Now `:PlugInstall!` and `:PlugUpdate!` forces to update submodules.
`:PlugInstall!` now also checks out to new specified branch, tag, or
Also added tests for changing branch, tag, or commit.
If not using a bash compatible shell (like fish), then this will be
set as the default Vim shell. Leading to half the tests failing with
- On-demand loading
- Fix loading of unwanted files (e.g. colors/*.vim, syntax/*.vim, etc.)
- Filetyp-based on-demand loading
- Load `after/ftdetect` as well
- Make sure indent files are loaded by invoking
`doautocmd filetypeindent FileType`
- Ensure plugin loaded when it was added after Vim started
- Do not reload $MYVIMRC after installtion/update
- Instead simply call plug#end()