
760 lines
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Raw Normal View History

let s:shell_error = 0
function! s:is_bad_response(s) abort
return a:s =~? '\v(^unable)|(^error)|(^outdated)'
function! s:trim(s) abort
return substitute(a:s, '^\_s*\|\_s*$', '', 'g')
" Convert '\' to '/'. Collapse '//' and '/./'.
function! s:normalize_path(s) abort
return substitute(substitute(a:s, '\', '/', 'g'), '/\./\|/\+', '/', 'g')
" Returns TRUE if `cmd` exits with success, else FALSE.
function! s:cmd_ok(cmd) abort
call system(a:cmd)
return v:shell_error == 0
" Simple version comparison.
function! s:version_cmp(a, b) abort
let a = split(a:a, '\.', 0)
let b = split(a:b, '\.', 0)
for i in range(len(a))
if str2nr(a[i]) > str2nr(b[i])
return 1
elseif str2nr(a[i]) < str2nr(b[i])
return -1
return 0
" Handler for s:system() function.
function! s:system_handler(jobid, data, event) dict abort
if a:event ==# 'stderr'
if self.add_stderr_to_output
let self.output .= join(a:data, '')
let self.stderr .= join(a:data, '')
elseif a:event ==# 'stdout'
let self.output .= join(a:data, '')
2017-04-28 14:18:10 -07:00
elseif a:event ==# 'exit'
let s:shell_error = a:data
" Attempts to construct a shell command from an args list.
" Only for display, to help users debug a failed command.
function! s:shellify(cmd) abort
if type(a:cmd) != type([])
return a:cmd
return join(map(copy(a:cmd),
\'v:val =~# ''\m[^\-.a-zA-Z_/]'' ? shellescape(v:val) : v:val'), ' ')
" Run a system command and timeout after 30 seconds.
function! s:system(cmd, ...) abort
let stdin = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
let ignore_error = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : 0
let opts = {
\ 'add_stderr_to_output': a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 0,
\ 'output': '',
\ 'stderr': '',
\ 'on_stdout': function('s:system_handler'),
\ 'on_stderr': function('s:system_handler'),
\ 'on_exit': function('s:system_handler'),
\ }
let jobid = jobstart(a:cmd, opts)
if jobid < 1
call health#report_error(printf('Command error (job=%d): `%s` (in %s)',
\ jobid, s:shellify(a:cmd), string(getcwd())))
let s:shell_error = 1
return opts.output
if !empty(stdin)
call jobsend(jobid, stdin)
let res = jobwait([jobid], 30000)
if res[0] == -1
call health#report_error(printf('Command timed out: %s', s:shellify(a:cmd)))
call jobstop(jobid)
elseif s:shell_error != 0 && !ignore_error
let emsg = printf("Command error (job=%d, exit code %d): `%s` (in %s)",
\ jobid, s:shell_error, s:shellify(a:cmd), string(getcwd()))
if !empty(opts.output)
let emsg .= "\noutput: " . opts.output
if !empty(opts.stderr)
let emsg .= "\nstderr: " . opts.stderr
call health#report_error(emsg)
return opts.output
function! s:systemlist(cmd, ...) abort
let stdout = split(s:system(a:cmd, a:0 ? a:1 : ''), "\n")
if a:0 > 1 && !empty(a:2)
return filter(stdout, '!empty(v:val)')
return stdout
" Fetch the contents of a URL.
function! s:download(url) abort
let has_curl = executable('curl')
if has_curl && system(['curl', '-V']) =~# 'Protocols:.*https'
let rv = s:system(['curl', '-sL', a:url], '', 1, 1)
return s:shell_error ? 'curl error with '.a:url.': '.s:shell_error : rv
elseif executable('python')
let script = "
\ from urllib.request import urlopen\n
\except ImportError:\n
\ from urllib2 import urlopen\n
\response = urlopen('".a:url."')\n
let rv = s:system(['python', '-c', script])
return empty(rv) && s:shell_error
\ ? 'python urllib.request error: '.s:shell_error
\ : rv
return 'missing `curl` '
\ .(has_curl ? '(with HTTPS support) ' : '')
\ .'and `python`, cannot make web request'
" Check for clipboard tools.
function! s:check_clipboard() abort
call health#report_start('Clipboard (optional)')
if !empty($TMUX) && executable('tmux') && executable('pbpaste') && !s:cmd_ok('pbpaste')
let tmux_version = matchstr(system('tmux -V'), '\d\+\.\d\+')
call health#report_error('pbcopy does not work with tmux version: '.tmux_version,
\ ['Install tmux 2.6+.',
\ 'or use tmux with reattach-to-user-namespace.'])
let clipboard_tool = provider#clipboard#Executable()
if exists('g:clipboard') && empty(clipboard_tool)
call health#report_error(
\ provider#clipboard#Error(),
\ ["Use the example in :help g:clipboard as a template, or don't set g:clipboard at all."])
elseif empty(clipboard_tool)
call health#report_warn(
\ 'No clipboard tool found. Clipboard registers (`"+` and `"*`) will not work.',
\ [':help clipboard'])
call health#report_ok('Clipboard tool found: '. clipboard_tool)
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
" Get the latest Nvim Python client (pynvim) version from PyPI.
function! s:latest_pypi_version() abort
let pypi_version = 'unable to get pypi response'
let pypi_response = s:download('')
if !empty(pypi_response)
let pypi_data = json_decode(pypi_response)
catch /E474/
return 'error: '.pypi_response
let pypi_version = get(get(pypi_data, 'info', {}), 'version', 'unable to parse')
return pypi_version
" Get version information using the specified interpreter. The interpreter is
" used directly in case breaking changes were introduced since the last time
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
" Nvim's Python client was updated.
" Returns: [
" {python executable version},
" {current nvim version},
" {current pypi nvim status},
" {installed version status}
" ]
function! s:version_info(python) abort
let pypi_version = s:latest_pypi_version()
let python_version = s:trim(s:system([
\ a:python,
\ '-c',
\ 'import sys; print(".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:3]))',
\ ]))
if empty(python_version)
let python_version = 'unable to parse '.a:python.' response'
let nvim_path = s:trim(s:system([
\ a:python, '-c',
\ 'import sys; ' .
\ 'sys.path = list(filter(lambda x: x != "", sys.path)); ' .
\ 'import neovim; print(neovim.__file__)']))
if s:shell_error || empty(nvim_path)
return [python_version, 'unable to load neovim Python module', pypi_version,
\ nvim_path]
" Assuming that multiple versions of a package are installed, sort them
" numerically in descending order.
2017-04-28 14:18:10 -07:00
function! s:compare(metapath1, metapath2) abort
let a = matchstr(fnamemodify(a:metapath1, ':p:h:t'), '[0-9.]\+')
let b = matchstr(fnamemodify(a:metapath2, ':p:h:t'), '[0-9.]\+')
return a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1
" Try to get neovim.VERSION (added in 0.1.11dev).
let nvim_version = s:system([a:python, '-c',
\ 'from neovim import VERSION as v; '.
\ 'print("{}.{}.{}{}".format(v.major, v.minor, v.patch, v.prerelease))'],
\ '', 1, 1)
if empty(nvim_version)
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
let nvim_version = 'unable to find pynvim module version'
let base = fnamemodify(nvim_path, ':h')
let metas = glob(base.'-*/METADATA', 1, 1)
\ + glob(base.'-*/PKG-INFO', 1, 1)
\ + glob(base.'.egg-info/PKG-INFO', 1, 1)
let metas = sort(metas, 's:compare')
if !empty(metas)
for meta_line in readfile(metas[0])
if meta_line =~# '^Version:'
let nvim_version = matchstr(meta_line, '^Version: \zs\S\+')
let nvim_path_base = fnamemodify(nvim_path, ':~:h')
let version_status = 'unknown; '.nvim_path_base
if !s:is_bad_response(nvim_version) && !s:is_bad_response(pypi_version)
if s:version_cmp(nvim_version, pypi_version) == -1
let version_status = 'outdated; from '.nvim_path_base
let version_status = 'up to date'
return [python_version, nvim_version, pypi_version, version_status]
" Check the Python interpreter's usability.
function! s:check_bin(bin) abort
if !filereadable(a:bin) && (!has('win32') || !filereadable(a:bin.'.exe'))
call health#report_error(printf('"%s" was not found.', a:bin))
return 0
elseif executable(a:bin) != 1
call health#report_error(printf('"%s" is not executable.', a:bin))
return 0
return 1
" Check "loaded" var for given a:provider.
" Returns 1 if the caller should return (skip checks).
function! s:disabled_via_loaded_var(provider) abort
let loaded_var = 'g:loaded_'.a:provider.'_provider'
if exists(loaded_var) && !exists('*provider#'.a:provider.'#Call')
let v = eval(loaded_var)
if 0 is v
call health#report_info('Disabled ('.loaded_var.'='.v.').')
return 1
call health#report_info('Disabled ('.loaded_var.'='.v.'). This might be due to some previous error.')
return 0
function! s:check_python() abort
call health#report_start('Python 3 provider (optional)')
let pyname = 'python3'
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
let python_exe = ''
let venv = exists('$VIRTUAL_ENV') ? resolve($VIRTUAL_ENV) : ''
let host_prog_var = pyname.'_host_prog'
let python_multiple = []
if s:disabled_via_loaded_var(pyname)
2019-01-06 07:44:39 -07:00
let [pyenv, pyenv_root] = s:check_for_pyenv()
if exists('g:'.host_prog_var)
call health#report_info(printf('Using: g:%s = "%s"', host_prog_var, get(g:, host_prog_var)))
let [pyname, pythonx_errors] = provider#pythonx#Detect(3)
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if empty(pyname)
call health#report_warn('No Python executable found that can `import neovim`. '
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
\ . 'Using the first available executable for diagnostics.')
elseif exists('g:'.host_prog_var)
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
let python_exe = pyname
provider#pythonx: resolve/expand exe from host var (#11047) This reverts part of ade88fe4c [1]. This is required for `let g:python3_host_prog = 'python'` etc, where it should get picked up from PATH. Without this it would show: ``` - INFO: pyenv: Path: /home/user/.pyenv/libexec/pyenv - INFO: pyenv: Root: /home/user/.pyenv - INFO: Using: g:python3_host_prog = "python" - ERROR: "python" was not found. - INFO: Executable: Not found - ERROR: Detected pip upgrade failure: Python executable can import "pynvim" but not "neovim": python - ADVICE: - Use that Python version to reinstall "pynvim" and optionally "neovim". pip3 uninstall pynvim neovim pip3 install pynvim pip3 install neovim # only if needed by third-party software ``` Note that it additionally causes a weird error ("Detected pip upgrade failure"), due to `s:check_bin` emptying `python_exe` (because the non-absolute file not being readable), and `provider#pythonx#DetectByModule('pynvim', a:version)` from 75593e6fce then just getting the value from the host var again (without actual checks). This is implicitly fixed via this patch now (because it is skipped), but could need some improvement in this regard probably. With this patch it resolves it (for a virtualenv where pynvim is not made available intentionally): ``` - INFO: pyenv: Path: /home/daniel/.pyenv/libexec/pyenv - INFO: pyenv: Root: /home/daniel/.pyenv - INFO: Using: g:python3_host_prog = "python" - WARNING: $VIRTUAL_ENV exists but appears to be inactive. This could lead to unexpected results. - ADVICE: - If you are using Zsh, see: - INFO: Executable: /home/daniel/.pyenv/shims/tmp-system-deoplete.nvim-f205aF/python - ERROR: Command error (job=11, exit code 1): `'/home/daniel/.pyenv/shims/tmp-system-deoplete.nvim-f205aF/python' -c 'import sys; sys.path.remove(""); import neovim; print(neovim.__file__)'` (in '/home/daniel/.dotfiles/vim/plugged/deoplete.nvim') Output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'neovim' Stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'neovim' - INFO: Python version: 3.7.4 - INFO: pynvim version: unable to load neovim Python module - ERROR: pynvim is not installed. Error: unable to load neovim Python module - ADVICE: - Run in shell: pip3 install pynvim ``` Note: this appears to display the error twice via "Output:" and "Stderr:". 1:
2019-09-30 03:52:04 -07:00
" No Python executable could `import neovim`, or host_prog_var was used.
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if !empty(pythonx_errors)
call health#report_error('Python provider error:', pythonx_errors)
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
elseif !empty(pyname) && empty(python_exe)
if !exists('g:'.host_prog_var)
call health#report_info(printf('`g:%s` is not set. Searching for '
\ . '%s in the environment.', host_prog_var, pyname))
if !empty(pyenv)
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
let python_exe = s:trim(s:system([pyenv, 'which', pyname], '', 1))
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if empty(python_exe)
call health#report_warn(printf('pyenv could not find %s.', pyname))
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if empty(python_exe)
let python_exe = exepath(pyname)
if exists('$PATH')
for path in split($PATH, has('win32') ? ';' : ':')
let path_bin = s:normalize_path(path.'/'.pyname)
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if path_bin != s:normalize_path(python_exe)
\ && index(python_multiple, path_bin) == -1
\ && executable(path_bin)
call add(python_multiple, path_bin)
if len(python_multiple)
" This is worth noting since the user may install something
" that changes $PATH, like homebrew.
call health#report_info(printf('Multiple %s executables found. '
\ . 'Set `g:%s` to avoid surprises.', pyname, host_prog_var))
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if python_exe =~# '\<shims\>'
call health#report_warn(printf('`%s` appears to be a pyenv shim.', python_exe), [
\ '`pyenv` is not in $PATH, your pyenv installation is broken. '
\ .'Set `g:'.host_prog_var.'` to avoid surprises.',
\ ])
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if !empty(python_exe) && !exists('g:'.host_prog_var)
if empty(venv) && !empty(pyenv)
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
\ && !empty(pyenv_root) && resolve(python_exe) !~# '^'.pyenv_root.'/'
call health#report_warn('pyenv is not set up optimally.', [
\ printf('Create a virtualenv specifically '
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
\ . 'for Nvim using pyenv, and set `g:%s`. This will avoid '
\ . 'the need to install the pynvim module in each '
\ . 'version/virtualenv.', host_prog_var)
\ ])
elseif !empty(venv)
if !empty(pyenv_root)
let venv_root = pyenv_root
let venv_root = fnamemodify(venv, ':h')
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if resolve(python_exe) !~# '^'.venv_root.'/'
call health#report_warn('Your virtualenv is not set up optimally.', [
\ printf('Create a virtualenv specifically '
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
\ . 'for Nvim and use `g:%s`. This will avoid '
\ . 'the need to install the pynvim module in each '
\ . 'virtualenv.', host_prog_var)
\ ])
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
if empty(python_exe) && !empty(pyname)
" An error message should have already printed.
call health#report_error(printf('`%s` was not found.', pyname))
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
elseif !empty(python_exe) && !s:check_bin(python_exe)
let python_exe = ''
" Diagnostic output
2019-01-06 09:19:57 -07:00
call health#report_info('Executable: ' . (empty(python_exe) ? 'Not found' : python_exe))
if len(python_multiple)
for path_bin in python_multiple
call health#report_info('Other python executable: ' . path_bin)
if empty(python_exe)
" No Python executable can import 'neovim'. Check if any Python executable
" can import 'pynvim'. If so, that Python failed to import 'neovim' as
" well, which is most probably due to a failed pip upgrade:
let [pynvim_exe, errors] = provider#pythonx#DetectByModule('pynvim', 3)
if !empty(pynvim_exe)
call health#report_error(
\ 'Detected pip upgrade failure: Python executable can import "pynvim" but '
\ . 'not "neovim": '. pynvim_exe,
\ "Use that Python version to reinstall \"pynvim\" and optionally \"neovim\".\n"
\ . pynvim_exe ." -m pip uninstall pynvim neovim\n"
\ . pynvim_exe ." -m pip install pynvim\n"
\ . pynvim_exe ." -m pip install neovim # only if needed by third-party software")
let [majorpyversion, current, latest, status] = s:version_info(python_exe)
if 3 != str2nr(majorpyversion)
call health#report_warn('Unexpected Python version.' .
\ ' This could lead to confusing error messages.')
call health#report_info('Python version: ' . majorpyversion)
if s:is_bad_response(status)
2018-11-18 13:38:34 -07:00
call health#report_info(printf('pynvim version: %s (%s)', current, status))
call health#report_info(printf('pynvim version: %s', current))
if s:is_bad_response(current)
call health#report_error(
2018-11-18 13:38:34 -07:00
\ "pynvim is not installed.\nError: ".current,
\ ['Run in shell: '. python_exe .' -m pip install pynvim'])
if s:is_bad_response(latest)
call health#report_warn('Could not contact PyPI to get latest version.')
call health#report_error('HTTP request failed: '.latest)
elseif s:is_bad_response(status)
2018-11-18 13:38:34 -07:00
call health#report_warn(printf('Latest pynvim is NOT installed: %s', latest))
elseif !s:is_bad_response(current)
2018-11-18 13:38:34 -07:00
call health#report_ok(printf('Latest pynvim is installed.'))
2019-01-06 07:44:39 -07:00
" Check if pyenv is available and a valid pyenv root can be found, then return
" their respective paths. If either of those is invalid, return two empty
" strings, effectivly ignoring pyenv.
function! s:check_for_pyenv() abort
let pyenv_path = resolve(exepath('pyenv'))
if empty(pyenv_path)
return ['', '']
call health#report_info('pyenv: Path: '. pyenv_path)
let pyenv_root = exists('$PYENV_ROOT') ? resolve($PYENV_ROOT) : ''
if empty(pyenv_root)
let pyenv_root = s:trim(s:system([pyenv_path, 'root']))
call health#report_info('pyenv: $PYENV_ROOT is not set. Infer from `pyenv root`.')
if !isdirectory(pyenv_root)
call health#report_warn(
\ printf('pyenv: Root does not exist: %s. '
\ . 'Ignoring pyenv for all following checks.', pyenv_root))
return ['', '']
call health#report_info('pyenv: Root: '.pyenv_root)
2019-01-06 07:44:39 -07:00
return [pyenv_path, pyenv_root]
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
" Resolves Python executable path by invoking and checking `sys.executable`.
function! s:python_exepath(invocation) abort
return s:normalize_path(system(fnameescape(a:invocation)
\ . ' -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.executable)"'))
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
" Checks that $VIRTUAL_ENV Python executables are found at front of $PATH in
" Nvim and subshells.
function! s:check_virtualenv() abort
call health#report_start('Python virtualenv')
if !exists('$VIRTUAL_ENV')
call health#report_ok('no $VIRTUAL_ENV')
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
let errors = []
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
" Keep hints as dict keys in order to discard duplicates.
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
let hints = {}
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
" The virtualenv should contain some Python executables, and those
" executables should be first both on Nvim's $PATH and the $PATH of
" subshells launched from Nvim.
let bin_dir = has('win32') ? '/Scripts' : '/bin'
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
let venv_bins = glob($VIRTUAL_ENV . bin_dir . '/python*', v:true, v:true)
" XXX: Remove irrelevant executables found in bin/.
let venv_bins = filter(venv_bins, 'v:val !~# "python-config"')
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
if len(venv_bins)
for venv_bin in venv_bins
let venv_bin = s:normalize_path(venv_bin)
let py_bin_basename = fnamemodify(venv_bin, ':t')
let nvim_py_bin = s:python_exepath(exepath(py_bin_basename))
let subshell_py_bin = s:python_exepath(py_bin_basename)
if venv_bin !=# nvim_py_bin
call add(errors, '$PATH yields this '.py_bin_basename.' executable: '.nvim_py_bin)
let hint = '$PATH ambiguities arise if the virtualenv is not '
\.'properly activated prior to launching Nvim. Close Nvim, activate the virtualenv, '
\.'check that invoking Python from the command line launches the correct one, '
\.'then relaunch Nvim.'
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
let hints[hint] = v:true
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
if venv_bin !=# subshell_py_bin
call add(errors, '$PATH in subshells yields this '
\.py_bin_basename . ' executable: '.subshell_py_bin)
let hint = '$PATH ambiguities in subshells typically are '
\.'caused by your shell config overriding the $PATH previously set by the '
\.'virtualenv. Either prevent them from doing so, or use this workaround: '
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
let hints[hint] = v:true
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
call add(errors, 'no Python executables found in the virtualenv '.bin_dir.' directory.')
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
2020-07-19 13:37:50 -07:00
let msg = '$VIRTUAL_ENV is set to: '.$VIRTUAL_ENV
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
if len(errors)
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
if len(venv_bins)
let msg .= "\nAnd its ".bin_dir.' directory contains: '
\.join(map(venv_bins, "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), ', ')
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
let conj = "\nBut "
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
for error in errors
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
let msg .= conj.error
let conj = "\nAnd "
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
let msg .= "\nSo invoking Python may lead to unexpected results."
call health#report_warn(msg, keys(hints))
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
2020-07-19 13:37:50 -07:00
call health#report_info(msg)
call health#report_info('Python version: '
\.system('python -c "import platform, sys; sys.stdout.write(platform.python_version())"'))
call health#report_ok('$VIRTUAL_ENV provides :!python.')
checkhealth: better $VIRTUAL_ENV validation #11781 fix #11753 close #11781 The virtualenv troubleshooting in the Python provider health checks is supposed to help the user determine whether running Python from Neovim (as in `system('python')` or `system(exepath('python'))`) will use the correct executable when a virtualenv is active. Currently however, it issues spurious warnings in legitimate setups, and conversely, fails to warn about potentially problematic ones. See for a more detailed analysis, but at a high level, this is due to two things: - the virtualenv check is part of the Python provider check defined in `s:check_python`, which uses a roundabout and sometimes erroneous way of determining the Python executable - more generally, it shouldn't be part of the provider check at all, because it's not really related to the Python *provider*, i.e. the Python executable which can communicate with Neovim via `pynvim`, but to the Python the user is editing source files for, which typically shouldn't even have `pynvim` installed This patch reimplements the virtualenv check and factors it out into its own separate function, which is however still kept in `health/provider.vim` alongside the rest of the Python troubleshooting, since troubleshooting all Python-related stuff in one place is probably a good idea in order to alleviate any potential confusion (e.g. users who run only provider checks might be left wondering whether their virtualenv Python was properly detected if the report only shows their global Python as the provider used by Neovim).
2020-01-27 01:38:44 -07:00
function! s:check_ruby() abort
call health#report_start('Ruby provider (optional)')
if s:disabled_via_loaded_var('ruby')
if !executable('ruby') || !executable('gem')
call health#report_warn(
2017-04-28 14:18:10 -07:00
\ '`ruby` and `gem` must be in $PATH.',
\ ['Install Ruby and verify that `ruby` and `gem` commands work.'])
call health#report_info('Ruby: '. s:system(['ruby', '-v']))
let [host, err] = provider#ruby#Detect()
if empty(host)
call health#report_warn('`neovim-ruby-host` not found.',
\ ['Run `gem install neovim` to ensure the neovim RubyGem is installed.',
\ 'Run `gem environment` to ensure the gem bin directory is in $PATH.',
\ 'If you are using rvm/rbenv/chruby, try "rehashing".',
\ 'See :help g:ruby_host_prog for non-standard gem installations.'])
call health#report_info('Host: '. host)
let latest_gem_cmd = has('win32') ? 'cmd /c gem list -ra "^^neovim$"' : 'gem list -ra ^neovim$'
let latest_gem = s:system(split(latest_gem_cmd))
if s:shell_error || empty(latest_gem)
call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. latest_gem_cmd,
\ ["Make sure you're connected to the internet.",
2017-04-28 14:18:10 -07:00
\ 'Are you behind a firewall or proxy?'])
let latest_gem = get(split(latest_gem, 'neovim (\|, \|)$' ), 0, 'not found')
let current_gem_cmd = [host, '--version']
let current_gem = s:system(current_gem_cmd)
if s:shell_error
call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. join(current_gem_cmd),
\ ['Report this issue with the output of: ', join(current_gem_cmd)])
if s:version_cmp(current_gem, latest_gem) == -1
call health#report_warn(
\ printf('Gem "neovim" is out-of-date. Installed: %s, latest: %s',
\ current_gem, latest_gem),
\ ['Run in shell: gem update neovim'])
call health#report_ok('Latest "neovim" gem is installed: '. current_gem)
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
function! s:check_node() abort
call health#report_start('Node.js provider (optional)')
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
if s:disabled_via_loaded_var('node')
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
if !executable('node') || (!executable('npm') && !executable('yarn'))
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
call health#report_warn(
\ '`node` and `npm` (or `yarn`) must be in $PATH.',
\ ['Install Node.js and verify that `node` and `npm` (or `yarn`) commands work.'])
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
let node_v = get(split(s:system(['node', '-v']), "\n"), 0, '')
call health#report_info('Node.js: '. node_v)
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
if s:shell_error || s:version_cmp(node_v[1:], '6.0.0') < 0
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
call health#report_warn('Nvim node.js host does not support '.node_v)
" Skip further checks, they are nonsense if nodejs is too old.
if !provider#node#can_inspect()
call health#report_warn('node.js on this system does not support --inspect-brk so $NVIM_NODE_HOST_DEBUG is ignored.')
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
let [host, err] = provider#node#Detect()
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
if empty(host)
call health#report_warn('Missing "neovim" npm (or yarn) package.',
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
\ ['Run in shell: npm install -g neovim',
\ 'Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim'])
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
call health#report_info('Nvim node.js host: '. host)
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
let manager = executable('npm') ? 'npm' : 'yarn'
let latest_npm_cmd = has('win32') ?
\ 'cmd /c '. manager .' info neovim --json' :
\ manager .' info neovim --json'
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
let latest_npm = s:system(split(latest_npm_cmd))
if s:shell_error || empty(latest_npm)
call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. latest_npm_cmd,
\ ["Make sure you're connected to the internet.",
\ 'Are you behind a firewall or proxy?'])
let pkg_data = json_decode(latest_npm)
catch /E474/
return 'error: '.latest_npm
let latest_npm = get(get(pkg_data, 'dist-tags', {}), 'latest', 'unable to parse')
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
let current_npm_cmd = ['node', host, '--version']
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
let current_npm = s:system(current_npm_cmd)
if s:shell_error
call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. join(current_npm_cmd),
\ ['Report this issue with the output of: ', join(current_npm_cmd)])
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
if s:version_cmp(current_npm, latest_npm) == -1
call health#report_warn(
\ printf('Package "neovim" is out-of-date. Installed: %s, latest: %s',
\ current_npm, latest_npm),
\ ['Run in shell: npm install -g neovim',
\ 'Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim'])
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
call health#report_ok('Latest "neovim" npm/yarn package is installed: '. current_npm)
2017-10-29 11:06:47 -07:00
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
function! s:check_perl() abort
call health#report_start('Perl provider (optional)')
if s:disabled_via_loaded_var('perl')
let [perl_exec, perl_errors] = provider#perl#Detect()
if empty(perl_exec)
if !empty(perl_errors)
call health#report_error('perl provider error:', perl_errors)
call health#report_warn('No usable perl executable found')
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
2020-09-01 06:46:30 -07:00
call health#report_info('perl executable: '. perl_exec)
" we cannot use cpanm that is on the path, as it may not be for the perl
" set with g:perl_host_prog
call s:system([perl_exec, '-W', '-MApp::cpanminus', '-e', ''])
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
if s:shell_error
return [perl_exec, '"App::cpanminus" module is not installed']
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
let latest_cpan_cmd = [perl_exec,
\ '-MApp::cpanminus::fatscript', '-e',
\ 'my $app = App::cpanminus::script->new;
\ $app->parse_options ("--info", "-q", "Neovim::Ext");
\ exit $app->doit']
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
let latest_cpan = s:system(latest_cpan_cmd)
if s:shell_error || empty(latest_cpan)
call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. join(latest_cpan_cmd, " "),
\ ["Make sure you're connected to the internet.",
\ 'Are you behind a firewall or proxy?'])
elseif latest_cpan[0] ==# '!'
let cpanm_errs = split(latest_cpan, '!')
if cpanm_errs[0] =~# "Can't write to "
call health#report_warn(cpanm_errs[0], cpanm_errs[1:-2])
" Last line is the package info
let latest_cpan = cpanm_errs[-1]
call health#report_error('Unknown warning from command: ' . latest_cpan_cmd, cpanm_errs)
let latest_cpan = matchstr(latest_cpan, '\(\.\?\d\)\+')
if empty(latest_cpan)
call health#report_error('Cannot parse version number from cpanm output: ' . latest_cpan)
let current_cpan_cmd = [perl_exec, '-W', '-MNeovim::Ext', '-e', 'print $Neovim::Ext::VERSION']
let current_cpan = s:system(current_cpan_cmd)
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
if s:shell_error
call health#report_error('Failed to run: '. join(current_cpan_cmd),
\ ['Report this issue with the output of: ', join(current_cpan_cmd)])
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
if s:version_cmp(current_cpan, latest_cpan) == -1
call health#report_warn(
\ printf('Module "Neovim::Ext" is out-of-date. Installed: %s, latest: %s',
\ current_cpan, latest_cpan),
\ ['Run in shell: cpanm -n Neovim::Ext'])
call health#report_ok('Latest "Neovim::Ext" cpan module is installed: '. current_cpan)
2020-01-15 19:56:46 -07:00
function! health#provider#check() abort
call s:check_clipboard()
call s:check_python()
2020-02-02 17:19:32 -07:00
call s:check_virtualenv()
call s:check_ruby()
call s:check_node()
call s:check_perl()