2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
" Vim syntax file
" Language: i3 config file
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
" Original Author: Josef Litos (JosefLitos/i3config.vim)
2022-01-11 06:14:17 -07:00
" Maintainer: Quentin Hibon (github user hiqua)
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
" Version: 1.2.1
" Last Change: 2024-04-14
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
" References:
" http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#configuring
" http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
scriptencoding utf-8
2022-07-30 06:48:32 -07:00
" Error
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigError /.\+/
2022-07-30 06:48:32 -07:00
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
" Todo
syn keyword i3ConfigTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" Helper type definitions
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigSeparator /[,;\\]/ contained
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigParen /[{}]/ contained
syn keyword i3ConfigBoolean yes no enabled disabled on off true false contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
" String in simpler (matchable end) and more robust (includes `extend` keyword) forms
syn cluster i3ConfigStrIn contains=i3ConfigShCommand,i3ConfigShDelim,i3ConfigShOper,i3ConfigShParam,@i3ConfigNumVar,i3ConfigExecAction
syn match i3ConfigString /\(["']\)[^\\"')\]}]*\1/ contained contains=@i3ConfigStrIn
syn region i3ConfigString start=/"[^\\"')\]}]*[\\')\]}]/ skip=/\\\@<=\("\|$\)/ end=/"\|$/ contained contains=@i3ConfigStrIn keepend extend
syn region i3ConfigString start=/'[^\\"')\]}]*[\\")\]}]/ skip=/\\\@<=$/ end=/'\|$/ contained contains=@i3ConfigStrIn keepend extend
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigColor /#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3,8}/ contained
syn match i3ConfigNumber /[0-9A-Za-z_$-]\@<!-\?\d\+\w\@!/ contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
" Grouping of common usages
syn cluster i3ConfigStrVar contains=i3ConfigString,i3ConfigVariable
syn cluster i3ConfigNumVar contains=i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigVariable
syn cluster i3ConfigColVar contains=i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigVariable
syn cluster i3ConfigIdent contains=i3ConfigString,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigVariable
syn cluster i3ConfigValue contains=@i3ConfigIdent,i3ConfigBoolean
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.1 Include directive
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigIncludeCommand /`[^`]*`/ contained contains=@i3ConfigSh
syn region i3ConfigParamLine matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/include / end=/$/ contained contains=@i3ConfigStrVar,i3ConfigIncludeCommand,i3ConfigShOper keepend
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigComment /^\s*#.*$/ contained contains=i3ConfigTodo
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.3 Fonts
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigFontSize / \d\+\(px\)\?$/ contained
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigColonOperator /:/ contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigFontNamespace /pango:/ contained contains=i3ConfigColonOperator
syn region i3ConfigParamLine matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/font / skip=/\\$/ end=/$/ contained contains=i3ConfigFontNamespace,i3ConfigFontSize,i3ConfigSeparator keepend containedin=i3ConfigBarBlock
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.4-4.5 Keyboard/Mouse bindings
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigBindArgument /--\(release\|border\|whole-window\|exclude-titlebar\) / contained nextgroup=i3ConfigBindArgument,i3ConfigBindCombo
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigBindModifier /+/ contained
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigBindModkey Ctrl Shift Mod1 Mod2 Mod3 Mod4 Mod5 contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigBindCombo /[$0-9A-Za-z_+]\+/ contained contains=i3ConfigBindModifier,i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey nextgroup=i3ConfigBind
syn cluster i3ConfigBinder contains=i3ConfigCriteria,@i3ConfigCommand,i3ConfigSeparator
syn region i3ConfigBind start=/\zs/ skip=/\\$/ end=/$/ contained contains=@i3ConfigBinder keepend
syn keyword i3ConfigBindKeyword bindsym bindcode contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBindArgument,i3ConfigBindCombo
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.6 Binding modes
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigModeBlock matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/^mode\ze\( --pango_markup\)\? \([^'" {]\+\|'[^']\+'\|".\+"\)\s\+{$/ end=/^}\zs$/ contained contains=i3ConfigShParam,@i3ConfigStrVar,i3ConfigBindKeyword,i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigParen fold keepend extend
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.7 Floating modifier
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword floating_modifier contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindModkey
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.8 Floating window size
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigSizeSpecial x contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigSize /-\?\d\+ x -\?\d\+/ contained contains=i3ConfigSizeSpecial,i3ConfigNumber
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword floating_maximum_size floating_minimum_size contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigSize
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.9 Orientation
syn keyword i3ConfigOrientationOpts vertical horizontal auto contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword default_orientation contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOrientationOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.10 Layout mode
syn keyword i3ConfigWorkspaceLayoutOpts default stacking tabbed contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword workspace_layout contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigWorkspaceLayoutOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.11 Title alignment
syn keyword i3ConfigTitleAlignOpts left center right contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword title_align contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigTitleAlignOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
" 4.12 Border size
syn keyword i3ConfigBorderOpts none normal pixel contained skipwhite nextgroup=@i3ConfigNumVar
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword default_floating_border default_border contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBorderOpts
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.13 Hide edge borders
syn keyword i3ConfigEdgeOpts none vertical horizontal both smart smart_no_gaps contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword hide_edge_borders contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigEdgeOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.14 Smart Borders
syn keyword i3ConfigSmartBorderOpts no_gaps contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword smart_borders contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigSmartBorderOpts,i3ConfigBoolean
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.15 Arbitrary commands
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword for_window contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigCriteria
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.16 No opening focus
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword no_focus contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigCondition
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.17 Variables
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigVariable /\$[0-9A-Za-z_:|[\]-]\+/
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigSet start=/\$/ skip=/\\$/ end=/$/ contained contains=@i3ConfigSh,@i3ConfigValue,i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigBindModkey keepend
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword set contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigSet
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.18 X resources
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigParamLine matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/set_from_resource\ze \$/ end=/$/ contained contains=@i3ConfigColVar,i3ConfigDotOperator
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.19 Assign clients to workspaces
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigAssignSpecial /→\|number/ contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigKeyword start=/assign / end=/$/ contained contains=i3ConfigAssignSpecial,i3ConfigCondition,@i3ConfigIdent keepend
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.20 Executing shell commands
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigShCommand matchgroup=i3ConfigShDelim start=/\$(/ end=/)/ contained contains=i3ConfigExecAction,i3ConfigShCommand,i3ConfigShDelim,i3ConfigShOper,i3ConfigShParam,i3ConfigString,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigVariable extend
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigShDelim /[[\]{}();`]\+/ contained
syn match i3ConfigShOper /[<>&|+=~^*!.?]\+/ contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigShParam /\<-[A-Za-z-][0-9A-Za-z_-]*\>/ contained
syn cluster i3ConfigSh contains=@i3ConfigIdent,i3ConfigShOper,i3ConfigShDelim,i3ConfigShParam,i3ConfigShCommand
syn region i3ConfigExec start=/ [^{]/ skip=/\\$/ end=/$/ contained contains=i3ConfigExecAction,@i3ConfigSh keepend
syn match i3ConfigKeyword /^\(exec_always\|exec\)/ contained nextgroup=i3ConfigExec
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.21 Workspaces per output
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigOutputIdent /[^'",; ]\+/ contained contains=@i3ConfigIdent,i3ConfigColonOperator skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent
syn region i3ConfigOutputIdent start=/['"]/ end=/\ze/ contained contains=@i3ConfigIdent skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent
syn keyword i3ConfigOutput output contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent
syn match i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent /[^'",; ]\+/ contained contains=@i3ConfigIdent skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigGaps,i3ConfigOutput
syn region i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent start=/['"]/ end=/\ze/ contained contains=@i3ConfigIdent skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigGaps,i3ConfigOutput
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword workspace contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.22 Changing colors
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigClientOpts focused focused_inactive focused_tab_title unfocused urgent placeholder background contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigColorSeq
syn match i3ConfigDotOperator /\./ contained nextgroup=i3ConfigClientOpts
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword client contained nextgroup=i3ConfigDotOperator
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.23 Interprocess communication
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigParamLine matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/ipc-socket / end=/$/ contained contains=i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigShOper
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.24 Focus follows mouse
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseOpts always contained
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword focus_follows_mouse contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBoolean,i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.25 Mouse warping
syn keyword i3ConfigMouseWarpingOpts output container none contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword mouse_warping contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMouseWarpingOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.26 Popups while fullscreen
syn keyword i3ConfigPopupFullscreenOpts smart ignore leave_fullscreen contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword popup_during_fullscreen contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigPopupFullscreenOpts
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.27 Focus wrapping
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusWrappingOpts force workspace contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword focus_wrapping contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBoolean,i3ConfigFocusWrappingOpts
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.28 Forcing Xinerama
" 4.29 Automatic workspace back-and-forth
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
" 4.32 Show marks in title
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword force_xinerama workspace_auto_back_and_forth show_marks contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBoolean
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.30 Delay urgency hint
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigTimeUnit / \d\+\( ms\)\?$/ contained contains=i3ConfigNumber
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword force_display_urgency_hint contained nextgroup=i3ConfigTimeUnit
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.31 Focus on window activation
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusOnActivationOpts smart urgent focus none contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword focus_on_window_activation contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigFocusOnActivationOpts
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 4.34 Tiling drag
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigTilingDragOpts modifier titlebar contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigTilingDragOpts
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword tiling_drag contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigTilingDragOpts,i3ConfigBoolean
" 4.35 Gaps (+6.24)
syn keyword i3ConfigGapsWhich inner outer horizontal vertical left right top bottom contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigGapsWhere,@i3ConfigNumVar
syn keyword i3ConfigGapsWhere current all contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigGapsOper
syn keyword i3ConfigGapsOper set plus minus toggle contained skipwhite nextgroup=@i3ConfigNumVar
syn match i3ConfigGaps /gaps/ contained contains=i3ConfigCommand skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigGapsWhich
syn keyword i3ConfigCommand gaps contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigGapsWhich
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigSmartGapOpts inverse_outer toggle contained
syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword smart_gaps contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigSmartGapOpts,i3ConfigBoolean
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 5 Configuring bar
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigBarOpts modifier contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBindCombo,i3ConfigBarOptVals
syn keyword i3ConfigBarOpts i3bar_command status_command workspace_command contained skipwhite nextgroup=@i3ConfigSh
syn keyword i3ConfigBarOpts mode hidden_state id position output tray_output tray_padding separator_symbol workspace_buttons workspace_min_width strip_workspace_numbers strip_workspace_name binding_mode_indicator padding contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigBarOptVals,@i3ConfigValue,i3ConfigShOper
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigBarOptVals dock hide invisible show none top bottom primary nonprimary contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigBarBlock matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/^bar\ze {$/ end=/^}\zs$/ contained contains=i3ConfigBarOpts,i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigParen,i3ConfigBindKeyword,i3ConfigColorsBlock fold keepend extend
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 5.16 Color block
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigColorSeq /#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3,8}\|\$[0-9A-Za-z_:|[\]-]\+/ contained contains=@i3ConfigColVar skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigColorSeq
syn keyword i3ConfigColorsOpts background statusline separator contained skipwhite nextgroup=@i3ConfigColVar
syn match i3ConfigColorsOpts /focused_\(background\|statusline\|separator\)\|\(focused\|active\|inactive\|urgent\)_workspace\|binding_mode/ contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigColorSeq
syn region i3ConfigColorsBlock matchgroup=i3ConfigKeyword start=/^\s\+colors \ze{$/ end=/^\s\+}\zs$/ contained contains=i3ConfigColorsOpts,i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigParen fold keepend extend
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
" 6.0 Command criteria
syn keyword i3ConfigConditionProp class instance window_role window_type machine id title urgent workspace con_mark con_id floating_from tiling_from contained
syn keyword i3ConfigConditionSpecial __focused__ all floating tiling contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigCondition matchgroup=i3ConfigShDelim start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained contains=i3ConfigConditionProp,i3ConfigShOper,i3ConfigConditionSpecial,@i3ConfigIdent keepend extend
syn region i3ConfigCriteria start=/\[/ skip=/\\$/ end=/\(;\|$\)/ contained contains=i3ConfigCondition,@i3ConfigCommand,i3ConfigSeparator keepend transparent
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.1 Actions through shell
syn match i3ConfigExecActionKeyword /i3-msg/ contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn cluster i3ConfigExecActionVal contains=i3ConfigExecActionKeyword,i3ConfigCriteria,i3ConfigAction,i3ConfigActionKeyword,i3ConfigOption,@i3ConfigNumVar
syn region i3ConfigExecAction start=/[a-z3-]\+msg "/ skip=/ "\|\\$/ end=/"\|$/ contained contains=i3ConfigExecActionKeyword,@i3ConfigExecActionVal keepend extend
syn region i3ConfigExecAction start=/[a-z3-]\+msg '/ skip=/ '\|\\$/ end=/'\|$/ contained contains=i3ConfigExecActionKeyword,@i3ConfigExecActionVal keepend extend
syn region i3ConfigExecAction start=/[a-z3-]\+msg ['"-]\@!/ skip=/\\$/ end=/[&|;})'"]\@=\|$/ contained contains=i3ConfigExecActionKeyword,@i3ConfigExecActionVal keepend extend
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.1 Executing applications (4.20)
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigAction matchgroup=i3ConfigCommand start=/exec / skip=/\\$/ end=/\ze[,;]\|$/ contained contains=i3ConfigExecAction,@i3ConfigSh keepend
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.3 Manipulating layout
syn keyword i3ConfigLayoutOpts default tabbed stacking splitv splith toggle split all contained
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigAction matchgroup=i3ConfigCommand start=/layout / skip=/\\$/ end=/\ze[,;]\|$/ contained contains=i3ConfigLayoutOpts keepend transparent
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.4 Focusing containers
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusOpts left right up down parent child next prev sibling floating tiling mode_toggle contained
syn keyword i3ConfigOutputDir left right down up current primary nonprimary next prev contained skipwhite
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusOutput output contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent,i3ConfigOutputDir
syn keyword i3ConfigActionKeyword focus contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigFocusOpts,i3ConfigFocusOutput
syn match i3ConfigKeyword /^focus / contained nextgroup=i3ConfigFocusOutput
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.8 Focusing workspaces (4.21)
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigWorkspaceDir prev next back_and_forth contained
syn keyword i3ConfigWorkspaceDir number contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent
syn keyword i3ConfigActionKeyword workspace contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigWorkspaceDir,i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
" 6.8.2 Renaming workspaces
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn region i3ConfigWorkspaceFromTo start=/workspace\( .*\)\? to/ end=/\ze[,;]\|$/ contained contains=i3ConfigMoveType,@i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent keepend transparent
syn keyword i3ConfigActionKeyword rename contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigWorkspaceFromTo
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
" 6.5,6.9-6.11 Moving containers
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigUnit /-\?\d\+\( px\| ppt\)\?/ contained contains=i3ConfigNumber skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigUnit,i3ConfigResizeExtra
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveDir left right down up position contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigUnit
syn match i3ConfigMoveDir /position \(mouse\|center\)/ contained
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveDir absolute contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMoveDir
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveDir absolute contained
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveType mark contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveType scratchpad contained
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveType output contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent,i3ConfigOutputDir
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveType workspace contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMoveType,i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent,i3ConfigWorkspaceDir
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveType window container contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMoveType
syn keyword i3ConfigMoveTo to contained
syn match i3ConfigMoveType /to/ contained contains=i3ConfigMoveTo skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMoveType
syn match i3ConfigActionKeyword /move\( --no-auto-back-and-forth\)\?/ contained contains=i3ConfigShParam skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMoveType,i3ConfigMoveDir
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.12 Resizing containers/windows
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigResizeExtra or height contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigUnit
syn keyword i3ConfigResizeDir up down left right width height contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigUnit
syn keyword i3ConfigResizeType grow shrink contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigResizeDir
syn keyword i3ConfigResizeType set contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigResizeDir,i3ConfigUnit
syn keyword i3ConfigActionKeyword resize contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigResizeType
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" 6.14 VIM-like marks
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn match i3ConfigMarkOpt /--\(add\|replace\)\( --toggle\)\?/ contained contains=i3ConfigShParam skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOutputIdent
syn keyword i3ConfigActionKeyword mark contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigMarkOpt,i3ConfigOutputIdent
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
" Commands usable for direct config calls - for enforcing start of line for Commands
syn match i3ConfigTopLevelDirective /^/ skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigKeyword,i3ConfigCommand,i3ConfigBindKeyword,i3ConfigParamLine,i3ConfigModeBlock,i3ConfigBarBlock,i3ConfigError
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
" Commands useable in keybinds
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
syn keyword i3ConfigActionKeyword mode append_layout kill open fullscreen sticky split floating swap unmark title_window_icon title_format border restart reload exit scratchpad nop bar contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOption,@i3ConfigValue
syn keyword i3ConfigOption default enable disable toggle key restore current horizontal vertical auto none normal pixel show container with id con_id padding hidden_state hide dock invisible contained skipwhite nextgroup=i3ConfigOption,@i3ConfigValue
" Commands usable at runtime (outside loading config)
syn cluster i3ConfigCommand contains=i3ConfigCommand,i3ConfigAction,i3ConfigActionKeyword,@i3ConfigValue,i3ConfigColor
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
" Define the highlighting.
2022-07-30 06:48:32 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigError Error
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigTodo Todo
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigKeyword Keyword
hi def link i3ConfigCommand Statement
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigParamLine i3ConfigString
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigOperator Operator
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigSeparator i3ConfigOperator
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigParen Delimiter
hi def link i3ConfigBoolean Boolean
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigString String
2021-12-16 13:46:13 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigColor Constant
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigNumber Number
hi def link i3ConfigComment Comment
hi def link i3ConfigColonOperator i3ConfigOperator
hi def link i3ConfigFontNamespace i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigFontSize i3ConfigNumber
hi def link i3ConfigBindArgument i3ConfigShParam
hi def link i3ConfigBindModifier i3ConfigOperator
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigBindModkey Special
hi def link i3ConfigBindCombo SpecialChar
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigBindKeyword i3ConfigKeyword
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigSizeSpecial i3ConfigOperator
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigOrientationOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigWorkspaceLayoutOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigTitleAlignOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigBorderOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigEdgeOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigSmartBorderOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigVariable Variable
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigAssignSpecial i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigShParam PreProc
hi def link i3ConfigShDelim Delimiter
hi def link i3ConfigShOper Operator
hi def link i3ConfigShCommand Normal
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigOutputIdent i3ConfigParamLine
hi def link i3ConfigOutput i3ConfigMoveType
hi def link i3ConfigWorkspaceIdent i3ConfigParamLine
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigDotOperator i3ConfigOperator
hi def link i3ConfigClientOpts i3ConfigOption
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseOpts i3ConfigOption
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigMouseWarpingOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigPopupFullscreenOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigFocusWrappingOpts i3ConfigOption
2023-09-11 22:48:42 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigTimeUnit i3ConfigNumber
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigFocusOnActivationOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigTilingDragOpts i3ConfigOption
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigGapsWhich i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigGapsWhere i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigGapsOper i3ConfigOption
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigSmartGapOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigBarModifier i3ConfigKeyword
hi def link i3ConfigBarOpts i3ConfigKeyword
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigBarOptVals i3ConfigOption
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigColorsOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigConditionProp i3ConfigShParam
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigConditionSpecial Constant
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigExecActionKeyword i3ConfigShCommand
hi def link i3ConfigExecAction i3ConfigString
hi def link i3ConfigLayoutOpts i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigFocusOpts i3ConfigOption
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigOutputDir i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigFocusOutput i3ConfigOutput
hi def link i3ConfigWorkspaceDir i3ConfigOption
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigMoveDir i3ConfigOption
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigMoveType Constant
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigMoveTo i3ConfigOption
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigUnit i3ConfigNumber
2024-04-15 16:48:15 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigResizeExtra i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigResizeDir i3ConfigOption
hi def link i3ConfigResizeType i3ConfigOption
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigMark i3ConfigCommand
2023-09-12 13:29:37 -07:00
hi def link i3ConfigActionKeyword i3ConfigCommand
hi def link i3ConfigOption Type
2023-09-27 10:29:38 -07:00
let b:current_syntax = "i3config"