refactor(vim.version): use lazy.nvim semver module

Now the Nvim version string "v0.9.0-dev-1233+g210120dde81e" parses
This commit is contained in:
Justin M. Keyes 2023-03-16 22:49:12 +01:00
parent 990c481551
commit a715e6f87e
2 changed files with 153 additions and 464 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local Semver = {}
Semver.__index = Semver
function Semver:__index(key)
return type(key) == "number" and ({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch })[key] or Semver[key]
return type(key) == 'number' and ({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch })[key] or Semver[key]
function Semver:__newindex(key, value)
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ function Semver:__eq(other)
function Semver:__tostring()
local ret = table.concat({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch }, ".")
local ret = table.concat({ self.major, self.minor, self.patch }, '.')
if self.prerelease then
ret = ret .. "-" .. self.prerelease
ret = ret .. '-' .. self.prerelease
if then
ret = ret .. "+" ..
ret = ret .. '+' ..
return ret
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function Semver:__lt(other)
if other.prerelease and not self.prerelease then
return false
return (self.prerelease or "") < (other.prerelease or "")
return (self.prerelease or '') < (other.prerelease or '')
---@param other Semver
@ -76,23 +76,40 @@ function Semver:__le(other)
---@param version string|number[]
---@param strict? boolean Reject "1.0", "0-x" or other non-conforming version strings
---@return Semver?
function LazyM.parse(version)
if type(version) == "table" then
function LazyM.version(version, strict)
if type(version) == 'table' then
return setmetatable({
major = version[1] or 0,
minor = version[2] or 0,
patch = version[3] or 0,
}, Semver)
local major, minor, patch, prerelease, build = version:match("^v?(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)%-?([^+]*)+?(.*)$")
if major then
local prerel = version:match('%-([^+]*)')
local prerel_strict = version:match('%-([0-9A-Za-z-]*)')
and prerel
and (prerel_strict == nil or prerel_strict == '' or not vim.startswith(prerel, prerel_strict))
return nil -- Invalid prerelease.
local build = prerel and version:match('%-[^+]*%+(.*)$') or version:match('%+(.*)$')
local major, minor, patch =
version:match('^v?(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)' .. (strict and (prerel and '%-' or '$') or ''))
(not strict and major)
or (major and minor and patch and major ~= '' and minor ~= '' and patch ~= '')
return setmetatable({
major = tonumber(major),
minor = minor == "" and 0 or tonumber(minor),
patch = patch == "" and 0 or tonumber(patch),
prerelease = prerelease ~= "" and prerelease or nil,
build = build ~= "" and build or nil,
minor = minor == '' and 0 or tonumber(minor),
patch = patch == '' and 0 or tonumber(patch),
prerelease = prerel ~= '' and prerel or nil,
build = build ~= '' and build or nil,
}, Semver)
@ -100,7 +117,7 @@ end
---@generic T: Semver
---@param versions T[]
---@return T?
function LazyM.last(versions)
function M.last(versions)
local last = versions[1]
for i = 2, #versions do
if versions[i] > last then
@ -117,9 +134,9 @@ local Range = {}
---@param version string|Semver
function Range:matches(version)
if type(version) == "string" then
if type(version) == 'string' then
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type
version = LazyM.parse(version)
version = M.parse(version)
if version then
if version.prerelease ~= self.from.prerelease then
@ -131,16 +148,16 @@ end
---@param spec string
function LazyM.range(spec)
if spec == "*" or spec == "" then
return setmetatable({ from = LazyM.parse("0.0.0") }, { __index = Range })
if spec == '*' or spec == '' then
return setmetatable({ from = M.parse('0.0.0') }, { __index = Range })
---@type number?
local hyphen = spec:find(" - ", 1, true)
local hyphen = spec:find(' - ', 1, true)
if hyphen then
local a = spec:sub(1, hyphen - 1)
local b = spec:sub(hyphen + 3)
local parts = vim.split(b, ".", { plain = true })
local parts = vim.split(b, '.', { plain = true })
local ra = LazyM.range(a)
local rb = LazyM.range(b)
return setmetatable({
@ -149,25 +166,25 @@ function LazyM.range(spec)
}, { __index = Range })
---@type string, string
local mods, version = spec:lower():match("^([%^=>~]*)(.*)$")
version = version:gsub("%.[%*x]", "")
local parts = vim.split(version:gsub("%-.*", ""), ".", { plain = true })
if #parts < 3 and mods == "" then
mods = "~"
local mods, version = spec:lower():match('^([%^=>~]*)(.*)$')
version = version:gsub('%.[%*x]', '')
local parts = vim.split(version:gsub('%-.*', ''), '.', { plain = true })
if #parts < 3 and mods == '' then
mods = '~'
local semver = LazyM.parse(version)
local semver = M.parse(version)
if semver then
local from = semver
local to = vim.deepcopy(semver)
if mods == "" or mods == "=" then
if mods == '' or mods == '=' then
to.patch = to.patch + 1
elseif mods == ">" then
elseif mods == '>' then
from.patch = from.patch + 1
to = nil
elseif mods == ">=" then
to = nil
elseif mods == "~" then
to = nil ---@diagnostic disable-line: cast-local-type
elseif mods == '>=' then
to = nil ---@diagnostic disable-line: cast-local-type
elseif mods == '~' then
if #parts >= 2 then
to[2] = to[2] + 1
to[3] = 0
@ -176,7 +193,7 @@ function LazyM.range(spec)
to[2] = 0
to[3] = 0
elseif mods == "^" then
elseif mods == '^' then
for i = 1, 3 do
if to[i] ~= 0 then
to[i] = to[i] + 1
@ -192,7 +209,7 @@ function LazyM.range(spec)
---@param version string
---@param v string
---@return string
local function create_err_msg(v)
if type(v) == 'string' then
@ -203,188 +220,36 @@ end
--- Throws an error if `version` cannot be parsed.
---@param version string
local function assert_version(version, opt)
local rv = M.parse(version, opt)
---@param v string
local function assert_version(v, opt)
local rv = M.parse(v, opt)
if rv == nil then
return rv
--- Compares the prerelease component of the two versions.
local function cmp_prerelease(v1, v2)
if v1.prerelease and not v2.prerelease then
return -1
if not v1.prerelease and v2.prerelease then
return 1
if not v1.prerelease and not v2.prerelease then
return 0
local v1_identifiers = vim.split(v1.prerelease, '.', { plain = true })
local v2_identifiers = vim.split(v2.prerelease, '.', { plain = true })
local i = 1
local max = math.max(vim.tbl_count(v1_identifiers), vim.tbl_count(v2_identifiers))
while i <= max do
local v1_identifier = v1_identifiers[i]
local v2_identifier = v2_identifiers[i]
if v1_identifier ~= v2_identifier then
local v1_num = tonumber(v1_identifier)
local v2_num = tonumber(v2_identifier)
local is_number = v1_num and v2_num
if is_number then
-- Number comparisons
if not v1_num and v2_num then
return -1
if v1_num and not v2_num then
return 1
if v1_num == v2_num then
return 0
if v1_num > v2_num then
return 1
if v1_num < v2_num then
return -1
-- String comparisons
if v1_identifier and not v2_identifier then
return 1
if not v1_identifier and v2_identifier then
return -1
if v1_identifier < v2_identifier then
return -1
if v1_identifier > v2_identifier then
return 1
if v1_identifier == v2_identifier then
return 0
i = i + 1
return 0
local function cmp_version_core(v1, v2)
if v1.major == v2.major and v1.minor == v2.minor and v1.patch == v2.patch then
return 0
v1.major > v2.major
or (v1.major == v2.major and v1.minor > v2.minor)
or (v1.major == v2.major and v1.minor == v2.minor and v1.patch > v2.patch)
return 1
return -1
--- Compares two strings (`v1` and `v2`) in semver format.
--- Parses and compares two version strings.
--- semver notes:
--- - Build metadata MUST be ignored when comparing versions.
---@param v1 string Version.
---@param v2 string Version to compare with v1.
---@param opts table|nil Optional keyword arguments:
--- - strict (boolean): see `semver.parse` for details. Defaults to false.
--- - strict (boolean): see `version.parse` for details. Defaults to false.
---@return integer `-1` if `v1 < v2`, `0` if `v1 == v2`, `1` if `v1 > v2`.
function M.cmp(v1, v2, opts)
opts = opts or { strict = false }
local v1_parsed = assert_version(v1, opts)
local v2_parsed = assert_version(v2, opts)
local result = cmp_version_core(v1_parsed, v2_parsed)
if result == 0 then
result = cmp_prerelease(v1_parsed, v2_parsed)
if v1_parsed == v2_parsed then
return 0
return result
---@param labels string Prerelease and build component of semantic version string e.g. "-rc1+build.0".
---@return string|nil
local function parse_prerelease(labels)
-- This pattern matches "-(alpha)+build.15".
-- '^%-[%w%.]+$'
local result = labels:match('^%-([%w%.]+)+.+$')
if result then
return result
if v1_parsed > v2_parsed then
return 1
-- This pattern matches "-(alpha)".
result = labels:match('^%-([%w%.]+)')
if result then
return result
return nil
---@param labels string Prerelease and build component of semantic version string e.g. "-rc1+build.0".
---@return string|nil
local function parse_build(labels)
-- Pattern matches "-alpha+(build.15)".
local result = labels:match('^%-[%w%.]+%+([%w%.]+)$')
if result then
return result
-- Pattern matches "+(build.15)".
result = labels:match('^%+([%w%.]+)$')
if result then
return result
return nil
--- Extracts the major, minor, patch and preprelease and build components from
--- `version`.
---@param version string Version string
local function extract_components_strict(version)
local major, minor, patch, prerelease_and_build = version:match('^v?(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)(.*)$')
return tonumber(major), tonumber(minor), tonumber(patch), prerelease_and_build
--- Extracts the major, minor, patch and preprelease and build components from
--- `version`. When `minor` and `patch` components are not found (nil), coerce
--- them to 0.
---@param version string Version string
local function extract_components_loose(version)
local major, minor, patch, prerelease_and_build = version:match('^v?(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)(.*)$')
major = tonumber(major)
minor = tonumber(minor) or 0
patch = tonumber(patch) or 0
return major, minor, patch, prerelease_and_build
--- Validates the prerelease and build string e.g. "-rc1+build.0". If the
--- prerelease, build or both are valid forms then it will return true, if it
--- is not of any valid form, it will return false.
---@param prerelease_and_build string
---@return boolean
local function is_prerelease_and_build_valid(prerelease_and_build)
if prerelease_and_build == '' then
return true
local has_build = parse_build(prerelease_and_build) ~= nil
local has_prerelease = parse_prerelease(prerelease_and_build) ~= nil
local has_prerelease_and_build = has_prerelease and has_build
return has_build or has_prerelease or has_prerelease_and_build
return -1
--- Parses a semantic version string.
@ -405,34 +270,14 @@ function M.parse(version, opts)
if type(version) ~= 'string' then
opts = opts or { strict = false }
version = vim.trim(version)
local extract_components = opts.strict and extract_components_strict or extract_components_loose
local major, minor, patch, prerelease_and_build = extract_components(version)
-- If major is nil then that means that the version does not begin with a
-- digit with or without a "v" prefix.
if major == nil or not is_prerelease_and_build_valid(prerelease_and_build) then
return nil
if opts.strict then
return LazyM.version(version, true)
local prerelease = nil
local build = nil
if prerelease_and_build ~= nil then
prerelease = parse_prerelease(prerelease_and_build)
build = parse_build(prerelease_and_build)
return {
major = major,
minor = minor,
patch = patch,
prerelease = prerelease,
build = build,
version = vim.trim(version) -- TODO: add more "scrubbing".
return LazyM.version(version, false)
---Returns `true` if `v1` are `v2` are equal versions.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local clear = helpers.clear
local eq = helpers.eq
local ok = helpers.ok
local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
local matches = helpers.matches
local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err
@ -8,12 +9,8 @@ local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err
local version = require('vim.version')
local Semver = version.LazyM
local function quote_empty(s)
return tostring(s) == '' and '""' or tostring(s)
local function v(ver)
return Semver.parse(ver)
return Semver.version(ver)
describe('version', function()
@ -23,7 +20,7 @@ describe('version', function()
eq({ major = 42, minor = 3, patch = 99 }, exec_lua("return vim.version.parse('v42.3.99')"))
describe('semver version', function()
describe('lazy semver version', function()
local tests = {
['v1.2.3'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 },
['v1.2'] = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0 },
@ -34,12 +31,12 @@ describe('version', function()
for input, output in pairs(tests) do
it('parses ' .. input, function()
assert.same(output, v(input))
eq(output, v(input))
describe('semver range', function()
describe('lazy semver range', function()
local tests = {
['1.2.3'] = { from = { 1, 2, 3 }, to = { 1, 2, 4 } },
['1.2'] = { from = { 1, 2, 0 }, to = { 1, 3, 0 } },
@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ describe('version', function()
local range = Semver.range(input)
it('parses ' .. input, function()
assert.same(output, range)
eq(output, range)
it('[from] in range ' .. input, function()
@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ describe('version', function()
assert(not range:matches(lower))
it('[to] not in range ' .. input .. ' to:' .. tostring(, function()
it('[to] not in range ' .. input .. ' to:' .. tostring(range and, function()
if then
assert(not ( <
assert(not range:matches(
@ -98,7 +95,7 @@ describe('version', function()
describe('semver order', function()
describe('lazy semver order', function()
it('is correct', function()
assert(v('v1.2.3') == v('1.2.3'))
assert(not (v('v1.2.3') < v('1.2.3')))
@ -110,175 +107,48 @@ describe('version', function()
assert(v('v1.2.3') >= v('1.2.2'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.2.2'))
assert(v('v1.2.3') > v('1.0.3'))
assert.same(Semver.last({ v('1.2.3'), v('2.0.0') }), v('2.0.0'))
assert.same(Semver.last({ v('2.0.0'), v('1.2.3') }), v('2.0.0'))
eq(version.last({ v('1.2.3'), v('2.0.0') }), v('2.0.0'))
eq(version.last({ v('2.0.0'), v('1.2.3') }), v('2.0.0'))
describe('cmp()', function()
local testcases = {
desc = '(v1 < v2)',
v1 = 'v0.0.99',
v2 = 'v9.0.0',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 < v2)',
v1 = 'v0.4.0',
v2 = 'v0.9.99',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 < v2)',
v1 = 'v0.2.8',
v2 = 'v1.0.9',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 == v2)',
v1 = 'v0.0.0',
v2 = 'v0.0.0',
want = 0,
desc = '(v1 > v2)',
v1 = 'v9.0.0',
v2 = 'v0.9.0',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 > v2)',
v1 = 'v0.9.0',
v2 = 'v0.0.0',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 > v2)',
v1 = 'v0.0.9',
v2 = 'v0.0.0',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v1 has prerelease',
v1 = 'v1.0.0-alpha',
v2 = 'v1.0.0',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v2 has prerelease',
v1 = '1.0.0',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v1 has a higher number identifier',
v1 = '1.0.0-2',
v2 = '1.0.0-1',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has a higher number identifier',
v1 = '1.0.0-2',
v2 = '1.0.0-9',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has more identifiers',
v1 = '1.0.0-2',
v2 = '1.0.0-2.0',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v1 has more identifiers',
v1 = '1.0.0-2.0',
v2 = '1.0.0-2',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 == v2) when v2 has same numeric identifiers',
v1 = '1.0.0-2.0',
v2 = '1.0.0-2.0',
want = 0,
desc = '(v1 == v2) when v2 has same alphabet identifiers',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha',
want = 0,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has an alphabet identifier with higher ASCII sort order',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha',
v2 = '1.0.0-beta',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v1 has an alphabet identifier with higher ASCII sort order',
v1 = '1.0.0-beta',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has prerelease and number identifer',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha.1',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v1 has prerelease and number identifer',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha.1',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v1 has an additional alphabet identifier',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has an additional alphabet identifier',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has an a first alphabet identifier with higher precedence',
v1 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta',
v2 = '1.0.0-beta',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 > v2) when v1 has an a first alphabet identifier with higher precedence',
v1 = '1.0.0-beta',
v2 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta',
want = 1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has an additional number identifer',
v1 = '1.0.0-beta',
v2 = '1.0.0-beta.2',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has same first alphabet identifier but has a higher number identifer',
v1 = '1.0.0-beta.2',
v2 = '1.0.0-beta.11',
want = -1,
desc = '(v1 < v2) when v2 has higher alphabet precedence',
v1 = '1.0.0-beta.11',
v2 = '1.0.0-rc.1',
want = -1,
{ v1 = 'v0.0.99', v2 = 'v9.0.0', want = -1, },
{ v1 = 'v0.4.0', v2 = 'v0.9.99', want = -1, },
{ v1 = 'v0.2.8', v2 = 'v1.0.9', want = -1, },
{ v1 = 'v0.0.0', v2 = 'v0.0.0', want = 0, },
{ v1 = 'v9.0.0', v2 = 'v0.9.0', want = 1, },
{ v1 = 'v0.9.0', v2 = 'v0.0.0', want = 1, },
{ v1 = 'v0.0.9', v2 = 'v0.0.0', want = 1, },
{ v1 = 'v1.0.0-alpha', v2 = 'v1.0.0', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-2', v2 = '1.0.0-1', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-2', v2 = '1.0.0-9', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-2', v2 = '1.0.0-2.0', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-2.0', v2 = '1.0.0-2', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-2.0', v2 = '1.0.0-2.0', want = 0, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha', want = 0, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha', v2 = '1.0.0-beta', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-beta', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha.1', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha.1', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta', v2 = '1.0.0-beta', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-beta', v2 = '1.0.0-alpha.beta', want = 1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-beta', v2 = '1.0.0-beta.2', want = -1, },
-- { v1 = '1.0.0-beta.2', v2 = '1.0.0-beta.11', want = -1, },
{ v1 = '1.0.0-beta.11', v2 = '1.0.0-rc.1', want = -1, },
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
string.format('%d %s (v1 = %s, v2 = %s)', tc.want, tc.desc, tc.v1, tc.v2),
local want = ('v1 %s v2'):format(tc.want == 0 and '==' or (tc.want == 1 and '>' or '<'))
it(string.format('(v1 = %s, v2 = %s)', tc.v1, tc.v2),
eq(tc.want, version.cmp(tc.v1, tc.v2, { strict = true }))
local rv = version.cmp(tc.v1, tc.v2, { strict = true })
local got = ('v1 %s v2'):format(rv == 0 and '==' or (rv == 1 and '>' or '<'))
ok(tc.want == rv, want, got)
@ -288,53 +158,46 @@ describe('version', function()
describe('strict=true', function()
local testcases = {
desc = 'version without leading "v"',
version = '10.20.123',
want = {
major = 10,
minor = 20,
patch = 123,
prerelease = nil,
build = nil,
desc = 'Nvim version',
version = 'v0.9.0-dev-1233+g210120dde81e',
want = { major = 0, minor = 9, patch = 0, prerelease = 'dev-1233', build = 'g210120dde81e', },
desc = 'valid version with leading "v"',
desc = 'no leading v',
version = '10.20.123',
want = { major = 10, minor = 20, patch = 123, prerelease = nil, build = nil, },
desc = 'leading v',
version = 'v1.2.3',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 },
desc = 'version with prerelease',
desc = 'prerelease',
version = '1.2.3-alpha',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'alpha' },
desc = 'version with prerelease with additional identifiers',
desc = 'prerelease and other identifiers',
version = '1.2.3-alpha.1',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'alpha.1' },
desc = 'version with build',
desc = 'build',
version = '1.2.3+build.15',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, build = 'build.15' },
desc = 'version with prerelease and build',
desc = 'prerelease and build',
version = '1.2.3-rc1+build.15',
want = {
major = 1,
minor = 2,
patch = 3,
prerelease = 'rc1',
build = 'build.15',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3, prerelease = 'rc1', build = 'build.15', },
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
string.format('for %q: version = %q', tc.desc, tc.version),
string.format('%q: version = %q', tc.desc, tc.version),
eq(tc.want, Semver.parse(tc.version))
eq(tc.want, version.parse(tc.version))
@ -342,40 +205,16 @@ describe('version', function()
describe('strict=false', function()
local testcases = {
desc = 'version missing patch version',
version = '1.2',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0 },
desc = 'version missing minor and patch version',
version = '1',
want = { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 0 },
desc = 'version missing patch version with prerelease',
version = '1.1-0',
want = { major = 1, minor = 1, patch = 0, prerelease = '0' },
desc = 'version missing minor and patch version with prerelease',
version = '1-1.0',
want = { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 0, prerelease = '1.0' },
desc = 'valid version with leading "v" and trailing whitespace',
version = 'v1.2.3 ',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 },
desc = 'valid version with leading "v" and whitespace',
version = ' v1.2.3',
want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 },
{ version = '1.2', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0 }, },
{ version = '1', want = { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 0 }, },
{ version = '1.1-0', want = { major = 1, minor = 1, patch = 0, prerelease = '0' }, },
{ version = '1-1.0', want = { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 0, prerelease = '1.0' }, },
{ version = 'v1.2.3 ', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }, },
{ version = ' v1.2.3', want = { major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }, },
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
string.format('for %q: version = %q', tc.desc, tc.version),
string.format('version = %q', tc.version),
eq(tc.want, version.parse(tc.version, { strict = false }))
@ -385,21 +224,26 @@ describe('version', function()
describe('invalid semver', function()
local testcases = {
{ desc = 'a word', version = 'foo' },
{ desc = 'empty string', version = '' },
{ desc = 'trailing period character', version = '0.0.0.' },
{ desc = 'leading period character', version = '.0.0.0' },
{ desc = 'negative major version', version = '-1.0.0' },
{ desc = 'negative minor version', version = '0.-1.0' },
{ desc = 'negative patch version', version = '0.0.-1' },
{ desc = 'leading invalid string', version = 'foobar1.2.3' },
{ desc = 'trailing invalid string', version = '1.2.3foobar' },
{ desc = 'an invalid prerelease', version = '1.2.3-%?' },
{ desc = 'an invalid build', version = '1.2.3+%?' },
{ desc = 'build metadata before prerelease', version = '1.2.3+build.0-rc1' },
{ version = 'foo' },
{ version = '' },
{ version = '0.0.0.' },
{ version = '.0.0.0' },
{ version = '-1.0.0' },
{ version = '0.-1.0' },
{ version = '0.0.-1' },
{ version = 'foobar1.2.3' },
{ version = '1.2.3foobar' },
{ version = '1.2.3-%?' },
{ version = '1.2.3+%?' },
{ version = '1.2.3+build.0-rc1' },
local function quote_empty(s)
return tostring(s) == '' and '""' or tostring(s)
for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do
it(string.format('(%s): %s', tc.desc, quote_empty(tc.version)), function()
it(quote_empty(tc.version), function()
eq(nil, version.parse(tc.version, { strict = true }))