BugFix(clipboard): Fix block paste not working properly

Block copy and paste from system-clipboard currently breaks formatting.
This fixes it.

The bug occurs because system-clipboard doesn't contain information
about what mode the copy was made.
Simple solution to this is we keep a cache of copy we last made along
with mode information. If system-clipboard returns the cache we apply
the mode information that we know about that cache.
This commit is contained in:
shadmansaleh 2021-06-18 15:03:12 +06:00
parent f35a5f2efc
commit 21444552c0

View File

@ -156,7 +156,14 @@ function! s:clipboard.get(reg) abort
elseif s:selections[a:reg].owner > 0
return s:selections[a:reg].data
return s:try_cmd(s:paste[a:reg])
let clipboard_data = s:try_cmd(s:paste[a:reg])
if match(&clipboard, '\v(unnamed|unnamedplus)') >= 0 && get(s:selections[a:reg].data, 0, []) == clipboard_data
" When system clipboard return is same as our cache return the cache
" as it contains regtype information
return s:selections[a:reg].data
return clipboard_data
function! s:clipboard.set(lines, regtype, reg) abort
@ -175,6 +182,9 @@ function! s:clipboard.set(lines, regtype, reg) abort
if s:cache_enabled == 0
call s:try_cmd(s:copy[a:reg], a:lines)
"Cache it anyway we can compare it later to get regtype of the yank
let s:selections[a:reg] = copy(s:selection)
let s:selections[a:reg].data = [a:lines, a:regtype]
return 0