Can now load plugins w/o git being installed

If git is not installed, still allow Plug to be called. Also allow the
user to ignore the git warning by calling plug#begin() with 2 params.
Passing a 1 for a:2 will hide the warning:
    plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged', 1)
This commit is contained in:
Miles Whittaker 2014-08-10 11:50:01 -04:00
parent f7ebba7b9e
commit 1eb8bc5575

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@ -93,15 +93,19 @@ function! plug#begin(...)
return s:err('Unable to determine plug home. Try calling plug#begin() with a path argument.')
if !executable('git')
return s:err('`git` executable not found. vim-plug requires git.')
let g:plug_home = home
let g:plugs = {}
" we want to keep track of the order plugins where registered.
let g:plugs_order = []
if !executable('git')
command! -nargs=+ -bar Plug call s:add(<args>)
if (a:0 <= 1) || (a:2 == 0)
return s:err('`git` executable not found. vim-plug requires git.')
return 1
call s:define_commands()
return 1