2017-05-17 10:40:16 +02:00

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Lua hooks

If Recorder is compiled with Lua support, a Lua script you provide is launched at startup. Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. You can use this to process location publishes in any way you desire: your imagination (and Lua-scripting knowhow) set the limits. Some examples:

  • insert publishes into a database of your choice
  • switch on the coffee machine when your OwnTracks device reports you're entering home (but see also mqttwarn)
  • write a file with data in a format of your choice (see etc/example.lua)

Run the Recorder with the path to your Lua script specified in its --lua-script option (there is no default). If the script cannot be loaded (e.g. because it cannot be read or contains syntax errors), the Recorder unloads Lua and continues without your script.

If the Lua script can be loaded, it is automatically provided with a table variable called otr which contains the following members:

  • otr.version is a read-only string with the Recorder version (example: "0.3.2")
  • otr.log(s) is a function which takes a string s which is logged to syslog at the Recorder's facility and log level INFO.
  • otr.strftime(fmt, t) is a function which takes a format string fmt (see strftime(3)) and an integer number of seconds t and returns a string with the formatted UTC time. If t is 0 or negative, the current system time is used.
  • otr.putdb(key, value) is a function which takes two strings k and v and stores them in the named LMDB database called luadb. This can be viewed with
  • otr.getdb(key) is a function which takes a single string key and returns the database value associated with that key or nil if the key isn't stored.
ocat --dump=luadb

Your Lua script must provide the following functions:


This is invoked at start of Recorder. If the function returns a non-zero value, Recorder unloads Lua and disables its processing; i.e. the hook() will not be invoked on location publishes.


This is invoked when the Recorder stops, which it doesn't really do unless you CTRL-C it or send it a SIGTERM signal.


This function is invoked at every location publish processed by the Recorder. Your function is passed three arguments:

  1. topic is the topic published to (e.g. owntracks/jane/phone)
  2. type is the type of MQTT message. This is the _type in our JSON messages (e.g. location, cmd, transition, ...) or "unknown".
  3. location is a Lua table (associative array) with all the elements obtained in the JSON message. In the case of type being location, we also add country code (cc) and the location's address (addr) unless reverse-geo lookups have been disabled in Recorder.

Assume the following small example Lua script in example.lua:

local file

function otr_init()
	otr.log("example.lua starting; writing to /tmp/lua.out")
	file ="/tmp/lua.out", "a")
	file:write("written by OwnTracks Recorder version " .. otr.version .. "\n")

function otr_hook(topic, _type, data)
	local timestr = otr.strftime("It is %T in the year %Y", 0)
	print("L: " .. topic .. " -> " .. _type)
	file:write(timestr .. " " .. topic .. " lat=" .. data['lat'] .. data['addr'] .. "\n")

function otr_exit()

When Recorder is launched with --lua-script example.lua it invokes otr_init() which opens a file. Then, for each location received, it calls otr_hook() which updates the file.

Assuming an OwnTracks device publishes this payload


the file /tmp/lua.out would contain

written by OwnTracks Recorder version 0.3.0
It is 14:10:01 in the year 2015 owntracks/jane/phone lat=48.858339 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France


An optional function you provide is called otr_putrec(u, d, s). If it exists, it is called with the current user in u, the device in d and the payload (which for OwnTracks apps is JSON but for, eg Greenwich devices might not be) in the string s. If your function returns a non-zero value, the Recorder will not write the REC file for this publish.


An optional function you provide is called otr_httpobject(u, d, t, data) where u is the username used by the client (?u=), d is the device name (&d= in the URI), t is the OwnTracks JSON _type and data a Lua table built from the OwnTracks JSON payload of _type. If it exists, this function is called whenever a POST is received in httpmode and the Recorder is gathering data to return to the client app. The function must return a Lua table containing any number of string, number, or boolean values which are converted to a JSON object and appended to the JSON array returned to the client. An example shows how, say, a transition event can be used to open the Featured content tab in the app.


See geo fences.


If the user-defined otr_revgeo() function exists in the Lua script, it is invoked by the Recorder to obtain reverse-geo data on a publish. (Unless Recorder was launched with --norevgeo in which case no such information is gathered at all.)

otr_revgeo() overrides the built-in Google reverse-geo lookups. So, to clarify, if this function is defined, Google lookups will not be attempted.

The function is invoked with topic, user, device, lat, and lon, and it should return a table with at least cc and addr populated. Any other elements in the table are added and passed on to, say, the Websocket interface. If the element _rec is defined in the table and its value is true, the data will be merged into the payload stored in the REC file.

function otr_revgeo(topic, user, device, lat, lon)

        local d = {}

        d['cc']         = 'JP'
        d['addr']       = 'Some place or other'
        d['beverage']   = 'tea'

        d['_rec']       = true

        return d

Running the recorder with the above function (and _rec set) could cause it to store the following in a REC file:

{"_type":"location","cog":16,"batt":11,"lat":48.85833,"lon":3.29513,"acc":5,"vel":12,"alt":0,"tid":"JJ","_geoprec":3,"tst":1495010110,"addr":"Some place or other","cc":"JP","beverage":"tea"}


After running otr_hook(), the Recorder attempts to invoke a Lua function for each of the elements in the extended JSON. If, say, your Lua script contains a function called hooklet_lat, it will be invoked every time a lat is received as part of the JSON payload. Similarly with hooklet_addr, hooklet_cc, hooklet_tst, etc. These hooklets are invoked with the same parameters as otr_hook().

You define a hooklet function only if you're interested in expressly triggering on a particular JSON element.

In addition to compiling with Lua support, if Recorder is built with MQTT support, a function otr_publish() is surfaced into your Lua script.

otr_publish(topic, payload, qos, retain)

topic and payload are mandatory and must be strings. qos and retain are optional and specify the QoS for publishing as well as a retain flag; qos must be specified if retain is to be.

JSON = (loadfile "JSON.lua")() --

function otr_init()

function otr_exit()

function otr_hook(topic, _type, data)
	-- republish partial messages to a different topic
	local d = {}
	d['_type']      = data['_type']
	d['lat']        = data['lat']
	d['lon']        = data['lon']
	d['fromLua']	= true

	local payload = JSON:encode(d)

	otr.publish("topic/1", payload, 1, 0)

This function allows your code to publish via MQTT from the Recorder, using the same MQTT connection (including TLS, authentication, etc) as the Recorder uses.