diff --git a/plug.vim b/plug.vim index 288a9ca..3953a17 100644 --- a/plug.vim +++ b/plug.vim @@ -125,6 +125,15 @@ function! plug#end() endif filetype off + if exists('#filetypeplugin') && + \ !empty(filter(values(g:plugs), 'has_key(v:val, "for")')) + unlet! g:did_load_ftplugin + augroup filetypeplugin + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! filetypeplugin + endif + " we want to make sure the plugin directories are added to rtp in the same " order that they are registered with the Plug command. since the s:add_rtp " function uses ^= to add plugin directories to the front of the rtp, we