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synced 2024-12-20 03:05:11 -07:00
checkhealth: cleanup, brevity
This commit is contained in:
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ function! s:check_clipboard() abort
" Get the latest Neovim Python client (pynvim) version from PyPI.
" Get the latest Nvim Python client (pynvim) version from PyPI.
function! s:latest_pypi_version() abort
let pypi_version = 'unable to get pypi response'
let pypi_response = s:download('https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pynvim/json')
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ endfunction
" Get version information using the specified interpreter. The interpreter is
" used directly in case breaking changes were introduced since the last time
" Neovim's Python client was updated.
" Nvim's Python client was updated.
" Returns: [
" {python executable version},
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function! s:version_info(python) abort
\ 'print("{}.{}.{}{}".format(v.major, v.minor, v.patch, v.prerelease))'],
\ '', 1, 1)
if empty(nvim_version)
let nvim_version = 'unable to find neovim Python module version'
let nvim_version = 'unable to find pynvim module version'
let base = fnamemodify(nvim_path, ':h')
let metas = glob(base.'-*/METADATA', 1, 1)
\ + glob(base.'-*/PKG-INFO', 1, 1)
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ function! s:check_python(version) abort
\ && !empty(pyenv_root) && resolve(python_exe) !~# '^'.pyenv_root.'/'
call health#report_warn('pyenv is not set up optimally.', [
\ printf('Create a virtualenv specifically '
\ . 'for Neovim using pyenv, and set `g:%s`. This will avoid '
\ . 'for Nvim using pyenv, and set `g:%s`. This will avoid '
\ . 'the need to install the pynvim module in each '
\ . 'version/virtualenv.', host_prog_var)
\ ])
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ function! s:check_python(version) abort
if resolve(python_exe) !~# '^'.venv_root.'/'
call health#report_warn('Your virtualenv is not set up optimally.', [
\ printf('Create a virtualenv specifically '
\ . 'for Neovim and use `g:%s`. This will avoid '
\ . 'for Nvim and use `g:%s`. This will avoid '
\ . 'the need to install the pynvim module in each '
\ . 'virtualenv.', host_prog_var)
\ ])
@ -485,71 +485,71 @@ function! s:check_for_pyenv() abort
return [pyenv_path, pyenv_root]
" Locate Python executable by running invocation and checking
" sys.executable.
function! s:locate_pythonx(invocation) abort
" Resolves Python executable path by invoking and checking `sys.executable`.
function! s:python_exepath(invocation) abort
return s:normalize_path(system(a:invocation
\ . ' -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.executable)"'))
" If $VIRTUAL_ENV is set, check whether its Python executables will be
" the first on the $PATH of both Neovim and subshells spawned from
" Neovim.
function! s:check_active_virtualenv() abort
call health#report_start('Python active virtualenv')
" Checks that $VIRTUAL_ENV Python executables are found at front of $PATH in
" Nvim and subshells.
function! s:check_virtualenv() abort
call health#report_start('Python virtualenv')
if !exists('$VIRTUAL_ENV')
call health#report_ok('no $VIRTUAL_ENV')
let errors = []
" hints are kept as Dictionary keys in order to discard duplicates
" Keep hints as dict keys in order to discard duplicates.
let hints = {}
" the virtualenv should contain some Python executables, and those
" executables should be first both on Neovim's path and on the path of
" subshells launched from Neovim
" The virtualenv should contain some Python executables, and those
" executables should be first both on Nvim's $PATH and the $PATH of
" subshells launched from Nvim.
let bin_dir = has('win32') ? '/Scripts' : '/bin'
let venv_pythonxs = glob($VIRTUAL_ENV . bin_dir . '/python*', v:true, v:true)
if len(venv_pythonxs)
for venv_pythonx in venv_pythonxs
let venv_pythonx = s:normalize_path(venv_pythonx)
let pythonx_basename = fnamemodify(venv_pythonx, ':t')
let neovim_pythonx = s:locate_pythonx(exepath(pythonx_basename))
let subshell_pythonx = s:locate_pythonx(pythonx_basename)
if venv_pythonx !=# neovim_pythonx
call add(errors, 'according to Neovim''s $PATH, the ' . pythonx_basename
\ . ' executable is found outside the virtualenv, here: ' . neovim_pythonx)
let hint = 'Problems with Neovim''s $PATH are caused by the virtualenv not being '
\ . 'properly activated prior to launching Neovim. Close Neovim, activate the virtualenv '
\ . 'properly, check that invoking Python from the command line launches the correct one, '
\ . 'and relaunch Neovim.'
let venv_bins = glob($VIRTUAL_ENV . bin_dir . '/python*', v:true, v:true)
if len(venv_bins)
for venv_bin in venv_bins
let venv_bin = s:normalize_path(venv_bin)
let py_bin_basename = fnamemodify(venv_bin, ':t')
let nvim_py_bin = s:python_exepath(exepath(py_bin_basename))
let subshell_py_bin = s:python_exepath(py_bin_basename)
if venv_bin !=# nvim_py_bin
call add(errors, '$PATH yields this '.py_bin_basename.' executable: '.nvim_py_bin)
let hint = '$PATH ambiguities arise if the virtualenv is not '
\.'properly activated prior to launching Nvim. Close Nvim, activate the virtualenv, '
\.'check that invoking Python from the command line launches the correct one, '
\.'then relaunch Nvim.'
let hints[hint] = v:true
if venv_pythonx !=# subshell_pythonx
call add(errors, 'according to the $PATH of subshells launched from Neovim, the '
\ . pythonx_basename . ' executable is found outside the virtualenv, here: '
\ . subshell_pythonx)
let hint = 'Problems with the $PATH of subshells launched from Neovim can be '
\ . 'caused by your shell''s startup files overriding the $PATH previously set by the '
\ . 'virtualenv. Either prevent them from doing so, or use '
\ . 'https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/7654/18339 as a workaround.'
if venv_bin !=# subshell_py_bin
call add(errors, '$PATH in subshells yields this '
\.py_bin_basename . ' executable: '.subshell_py_bin)
let hint = '$PATH ambiguities in subshells typically are '
\.'caused by your shell config overriding the $PATH previously set by the '
\.'virtualenv. Either prevent them from doing so, or use this workaround: '
let hints[hint] = v:true
call add(errors, 'no Python executables were found in the virtualenv''s '
\ . bin_dir . ' directory.')
call add(errors, 'no Python executables found in the virtualenv '.bin_dir.' directory.')
if len(errors)
call health#report_warn('$VIRTUAL_ENV is set to: ' . $VIRTUAL_ENV)
if len(venv_pythonxs)
call health#report_warn('And its ' . bin_dir . ' directory contains the following executables: '
\ . join(map(venv_pythonxs, "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), ', '))
let msg = '$VIRTUAL_ENV is set to: '.$VIRTUAL_ENV
if len(venv_bins)
let msg .= "\nAnd its ".bin_dir.' directory contains: '
\.join(map(venv_bins, "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), ', ')
let conj = 'However, '
let conj = "\nBut "
for error in errors
call health#report_warn(conj . error)
let conj = 'And '
let msg .= conj.error
let conj = "\nAnd "
call health#report_warn('So invoking Python may lead to unexpected results.', keys(hints))
let msg .= "\nSo invoking Python may lead to unexpected results."
call health#report_warn(msg, keys(hints))
call health#report_ok('$VIRTUAL_ENV is active and invoking Python from within Neovim will honor it.')
call health#report_ok('$VIRTUAL_ENV provides :python, :python3, et al.')
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ function! s:check_node() abort
let node_v = get(split(s:system('node -v'), "\n"), 0, '')
call health#report_info('Node.js: '. node_v)
if s:shell_error || s:version_cmp(node_v[1:], '6.0.0') < 0
call health#report_warn('Neovim node.js host does not support '.node_v)
call health#report_warn('Nvim node.js host does not support '.node_v)
" Skip further checks, they are nonsense if nodejs is too old.
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ function! s:check_node() abort
\ 'Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim'])
call health#report_info('Neovim node.js host: '. host)
call health#report_info('Nvim node.js host: '. host)
let manager = executable('npm') ? 'npm' : 'yarn'
let latest_npm_cmd = has('win32') ?
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ function! s:check_perl() abort
let perl_v = get(split(s:system(['perl', '-W', '-e', 'print $^V']), "\n"), 0, '')
call health#report_info('Perl: '. perl_v)
if s:shell_error
call health#report_warn('Neovim perl host does not support '.perl_v)
call health#report_warn('Nvim perl host does not support '.perl_v)
" Skip further checks, they are nonsense if perl is too old.
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ function! s:check_perl() abort
\ ['Run in shell: cpanm Neovim::Ext'])
call health#report_info('Neovim perl host: '. host)
call health#report_info('Nvim perl host: '. host)
let latest_cpan_cmd = 'cpanm --info Neovim::Ext'
let latest_cpan = s:system(latest_cpan_cmd)
@ -735,13 +735,11 @@ function! s:check_perl() abort
function! health#provider#check() abort
call s:check_clipboard()
call s:check_python(2)
call s:check_python(3)
if exists('$VIRTUAL_ENV')
call s:check_active_virtualenv()
call s:check_ruby()
call s:check_node()
call s:check_perl()
" call s:check_clipboard()
" call s:check_python(2)
" call s:check_python(3)
call s:check_virtualenv()
" call s:check_ruby()
" call s:check_node()
" call s:check_perl()
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