mirror of
synced 2024-12-24 04:56:33 -07:00
375 lines
11 KiB
375 lines
11 KiB
Execute (#112 On-demand loading should not suppress messages from ftplugin):
call ResetPlug()
call plug#begin('$PLUG_FIXTURES')
Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/ftplugin-msg', { 'for': 'c' }
call plug#end()
redir => out
tabnew a.c
redir END
Assert stridx(out, 'ftplugin-c') >= 0, 'Unexpected output (1): '.out
* The same applies to plug#load())
call ResetPlug()
redir => out
call plug#load('ftplugin-msg')
redir END
Assert stridx(out, 'ftplugin-c') >= 0, 'Unexpected output (2): '.out
Execute (#114 Should not contain empty path in &rtp):
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
call plug#end()
Log &rtp
Assert &rtp !~ ',,', 'Commas'
Assert &rtp !~ '^,', 'Comma prefix'
Assert &rtp !~ ',$', 'Comma suffix'
Execute (#130 Proper cleanup of on-demand loading triggers):
augroup PlugLOD
augroup END
" Cleared on command
call ReloadPlug()
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji', { 'on': ['EmojiCommand', 'EmojiCommand2', '<Plug>(EmojiMapping)'] }
call plug#end()
PlugInstall | q
Assert exists(':EmojiCommand'), 'EmojiCommand not defined'
Assert exists(':EmojiCommand2'), 'EmojiCommand2 not defined'
Assert !empty(mapcheck('<Plug>(EmojiMapping)')), '<Plug>(EmojiMapping) not defined'
silent! EmojiCommand
Assert !exists(':EmojiCommand'), 'EmojiCommand defined'
Assert !exists(':EmojiCommand2'), 'EmojiCommand2 defined'
Assert empty(mapcheck('<Plug>(EmojiMapping)')), '<Plug>(EmojiMapping) defined'
" Cleared on FileType
call ReloadPlug()
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji', { 'on': ['EmojiCommandExtra', '<Plug>(EmojiMappingExtra)'], 'for': ['emoji'] }
call plug#end()
Assert exists(':EmojiCommandExtra'), 'EmojiCommandExtra not defined'
Assert !empty(mapcheck('<Plug>(EmojiMappingExtra)')), '<Plug>(EmojiMappingExtra) not defined'
setf emoji
Assert !exists(':EmojiCommandExtra'), 'EmojiCommandExtra defined'
Assert empty(mapcheck('<Plug>(EmojiMappingExtra)')), '<Plug>(EmojiMappingExtra) defined'
Execute (#131 Syntax error):
call plug#begin('/proc/no-permission')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji'
call plug#end()
redir => out
silent PlugInstall
redir END
Assert out =~ 'Invalid plug directory: /proc/no-permission', out
Execute (#139-1 Using new remote branch):
" Make sure to remove the clone
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
call plug#end()
" Install master branch
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug expand('file:////tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch')
call plug#end()
unlet! g:foo g:bar g:baz
call ResetPlug()
call plug#load('new-branch')
Assert exists('g:foo'), 'g:foo should be found (1)'
Assert !exists('g:bar'), 'g:bar should not be found (1)'
Assert !exists('g:baz'), 'g:baz should not be found (1)'
" Create a new branch on origin
call system('cd /tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch && git checkout -b new &&'
\. 'echo "let g:bar = 1" > plugin/bar.vim && git add plugin/bar.vim &&'
\. 'git commit -m second')
" We're setting up two plugins so that parallel installer is used
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim'
Plug expand('file:////tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch'), { 'branch': 'new' }
call plug#end()
silent %y
Log @"
Assert @" !~? 'error', 'Should be able to use new remote branch: ' . @"
unlet! g:foo g:bar g:baz
call ResetPlug()
call plug#load('new-branch')
Assert exists('g:foo'), 'g:foo should be found (2)'
Assert exists('g:bar'), 'g:bar should be found (2)'
Assert !exists('g:baz'), 'g:baz should not be found (2)'
call PlugStatusSorted()
- new-branch: OK
- seoul256.vim: OK
Finished. 0 error(s).
Execute (#139-2 Using yet another new remote branch):
" Create another branch on origin
call system('cd /tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch && git checkout master &&'
\. 'git checkout -b brand-new &&'
\. 'echo "let g:baz = 1" > plugin/baz.vim && git add plugin/baz.vim &&'
\. 'git commit -m third')
" Test Vim installer here
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug expand('file:////tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch'), { 'branch': 'brand-new' }
call plug#end()
silent %y
Log @"
Assert @" !~? 'error', 'Should be able to use new remote branch: ' . @"
unlet! g:foo g:bar g:baz
call ResetPlug()
call plug#load('new-branch')
Assert exists('g:foo'), 'g:foo should be found'
Assert !exists('g:bar'), 'g:bar should not be found'
Assert exists('g:baz'), 'g:baz should be found'
call PlugStatusSorted()
- new-branch: OK
Finished. 0 error(s).
Execute (#139-3 Should fail when not possible to fast-forward):
" Commit on cloned repo
call system('cd /tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged/new-branch && git checkout master &&'
\. 'touch foobar && git add foobar && git commit -m foobar')
" Different commit on remote
call system('cd /tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch && git checkout master &&'
\. 'touch foobaz && git add foobaz && git commit -m foobaz')
for multi in [0, 1]
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
if multi
Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim'
Plug expand('file:////tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch')
call plug#end()
silent %y
Assert @" =~ 'Not possible to fast-forward', @"
Execute (#145: Merging on-demand loading triggers - cmd):
unlet! g:xxx g:yyy
call plug#begin()
Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx', { 'on': 'XXX' }
Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy', { 'on': ['XXX', 'YYY'] }
call plug#end()
silent! XXX
Assert exists('g:xxx'), 'xxx is not loaded'
Assert exists('g:yyy'), 'yyy is not loaded'
Assert !exists(':YYY')
Execute (#145: Merging on-demand loading triggers - map):
unlet! g:xxx g:yyy
call ReloadPlug()
call plug#begin()
Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx', { 'on': '<Plug>(xxx)' }
Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy', { 'on': ['<Plug>(xxx)' ,'<Plug>(yyy)' ] }
call plug#end()
Assert !empty(mapcheck("<Plug>(xxx)"))
Assert !empty(mapcheck("<Plug>(yyy)"))
# FIXME feedkeys() cannot be tested with Vader
call plug#load('xxx', 'yyy')
Assert empty(mapcheck("<Plug>(xxx)"))
Assert empty(mapcheck("<Plug>(yyy)"))
Execute (#159: shell=/bin/tcsh):
let org = &shell
set shell=/bin/tcsh
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim'
call plug#end()
Log getline(1, '$')
AssertEqual '/bin/tcsh', &shell
let &shell = org
Execute (#154: Spaces in &rtp should not be escaped):
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plug it')
Plug 'foo/seoul256 vim'
call plug#end()
Log &rtp
Assert stridx(&rtp, 'plug it/seoul256 vim') >= 0
Execute (#184: Duplicate entries in &rtp):
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'foo/plugin1'
\| Plug 'foo/plugin0'
Plug 'foo/plugin2'
\| Plug 'foo/plugin0'
\| Plug 'foo/plugin1'
call plug#end()
Log &rtp
AssertEqual 3, len(filter(split(&rtp, ','), 'stridx(v:val, "plugged") >= 0'))
Execute (#236: Plugin removed from &rtp when .vimrc is reloaded):
unlet! g:loaded_easy_align_plugin
silent! delc EasyAlign
call ReloadPlug()
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'on': 'EasyAlign' }
call plug#end()
PlugInstall | q
Assert &rtp !~ '/vim-easy-align', 'Plugin should not be in &rtp'
Assert &rtp =~ '/vim-easy-align', 'Plugin should be in &rtp'
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'on': 'EasyAlign' }
call plug#end()
Assert &rtp =~ '/vim-easy-align', 'Plugin should still be in &rtp'
Execute (#350: Ruby installer failed to unshallow tagged plugin on update):
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
call plug#end()
" Shallow clone. We should have at least 2 plugins to enable parallel installer.
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim'
call plug#end()
Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/.git/shallow')
" Now unshallowed
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'tag': '2.9.0' }
Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim'
call plug#end()
Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/.git/shallow')
Execute (#474: Load ftdetect files in filetypedetect augroup):
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/rust.vim', { 'for': 'rust', 'commit': '115d321d383eb96d438466c56cc871fcc1bd0faa' }
call plug#end()
tabnew /tmp/vim-plug-test/any.rs
AssertEqual 'rust', &filetype
Log &filetype
filetype detect
AssertEqual 'rust', &filetype
Log &filetype
Execute (#489/#587 On-demand loading with 'on' option should trigger BufRead autocmd w/o nomodeline):
call plug#begin('$PLUG_FIXTURES')
Plug 'foo/ftplugin-msg', { 'on': 'XXX' }
call plug#end()
tabnew a.java
call setline(1, '// vim: set filetype=lava:')
redir => out
silent! XXX
redir END
Assert stridx(out, 'ftplugin-java') >= 0
AssertEqual 'lava', &filetype
Execute (Cursor moved to another window during post-update hook):
function! DoSplit(...)
call setline(1, 'empty')
call plug#begin('/tmp/vim-plug-test/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/rust.vim', { 'do': function('DoSplit') }
call plug#end()
AssertEqual 1, line('$')
AssertEqual 'empty', getline(1)
Execute (#593 Add plugin to &rtp before running post-update hook with : prefix):
call ReloadPlug()
call plug#begin()
Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl', { 'on': 'XXX', 'do': ':let g:bar = pseudocl#complete#extract_words(''a b'')' }
call plug#end()
AssertEqual ['a', 'b'], g:bar
Execute (#602 Confusion with branch name and path name):
call plug#begin()
Plug expand('file:////tmp/vim-plug-test/new-branch'), { 'branch': 'plugin' }
call plug#end()
call PlugStatusSorted()
- new-branch: OK
Finished. 0 error(s).
Execute (PlugStatus showed error with wildcard tag):
call plug#begin()
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'tag': '*' }
call plug#end()
call PlugStatusSorted()
- vim-easy-align: OK
Finished. 0 error(s).