2017-01-21 11:48:45 -02:00

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# asdf [![Build Status](](
### _extendable version manager_
Supported languages include Ruby, Node.js, Elixir and more. Supporting a new language is as simple as [this plugin API](
Copy-paste the following into command line:
git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.2.1
Depending on your OS, run the following
# For Ubuntu or other linux distros
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bashrc
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
# OR for Mac OSX
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bash_profile
If you use zsh or any other shell, replace `.bashrc` with the config file for the respective shell.
For fish, you can use the following:
echo 'source ~/.asdf/' >> ~/.config/fish/
mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions; and cp ~/.asdf/completions/ ~/.config/fish/completions
> For most plugins, it is good if you have installed the following packages OR their equivalent on your OS
> * **OS X**: Install these via homebrew `automake autoconf openssl libyaml readline libxslt libtool unixodbc`
> * **Ubuntu**: `automake autoconf libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libxslt-dev libffi-dev libtool unixodbc-dev`
> * **Fedora**: `automake autoconf readline-devel ncurses-devel openssl-devel libyaml-devel libxslt-devel libffi-devel libtool unixODBC-devel`
**That's all ~! You are ready to use asdf**
### Manage plugins
Plugins are how asdf understands how to handle different packages. Below is a list of plugins for languages. There is a [super-simple API]( for supporting more languages.
| Language | Repository | CI Status
| Clojure | [vic/asdf-clojure]( | [![Build Status](](
| Crystal | [marciogm/asdf-crystal]( | [![Build Status](](
| D (DMD) | [sylph01/asdf-dmd]( | [![Build Status](](
| Elixir | [asdf-vm/asdf-elixir]( | [![Build Status](](
| Elm | [vic/asdf-elm]( | [![Build Status](](
| Erlang | [asdf-vm/asdf-erlang]( | [![Build Status](](
| Go | [kennyp/asdf-golang]( | [![Build Status](](
| Haskell | [vic/asdf-haskell]( | [![Build Status](](
| Idris | [vic/asdf-idris]( | [![Build Status](](
| Julia | [rkyleg/asdf-julia]( | [![Build Status](](
| LFE | [vic/asdf-lfe]( | [![Build Status](](
| Lua | [Stratus3D/asdf-lua]( | [![Build Status](](
| LuaJIT | [smashedtoatoms/asdf-luaJIT]( | [![Build Status](](
| OpenResty | [smashedtoatoms/asdf-openresty]( | [![Build Status](](
| MongoDB | [sylph01/asdf-mongodb]( | [![Build Status](](
| Node.js | [asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs]( | [![Build Status](](
| PHP | [odarriba/asdf-php]( | [![Build Status](](
| Postgres | [smashedtoatoms/asdf-postgres]( | [![Build Status](](
| Python | [tuvistavie/asdf-python]( | [![Build Status](](
| Redis | [smashedtoatoms/asdf-redis]( | [![Build Status](](
| Riak | [smashedtoatoms/asdf-riak]( | [![Build Status](](
| Ruby | [asdf-vm/asdf-ruby]( | [![Build Status](](
| Rust | [code-lever/asdf-rust]( | [![Build Status](](
| SBT | [lerencao/asdf-sbt]( | [![Build Status](](
| Scala | [mtatheonly/asdf-scala](| [![Build Status](](
| Terraform | [neerfri/asdf-terraform]( | [![Build Status](](
##### Add a plugin
asdf plugin-add <name> <git-url>
# asdf plugin-add erlang
##### List installed plugins
asdf plugin-list
# asdf plugin-list
##### Remove a plugin
asdf plugin-remove <name>
# asdf plugin-remove erlang
##### Update plugins
asdf plugin-update --all
If you want to update a specific package, just say so.
asdf plugin-update <name>
# asdf plugin-update erlang
### Manage versions
asdf install <name> <version>
# asdf install erlang 17.3
asdf current <name>
# asdf current erlang
# 17.3 (set by /Users/kim/.tool-versions)
asdf uninstall <name> <version>
# asdf uninstall erlang 17.3
*If a plugin supports downloading & compiling from source, you can also do this `ref:foo` (replace `foo` with the branch/tag/commit).* You'll have to use the same name when uninstalling too.
##### Lists installed versions
asdf list <name>
# asdf list erlang
##### List all available versions
asdf list-all <name>
# asdf list-all erlang
#### View current version
asdf current <name>
# asdf current erlang
# 17.3 (set by /Users/kim/.tool-versions)
#### Set current version
asdf global <name> <version>
asdf local <name> <version>
asdf global elixir 1.2.4
`global` writes the version to `$HOME/.tool-versions`.
`local` writes the version to `$PWD/.tool-versions`, creating it if needed.
Alternatively, if you want to set a version only for the current shell session
or for executing just a command under a particular tool version, you
can set an environment variable like `ASDF_${TOOL}_VERSION`.
The following example runs tests on an Elixir project with version `1.4.0`.
The version format is the same supported by the `.tool-versions` file.
ASDF_ELIXIR_VERSION=1.4.0 mix test
## The `.tool-versions` file
Add a `.tool-versions` file to your project dir and versions of those tools will be used.
**Global defaults can be set in the file `$HOME/.tool-versions`**
This is what a `.tool-versions` file looks like:
ruby 2.2.0
nodejs 0.12.3
The versions can be in the following format:
* `0.12.3` - an actual version. Plugins that support downloading binaries, will download binaries.
* `ref:v1.0.2-a` or `ref:39cb398vb39` - tag/commit/branch to download from github and compile
* `path:/src/elixir` - a path to custom compiled version of a tool to use. For use by language developers and such.
To install all the tools defined in a `.tool-versions` file run the `asdf install` command with no other arguments in the directory containing the `.tool-versions` file.
You can view/modify the file by hand or use `asdf local` and `asdf global` to manage it.
## The `$HOME/.asdfrc` config file
Add a `.asdfrc` file to your home directory and asdf will use the settings specified in the file. The file should be formatted like this:
legacy_version_file = yes
* `legacy_version_file` - defaults to `no`. If set to yes it will cause plugins that support this feature to read the version files used by other version managers (e.g. `.ruby-version` in the case of Ruby's rbenv).
## Credits
Me ([@HashNuke](, High-fever, cold, cough.
Copyright 2014 to the end of time ([MIT License](
### Maintainers
- [@HashNuke](
- [@tuvistavie](
- [@Stratus3D](
- [@vic](
Read the [ballad](