="]" co
" bash : ${parameter^^pattern} Case modification
" bash : ${parameter,pattern} Case modification
" bash : ${parameter,,pattern} Case modification
" bash : ${@:start:qty} display command line arguments from start to start+qty-1 (inferred)
syn cluster shDerefPatternList contains=shDerefPattern,shDerefString
if !exists("g:sh_no_error")
syn match shDerefOpError contained ":[[:punct:]]"
@ -522,17 +536,19 @@ syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shDerefDelim start=+\%(\\\)\@<!'+
syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shDerefDelim start=+\%(\\\)\@<!"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial
syn match shDerefString contained "\\["']" nextgroup=shDerefPattern
if exists("b:is_bash")
" bash : ${parameter:offset}
" bash : ${parameter:offset:length}
syn region shDerefOff contained start=':[^-=?+]' end='\ze:' end='\ze}' contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefEscape nextgroup=shDerefLen,shDeref,shDerefSimple
syn region shDerefOff contained start=':\s-' end='\ze:' end='\ze}' contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefEscape nextgroup=shDerefLen,shDeref,shDerefSimple
if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_posix")
" bash ksh posix : ${parameter:offset}
" bash ksh posix : ${parameter:offset:length}
syn region shDerefOffset contained start=':[^-=?+]' end='\ze:' end='\ze}' contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefEscape nextgroup=shDerefLen,shDeref,shDerefSimple
syn region shDerefOffset contained start=':\s-' end='\ze:' end='\ze}' contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefEscape nextgroup=shDerefLen,shDeref,shDerefSimple
syn match shDerefLen contained ":[^}]\+" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shArithmetic
if exists("b:is_bash")
" bash : ${parameter//pattern/string}
" bash : ${parameter//pattern}
syn match shDerefPPS contained '/\{1,2}' nextgroup=shDerefPPSleft
syn region shDerefPPSleft contained start='.' skip=@\%(\\\\\)*\\/@ matchgroup=shDerefOp end='/' end='\ze}' nextgroup=shDerefPPSright contains=@shPPSLeftList
syn region shDerefPPSleft contained start='.' skip=@\%(\\\\\)*\\/@ matchgroup=shDerefOp end='/' end='\ze}' end='"' nextgroup=shDerefPPSright contains=@shPPSLeftList
syn region shDerefPPSright contained start='.' skip=@\%(\\\\\)\+@ end='\ze}' contains=@shPPSRightList
" bash : ${parameter/#substring/replacement}
@ -675,8 +691,8 @@ if !exists("skip_sh_syntax_inits")
hi def link bashSpecialVariables shShellVariables
hi def link bashStatement shStatement
hi def link shCharClass shSpecial
hi def link shDerefOff shDerefOp
hi def link shDerefLen shDerefOff
hi def link shDerefOffset shDerefOp
hi def link shDerefLen shDerefOffset
if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_posix")
hi def link kshSpecialVariables shShellVariables
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ endif
" Functions : Tag is provided for those who wish to highlight tagged functions {{{2
" =========
syn cluster vimFuncList contains=vimCommand,vimFunctionError,vimFuncKey,Tag,vimFuncSID
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList contains=vimAbb,vimAddress,vimAugroupKey,vimAutoCmd,vimCmplxRepeat,vimComment,vim9Comment,vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimEcho,vimEchoHL,vimExecute,vimIsCommand,vimFBVar,vimFunc,vimFunction,vimFuncVar,vimGlobal,vimHighlight,vimIsCommand,vimLet,vimLetHereDoc,vimLineComment,vimMap,vimMark,vimNorm,vimNotation,vimNotFunc,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimRegion,vimRegister,vimSearch,vimSet,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSynLine,vimUnmap,vimUserCommand
syn cluster vimFuncBodyList contains=vimAbb,vimAddress,vimAugroupKey,vimAutoCmd,vimCmplxRepeat,vimComment,vim9Comment,vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimEcho,vimEchoHL,vimEnvvar,vimExecute,vimIsCommand,vimFBVar,vimFunc,vimFunction,vimFuncVar,vimGlobal,vimHighlight,vimIsCommand,vimLet,vimLetHereDoc,vimLineComment,vimMap,vimMark,vimNorm,vimNotation,vimNotFunc,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimRegion,vimRegister,vimSearch,vimSet,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSynLine,vimUnmap,vimUserCommand
syn match vimFunction "\<fu\%[nction]!\=\s\+\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)*\ze\s*(" contains=@vimFuncList nextgroup=vimFuncBody
if exists("g:vimsyn_folding") && g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'f'
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ syn match vimSpecFileMod "\(:[phtre]\)\+" contained
" =======================
syn cluster vimUserCmdList contains=vimAddress,vimSyntax,vimHighlight,vimAutoCmd,vimCmplxRepeat,vimComment,vim9Comment,vimCtrlChar,vimEscapeBrace,vimFunc,vimFuncName,vimFunction,vimFunctionError,vimIsCommand,vimMark,vimNotation,vimNumber,vimOper,vimRegion,vimRegister,vimLet,vimSet,vimSetEqual,vimSetString,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSubstRep,vimSubstRange,vimSynLine
syn keyword vimUserCommand contained com[mand]
syn match vimUserCmd "\<com\%[mand]!\=\>.*$" contains=vimUserAttrb,vimUserAttrbError,vimUserCommand,@vimUserCmdList
syn match vimUserCmd "\<com\%[mand]!\=\>.*$" contains=vimUserAttrb,vimUserAttrbError,vimUserCommand,@vimUserCmdList,vimComFilter
syn match vimUserAttrbError contained "-\a\+\ze\s"
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-nargs=[01*?+]" contains=vimUserAttrbKey,vimOper
syn match vimUserAttrb contained "-complete=" contains=vimUserAttrbKey,vimOper nextgroup=vimUserAttrbCmplt,vimUserCmdError
@ -268,12 +268,13 @@ syn match vimComment +\<endif\s\+".*$+lc=5 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentS
syn match vimComment +\<else\s\+".*$+lc=4 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn region vimCommentString contained oneline start='\S\s\+"'ms=e end='"'
" Vim9 comments - TODO: might be highlighted while they don't work
syn match vim9Comment excludenl +^#[^{].*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment excludenl +\s#[^{].*$+lc=1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment +\<endif\s\+#[^{].*$+lc=5 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment +\<else\s\+#[^{].*$+lc=4 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
" Vim9 comment inside expression
syn match vim9Comment +\s\zs#[^{].*$+ms=s+1 contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment +^\s*#[^{].*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
syn match vim9Comment +^\s*#$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString
" Environment Variables: {{{2
" =====================
@ -343,7 +344,8 @@ syn match vimAddress ",\zs[.$]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimSubst1
syn match vimAddress "%\ze\a" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSubst1
syn match vimFilter "^!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
syn match vimFilter contained "!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
syn match vimFilter contained "!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
syn match vimComFilter contained "|!!\=[^"]\{-}\(|\|\ze\"\|$\)" contains=vimOper,vimSpecFile
" Complex Repeats: (:h complex-repeat) {{{2
syn match vimCmplxRepeat '[^a-zA-Z_/\\()]q[0-9a-zA-Z"]\>'lc=1
@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ syn match vimSetMod contained "&vim\=\|[!&?<]\|all&"
" Let: {{{2
" ===
syn keyword vimLet let unl[et] skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar,vimLetHereDoc
syn keyword vimLet let var unl[et] skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar,vimLetHereDoc
VimFoldh syn region vimLetHereDoc matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStart start='=<<\s\+\%(trim\>\)\=\s*\z(\L\S*\)' matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStop end='^\s*\z1\s*$' contains=vimComment,vim9Comment
" Abbreviations: {{{2
@ -369,8 +371,9 @@ syn keyword vimAbb ab[breviate] ca[bbrev] inorea[bbrev] cnorea[bbrev] norea[bbre
" =======
syn match vimAutoEventList contained "\(!\s\+\)\=\(\a\+,\)*\a\+" contains=vimAutoEvent,nvimAutoEvent nextgroup=vimAutoCmdSpace
syn match vimAutoCmdSpace contained "\s\+" nextgroup=vimAutoCmdSfxList
syn match vimAutoCmdSfxList contained "\S*"
syn match vimAutoCmdSfxList contained "\S*" skipwhite nextgroup=vimAutoCmdMod
syn keyword vimAutoCmd au[tocmd] do[autocmd] doautoa[ll] skipwhite nextgroup=vimAutoEventList
syn match vimAutoCmdMod "\(++\)\=\(once\|nested\)"
" Echo and Execute: -- prefer strings! {{{2
" ================
@ -609,7 +612,7 @@ syn match vimCtrlChar "[--]"
" Beginners - Patterns that involve ^ {{{2
" =========
syn match vimLineComment +^[ \t:]*".*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vimCommentTitle
syn match vim9LineComment +^[ \t:]*#.*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vimCommentTitle
syn match vim9LineComment +^[ \t]*#.*$+ contains=@vimCommentGroup,vimCommentString,vimCommentTitle
syn match vimCommentTitle '"\s*\%([sS]:\|\h\w*#\)\=\u\w*\(\s\+\u\w*\)*:'hs=s+1 contained contains=vimCommentTitleLeader,vimTodo,@vimCommentGroup
syn match vimContinue "^\s*\\"
syn region vimString start="^\s*\\\z(['"]\)" skip='\\\\\|\\\z1' end="\z1" oneline keepend contains=@vimStringGroup,vimContinue
@ -840,6 +843,7 @@ if !exists("skip_vim_syntax_inits")
hi def link vimAutoCmdOpt vimOption
hi def link vimAutoCmd vimCommand
hi def link vimAutoEvent Type
hi def link vimAutoCmdMod Special
hi def link vimAutoSet vimCommand
hi def link vimBehaveModel vimBehave
hi def link vimBehave vimCommand
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