Justin M. Keyes 66ceb5a487 man.vim: doc, UX tweaks
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2016-08-04 23:52:52 -04:00

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*vim_diff.txt* For Nvim. {Nvim}
Differences between Nvim and Vim *vim-differences*
Throughout the help files, differences between Nvim and Vim are indicated via
the "{Nvim}" tag. This document is a complete and centralized list of all
these differences.
1. Configuration |nvim-configuration|
2. Defaults |nvim-defaults|
3. New features |nvim-features|
4. Changed features |nvim-features-changed|
5. Missing legacy features |nvim-features-missing|
6. Removed features |nvim-features-removed|
1. Configuration *nvim-configuration*
- Use `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim` instead of `.vimrc` for storing
- Use `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim` instead of `.vim` to store configuration files.
- Use `$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/shada/main.shada` instead of `.viminfo` for persistent
session information.
2. Defaults *nvim-defaults*
- Syntax highlighting is enabled by default
- ":filetype plugin indent on" is enabled by default
- 'autoindent' is set by default
- 'autoread' is set by default
- 'backspace' defaults to "indent,eol,start"
- 'complete' doesn't include "i"
- 'display' defaults to "lastline"
- 'encoding' defaults to "utf-8"
- 'formatoptions' defaults to "tcqj"
- 'history' defaults to 10000 (the maximum)
- 'hlsearch' is set by default
- 'incsearch' is set by default
- 'langnoremap' is set by default
- 'laststatus' defaults to 2 (statusline is always shown)
- 'listchars' defaults to "tab:> ,trail:-,nbsp:+"
- 'mouse' defaults to "a"
- 'nocompatible' is always set
- 'nrformats' defaults to "bin,hex"
- 'sessionoptions' doesn't include "options"
- 'smarttab' is set by default
- 'tabpagemax' defaults to 50
- 'tags' defaults to "./tags;,tags"
- 'ttyfast' is always set
- 'viminfo' includes "!"
- 'wildmenu' is set by default
3. New Features *nvim-features*
Embedded terminal emulator |terminal-emulator|
Shared data |shada|
Job control |job-control|
Remote plugins |remote-plugin|
Python plugins |provider-python|
Clipboard integration |provider-clipboard|
XDG support
|bracketed-paste-mode| is built-in and enabled by default.
Meta (alt) chords are recognized (even in the terminal).
<M-1>, <M-2>, ...
<M-BS>, <M-Del>, <M-Ins>, ...
<M-/>, <M-\>, ...
<M-Space>, <M-Enter>, <M-=>, <M-->, <M-?>, <M-$>, ...
Note: Meta chords are case-sensitive (<M-a> is distinguished from <M-A>).
Some `CTRL-SHIFT-...` key chords are distinguished from `CTRL-...` variants
(even in the terminal). Specifically, the following are known to work:
<C-Tab>, <C-S-Tab>
<C-BS>, <C-S-BS>
<C-Enter>, <C-S-Enter>
'statusline' supports unlimited alignment sections
|:Man| has many improvements, including auto-completion
|execute()| works with |:redir|
Highlight groups:
4. Changed features *nvim-features-changed*
Nvim always builds with all features, in contrast to Vim which may have
certain features removed/added at compile-time. This is like if Vim's "HUGE"
build was the only Vim release type (except Nvim is smaller than Vim's "HUGE"
If a Python interpreter is available on your `$PATH`, |:python| and |:python3|
are always available and may be used simultaneously in separate plugins. The
`neovim` pip package must be installed to use Python plugins in Nvim (see
|:!| and |system()| do not support "interactive" commands; use |:terminal| for
that instead. Terminal Vim supports interactive |:!| and |system()|, but gui
Vim does not. See ":help gui-pty" in Vim:
|mkdir()| behaviour changed:
1. Assuming /tmp/foo does not exist and /tmp can be written to
mkdir('/tmp/foo/bar', 'p', 0700) will create both /tmp/foo and /tmp/foo/bar
with 0700 permissions. Vim mkdir will create /tmp/foo with 0755.
2. If you try to create an existing directory with `'p'` (e.g. mkdir('/',
'p')) mkdir() will silently exit. In Vim this was an error.
3. mkdir() error messages now include strerror() text when mkdir fails.
'encoding' cannot be changed after startup.
|string()| and |:echo| behaviour changed:
1. No maximum recursion depth limit is applied to nested container
2. |string()| fails immediately on nested containers, not when recursion limit
was exceeded.
2. When |:echo| encounters duplicate containers like >
let l = []
echo [l, l]
it does not use "[...]" (was: "[[], [...]]", now: "[[], []]"). "..." is
only used for recursive containers.
3. |:echo| printing nested containers adds "@level" after "..." designating
the level at which recursive container was printed: |:echo-self-refer|.
Same thing applies to |string()| (though it uses construct like
"{E724@level}"), but this is not reliable because |string()| continues to
error out.
4. Stringifyed infinite and NaN values now use |str2float()| and can be evaled
5. (internal) Trying to print or stringify VAR_UNKNOWN in Vim results in
nothing, |E908|, in Neovim it is internal error.
|json_decode()| behaviour changed:
1. It may output |msgpack-special-dict|.
2. |msgpack-special-dict| is emitted also in case of duplicate keys, while in
Vim it errors out.
3. It accepts only valid JSON. Trailing commas are not accepted.
|json_encode()| behaviour slightly changed: now |msgpack-special-dict| values
are accepted, but |v:none| is not.
*v:none* variable is absent. In Vim it represents “no value” in “js” strings
like "[,]" parsed as "[v:none]" by |js_decode()|.
*js_encode()* and *js_decode()* functions are also absent.
Viminfo text files were replaced with binary (messagepack) ShaDa files.
Additional differences:
- |shada-c| has no effect.
- |shada-s| now limits size of every item and not just registers.
- When reading ShaDa files items are merged according to the timestamp.
- 'viminfo' option got renamed to 'shada'. Old option is kept as an alias for
compatibility reasons.
- |:wviminfo| was renamed to |:wshada|, |:rviminfo| to |:rshada|. Old
commands are still kept.
- |:oldfiles| supports !.
- When writing (|:wshada| without bang or at exit) it merges much more data,
and does this according to the timestamp. Vim merges only marks.
- ShaDa file format was designed with forward and backward compatibility in
mind. |shada-compatibility|
- Some errors make ShaDa code keep temporary file in-place for user to decide
what to do with it. Vim deletes temporary file in these cases.
- Vim keeps no timestamps at all, neither in viminfo file nor in the instance
- ShaDa file keeps search direction (|v:searchforward|), viminfo does not.
5. Missing legacy features *nvim-features-missing*
*if_lua* *if_perl* *if_mzscheme* *if_tcl*
These legacy Vim features may be implemented in the future, but they are not
planned for the current milestone.
- vim.bindeval() (new feature in Vim 7.4 Python interface)
- |if_lua|
- |if_perl|
- |if_mzscheme|
- |if_tcl|
6. Removed features *nvim-features-removed*
These features are in Vim, but have been intentionally removed from Nvim.
Vi-compatible mode:
":set nocompatible" is ignored
":set compatible" is an error
Ed-compatible mode:
":set noedcompatible" is ignored
":set edcompatible" is an error
":set ttyfast" is ignored
":set nottyfast" is an error
Encryption support:
MS-DOS support:
Highlight groups:
Other options:
'cpoptions' ('g', 'w', 'H', '*', '-', 'j', and all POSIX flags were removed)
'guioptions' (only the 't' flag was removed)
'termencoding' (Vim 7.4.852 also removed this for Windows)
Other commands:
:mode (no longer accepts an argument)
Other compile-time features:
Emacs tags support
X11 integration (see |x11-selection|)
Nvim does not have a built-in GUI and hence the following aliases have been
removed: gvim, gex, gview, rgvim, rgview
"Easy mode" (eview, evim, nvim -y)
"(g)vimdiff" (alias for "(g)nvim -d" |diff-mode|)
"Vi mode" (nvim -v)
The ability to start nvim via the following aliases has been removed in favor
of just using their command line arguments:
ex nvim -e
exim nvim -E
view nvim -R
rvim nvim -Z
rview nvim -RZ