* Display ✓ or ✗ based on the line user sees
* Add vim-tutor-mode expectations to the lines marked with an arrow.
* Fix some existing expectations to behave predictably.
Problem: In diff mode global operations can be very slow.
Solution: Do not call diff_redraw() many times, call it once when redrawing.
And also don't update folds multiple times.
Problem: A :normal command while executing a register resets the
reg_executing() result.
Solution: Save and restore reg_executing. (closesvim/vim#4066)
Multiple Debian builds were failing these tests:
From test_environ.vim:
Found errors in Test_external_env():
function RunTheTest[37]..Test_external_env line 16: Expected '' but got 'FOO=null\n'
Found errors in Test_getenv():
function RunTheTest[37]..Test_getenv line 2: Expected v:null but got v:false
Found errors in Test_setenv():
function RunTheTest[37]..Test_setenv line 5: Expected v:null but got 'null'
This is because nvim has a separate tag (`v_special`) in `typval_T` for
special variables, whereas vim re-uses the `v_number` tag.
On little-endian architectures, using the incorrect tag is not an issue
because the byte representation is the same. However, on big-endian
systems this caused the `v_number == kSpecialVarNull` checks to fail,
and the non-special code to execute.
Mainly configuration and RPC infrastructure can be considered "done". Specific requests and their callbacks will be improved later (and also served by plugins). There are also some TODO:s for the client itself, like incremental updates.
Co-authored by at-tjdevries and at-h-michael, with many review/suggestion contributions.
We often want to do type checking of public function arguments.
- test: Rename utility_function_spec.lua to vim_spec.lua
- .luacov: Map lua module names
Problem: If spellfile is missing, then "set spell" in modeline/sandbox
fails with a non-obvious error.
Solution: Check for sandbox early and give a meaningful error.
Test case:
# test.latex has `% vim: set spelllang=hu:`
# no spell file for `hu` yet!
nvim -u NORC --cmd 'autocmd FileType tex setlocal spell' --cmd 'set modeline' test.latex
No spell file for "hu" in utf-8
Download it?
Downloading hu.utf-8.spl...
Error detected while processing /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim:
line 583:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search: au WinEnter *^Iif &ft == "netrw"|call s:NetrwInsureWinVars()|endif
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile[60]..spellfile#Nread[13]..netrw#NetRead[4]..<SNR>67_NetrwOptionsSave:
line 66:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile[60]..spellfile#Nread:
line 13:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile:
line 60:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing modelines:
line 1:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search
Error detected while processing function spellfile#LoadFile:
line 5:
E605: Exception not caught: Cannot download spellfile in sandbox/modeline. Try ":set spell" from the cmdline.
Error detected while processing modelines:
line 1:
E12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag search