Björn Linse a5ac2f45ff NVIM v0.5.0
This release represents ~4000 commits since v0.4.4, the previous
non-maintenance release. Highlights include builtin support for LSP, new APIs
for extended marks (with byte resolution tracking of changes) and buffer
decorations, as well as vast improvements to lua as a plugin and configuration
language. Experimental support for tree-sitter as a syntax engine is also
included, building on the new core APIs for byte tracking and decorations.


New API functions:
  nvim_exec: execute multiline vim script blocks
  nvim_get_hl_id_by_name: Gets a highight definition by name
  nvim_exec_lua: new name for nvim_execute_lua
  nvim_notify: Notify the user with a message
  nvim_get_runtime_file: Find files in runtime directories
  nvim_get_all_options_info: Get option information for all options
  nvim_get_option_info: Get option information for one option
  nvim_echo: Echo a message with highlights
  nvim_open_term: Open a virtual terminal in a buffer
  nvim_chan_send: send data to a channel. (like chansend() but supports lua strings)
  nvim_set_decoration_provider: callback driven decoration API for a namespace

  nvim_buf_set_text: Set/replace a character range in a buffer
  nvim_buf_delete: Delete the buffer. |:bwipeout|
  nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id: Returns position for a given extmark id.
  nvim_buf_get_extmarks: get extmarks in traversal order.
  nvim_buf_set_extmark: Creates or updates an extmark.

  nvim_buf_del_extmark: Removes an extmark.
  nvim_buf_call: call a function with buffer as temporary current buffer

  nvim_win_hide: Closes the window and hide the buffer it contains |:hide|
  nvim_win_call: Calls a function with window as temporary current window.

New UI events:

  767cd8b17 #12235 startup: add init.lua as an alternative user config
  687eb0b39 #14686 feat(startup): Source runtime/plugin/**/*.lua at startup
  #14686 runtime: allow lua in various runtime search paths such as
         syntax/ ftdetect/ indent/ ftplugin/ compiler/ colors/
  43956dea5 #13479 lua: Add vim.opt and fix scopes of vim.o
  1407899c3 #12268 lua: Add buffer, window and tab accessors
  be662fe5c lua: vim.wait implementation
  2b663c061 #14213 viml: embed Lua syntax highlighting
  901dd79f6 feat: add completion to ':lua'
  82688973 lua: complete methods in metatables
  342148525 runtime: propagate lua parsing errors while using "require"
  aaca2c1c4 #13276 feat(lua): improve error message to make it actionable
  c60c7375f startup: handle autoload and lua packages during startup
  3ccdbc570 #12536 lua: add vim.register_keystroke_callback
  971a191c4 lua: Add ability to pass lua functions directly to vimL
  91e41c857 #12401 lua: add vim.highlight.range
  f2894bffb #12279 lua: Add highlight.on_yank
  ae5bd0454 #11969 lua: add tbl_deep_extend
  ea4127e9a lua: metatable for empty dict value
  dab40f43b Add v:lua.func() vimL syntax for calling lua
  678a51b1d Lua: vim.validate()
  474d0bcbf lua: vim.rpcrequest, vim.rpcnotify, vim.NIL
  8ee7c94a9 lua: add vim.fn.{func} for direct access to vimL function
  d0d38fc36 #11442 Lua: vim.env, vim.{g,v,w,bo,wo}

  Note: tree-sitter is considered experimental for 0.5. There's remaining
  bugs for buffer parsing, as well as known performance issues for
  large files and injected (nested) languages.

  e93342629 #10124 Tree-sitter API for lua
  440695c29 tree-sitter: implement query functionality and highlighting prototype
  8bea39f37 feat(treesitter): allow injections to be configured through directives
  929f19414 feat(treesitter): add offset predicate for language injection
  cd75d3289 #14200 feat: treesitter checkhealth
  1a631026a feat(treesitter): add language tree
  d3f544002 treesitter: runtime queries
  3c5141d2c #13008 treesitter: add string parser
  9437327d5 treesitter: use new on_bytes interface
  e4b5efa51 treesitter: use decoration provider API
  d6209a7b8 fix: Add a test and it is so pretty
  836c31032 feat(ts): bump tree-sitter to v0.20.0

LSP client:
  00dc12c5d #11336 lua LSP client: initial implementation
  d5aaad14e #11430 Followup improvements to LSP
  ee7ac469c #11578 LSP: Use async completion for omnifunc.
  070bd3ea2 #11604 LSP: shrink API, improve docs
  25afa10f9 #11669 Merge 'LSP: differentiate diagnostic underline by severity'
  e956ea767 #11777 LSP: show diagnostic in qf/loclist
  dd8b29cfe #11838 LSP: set InitializeParams.rootPath value
  0c5d2ffeb #11837 Merge 'LSP: fixes, improve test visibility'
  ca8699378 #11638 LSP: implement documentHighlight
  220a2b05c LSP/references: Add context to locations returned by server
  ccb038dc6 LSP/completion: add textEdit support
  da6f38ab3 #12313 LSP: Add workspace.applyEdit client capabilities
  f559e5249 #11607 LSP: Add textDocument/codeAction support
  0d83a1c43 #12638 LSP: Feature/add workspace folders
  fd507e278 #13641 LSP: window/showMessageRequest
  e467d2939 LSP: Move workspace/configuration handler from nvim-lspconfig to core
  2bdd553c9 feat(lsp): Add codelens support

  f8134f2fd screen.c: remove fold_line special case
  c146eddc8 experimental support for per-window color schemes
  a1508c9f6 nvim__screenshot (dump TUI state to file)
  08fe10010 terminal: enable pass through indexed colors to TUI in rgb mode
  5a8569942 tests/ui: make screen.lua use "linegrid" representation internally
  8fe19d9d8 screen: make ui_compositor aware of the intended size of a float
  54ce1010e extmark: add new flexible "decorations" abstraction
  4781333a7 decorations: allow virt_text overlay at any column
  bdebe8516 decorations: use extmark column adjustments for buffer highlights
  7b488314d decorations: Allow highlights beyond end of line hl_eol
  425bc438a decorations: add additional styling of virt_text overlays
  edb5864a2 floats: z-index
  243820ebd floats: add borders (MS-DOS MODE)
  5b6edc852 feat(float): add rounded borders preset
  4a36ec6da #14310 float: add "solid" border style

vim patches:
  around ~1000 vim patches and runtime updates got merged. Hooray!
  Changes include improvements to quickfix, prompt buffers, incsearch,
  display of search counts, and much much more.

various features and changes:
  858c05613 #12809 Support for :perl, :perlfile, :perldo and perleval()
  bc86f76c0 api/buffer: add "on_bytes" callback to nvim_buf_attach
  19b623708 jobstart now supports env/clear_env
  ef7c6b972 Support specifying "env" option for termopen()
  7c4f34966 #13287 switch from travis to github actions
  24db59ca8 feat: implement BufModified autocmd
  b83d8223f implement Scroll autocommand
  8caf84130 Lower "closed by the client" message level to INFO
  7de276b87 bump libvterm to 0.1.4
  097ec71bd #14096 aarch64/linux: fix build by updating LuaJIT
  bd5f0e969 #12531 support autoread using tui focus tracking
  8a1276005 #12382 Add v:event.visual during `TextYankPost`
  802f8429d api(nvim_open_win): add "noautocmd" option

  21444552c BugFix(clipboard): Fix block paste not working properly
  01493e799 #14413 api: fix nvim_exec() silencing behaviour
  9699f3be1 fix(doc): Add '/site' to stdpath('data') example in `:help 'rtp'`
  581b2bcde screen: fix problem with p_ch
  eae4b1e5c luaref: fix leaks for global luarefs
  409b2711f fix: segfault when pasting in term with empty buffer
  cf6c23fb0 #14273 fix plenty of errors discovered by clang
  21035cff9 #14500 fix plenty of errors discovered by coverity
  bca19138b #13987 tui: fix possibility of evaluating uninitialized variables
  9f2335937 fix_cursor: do not change line number when edit will not impact cursor row
  33f92fe02 fix(pty): Always use $TERM from the job's env dict
  6249059d4 checkhealth: fix terminfo problems on Windows
  397be5d38 #12811 UI: fix cursor not displayed after hiding and un-hiding
  87afc9031 screen.c: fix an issue with wrap and folds
  b419e39a2 screen.c: fix last character on foldtext
  2ea312769 #13688 screen.c: fix display of signcolumn=auto in diffs
  c2d288e29 Fix screen terminal family issues
  314b222c2 #14127 Fix click on foldcolumn with vsplit
  e65d0e53b vim.fn: throw error when trying to use API function
2021-07-02 17:54:29 +02:00
autoload provider: skip non-provider has() feature-names 2019-08-04 13:23:46 +02:00
bin eval: executable(), exepath() accept strings only 2020-12-11 21:20:20 -05:00
compdir cmdline: correct the column position of wildoptions=pum popupmenu 2019-07-01 18:24:00 +02:00
lua runtime: propagate lua parsing errors while using "require" 2020-12-10 10:53:28 +01:00
pack/foo startup: handle autoload and lua packages during startup 2020-11-02 15:21:36 +01:00
start/nvim-leftpad startup: load files from &packpath . '/start/{pluginname}' 2020-11-19 14:31:07 +01:00
api_level_0.mpack api: api_info()['version'] 2016-10-28 14:33:13 +02:00
api_level_1.mpack api: add api_level_1 fixure 2017-03-15 15:01:06 +01:00
api_level_2.mpack NVIM v0.2.0 2017-05-01 22:13:23 +02:00
api_level_3.mpack NVIM v0.2.1 2017-11-07 23:54:31 +01:00
api_level_4.mpack NVIM v0.3.0 2018-06-11 00:46:49 +02:00
api_level_5.mpack NVIM v0.3.2 2018-12-31 01:06:17 +01:00
api_level_6.mpack fix api_level_6.mpack 2019-09-15 17:28:42 -07:00
api_level_7.mpack NVIM v0.5.0 2021-07-02 17:54:29 +02:00
bigfile_oneline.txt inccommand: improve performance #6949 2017-07-08 17:51:42 +02:00
bigfile.txt 'inccommand': Add tests. 2016-11-15 05:01:25 +01:00
CMakeLists.txt build: do not build test fixtures by default (#11230) 2019-10-18 16:32:56 +02:00
cmdscript.cmd win: jobstart(), system(): $PATHEXT-resolve exe 2019-07-21 20:51:37 +02:00
fake-lsp-server.lua fix(lsp): do not convert vim.NIL to nil in lists 2021-06-24 11:23:19 +01:00
non_executable.txt jobstart(): Return -1 if cmd is not executable. #5671 2016-12-10 16:01:27 +01:00
printargs-test.c *: Add comment to all C files 2017-04-19 19:11:50 +03:00
printenv-test.c tests: let_spec: enable "multibyte env var to child process" (#11233) 2019-10-18 20:41:24 +02:00
shell_data.txt shell: add test for binary and multibyte output 2018-02-06 10:23:26 +01:00
shell-test.c test: shell-test.c: flush all streams 2019-09-01 22:49:33 -07:00 api: allow open non-current buffer as terminal (+ xmas bonus) 2021-03-12 14:44:47 +01:00
streams-test.c fixup! tests: fix system_spec when run with clipboard manager (#10956) 2021-06-05 12:49:26 -04:00
tty-test.c win: stream: reset tty stream on close 2019-08-20 20:14:13 +02:00