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synced 2024-12-29 14:41:06 -07:00
Problem: There are three different ways of marking an option as hidden, `enable_if = false`, `hidden = true` and `immutable = true`. These also have different behaviors. Options hidden with `enable_if = false` can't have their value fetched using Vim script or the API, but options hidden with `hidden = true` or `immutable = true` can. On the other hand, options with `hidden = true` do not error when trying to set their value, but options with `immutable = true` do. Solution: Remove `enable_if = false`, remove the `hidden` property for options, and use `immutable = true` to mark an option as hidden instead. Also make hidden option variable pointers always point to the default value, which allows fetching the value of every hidden option using Vim script and the API. This does also mean that trying to set a hidden option will now give an error instead of just being ignored.
81 lines
2.4 KiB
81 lines
2.4 KiB
" Test the :compiler command
source check.vim
source shared.vim
func Test_compiler()
CheckExecutable perl
CheckFeature quickfix
let save_LC_ALL = $LC_ALL
let $LC_ALL= "C"
let save_shellslash = &shellslash
" Nvim doesn't allow setting value of a hidden option to non-default value
if exists('+shellslash')
" %:S does not work properly with 'shellslash' set
set noshellslash
e Xfoo.pl
compiler perl
call assert_equal('perl', b:current_compiler)
call assert_fails('let g:current_compiler', 'E121:')
let verbose_efm = execute('verbose set efm')
call assert_match('Last set from .*[/\\]compiler[/\\]perl.vim ', verbose_efm)
call setline(1, ['#!/usr/bin/perl -w', 'use strict;', 'my $foo=1'])
call feedkeys(":make\<CR>\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_fails('clist', 'E42:')
call setline(1, ['#!/usr/bin/perl -w', 'use strict;', '$foo=1'])
call feedkeys(":make\<CR>\<CR>", 'tx')
let a=execute('clist')
call assert_match('\n \d\+ Xfoo.pl:3: Global symbol "$foo" '
\ . 'requires explicit package name', a)
let &shellslash = save_shellslash
call delete('Xfoo.pl')
let $LC_ALL = save_LC_ALL
func GetCompilerNames()
return glob('$VIMRUNTIME/compiler/*.vim', 0, 1)
\ ->map({i, v -> substitute(v, '.*[\\/]\([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*\).vim', '\1', '')})
\ ->sort()
func Test_compiler_without_arg()
let runtime = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, '\\', '/', 'g')
let a = split(execute('compiler'))
let exp = GetCompilerNames()
call assert_match(runtime .. '/compiler/' .. exp[0] .. '.vim$', a[0])
call assert_match(runtime .. '/compiler/' .. exp[1] .. '.vim$', a[1])
call assert_match(runtime .. '/compiler/' .. exp[-1] .. '.vim$', a[-1])
func Test_compiler_completion()
let clist = GetCompilerNames()->join(' ')
call feedkeys(":compiler \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_match('^"compiler ' .. clist .. '$', @:)
call feedkeys(":compiler p\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_match('"compiler pandoc pbx perl\( p[a-z_]\+\)\+ pylint pyunit', @:)
call feedkeys(":compiler! p\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_match('"compiler! pandoc pbx perl\( p[a-z_]\+\)\+ pylint pyunit', @:)
func Test_compiler_error()
let g:current_compiler = 'abc'
call assert_fails('compiler doesnotexist', 'E666:')
call assert_equal('abc', g:current_compiler)
call assert_fails('compiler! doesnotexist', 'E666:')
unlet! g:current_compiler