feat(vim.version): more coercion with strict=false

"tmux 3.2a" (output from "tmux -V") is not parsed easily.

With `strict=false`, discard everything before the first digit.

- rename Semver => Version
- rename vim.version.version() => vim.version._version()
- rename matches() => has()
- remove `opts` from cmp()
This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2023-03-17 01:12:33 +01:00
parent a715e6f87e
commit a40eb7cc99
6 changed files with 374 additions and 210 deletions

View File

@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ function! provider#clipboard#Executable() abort
let s:paste['*'] = s:paste['+']
return 'termux-clipboard'
elseif !empty($TMUX) && executable('tmux')
let ver = matchlist(systemlist(['tmux', '-V'])[0], '\vtmux %(next-)?(\d+)\.(\d+)')
if len(ver) >= 3 && (ver[1] > 3 || (ver[1] == 3 && ver[2] >= 2))
let tmux_v = v:lua.vim.version.parse(system(['tmux', '-V']))
if !empty(tmux_v) && !v:lua.vim.version.lt(tmux_v, [3,2,0])
let s:copy['+'] = ['tmux', 'load-buffer', '-w', '-']
let s:copy['+'] = ['tmux', 'load-buffer', '-']

View File

@ -782,9 +782,6 @@ vim.api.{func}({...}) *vim.api*
Example: call the "nvim_get_current_line()" API function: >lua
vim.version() *vim.version*
Gets the version of the current Nvim build.
vim.in_fast_event() *vim.in_fast_event()*
Returns true if the code is executing as part of a "fast" event handler,
where most of the API is disabled. These are low-level events (e.g.
@ -1391,8 +1388,7 @@ deprecate({name}, {alternative}, {version}, {plugin}, {backtrace})
Parameters: ~
• {name} string Deprecated feature (function, API, etc.).
• {alternative} (string|nil) Suggested alternative feature.
• {version} string Version when the deprecated function will be
• {version} string Version when the deprecated function will be removed.
• {plugin} string|nil Name of the plugin that owns the deprecated
feature. Defaults to "Nvim".
• {backtrace} boolean|nil Prints backtrace. Defaults to true.
@ -2533,67 +2529,179 @@ trust({opts}) *vim.secure.trust()*
Lua module: version *lua-version*
cmp({v1}, {v2}, {opts}) *vim.version.cmp()*
Compares two strings ( `v1` and `v2` ) in semver format.
The `vim.version` module provides functions for comparing versions and
ranges conforming to the
spec. Plugins, and plugin managers, can use this to check available tools
and dependencies on the current system.
Example: >lua
local v = vim.version.parse(vim.fn.system({'tmux', '-V'}), {strict=false})
if vim.version.gt(v, {3, 2, 0}) then
-- ...
*vim.version()* returns the version of the current Nvim process.
VERSION RANGE SPEC *version-range*
A version "range spec" defines a semantic version range which can be
tested against a version, using |vim.version.range()|.
Supported range specs are shown in the following table. Note: suffixed
versions (1.2.3-rc1) are not matched. >
1.2.3 is 1.2.3
=1.2.3 is 1.2.3
>1.2.3 greater than 1.2.3
<1.2.3 before 1.2.3
>=1.2.3 at least 1.2.3
~1.2.3 is >=1.2.3 <1.3.0 "reasonably close to 1.2.3"
^1.2.3 is >=1.2.3 <2.0.0 "compatible with 1.2.3"
^0.2.3 is >=0.2.3 <0.3.0 (0.x.x is special)
^0.0.1 is =0.0.1 (0.0.x is special)
^1.2 is >=1.2.0 <2.0.0 (like ^1.2.0)
~1.2 is >=1.2.0 <1.3.0 (like ~1.2.0)
^1 is >=1.0.0 <2.0.0 "compatible with 1"
~1 same "reasonably close to 1"
1.x same
1.* same
1 same
* any version
x same
1.2.3 - 2.3.4 is >=1.2.3 <=2.3.4
Partial right: missing pieces treated as x (2.3 => 2.3.x).
1.2.3 - 2.3 is >=1.2.3 <2.4.0
1.2.3 - 2 is >=1.2.3 <3.0.0
Partial left: missing pieces treated as 0 (1.2 => 1.2.0).
1.2 - 2.3.0 is 1.2.0 - 2.3.0
cmp({v1}, {v2}) *vim.version.cmp()*
Parses and compares two version version objects (the result of
|vim.version.parse()|, or specified literally as a `{major, minor, patch}`
tuple, e.g. `{1, 0, 3}`).
Example: >lua
if vim.version.cmp({1,0,3}, {0,2,1}) == 0 then
-- ...
local v1 = vim.version.parse('1.0.3-pre')
local v2 = vim.version.parse('0.2.1')
if vim.version.cmp(v1, v2) == 0 then
-- ...
Per semver, build metadata is ignored when comparing two
otherwise-equivalent versions.
Parameters: ~
• {v1} (string) Version.
• {v2} (string) Version to compare with v1.
• {opts} (table|nil) Optional keyword arguments:
• strict (boolean): see `semver.parse` for details. Defaults
to false.
• {v1} Version|number[] Version object.
• {v2} Version|number[] Version to compare with `v1` .
Return: ~
(integer) `-1` if `v1 < v2`, `0` if `v1 == v2`, `1` if `v1 > v2`.
(integer) -1 if `v1 < v2`, 0 if `v1 == v2`, 1 if `v1 > v2`.
eq({v1}, {v2}) *vim.version.eq()*
Returns `true` if `v1` are `v2` are equal versions.
Returns `true` if the given versions are equal.
Parameters: ~
• {v1} (string)
• {v2} (string)
• {v1} Version|number[]
• {v2} Version|number[]
Return: ~
gt({v1}, {v2}) *vim.version.gt()*
Returns `true` if `v1` is greater than `v2` .
Returns `true` if `v1 > v2` .
Parameters: ~
• {v1} (string)
• {v2} (string)
• {v1} Version|number[]
• {v2} Version|number[]
Return: ~
lt({v1}, {v2}) *vim.version.lt()*
Returns `true` if `v1` is less than `v2` .
last({versions}) *vim.version.last()*
TODO: generalize this, move to func.lua
Parameters: ~
• {v1} (string)
• {v2} (string)
• {versions} Version []
Return: ~
Version ?|ni
lt({v1}, {v2}) *vim.version.lt()*
Returns `true` if `v1 < v2` .
Parameters: ~
• {v1} Version|number[]
• {v2} Version|number[]
Return: ~
parse({version}, {opts}) *vim.version.parse()*
Parses a semantic version string.
Ignores leading "v" and surrounding whitespace, e.g. "
v1.0.1-rc1+build.2", "1.0.1-rc1+build.2", "v1.0.1-rc1+build.2" and
"v1.0.1-rc1+build.2 " are all parsed as: >
Parses a semantic version string and returns a version object which can be
used with other `vim.version` functions. For example "1.0.1-rc1+build.2" returns: >
{ major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 1, prerelease = "rc1", build = "build.2" }
Parameters: ~
• {version} (string) Version string to be parsed.
• {version} (string) Version string to parse.
• {opts} (table|nil) Optional keyword arguments:
• strict (boolean): Default false. If `true` , no coercion is attempted on input not strictly
conforming to semver v2.0.0 ( https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html ). E.g. `parse("v1.2")` returns nil.
• strict (boolean): Default false. If `true`, no coercion
is attempted on input not conforming to semver v2.0.0. If
`false`, `parse()` attempts to coerce input such as
"1.0", "0-x", "tmux 3.2a" into valid versions.
Return: ~
(table|nil) parsed_version Parsed version table or `nil` if `version`
is invalid.
(table|nil) parsed_version Version object or `nil` if input is invalid.
See also: ~
• # https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
range({spec}) *vim.version.range()*
Parses a semver |version-range| "spec" and returns a range object: >
from: Version
to: Version
has(v: string|Version)
`:has()` checks if a version is in the range (inclusive `from` , exclusive `to` ). Example: >lua
local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0')
print(r:has('1.9.9')) -- true
print(r:has('2.0.0')) -- false
Or use cmp(), eq(), lt(), and gt() to compare `.to` and `.from` directly: >lua
local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0')
print(vim.version.gt({1,0,3}, r.from) and vim.version.lt({1,0,3}, r.to))
Parameters: ~
• {spec} string Version range "spec"
See also: ~
• # https://github.com/npm/node-semver#ranges

View File

@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ NEW FEATURES *news-features*
The following new APIs or features were added.
• Added |vim.version| for parsing and comparing version strings conforming to
the semver specification, see |lua-version|.
• Added |lua-version| for parsing and comparing version strings conforming to
the semver specification.
• A new environment variable named NVIM_APPNAME enables configuring the
directories where Neovim should find its configuration and state files. See

View File

@ -1,9 +1,59 @@
--- @defgroup lua-version
--- @brief The \`vim.version\` module provides functions for comparing versions and ranges
--- conforming to the https://semver.org spec. Plugins, and plugin managers, can use this to check
--- available tools and dependencies on the current system.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local v = vim.version.parse(vim.fn.system({'tmux', '-V'}), {strict=false})
--- if vim.version.gt(v, {3, 2, 0}) then
--- -- ...
--- end
--- </pre>
--- \*vim.version()\* returns the version of the current Nvim process.
--- VERSION RANGE SPEC \*version-range\*
--- A version "range spec" defines a semantic version range which can be tested against a version,
--- using |vim.version.range()|.
--- Supported range specs are shown in the following table.
--- Note: suffixed versions (1.2.3-rc1) are not matched.
--- <pre>
--- 1.2.3 is 1.2.3
--- =1.2.3 is 1.2.3
--- >1.2.3 greater than 1.2.3
--- <1.2.3 before 1.2.3
--- >=1.2.3 at least 1.2.3
--- ~1.2.3 is >=1.2.3 <1.3.0 "reasonably close to 1.2.3"
--- ^1.2.3 is >=1.2.3 <2.0.0 "compatible with 1.2.3"
--- ^0.2.3 is >=0.2.3 <0.3.0 (0.x.x is special)
--- ^0.0.1 is =0.0.1 (0.0.x is special)
--- ^1.2 is >=1.2.0 <2.0.0 (like ^1.2.0)
--- ~1.2 is >=1.2.0 <1.3.0 (like ~1.2.0)
--- ^1 is >=1.0.0 <2.0.0 "compatible with 1"
--- ~1 same "reasonably close to 1"
--- 1.x same
--- 1.* same
--- 1 same
--- * any version
--- x same
--- 1.2.3 - 2.3.4 is >=1.2.3 <=2.3.4
--- Partial right: missing pieces treated as x (2.3 => 2.3.x).
--- 1.2.3 - 2.3 is >=1.2.3 <2.4.0
--- 1.2.3 - 2 is >=1.2.3 <3.0.0
--- Partial left: missing pieces treated as 0 (1.2 => 1.2.0).
--- 1.2 - 2.3.0 is 1.2.0 - 2.3.0
--- </pre>
local M = {}
local LazyM = {}
M.LazyM = LazyM
---@class Semver
---@class Version
---@field [1] number
---@field [2] number
---@field [3] number
@ -12,14 +62,14 @@ M.LazyM = LazyM
---@field patch number
---@field prerelease? string
---@field build? string
local Semver = {}
Semver.__index = Semver
local Version = {}
Version.__index = Version
function Semver:__index(key)
return type(key) == 'number' and ({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch })[key] or Semver[key]
function Version:__index(key)
return type(key) == 'number' and ({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch })[key] or Version[key]
function Semver:__newindex(key, value)
function Version:__newindex(key, value)
if key == 1 then
self.major = value
elseif key == 2 then
@ -31,8 +81,8 @@ function Semver:__newindex(key, value)
---@param other Semver
function Semver:__eq(other)
---@param other Version
function Version:__eq(other)
for i = 1, 3 do
if self[i] ~= other[i] then
return false
@ -41,7 +91,7 @@ function Semver:__eq(other)
return self.prerelease == other.prerelease
function Semver:__tostring()
function Version:__tostring()
local ret = table.concat({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch }, '.')
if self.prerelease then
ret = ret .. '-' .. self.prerelease
@ -52,8 +102,8 @@ function Semver:__tostring()
return ret
---@param other Semver
function Semver:__lt(other)
---@param other Version
function Version:__lt(other)
for i = 1, 3 do
if self[i] > other[i] then
return false
@ -70,21 +120,32 @@ function Semver:__lt(other)
return (self.prerelease or '') < (other.prerelease or '')
---@param other Semver
function Semver:__le(other)
---@param other Version
function Version:__le(other)
return self < other or self == other
---@param version string|number[]
---@param strict? boolean Reject "1.0", "0-x" or other non-conforming version strings
---@return Semver?
function LazyM.version(version, strict)
--- @private
--- Creates a new Version object. Not public currently.
--- @param version string|number[]|Version
--- @param strict? boolean Reject "1.0", "0-x", "3.2a" or other non-conforming version strings
--- @return Version?
function M._version(version, strict) -- Adapted from https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim
if type(version) == 'table' then
if version.major then
return setmetatable(vim.deepcopy(version), Version)
return setmetatable({
major = version[1] or 0,
minor = version[2] or 0,
patch = version[3] or 0,
}, Semver)
}, Version)
if not strict then -- TODO: add more "scrubbing".
version = version:match('%d[^ ]*')
local prerel = version:match('%-([^+]*)')
@ -110,11 +171,13 @@ function LazyM.version(version, strict)
patch = patch == '' and 0 or tonumber(patch),
prerelease = prerel ~= '' and prerel or nil,
build = build ~= '' and build or nil,
}, Semver)
}, Version)
---@generic T: Semver
---TODO: generalize this, move to func.lua
---@generic T: Version
---@param versions T[]
---@return T?
function M.last(versions)
@ -127,13 +190,15 @@ function M.last(versions)
return last
---@class SemverRange
---@field from Semver
---@field to? Semver
---@class Range
---@field from Version
---@field to? Version
local Range = {}
---@param version string|Semver
function Range:matches(version)
--- @private
---@param version string|Version
function Range:has(version)
if type(version) == 'string' then
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type
version = M.parse(version)
@ -146,8 +211,32 @@ function Range:matches(version)
---@param spec string
function LazyM.range(spec)
--- Parses a semver |version-range| "spec" and returns a range object:
--- <pre>
--- {
--- from: Version
--- to: Version
--- has(v: string|Version)
--- }
--- </pre>
--- `:has()` checks if a version is in the range (inclusive `from`, exclusive `to`). Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0')
--- print(r:has('1.9.9')) -- true
--- print(r:has('2.0.0')) -- false
--- </pre>
--- Or use cmp(), eq(), lt(), and gt() to compare `.to` and `.from` directly:
--- <pre>lua
--- local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0')
--- print(vim.version.gt({1,0,3}, r.from) and vim.version.lt({1,0,3}, r.to))
--- </pre>
--- @see # https://github.com/npm/node-semver#ranges
--- @param spec string Version range "spec"
function M.range(spec) -- Adapted from https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim
if spec == '*' or spec == '' then
return setmetatable({ from = M.parse('0.0.0') }, { __index = Range })
@ -158,8 +247,8 @@ function LazyM.range(spec)
local a = spec:sub(1, hyphen - 1)
local b = spec:sub(hyphen + 3)
local parts = vim.split(b, '.', { plain = true })
local ra = LazyM.range(a)
local rb = LazyM.range(b)
local ra = M.range(a)
local rb = M.range(b)
return setmetatable({
from = ra and ra.from,
to = rb and (#parts == 3 and rb.from or rb.to),
@ -209,40 +298,40 @@ function LazyM.range(spec)
---@param v string
---@param v string|Version
---@return string
local function create_err_msg(v)
if type(v) == 'string' then
return string.format('invalid version: "%s"', tostring(v))
elseif type(v) == 'table' and v.major then
return string.format('invalid version: %s', vim.inspect(v))
return string.format('invalid version: %s (%s)', tostring(v), type(v))
--- Throws an error if `version` cannot be parsed.
---@param v string
local function assert_version(v, opt)
local rv = M.parse(v, opt)
if rv == nil then
return rv
--- Parses and compares two version strings.
--- Parses and compares two version version objects (the result of |vim.version.parse()|, or
--- specified literally as a `{major, minor, patch}` tuple, e.g. `{1, 0, 3}`).
--- semver notes:
--- - Build metadata MUST be ignored when comparing versions.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- if vim.version.cmp({1,0,3}, {0,2,1}) == 0 then
--- -- ...
--- end
--- local v1 = vim.version.parse('1.0.3-pre')
--- local v2 = vim.version.parse('0.2.1')
--- if vim.version.cmp(v1, v2) == 0 then
--- -- ...
--- end
--- </pre>
---@param v1 string Version.
---@param v2 string Version to compare with v1.
---@param opts table|nil Optional keyword arguments:
--- - strict (boolean): see `version.parse` for details. Defaults to false.
---@return integer `-1` if `v1 < v2`, `0` if `v1 == v2`, `1` if `v1 > v2`.
function M.cmp(v1, v2, opts)
opts = opts or { strict = false }
local v1_parsed = assert_version(v1, opts)
local v2_parsed = assert_version(v2, opts)
--- @note Per semver, build metadata is ignored when comparing two otherwise-equivalent versions.
---@param v1 Version|number[] Version object.
---@param v2 Version|number[] Version to compare with `v1`.
---@return integer -1 if `v1 < v2`, 0 if `v1 == v2`, 1 if `v1 > v2`.
function M.cmp(v1, v2)
local v1_parsed = assert(M._version(v1), create_err_msg(v1))
local v2_parsed = assert(M._version(v2), create_err_msg(v1))
if v1_parsed == v2_parsed then
return 0
@ -252,58 +341,50 @@ function M.cmp(v1, v2, opts)
return -1
--- Parses a semantic version string.
--- Ignores leading "v" and surrounding whitespace, e.g. " v1.0.1-rc1+build.2",
--- "1.0.1-rc1+build.2", "v1.0.1-rc1+build.2" and "v1.0.1-rc1+build.2 " are all parsed as:
--- <pre>
--- { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 1, prerelease = "rc1", build = "build.2" }
--- </pre>
---@param version string Version string to be parsed.
---@param opts table|nil Optional keyword arguments:
--- - strict (boolean): Default false. If `true`, no coercion is attempted on
--- input not strictly conforming to semver v2.0.0
--- (https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). E.g. `parse("v1.2")` returns nil.
---@return table|nil parsed_version Parsed version table or `nil` if `version` is invalid.
function M.parse(version, opts)
if type(version) ~= 'string' then
opts = opts or { strict = false }
if opts.strict then
return LazyM.version(version, true)
version = vim.trim(version) -- TODO: add more "scrubbing".
return LazyM.version(version, false)
---Returns `true` if `v1` are `v2` are equal versions.
---@param v1 string
---@param v2 string
---Returns `true` if the given versions are equal.
---@param v1 Version|number[]
---@param v2 Version|number[]
---@return boolean
function M.eq(v1, v2)
return M.cmp(v1, v2) == 0
---Returns `true` if `v1` is less than `v2`.
---@param v1 string
---@param v2 string
---Returns `true` if `v1 < v2`.
---@param v1 Version|number[]
---@param v2 Version|number[]
---@return boolean
function M.lt(v1, v2)
return M.cmp(v1, v2) == -1
---Returns `true` if `v1` is greater than `v2`.
---@param v1 string
---@param v2 string
---Returns `true` if `v1 > v2`.
---@param v1 Version|number[]
---@param v2 Version|number[]
---@return boolean
function M.gt(v1, v2)
return M.cmp(v1, v2) == 1
--- Parses a semantic version string and returns a version object which can be used with other
--- `vim.version` functions. For example "1.0.1-rc1+build.2" returns:
--- <pre>
--- { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 1, prerelease = "rc1", build = "build.2" }
--- </pre>
--- @see # https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
---@param version string Version string to parse.
---@param opts table|nil Optional keyword arguments:
--- - strict (boolean): Default false. If `true`, no coercion is attempted on
--- input not conforming to semver v2.0.0. If `false`, `parse()` attempts to
--- coerce input such as "1.0", "0-x", "tmux 3.2a" into valid versions.
---@return table|nil parsed_version Version object or `nil` if input is invalid.
function M.parse(version, opts)
assert(type(version) == 'string', create_err_msg(version))
opts = opts or { strict = false }
return M._version(version, opts.strict)
setmetatable(M, {
__call = function()
return vim.fn.api_info().version

View File

@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
local matches = helpers.matches
local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err
local version = require('vim.version')
local Semver = version.LazyM
local function v(ver)
return Semver.version(ver)
return vim.version._version(ver)
describe('version', function()
@ -20,13 +17,13 @@ describe('version', function()
eq({ major = 42, minor = 3, patch = 99 }, exec_lua("return vim.version.parse('v42.3.99')"))
describe('lazy semver version', function()
describe('_version()', function()
local tests = {
['v1.2.3'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 },
['v1.2'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0 },
['v1.2.3-prerelease'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'prerelease' },
['v1.2-prerelease'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0, prerelease = 'prerelease' },
['v1.2.3-prerelease+build'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'prerelease', build = "build" },
['v1.2.3-prerelease+build'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'prerelease', build = 'build' },
['1.2.3+build'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, build = 'build' },
for input, output in pairs(tests) do
@ -36,7 +33,7 @@ describe('version', function()
describe('lazy semver range', function()
describe('range', function()
local tests = {
['1.2.3'] = { from = { 1, 2, 3 }, to = { 1, 2, 4 } },
['1.2'] = { from = { 1, 2, 0 }, to = { 1, 3, 0 } },
@ -64,51 +61,34 @@ describe('version', function()
for input, output in pairs(tests) do
output.from = v(output.from)
output.to = output.to and v(output.to)
local range = vim.version.range(input)
local range = Semver.range(input)
it('parses ' .. input, function()
eq(output, range)
it('[from] in range ' .. input, function()
it('[from-1] not in range ' .. input, function()
local lower = vim.deepcopy(range.from)
lower.major = lower.major - 1
assert(not range:matches(lower))
assert(not range:has(lower))
it('[to] not in range ' .. input .. ' to:' .. tostring(range and range.to), function()
it('[to] not in range ' .. input .. ' to:' .. tostring(range.to), function()
if range.to then
assert(not (range.to < range.to))
assert(not range:matches(range.to))
assert(not range:has(range.to))
it("handles prerelease", function()
assert(not Semver.range('1.2.3'):matches('1.2.3-alpha'))
assert(not Semver.range('1.2.3-alpha'):matches('1.2.3-beta'))
describe('lazy semver order', function()
it('is correct', function()
assert(v('v1.2.3') == v('1.2.3'))
assert(not (v('v1.2.3') < v('1.2.3')))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.2.3-prerelease'))
assert(v('v1.2.3-alpha') < v('1.2.3-beta'))
assert(v('v1.2.3-prerelease') < v('1.2.3'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.2.3'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.0.3'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.2.2'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.2.2'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.0.3'))
eq(version.last({ v('1.2.3'), v('2.0.0') }), v('2.0.0'))
eq(version.last({ v('2.0.0'), v('1.2.3') }), v('2.0.0'))
it('handles prerelease', function()
assert(not vim.version.range('1.2.3'):has('1.2.3-alpha'))
assert(not vim.version.range('1.2.3-alpha'):has('1.2.3-beta'))
@ -143,12 +123,11 @@ describe('version', function()
{ v1 = '1.0.0-beta.11', v2 = '1.0.0-rc.1', want = -1, },
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
local want = ('v1 %s v2'):format(tc.want == 0 and '==' or (tc.want == 1 and '>' or '<'))
local msg = function(s) return ('v1 %s v2'):format(s == 0 and '==' or (s == 1 and '>' or '<')) end
it(string.format('(v1 = %s, v2 = %s)', tc.v1, tc.v2),
local rv = version.cmp(tc.v1, tc.v2, { strict = true })
local got = ('v1 %s v2'):format(rv == 0 and '==' or (rv == 1 and '>' or '<'))
ok(tc.want == rv, want, got)
local rv = vim.version.cmp(tc.v1, tc.v2, { strict = true })
ok(tc.want == rv, msg(tc.want), msg(rv))
@ -157,47 +136,19 @@ describe('version', function()
describe('parse()', function()
describe('strict=true', function()
local testcases = {
desc = 'Nvim version',
version = 'v0.9.0-dev-1233+g210120dde81e',
want = { major = 0, minor = 9, patch = 0, prerelease = 'dev-1233', build = 'g210120dde81e', },
desc = 'no leading v',
version = '10.20.123',
want = { major = 10, minor = 20, patch = 123, prerelease = nil, build = nil, },
desc = 'leading v',
version = 'v1.2.3',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 },
desc = 'prerelease',
version = '1.2.3-alpha',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'alpha' },
desc = 'prerelease and other identifiers',
version = '1.2.3-alpha.1',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'alpha.1' },
desc = 'build',
version = '1.2.3+build.15',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, build = 'build.15' },
desc = 'prerelease and build',
version = '1.2.3-rc1+build.15',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'rc1', build = 'build.15', },
{ desc = 'Nvim version', version = 'v0.9.0-dev-1233+g210120dde81e', want = { major = 0, minor = 9, patch = 0, prerelease = 'dev-1233', build = 'g210120dde81e', }, },
{ desc = 'no v', version = '10.20.123', want = { major = 10, minor = 20, patch = 123, prerelease = nil, build = nil, }, },
{ desc = 'with v', version = 'v1.2.3', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }, },
{ desc = 'prerelease', version = '1.2.3-alpha', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'alpha' }, },
{ desc = 'prerelease.x', version = '1.2.3-alpha.1', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'alpha.1' }, },
{ desc = 'build.x', version = '1.2.3+build.15', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, build = 'build.15' }, },
{ desc = 'prerelease and build', version = '1.2.3-rc1+build.15', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'rc1', build = 'build.15', }, },
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
string.format('%q: version = %q', tc.desc, tc.version),
eq(tc.want, version.parse(tc.version))
eq(tc.want, vim.version.parse(tc.version))
@ -211,12 +162,13 @@ describe('version', function()
{ version = '1-1.0', want = { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 0, prerelease = '1.0' }, },
{ version = 'v1.2.3 ', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }, },
{ version = ' v1.2.3', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }, },
{ version = 'tmux 3.2a', want = { major = 3, minor = 2, patch = 0, }, },
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
string.format('version = %q', tc.version),
eq(tc.want, version.parse(tc.version, { strict = false }))
eq(tc.want, vim.version.parse(tc.version, { strict = false }))
@ -236,6 +188,8 @@ describe('version', function()
{ version = '1.2.3-%?' },
{ version = '1.2.3+%?' },
{ version = '1.2.3+build.0-rc1' },
{ version = '3.2a', },
{ version = 'tmux 3.2a', },
local function quote_empty(s)
@ -244,7 +198,7 @@ describe('version', function()
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
it(quote_empty(tc.version), function()
eq(nil, version.parse(tc.version, { strict = true }))
eq(nil, vim.version.parse(tc.version, { strict = true }))
@ -261,21 +215,42 @@ describe('version', function()
it(string.format('(%s): %s', tc.desc, tostring(tc.version)), function()
local expected = string.format(type(tc.version) == 'string'
and 'invalid version: "%s"' or 'invalid version: %s', tostring(tc.version))
matches(expected, pcall_err(version.parse, tc.version, { strict = true }))
matches(expected, pcall_err(vim.version.parse, tc.version, { strict = true }))
it('relational metamethods (== < >)', function()
assert(v('v1.2.3') == v('1.2.3'))
assert(not (v('v1.2.3') < v('1.2.3')))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.2.3-prerelease'))
assert(v('v1.2.3-alpha') < v('1.2.3-beta'))
assert(v('v1.2.3-prerelease') < v('1.2.3'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.2.3'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.0.3'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.2.2'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.2.2'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.0.3'))
eq(vim.version.last({ v('1.2.3'), v('2.0.0') }), v('2.0.0'))
eq(vim.version.last({ v('2.0.0'), v('1.2.3') }), v('2.0.0'))
it('lt()', function()
eq(true, version.lt('1', '2'))
eq(true, vim.version.lt('1', '2'))
eq(false, vim.version.lt({3}, {0, 7, 4}))
eq(false, vim.version.lt({major=3, minor=3, patch=0}, {3, 2, 0}))
it('gt()', function()
eq(true, version.gt('2', '1'))
eq(true, vim.version.gt('2', '1'))
eq(true, vim.version.gt({3}, {0, 7, 4}))
eq(true, vim.version.gt({major=3, minor=3, patch=0}, {3, 2, 0}))
it('eq()', function()
eq(true, version.eq('2', '2'))
eq(true, vim.version.eq('2', '2'))
eq(true, vim.version.eq({3, 1, 0}, '3.1.0'))
eq(true, vim.version.eq({major=3, minor=3, patch=0}, {3, 3, 0}))

View File

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ describe(':terminal buffer', function()
-- Save the buffer number of the terminal for later testing.
local tbuf = eval('bufnr("%")')
local exitcmd = helpers.is_os('win')
local exitcmd = is_os('win')
and "['cmd', '/c', 'exit']"
or "['sh', '-c', 'exit']"