mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ If you would like to open the help in the current window, see this tip:
The initial height of the help window can be set with the 'helpheight' option
(default 20).
When the help buffer is created, several local options are set to make sure
the help text is displayed as it was intended:
'iskeyword' nearly all ASCII chars except ' ', '*', '"' and '|'
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ type "a", then "bar" will get inserted.
"<unique>" can be used in any order. They must appear right after the
command, before any other arguments.
*:map-local* *:map-<buffer>* *E224* *E225*
*:map-local* *:map-<buffer>* *:map-buffer* *E224* *E225*
If the first argument to one of these commands is "<buffer>" the mapping will
be effective in the current buffer only. Example: >
:map <buffer> ,w /[.,;]<CR>
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Note: ":map <script>" and ":noremap <script>" do the same thing. The
"<script>" overrules the command name. Using ":noremap <script>" is
preferred, because it's clearer that remapping is (mostly) disabled.
*:map-<unique>* *E226* *E227*
*:map-<unique>* *:map-unique* *E226* *E227*
If the first argument to one of these commands is "<unique>" and it is used to
define a new mapping or abbreviation, the command will fail if the mapping or
abbreviation already exists. Example: >
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ g8 Print the hex values of the bytes used in the
|:marks| - filter by text in the current file,
or file name for other files
|:oldfiles| - filter by file name
|:set| - filter by variable name
|:set| - filter by option name
Only normal messages are filtered, error messages are
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 03
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 14
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: i3 config file
" Original Author: Mohamed Boughaba <mohamed dot bgb at gmail dot com>
" Maintainer: Quentin Hibon
" Version: 0.4
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 14
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal cms<"
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Microsoft Visual Studio Solution
" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 15
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms<"
if exists("loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
let b:match_words =
\ '\<Project\>:\<EndProject\>,' ..
\ '\<ProjectSection\>:\<EndProjectSection\>,' ..
\ '\<Global\>:\<EndGlobal\>,' ..
\ '\<GlobalSection\>:\<EndGlobalSection\>'
let b:undo_ftplugin ..= " | unlet! b:match_words"
if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Files\t*.sln\n" ..
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
let b:undo_ftplugin ..= " | unlet! b:browsefilter"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: nowrap sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Author: Bram Moolenaar
" Copyright: Vim license applies, see ":help license"
" Last Change: 2021 Nov 29
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 16
" WORK IN PROGRESS - Only the basics work
" Note: On MS-Windows you need a recent version of gdb. The one included with
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ endfunc
" to the next ", unescaping characters:
" - remove line breaks
" - change \\t to \t
" - change \0xhh to \xhh
" - change \0xhh to \xhh (disabled for now)
" - change \ooo to octal
" - change \\ to \
func s:DecodeMessage(quotedText)
@ -618,12 +618,21 @@ func s:DecodeMessage(quotedText)
return a:quotedText
\->substitute('^"\|".*\|\\n', '', 'g')
\->substitute('\\t', "\t", 'g')
\->substitute('\\0x\(\x\x\)', {-> eval('"\x' .. submatch(1) .. '"')}, 'g')
\->substitute('\\\o\o\o', {-> eval('"' .. submatch(0) .. '"')}, 'g')
\->substitute('\\\\', '\', 'g')
\ ->substitute('^"\|".*\|\\n', '', 'g')
\ ->substitute('\\t', "\t", 'g')
" multi-byte characters arrive in octal form
" NULL-values must be kept encoded as those break the string otherwise
\ ->substitute('\\000', s:NullRepl, 'g')
\ ->substitute('\\\o\o\o', {-> eval('"' .. submatch(0) .. '"')}, 'g')
" Note: GDB docs also mention hex encodings - the translations below work
" but we keep them out for performance-reasons until we actually see
" those in mi-returns
" \ ->substitute('\\0x\(\x\x\)', {-> eval('"\x' .. submatch(1) .. '"')}, 'g')
" \ ->substitute('\\0x00', s:NullRepl, 'g')
\ ->substitute('\\\\', '\', 'g')
\ ->substitute(s:NullRepl, '\\000', 'g')
const s:NullRepl = 'XXXNULLXXX'
" Extract the "name" value from a gdb message with fullname="name".
func s:GetFullname(msg)
@ -1066,11 +1075,20 @@ let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult = ''
" Handle the result of data-evaluate-expression
func s:HandleEvaluate(msg)
let value = substitute(a:msg, '.*value="\(.*\)"', '\1', '')
let value = substitute(value, '\\"', '"', 'g')
" multi-byte characters arrive in octal form
let value = substitute(value, '\\\o\o\o', {-> eval('"' .. submatch(0) .. '"')}, 'g')
let value = substitute(value, '
', '\1', '')
let value = a:msg
\ ->substitute('.*value="\(.*\)"', '\1', '')
\ ->substitute('\\"', '"', 'g')
\ ->substitute('\\\\', '\\', 'g')
"\ multi-byte characters arrive in octal form, replace everthing but NULL values
\ ->substitute('\\000', s:NullRepl, 'g')
\ ->substitute('\\\o\o\o', {-> eval('"' .. submatch(0) .. '"')}, 'g')
"\ Note: GDB docs also mention hex encodings - the translations below work
"\ but we keep them out for performance-reasons until we actually see
"\ those in mi-returns
"\ ->substitute('\\0x00', s:NullRep, 'g')
"\ ->substitute('\\0x\(\x\x\)', {-> eval('"\x' .. submatch(1) .. '"')}, 'g')
\ ->substitute(s:NullRepl, '\\000', 'g')
\ ->substitute('
', '\1', '')
if s:evalFromBalloonExpr
if s:evalFromBalloonExprResult == ''
let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult = s:evalexpr . ': ' . value
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: C
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
" Last Change: 2021 May 24
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 07
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@ -196,7 +196,6 @@ syn match cNumber display contained "0x\x\+\(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>"
" Flag the first zero of an octal number as something special
syn match cOctal display contained "0\o\+\(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>" contains=cOctalZero
syn match cOctalZero display contained "\<0"
syn match cFloat display contained "\d\+f"
"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
syn match cFloat display contained "\d\+\.\d*\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\="
"floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
" Nikolai Weibull (Add CSS2 support)
" URL: https://github.com/vim-language-dept/css-syntax.vim
" Maintainer: Jay Sitter <jay@jaysitter.com>
" Last Change: 2021 Oct 15
" Last Change: 2021 Oct 20
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if !exists("main_syntax")
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ syn keyword cssColor contained ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace ButtonFac
syn case ignore
syn match cssImportant contained "!\s*important\>"
syn match cssCustomProp contained "--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"
syn match cssCustomProp contained "\<--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\>"
syn match cssColor contained "\<transparent\>"
syn match cssColor contained "\<currentColor\>"
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ syn match cssColor contained "#\x\{6\}\>" contains=cssUnitDecorators
syn match cssColor contained "#\x\{8\}\>" contains=cssUnitDecorators
syn region cssURL contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(uri\|url\|local\|format\)\s*(" end=")" contains=cssStringQ,cssStringQQ oneline
syn region cssMathGroup contained matchgroup=cssMathParens start="(" end=")" containedin=cssFunction,cssMathGroup contains=cssCustomProp,cssValue.*,cssFunction,cssColor,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ oneline
syn region cssFunction contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(var\|calc\)\s*(" end=")" contains=cssCustomProp,cssValue.*,cssFunction,cssColor,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ oneline
syn region cssFunction contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(rgb\|clip\|attr\|counter\|rect\|cubic-bezier\|steps\)\s*(" end=")" oneline contains=cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueLength,cssFunctionComma
syn region cssFunction contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(rgba\|hsl\|hsla\|color-stop\|from\|to\)\s*(" end=")" oneline contains=cssColor,cssValueInteger,cssValueNumber,cssValueLength,cssFunctionComma,cssFunction
@ -395,9 +396,9 @@ syn match cssUIAttr contained '\<preserve-3d\>'
syn match cssIEUIAttr contained '\<bicubic\>'
" Webkit/iOS specific properties
syn match cssUIProp contained '\<tap-highlight-color\|user-select\|touch-callout\>'
syn match cssUIProp contained '\<\(tap-highlight-color\|user-select\|touch-callout\)\>'
" IE specific properties
syn match cssIEUIProp contained '\<interpolation-mode\|zoom\|filter\>'
syn match cssIEUIProp contained '\<\(interpolation-mode\|zoom\|filter\)\>'
" Webkit/Firebox specific properties/attributes
syn keyword cssUIProp contained appearance
@ -423,11 +424,15 @@ syn keyword cssAuralAttr contained male female child code digits continuous
syn match cssMobileTextProp contained "\<text-size-adjust\>"
syn keyword cssMediaProp contained width height orientation scan
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=\(\(device\)-\)\=aspect-ratio/
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=device-pixel-ratio/
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=device-\(height\|width\)/
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=\(height\|width\|resolution\|monochrome\|color\(-index\)\=\)/
syn keyword cssMediaProp contained any-hover any-pointer color-gamut grid hover
syn keyword cssMediaProp contained overflow-block overflow-inline pointer update
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\<\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=\(\(device\)-\)\=aspect-ratio\>/
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\<\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=device-pixel-ratio\>/
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\<\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=device-\(height\|width\)\>/
syn match cssMediaProp contained /\<\(\(max\|min\)-\)\=\(height\|width\|resolution\|monochrome\|color\(-index\)\=\)\>/
syn keyword cssMediaAttr contained portrait landscape progressive interlace
syn keyword cssMediaAttr contained coarse fast fine hover infinite p3 paged
syn keyword cssMediaAttr contained rec2020 scroll slow srgb
syn match cssKeyFrameProp contained /\(\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?%\|\(\<from\|to\>\)\)/ nextgroup=cssDefinition
syn match cssPageMarginProp /@\(\(top\|left\|right\|bottom\)-\(left\|center\|right\|middle\|bottom\)\)\(-corner\)\=/ contained nextgroup=cssDefinition
syn keyword cssPageProp contained content size
@ -445,17 +450,17 @@ syn match cssBraceError "}"
syn match cssAttrComma ","
" Pseudo class
" http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/
" https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/
syn match cssPseudoClass ":[A-Za-z0-9_-]*" contains=cssNoise,cssPseudoClassId,cssUnicodeEscape,cssVendor,cssPseudoClassFn
syn keyword cssPseudoClassId contained link visited active hover before after left right
syn keyword cssPseudoClassId contained root empty target enable disabled checked invalid
syn keyword cssPseudoClassId contained root empty target enabled disabled checked invalid
syn match cssPseudoClassId contained "\<first-\(line\|letter\)\>"
syn match cssPseudoClassId contained "\<\(first\|last\|only\)-\(of-type\|child\)\>"
syn region cssPseudoClassFn contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(not\|lang\|\(nth\|nth-last\)-\(of-type\|child\)\)(" end=")" contains=cssStringQ,cssStringQQ
syn match cssPseudoClassId contained "\<focus\(-within\|-visible\)\=\>"
syn region cssPseudoClassFn contained matchgroup=cssFunctionName start="\<\(not\|is\|lang\|\(nth\|nth-last\)-\(of-type\|child\)\)(" end=")" contains=cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssTagName,cssAttributeSelector,cssClassName,cssIdentifier
" ------------------------------------
" Vendor specific properties
syn match cssPseudoClassId contained "\<selection\>"
syn match cssPseudoClassId contained "\<focus\(-inner\)\=\>"
syn match cssPseudoClassId contained "\<\(input-\)\=placeholder\>"
" Misc highlight groups
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: i3 config file
" Maintainer: Mohamed Boughaba <mohamed dot bgb at gmail dot com>
" Version: 0.4
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 14
" References:
" http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#configuring
" http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
scriptencoding utf-8
" Error
syn match i3ConfigError /.*/
" Todo
syn keyword i3ConfigTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
" Comment
" Comments are started with a # and can only be used at the beginning of a line
syn match i3ConfigComment /^\s*#.*$/ contains=i3ConfigTodo
" Font
" A FreeType font description is composed by:
" a font family, a style, a weight, a variant, a stretch and a size.
syn match i3ConfigFontSeparator /,/ contained
syn match i3ConfigFontSeparator /:/ contained
syn keyword i3ConfigFontKeyword font contained
syn match i3ConfigFontNamespace /\w\+:/ contained contains=i3ConfigFontSeparator
syn match i3ConfigFontContent /-\?\w\+\(-\+\|\s\+\|,\)/ contained contains=i3ConfigFontNamespace,i3ConfigFontSeparator,i3ConfigFontKeyword
syn match i3ConfigFontSize /\s\=\d\+\(px\)\?\s\?$/ contained
syn match i3ConfigFont /^\s*font\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigFontContent,i3ConfigFontSeparator,i3ConfigFontSize,i3ConfigFontNamespace
syn match i3ConfigFont /^\s*font\s\+.*\(\\\_.*\)\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFontContent,i3ConfigFontSeparator,i3ConfigFontSize,i3ConfigFontNamespace
syn match i3ConfigFont /^\s*font\s\+.*\(\\\_.*\)\?[^\\]\+$/ contains=i3ConfigFontContent,i3ConfigFontSeparator,i3ConfigFontSize,i3ConfigFontNamespace
syn match i3ConfigFont /^\s*font\s\+\(\(.*\\\_.*\)\|\(.*[^\\]\+$\)\)/ contains=i3ConfigFontContent,i3ConfigFontSeparator,i3ConfigFontSize,i3ConfigFontNamespace
" variables
syn match i3ConfigString /\(['"]\)\(.\{-}\)\1/ contained
syn match i3ConfigColor /#\w\{6}/ contained
syn match i3ConfigVariableModifier /+/ contained
syn match i3ConfigVariableAndModifier /+\w\+/ contained contains=i3ConfigVariableModifier
syn match i3ConfigVariable /\$\w\+\(\(-\w\+\)\+\)\?\(\s\|+\)\?/ contains=i3ConfigVariableModifier,i3ConfigVariableAndModifier
syn keyword i3ConfigInitializeKeyword set contained
syn match i3ConfigInitialize /^\s*set\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigInitializeKeyword,i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigString
" Gaps
syn keyword i3ConfigGapStyleKeyword inner outer horizontal vertical top right bottom left current all set plus minus toggle up down contained
syn match i3ConfigGapStyle /^\s*\(gaps\)\s\+\(inner\|outer\|horizontal\|vertical\|left\|top\|right\|bottom\)\(\s\+\(current\|all\)\)\?\(\s\+\(set\|plus\|minus\|toggle\)\)\?\(\s\+\(-\?\d\+\|\$.*\)\)$/ contains=i3ConfigGapStyleKeyword,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigVariable
syn keyword i3ConfigSmartGapKeyword on inverse_outer contained
syn match i3ConfigSmartGap /^\s*smart_gaps\s\+\(on\|inverse_outer\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigSmartGapKeyword
syn keyword i3ConfigSmartBorderKeyword on no_gaps contained
syn match i3ConfigSmartBorder /^\s*smart_borders\s\+\(on\|no_gaps\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigSmartBorderKeyword
" Keyboard bindings
syn keyword i3ConfigAction toggle fullscreen restart key import kill shrink grow contained
syn keyword i3ConfigAction focus move grow height width split layout resize restore reload mute unmute exit mode workspace container to contained
syn match i3ConfigModifier /\w\++\w\+\(\(+\w\+\)\+\)\?/ contained contains=i3ConfigVariableModifier
syn match i3ConfigNumber /\s\d\+/ contained
syn match i3ConfigUnit /\sp\(pt\|x\)/ contained
syn match i3ConfigUnitOr /\sor/ contained
syn keyword i3ConfigBindKeyword bindsym bindcode exec gaps border contained
syn match i3ConfigBindArgument /--\w\+\(\(-\w\+\)\+\)\?\s/ contained
syn match i3ConfigBind /^\s*\(bindsym\|bindcode\)\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigVariable,i3ConfigBindKeyword,i3ConfigVariableAndModifier,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigUnit,i3ConfigUnitOr,i3ConfigBindArgument,i3ConfigModifier,i3ConfigAction,i3ConfigString,i3ConfigGapStyleKeyword,i3ConfigBorderStyleKeyword
" Floating
syn keyword i3ConfigSizeSpecial x contained
syn match i3ConfigNegativeSize /-/ contained
syn match i3ConfigSize /-\?\d\+\s\?x\s\?-\?\d\+/ contained contains=i3ConfigSizeSpecial,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigNegativeSize
syn match i3ConfigFloating /^\s*floating_modifier\s\+\$\w\+\d\?/ contains=i3ConfigVariable
syn match i3ConfigFloating /^\s*floating_\(maximum\|minimum\)_size\s\+-\?\d\+\s\?x\s\?-\?\d\+/ contains=i3ConfigSize
" Orientation
syn keyword i3ConfigOrientationKeyword vertical horizontal auto contained
syn match i3ConfigOrientation /^\s*default_orientation\s\+\(vertical\|horizontal\|auto\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigOrientationKeyword
" Layout
syn keyword i3ConfigLayoutKeyword default stacking tabbed contained
syn match i3ConfigLayout /^\s*workspace_layout\s\+\(default\|stacking\|tabbed\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigLayoutKeyword
" Border style
syn keyword i3ConfigBorderStyleKeyword none normal pixel contained
syn match i3ConfigBorderStyle /^\s*\(new_window\|new_float\|default_border\|default_floating_border\)\s\+\(none\|\(normal\|pixel\)\(\s\+\d\+\)\?\(\s\+\$\w\+\(\(-\w\+\)\+\)\?\(\s\|+\)\?\)\?\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigBorderStyleKeyword,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigVariable
" Hide borders and edges
syn keyword i3ConfigEdgeKeyword none vertical horizontal both smart smart_no_gaps contained
syn match i3ConfigEdge /^\s*hide_edge_borders\s\+\(none\|vertical\|horizontal\|both\|smart\|smart_no_gaps\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigEdgeKeyword
" Arbitrary commands for specific windows (for_window)
syn keyword i3ConfigCommandKeyword for_window contained
syn region i3ConfigWindowStringSpecial start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contained contains=i3ConfigString
syn region i3ConfigWindowCommandSpecial start="\[" end="\]" contained contains=i3ConfigWindowStringSpacial,i3ConfigString
syn match i3ConfigArbitraryCommand /^\s*for_window\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigWindowCommandSpecial,i3ConfigCommandKeyword,i3ConfigBorderStyleKeyword,i3ConfigLayoutKeyword,i3ConfigOrientationKeyword,Size,i3ConfigNumber
" Disable focus open opening
syn keyword i3ConfigNoFocusKeyword no_focus contained
syn match i3ConfigDisableFocus /^\s*no_focus\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigWindowCommandSpecial,i3ConfigNoFocusKeyword
" Move client to specific workspace automatically
syn keyword i3ConfigAssignKeyword assign contained
syn match i3ConfigAssignSpecial /→/ contained
syn match i3ConfigAssign /^\s*assign\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigAssignKeyword,i3ConfigWindowCommandSpecial,i3ConfigAssignSpecial
" X resources
syn keyword i3ConfigResourceKeyword set_from_resource contained
syn match i3ConfigResource /^\s*set_from_resource\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigResourceKeyword,i3ConfigWindowCommandSpecial,i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigVariable
" Auto start applications
syn keyword i3ConfigExecKeyword exec exec_always contained
syn match i3ConfigNoStartupId /--no-startup-id/ contained " We are not using i3ConfigBindArgument as only no-startup-id is supported here
syn match i3ConfigExec /^\s*exec\(_always\)\?\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigExecKeyword,i3ConfigNoStartupId,i3ConfigString
" Automatically putting workspaces on specific screens
syn keyword i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword workspace contained
syn keyword i3ConfigOutput output contained
syn match i3ConfigWorkspace /^\s*workspace\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigString,i3ConfigOutput
" Changing colors
syn keyword i3ConfigClientColorKeyword client focused focused_inactive unfocused urgent placeholder background contained
syn match i3ConfigClientColor /^\s*client.\w\+\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigClientColorKeyword,i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigVariable
syn keyword i3ConfigTitleAlignKeyword left center right contained
syn match i3ConfigTitleAlign /^\s*title_align\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigTitleAlignKeyword
" Interprocess communication
syn match i3ConfigInterprocessKeyword /ipc-socket/ contained
syn match i3ConfigInterprocess /^\s*ipc-socket\s\+.*$/ contains=i3ConfigInterprocessKeyword
" Mouse warping
syn keyword i3ConfigMouseWarpingKeyword mouse_warping contained
syn keyword i3ConfigMouseWarpingType output none contained
syn match i3ConfigMouseWarping /^\s*mouse_warping\s\+\(output\|none\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigMouseWarpingKeyword,i3ConfigMouseWarpingType
" Focus follows mouse
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseKeyword focus_follows_mouse contained
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseType yes no contained
syn match i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouse /^\s*focus_follows_mouse\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseKeyword,i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseType
" Popups during fullscreen mode
syn keyword i3ConfigPopupOnFullscreenKeyword popup_during_fullscreen contained
syn keyword i3ConfigPopuponFullscreenType smart ignore leave_fullscreen contained
syn match i3ConfigPopupOnFullscreen /^\s*popup_during_fullscreen\s\+\w\+\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigPopupOnFullscreenKeyword,i3ConfigPopupOnFullscreenType
" Focus wrapping
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusWrappingKeyword force_focus_wrapping focus_wrapping contained
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusWrappingType yes no contained
syn match i3ConfigFocusWrapping /^\s*\(force_\)\?focus_wrapping\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigFocusWrappingKeyword
" Forcing Xinerama
syn keyword i3ConfigForceXineramaKeyword force_xinerama contained
syn match i3ConfigForceXinerama /^\s*force_xinerama\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigForceXineramaKeyword
" Automatic back-and-forth when switching to the current workspace
syn keyword i3ConfigAutomaticSwitchKeyword workspace_auto_back_and_forth contained
syn match i3ConfigAutomaticSwitch /^\s*workspace_auto_back_and_forth\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigAutomaticSwitchKeyword
" Delay urgency hint
syn keyword i3ConfigTimeUnit ms contained
syn keyword i3ConfigDelayUrgencyKeyword force_display_urgency_hint contained
syn match i3ConfigDelayUrgency /^\s*force_display_urgency_hint\s\+\d\+\s\+ms\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigDelayUrgencyKeyword,i3ConfigNumber,i3ConfigTimeUnit
" Focus on window activation
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusOnActivationKeyword focus_on_window_activation contained
syn keyword i3ConfigFocusOnActivationType smart urgent focus none contained
syn match i3ConfigFocusOnActivation /^\s*focus_on_window_activation\s\+\(smart\|urgent\|focus\|none\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusOnActivationKeyword,i3ConfigFocusOnActivationType
" Automatic back-and-forth when switching to the current workspace
syn keyword i3ConfigDrawingMarksKeyword show_marks contained
syn match i3ConfigDrawingMarks /^\s*show_marks\s\+\(yes\|no\)\s\?$/ contains=i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigDrawingMarksKeyword
" Group mode/bar
syn keyword i3ConfigBlockKeyword mode bar colors i3bar_command status_command position exec mode hidden_state modifier id position output background statusline tray_output tray_padding separator separator_symbol workspace_buttons strip_workspace_numbers binding_mode_indicator focused_workspace active_workspace inactive_workspace urgent_workspace binding_mode contained
syn region i3ConfigBlock start=+.*s\?{$+ end=+^}$+ contains=i3ConfigBlockKeyword,i3ConfigString,i3ConfigBind,i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigFont,i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigVariable transparent keepend extend
" Line continuation
syn region i3ConfigLineCont start=/^.*\\$/ end=/^.*$/ contains=i3ConfigBlockKeyword,i3ConfigString,i3ConfigBind,i3ConfigComment,i3ConfigFont,i3ConfigFocusWrappingType,i3ConfigColor,i3ConfigVariable transparent keepend extend
" Define the highlighting.
hi def link i3ConfigError Error
hi def link i3ConfigTodo Todo
hi def link i3ConfigComment Comment
hi def link i3ConfigFontContent Type
hi def link i3ConfigFocusOnActivationType Type
hi def link i3ConfigPopupOnFullscreenType Type
hi def link i3ConfigOrientationKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigMouseWarpingType Type
hi def link i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseType Type
hi def link i3ConfigGapStyleKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigTitleAlignKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigSmartGapKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigSmartBorderKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigLayoutKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigBorderStyleKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigEdgeKeyword Type
hi def link i3ConfigAction Type
hi def link i3ConfigCommand Type
hi def link i3ConfigOutput Type
hi def link i3ConfigWindowCommandSpecial Type
hi def link i3ConfigFocusWrappingType Type
hi def link i3ConfigUnitOr Type
hi def link i3ConfigFontSize Constant
hi def link i3ConfigColor Constant
hi def link i3ConfigNumber Constant
hi def link i3ConfigUnit Constant
hi def link i3ConfigVariableAndModifier Constant
hi def link i3ConfigTimeUnit Constant
hi def link i3ConfigModifier Constant
hi def link i3ConfigString Constant
hi def link i3ConfigNegativeSize Constant
hi def link i3ConfigFontSeparator Special
hi def link i3ConfigVariableModifier Special
hi def link i3ConfigSizeSpecial Special
hi def link i3ConfigWindowSpecial Special
hi def link i3ConfigAssignSpecial Special
hi def link i3ConfigFontNamespace PreProc
hi def link i3ConfigBindArgument PreProc
hi def link i3ConfigNoStartupId PreProc
hi def link i3ConfigFontKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigBindKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigOrientation Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigGapStyle Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigTitleAlign Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigSmartGap Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigSmartBorder Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigLayout Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigBorderStyle Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigEdge Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigFloating Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigCommandKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigNoFocusKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigInitializeKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigAssignKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigResourceKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigExecKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigClientColorKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigInterprocessKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigMouseWarpingKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigFocusFollowsMouseKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigPopupOnFullscreenKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigFocusWrappingKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigForceXineramaKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigAutomaticSwitchKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigDelayUrgencyKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigFocusOnActivationKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigDrawingMarksKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigBlockKeyword Identifier
hi def link i3ConfigVariable Statement
hi def link i3ConfigArbitraryCommand Type
let b:current_syntax = "i3config"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Python
" Maintainer: Zvezdan Petkovic <zpetkovic@acm.org>
" Last Change: 2021 Feb 15
" Last Change: 2021 Dec 10
" Credits: Neil Schemenauer <nas@python.ca>
" Dmitry Vasiliev
@ -77,13 +77,14 @@ endif
" The list can be checked using:
" python3 -c 'import keyword, pprint; pprint.pprint(keyword.kwlist, compact=True)'
" python3 -c 'import keyword, pprint; pprint.pprint(keyword.kwlist + keyword.softkwlist, compact=True)'
syn keyword pythonStatement False None True
syn keyword pythonStatement as assert break continue del global
syn keyword pythonStatement lambda nonlocal pass return with yield
syn keyword pythonStatement class def nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite
syn keyword pythonConditional elif else if
syn keyword pythonConditional case match
syn keyword pythonRepeat for while
syn keyword pythonOperator and in is not or
syn keyword pythonException except finally raise try
@ -1,396 +1,46 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Texinfo (macro package for TeX)
" Maintainer: Sandor Kopanyi <sandor.kopanyi@mailbox.hu>
" URL: <->
" Last Change: 2004 Jun 23
" the file follows the Texinfo manual structure; this file is based
" on manual for Texinfo version 4.0, 28 September 1999
" since @ can have special meanings, everything is 'match'-ed and 'region'-ed
" (including @ in 'iskeyword' option has unexpected effects)
" Language: Texinfo (documentation format)
" Maintainer: Robert Dodier <robert.dodier@gmail.com>
" Latest Revision: 2021-12-15
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
if !exists("main_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'texinfo'
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn match texinfoControlSequence display '\(@end [a-zA-Z@]\+\|@[a-zA-Z@]\+\)'
syn match texinfoComment display '^\s*\(@comment\|@c\)\>.*$'
syn region texinfoCode matchgroup=texinfoControlSequence start="@code{" end="}" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoVerb matchgroup=texinfoControlSequence start="@verb{" end="}" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoArgument matchgroup=texinfoBrace start="{" end="}" contains=ALLBUT
syn region texinfoExample matchgroup=texinfoControlSequence start="^@example\s*$" end="^@end example\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoVerbatim matchgroup=texinfoControlSequence start="^@verbatim\s*$" end="^@end verbatim\s*$"
syn region texinfoMenu matchgroup=texinfoControlSequence start="^@menu\s*$" end="^@end menu\s*$"
if exists("g:texinfo_delimiters")
syn match texinfoDelimiter display '[][{}]'
"in Texinfo can be real big things, like tables; sync for that
syn sync lines=200
"some general stuff
"syn match texinfoError "\S" contained TODO
syn match texinfoIdent "\k\+" contained "IDENTifier
syn match texinfoAssignment "\k\+\s*=\s*\k\+\s*$" contained "assigment statement ( var = val )
syn match texinfoSinglePar "\k\+\s*$" contained "single parameter (used for several @-commands)
syn match texinfoIndexPar "\k\k\s*$" contained "param. used for different *index commands (+ @documentlanguage command)
"marking words and phrases (chap. 9 in Texinfo manual)
"(almost) everything appears as 'contained' too; is for tables (@table)
"this chapter is at the beginning of this file to avoid overwritings
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@acronym" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@acronym{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@b" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@b{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@cite" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@cite{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@code" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@code{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@command" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@command{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@dfn" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@dfn{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@email" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@email{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@emph" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@emph{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@env" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@env{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@file" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@file{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@i" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@i{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@kbd" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@kbd{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@key" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@key{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@option" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@option{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@r" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@r{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@samp" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@samp{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@sc" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@sc{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@strong" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@strong{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@t" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@t{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@url" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@url{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@var" contained
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@var{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@kbdinputstyle" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
"overview of Texinfo (chap. 1 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoComment "@c .*"
syn match texinfoComment "@c$"
syn match texinfoComment "@comment .*"
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoComment start="^@ignore\s*$" end="^@end ignore\s*$" contains=ALL
"beginning a Texinfo file (chap. 3 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@center " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd oneline
syn region texinfoMltlnDMAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@detailmenu\s*$" end="^@end detailmenu\s*$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@setfilename " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@settitle " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@shorttitlepage " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@title " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@titlefont{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@titlepage\s*$" end="^@end titlepage\s*$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoMltlnDMAtCmd,texinfoAtCmd,texinfoPrmAtCmd,texinfoMltlnAtCmd
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@vskip " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@exampleindent" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@headings" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^\\input" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@paragraphindent" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@setchapternewpage" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
"ending a Texinfo file (chap. 4 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@author " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
"all below @bye should be comment TODO
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@bye\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@contents\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@printindex" nextgroup=texinfoIndexPar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@setcontentsaftertitlepage\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@setshortcontentsaftertitlepage\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@shortcontents\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@summarycontents\s*$"
"chapter structuring (chap. 5 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@appendix" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@appendixsec" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@appendixsection" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@appendixsubsec" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@appendixsubsubsec" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@centerchap" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@chapheading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@chapter" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@heading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@majorheading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@section" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@subheading " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@subsection" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@subsubheading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@subsubsection" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@subtitle" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@unnumbered" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@unnumberedsec" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@unnumberedsubsec" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@unnumberedsubsubsec" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@lowersections\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@raisesections\s*$"
"nodes (chap. 6 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@anchor{" end="}"
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@top" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@node" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
"menus (chap. 7 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@menu\s*$" end="^@end menu\s*$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoMltlnDMAtCmd
"cross references (chap. 8 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@inforef{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@pxref{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@ref{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@uref{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@xref{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
"marking words and phrases (chap. 9 in Texinfo manual)
"(almost) everything appears as 'contained' too; is for tables (@table)
"this chapter is at the beginning of this file to avoid overwritings
"quotations and examples (chap. 10 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@cartouche\s*$" end="^@end cartouche\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@display\s*$" end="^@end display\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@example\s*$" end="^@end example\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@flushleft\s*$" end="^@end flushleft\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@flushright\s*$" end="^@end flushright\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@format\s*$" end="^@end format\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@lisp\s*$" end="^@end lisp\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@quotation\s*$" end="^@end quotation\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@smalldisplay\s*$" end="^@end smalldisplay\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@smallexample\s*$" end="^@end smallexample\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@smallformat\s*$" end="^@end smallformat\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@smalllisp\s*$" end="^@end smalllisp\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@exdent" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@noindent\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@smallbook\s*$"
"lists and tables (chap. 11 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@asis" contained
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@columnfractions" contained
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@item" contained
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@itemx" contained
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@tab" contained
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@enumerate" end="^@end enumerate\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ftable" end="^@end ftable\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnNAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@itemize" end="^@end itemize\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnNAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@multitable" end="^@end multitable\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnNAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@table" end="^@end table\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@vtable" end="^@end vtable\s*$" contains=ALL
"indices (chap. 12 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@\(c\|f\|k\|p\|t\|v\)index" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@..index" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
"@defcodeindex and @defindex is defined after chap. 15's @def* commands (otherwise those ones will overwrite these ones)
syn match texinfoSIPar "\k\k\s*\k\k\s*$" contained
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@syncodeindex" nextgroup=texinfoSIPar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@synindex" nextgroup=texinfoSIPar skipwhite
"special insertions (chap. 13 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@\(!\|?\|@\|\s\)"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@{"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@=."
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@\('\|\"\|\^\|`\)[aeiouyAEIOUY]"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@\~[aeinouyAEINOUY]"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@dotaccent{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@H{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@,{[cC]}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@AA{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@aa{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@L{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@l{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@O{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@o{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@ringaccent{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@tieaccent{..}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@u{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@ubaraccent{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@udotaccent{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@v{.}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@AE{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@ae{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@copyright{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@bullet" contained "for tables and lists
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@bullet{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@dotless{i}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@dotless{j}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@dots{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@enddots{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@equiv" contained "for tables and lists
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@equiv{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@error{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@exclamdown{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@expansion{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@minus" contained "for tables and lists
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@minus{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@OE{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@oe{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@point" contained "for tables and lists
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@point{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@pounds{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@print{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@questiondown{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@result" contained "for tables and lists
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@result{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@ss{}"
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@TeX{}"
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@dmn{" end="}"
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@footnote{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@image{" end="}"
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@math{" end="}"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@footnotestyle" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
"making and preventing breaks (chap. 14 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoSpecialChar "@\(\*\|-\|\.\)"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@need" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@page\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@sp" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@group\s*$" end="^@end group\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@hyphenation{" end="}"
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@w{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
"definition commands (chap. 15 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoMltlnAtCmdFLine "^@def\k\+" contained
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@def\k\+" end="^@end def\k\+$" contains=ALL
"next 2 commands are from chap. 12; must be defined after @def* commands above to overwrite them
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@defcodeindex" nextgroup=texinfoIndexPar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@defindex" nextgroup=texinfoIndexPar skipwhite
"conditionally visible text (chap. 16 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@clear" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn region texinfoMltln2AtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@html\s*$" end="^@end html\s*$"
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifclear" end="^@end ifclear\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifhtml" end="^@end ifhtml\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifinfo" end="^@end ifinfo\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifnothtml" end="^@end ifnothtml\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifnotinfo" end="^@end ifnotinfo\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifnottex" end="^@end ifnottex\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@ifset" end="^@end ifset\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@iftex" end="^@end iftex\s*$" contains=ALL
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@set " skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoTexCmd start="\$\$" end="\$\$" contained
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@tex" end="^@end tex\s*$" contains=texinfoTexCmd
syn region texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="@value{" end="}" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
"internationalization (chap. 17 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@documentencoding" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@documentlanguage" nextgroup=texinfoIndexPar skipwhite
"defining new texinfo commands (chap. 18 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@alias" nextgroup=texinfoAssignment skipwhite
syn match texinfoDIEPar "\S*\s*,\s*\S*\s*,\s*\S*\s*$" contained
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@definfoenclose" nextgroup=texinfoDIEPar skipwhite
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@macro" end="^@end macro\s*$" contains=ALL
"formatting hardcopy (chap. 19 in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@afourlatex\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@afourpaper\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@afourwide\s*$"
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@finalout\s*$"
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@pagesizes" end="$" oneline
"creating and installing Info Files (chap. 20 in Texinfo manual)
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@dircategory" skip="\\$" end="$" oneline
syn region texinfoMltlnAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@direntry\s*$" end="^@end direntry\s*$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@novalidate\s*$"
"include files (appendix E in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "^@include" nextgroup=texinfoSinglePar skipwhite
"page headings (appendix F in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoHFSpecialChar "@|" contained
syn match texinfoThisAtCmd "@thischapter" contained
syn match texinfoThisAtCmd "@thischaptername" contained
syn match texinfoThisAtCmd "@thisfile" contained
syn match texinfoThisAtCmd "@thispage" contained
syn match texinfoThisAtCmd "@thistitle" contained
syn match texinfoThisAtCmd "@today{}" contained
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@evenfooting" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@evenheading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@everyfooting" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@everyheading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@oddfooting" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar oneline
syn region texinfoPrmAtCmd matchgroup=texinfoAtCmd start="^@oddheading" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar oneline
"refilling paragraphs (appendix H in Texinfo manual)
syn match texinfoAtCmd "@refill"
syn cluster texinfoAll contains=ALLBUT,texinfoThisAtCmd,texinfoHFSpecialChar
syn cluster texinfoReducedAll contains=texinfoSpecialChar,texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd
" highlighting
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link texinfoSpecialChar Special
hi def link texinfoHFSpecialChar Special
hi def link texinfoError Error
hi def link texinfoIdent Identifier
hi def link texinfoAssignment Identifier
hi def link texinfoSinglePar Identifier
hi def link texinfoIndexPar Identifier
hi def link texinfoSIPar Identifier
hi def link texinfoDIEPar Identifier
hi def link texinfoTexCmd PreProc
hi def link texinfoAtCmd Statement "@-command
hi def link texinfoPrmAtCmd String "@-command in one line with unknown nr. of parameters
"is String because is found as a region and is 'matchgroup'-ed
"to texinfoAtCmd
hi def link texinfoBrcPrmAtCmd String "@-command with parameter(s) in braces ({})
"is String because is found as a region and is 'matchgroup'-ed to texinfoAtCmd
hi def link texinfoMltlnAtCmdFLine texinfoAtCmd "repeated embedded First lines in @-commands
hi def link texinfoMltlnAtCmd String "@-command in multiple lines
"is String because is found as a region and is 'matchgroup'-ed to texinfoAtCmd
hi def link texinfoMltln2AtCmd PreProc "@-command in multiple lines (same as texinfoMltlnAtCmd, just with other colors)
hi def link texinfoMltlnDMAtCmd PreProc "@-command in multiple lines (same as texinfoMltlnAtCmd, just with other colors; used for @detailmenu, which can be included in @menu)
hi def link texinfoMltlnNAtCmd Normal "@-command in multiple lines (same as texinfoMltlnAtCmd, just with other colors)
hi def link texinfoThisAtCmd Statement "@-command used in headers and footers (@this... series)
hi def link texinfoComment Comment
hi def link texinfoDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link texinfoComment Comment
hi def link texinfoControlSequence Identifier
hi def link texinfoBrace Operator
hi def link texinfoArgument Special
hi def link texinfoExample String
hi def link texinfoVerbatim String
hi def link texinfoVerb String
hi def link texinfoCode String
hi def link texinfoMenu String
let b:current_syntax = "texinfo"
if main_syntax == 'texinfo'
unlet main_syntax
" vim: ts=8
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
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