2022-10-01 11:35:36 +02:00

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*lsp.txt* LSP
LSP client/framework *lsp* *LSP*
Nvim supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP), which means it acts as
a client to LSP servers and includes a Lua framework `vim.lsp` for building
enhanced LSP tools.
LSP facilitates features like go-to-definition, find-references, hover,
completion, rename, format, refactor, etc., using semantic whole-project
analysis (unlike |ctags|).
Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
QUICKSTART *lsp-quickstart*
Nvim provides an LSP client, but the servers are provided by third parties.
Follow these steps to get LSP features:
1. Install language servers using your package manager or by
following the upstream installation instruction.
A list of language servers is available at:
2. Configure the LSP client per language server.
A minimal example:
name = 'my-server-name',
cmd = {'name-of-language-server-executable'},
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'', 'pyproject.toml'}, { upward = true })[1]),
See |vim.lsp.start()| for details.
3. Configure keymaps and autocmds to utilize LSP features.
See |lsp-config|.
Starting a LSP client will automatically report diagnostics via
|vim.diagnostic|. Read |vim.diagnostic.config()| to learn how to customize the
It also sets some buffer options if the options are otherwise empty and if the
language server supports the functionality.
- 'omnifunc' is set to |vim.lsp.omnifunc()|. This allows to trigger completion
using |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|
- 'tagfunc' is set to |vim.lsp.tagfunc()|. This enables features like
go-to-definition, |:tjump|, and keymaps like |CTRL-]|, |CTRL-W_]|,
|CTRL-W_}| to utilize the language server.
- 'formatexpr' is set to |vim.lsp.formatexpr()| if both 'formatprg' and
'formatexpr' are empty. This allows to format lines via |gq| if the language
server supports it.
To use other LSP features like hover, rename, etc. you can setup some
additional keymaps. It's recommended to setup them in a |LspAttach| autocmd to
ensure they're only active if there is a LSP client running. An example:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(args)
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = args.buf })
The most used functions are:
- |vim.lsp.buf.hover()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.format()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.references()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.implementation()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()|
Not all language servers provide the same capabilities. To ensure you only set
keymaps if the language server supports a feature, you can guard the keymap
calls behind capability checks:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(args)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
if client.server_capabilities.hoverProvider then
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = args.buf })
To learn what capabilities are available you can run the following command in
a buffer with a started LSP client:
:lua =vim.lsp.get_active_clients()[1].server_capabilities
Full list of features provided by default can be found in |lsp-buf|.
FAQ *lsp-faq*
- Q: How to force-reload LSP?
A: Stop all clients, then reload the buffer. >
:lua vim.lsp.stop_client(vim.lsp.get_active_clients())
- Q: Why isn't completion working?
A: In the buffer where you want to use LSP, check that 'omnifunc' is set to
"v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc": >
:verbose set omnifunc?
< Some other plugin may be overriding the option. To avoid that, you could
set the option in an |after-directory| ftplugin, e.g.
- Q: How do I run a request synchronously (e.g. for formatting on file save)?
A: Check if the function has an `async` parameter and set the value to
E.g. code formatting: >
" Auto-format *.rs (rust) files prior to saving them
" (async = false is the default for format)
autocmd BufWritePre *.rs lua vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = false })
- Q: How do LSP and Treesitter compare?
A: LSP requires a client and language server. The language server uses
semantic analysis to understand code at a project level. This provides
language servers with the ability to rename across files, find
definitions in external libraries and more.
Treesitter is a language parsing library that provides excellent tools
for incrementally parsing text and handling errors. This makes it a great
fit for editors to understand the contents of the current file for things
like syntax highlighting, simple goto-definitions, scope analysis and
LSP and Treesitter are both great tools for editing and inspecting code.
LSP API *lsp-api*
LSP core API is described at |lsp-core|. Those are the core functions for
creating and managing clients.
The `vim.lsp.buf_…` functions perform operations for all LSP clients attached
to the given buffer. |lsp-buf|
LSP request/response handlers are implemented as Lua functions (see
|lsp-handler|). The |vim.lsp.handlers| table defines default handlers used
when creating a new client. Keys are LSP method names: >
:lua print(vim.inspect(vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.handlers)))
Methods are the names of requests and notifications as defined by the LSP
specification. These LSP requests/notifications are defined by default:
* NOTE: These are sometimes not implemented by servers.
lsp-handlers are functions with special signatures that are designed to handle
responses and notifications from LSP servers.
For |lsp-request|, each |lsp-handler| has this signature: >
function(err, result, ctx, config)
Parameters: ~
{err} (table|nil)
When the language server is unable to complete a
request, a table with information about the error is
sent. Otherwise, it is `nil`. See |lsp-response|.
{result} (Result | Params | nil)
When the language server is able to successfully
complete a request, this contains the `result` key of
the response. See |lsp-response|.
{ctx} (table)
Context describes additional calling state associated
with the handler. It consists of the following key,
value pairs:
{method} (string)
The |lsp-method| name.
{client_id} (number)
The ID of the |vim.lsp.client|.
{bufnr} (Buffer)
Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
{params} (table|nil)
The parameters used in the original
request which resulted in this handler
{config} (table)
Configuration for the handler.
Each handler can define its own configuration table
that allows users to customize the behavior of a
particular handler.
To configure a particular |lsp-handler|, see:
Returns: ~
The |lsp-handler| can respond by returning two values: `result, err`
Where `err` must be shaped like an RPC error:
`{ code, message, data? }`
You can use |vim.lsp.rpc.rpc_response_error()| to create this object.
For |lsp-notification|, each |lsp-handler| has this signature: >
function(err, result, ctx, config)
Parameters: ~
{err} (nil)
This is always `nil`.
See |lsp-notification|
{result} (Result)
This contains the `params` key of the notification.
See |lsp-notification|
{ctx} (table)
Context describes additional calling state associated
with the handler. It consists of the following key,
value pairs:
{method} (string)
The |lsp-method| name.
{client_id} (number)
The ID of the |vim.lsp.client|.
{config} (table)
Configuration for the handler.
Each handler can define its own configuration table
that allows users to customize the behavior of a
particular handler.
For an example, see:
To configure a particular |lsp-handler|, see:
Returns: ~
The |lsp-handler|'s return value will be ignored.
To configure the behavior of a builtin |lsp-handler|, the convenient method
|vim.lsp.with()| is provided for users.
To configure the behavior of |vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics()|,
consider the following example, where a new |lsp-handler| is created using
|vim.lsp.with()| that no longer generates signs for the diagnostics: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Disable signs
signs = false,
To enable signs, use |vim.lsp.with()| again to create and assign a new
|lsp-handler| to |vim.lsp.handlers| for the associated method: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Enable signs
signs = true,
To configure a handler on a per-server basis, you can use the {handlers} key
for |vim.lsp.start_client()| >
vim.lsp.start_client {
..., -- Other configuration omitted.
handlers = {
["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Disable virtual_text
virtual_text = false,
or if using 'nvim-lspconfig', you can use the {handlers} key of `setup()`: >
require('lspconfig').rust_analyzer.setup {
handlers = {
["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Disable virtual_text
virtual_text = false
Some handlers do not have an explicitly named handler function (such as
||vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics()|). To override these, first
create a reference to the existing handler: >
local on_references = vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/references"]
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/references"] = vim.lsp.with(
on_references, {
-- Use location list instead of quickfix list
loclist = true,
Handlers can be set by:
- Setting a field in vim.lsp.handlers. *vim.lsp.handlers*
vim.lsp.handlers is a global table that contains the default mapping of
|lsp-method| names to |lsp-handlers|.
To override the handler for the `"textDocument/definition"` method: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/definition"] = my_custom_default_definition
- The {handlers} parameter for |vim.lsp.start_client()|.
This will set the |lsp-handler| as the default handler for this server.
For example: >
vim.lsp.start_client {
..., -- Other configuration omitted.
handlers = {
["textDocument/definition"] = my_custom_server_definition
- The {handler} parameter for |vim.lsp.buf_request()|.
This will set the |lsp-handler| ONLY for the current request.
For example: >
In summary, the |lsp-handler| will be chosen based on the current |lsp-method|
in the following order:
1. Handler passed to |vim.lsp.buf_request()|, if any.
2. Handler defined in |vim.lsp.start_client()|, if any.
3. Handler defined in |vim.lsp.handlers|, if any.
Log levels are defined in |vim.log.levels|
VIM.LSP.PROTOCOL *vim.lsp.protocol*
Module `vim.lsp.protocol` defines constants dictated by the LSP specification,
and helper functions for creating protocol-related objects.
For example `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes` allows reverse lookup by number or
name: >
vim.lsp.protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Full == 1
vim.lsp.protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind[1] == "Full"
For the format of the response message, see:
For the format of the notification message, see:
`on_list` receives a table with:
- `items` table[], structured like |setqflist-what|
- `title` string, title for the list.
- `context` table|nil. `ctx` from |lsp-handler|
This table can be used with vim.fn.setqflist or vim.fn.setloclist. E.g.:
local function on_list(options)
vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', options)
vim.lsp.buf.references(nil, {on_list=on_list})
If you prefer loclist do something like this:
local function on_list(options)
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', options)
LSP HIGHLIGHT *lsp-highlight*
Reference Highlights:
Highlight groups that are meant to be used by |vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()|.
You can see more about the differences in types here:
LspReferenceText used for highlighting "text" references
LspReferenceRead used for highlighting "read" references
LspReferenceWrite used for highlighting "write" references
Highlight groups related to |lsp-codelens| functionality.
Used to color the virtual text of the codelens. See
LspCodeLensSeparator *hl-LspCodeLensSeparator*
Used to color the separator between two or more code lenses.
Highlight groups related to |vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help()|.
Used to highlight the active parameter in the signature help. See
EVENTS *lsp-events*
After an LSP client attaches to a buffer. The |autocmd-pattern| is the
name of the buffer. When used from Lua, the client ID is passed to the
callback in the "data" table. Example: >
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", {
callback = function(args)
local bufnr = args.buf
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
if client.server_capabilities.completionProvider then[bufnr].omnifunc = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc"
if client.server_capabilities.definitionProvider then[bufnr].tagfunc = "v:lua.vim.lsp.tagfunc"
Just before an LSP client detaches from a buffer. The |autocmd-pattern| is the
name of the buffer. When used from Lua, the client ID is passed to the
callback in the "data" table. Example: >
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspDetach", {
callback = function(args)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
-- Do something with the client
vim.cmd("setlocal tagfunc< omnifunc<")
Also the following |User| |autocommand|s are provided:
LspProgressUpdate *LspProgressUpdate*
Upon receipt of a progress notification from the server. See
LspRequest *LspRequest*
After a change to the active set of pending LSP requests. See {requests}
in |vim.lsp.client|.
Example: >
autocmd User LspProgressUpdate redrawstatus
autocmd User LspRequest redrawstatus
Lua module: vim.lsp *lsp-core*
buf_attach_client({bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.buf_attach_client()*
Implements the `textDocument/did…` notifications required to track a
buffer for any language server.
Without calling this, the server won't be notified of changes to a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
{client_id} (number) Client id
buf_detach_client({bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.buf_detach_client()*
Detaches client from the specified buffer. Note: While the server is
notified that the text document (buffer) was closed, it is still able to
send notifications should it ignore this notification.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
{client_id} (number) Client id
buf_is_attached({bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.buf_is_attached()*
Checks if a buffer is attached for a particular client.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
{client_id} (number) the client id
buf_notify({bufnr}, {method}, {params}) *vim.lsp.buf_notify()*
Send a notification to a server
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} [number] (optional): The number of the buffer
{method} [string]: Name of the request method
{params} [string]: Arguments to send to the server
Return: ~
true if any client returns true; false otherwise
buf_request_all({bufnr}, {method}, {params}, {callback})
Sends an async request for all active clients attached to the buffer.
Executes the callback on the combined result. Parameters are the same as
|vim.lsp.buf_request()| but the return result and callback are different.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
{method} (string) LSP method name
{params} (optional, table) Parameters to send to the server
{callback} (function) The callback to call when all requests are
Return: ~
(function) A function that will cancel all requests which is the same
as the one returned from `buf_request`.
buf_request_sync({bufnr}, {method}, {params}, {timeout_ms})
Sends a request to all server and waits for the response of all of them.
Calls |vim.lsp.buf_request_all()| but blocks Nvim while awaiting the
result. Parameters are the same as |vim.lsp.buf_request()| but the return
result is different. Wait maximum of {timeout_ms} (default 1000) ms.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
{method} (string) LSP method name
{params} (optional, table) Parameters to send to the server
{timeout_ms} (optional, number, default=1000) Maximum time in
milliseconds to wait for a result.
Return: ~
Map of client_id:request_result. On timeout, cancel or error, returns
`(nil, err)` where `err` is a string describing the failure reason.
client() *vim.lsp.client*
LSP client object. You can get an active client object via
|vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| or |vim.lsp.get_active_clients()|.
• Methods:
• request(method, params, [handler], bufnr) Sends a request to the
server. This is a thin wrapper around {client.rpc.request} with some
additional checking. If {handler} is not specified, If one is not
found there, then an error will occur. Returns: {status},
{[client_id]}. {status} is a boolean indicating if the notification
was successful. If it is `false`, then it will always be `false` (the
client has shutdown). If {status} is `true`, the function returns
{request_id} as the second result. You can use this with
`client.cancel_request(request_id)` to cancel the request.
• request_sync(method, params, timeout_ms, bufnr) Sends a request to the
server and synchronously waits for the response. This is a wrapper
around {client.request} Returns: { err=err, result=result }, a
dictionary, where `err` and `result` come from the |lsp-handler|. On
timeout, cancel or error, returns `(nil, err)` where `err` is a string
describing the failure reason. If the request was unsuccessful returns
• notify(method, params) Sends a notification to an LSP server. Returns:
a boolean to indicate if the notification was successful. If it is
false, then it will always be false (the client has shutdown).
• cancel_request(id) Cancels a request with a given request id. Returns:
same as `notify()`.
• stop([force]) Stops a client, optionally with force. By default, it
will just ask the server to shutdown without force. If you request to
stop a client which has previously been requested to shutdown, it will
automatically escalate and force shutdown.
• is_stopped() Checks whether a client is stopped. Returns: true if the
client is fully stopped.
• on_attach(client, bufnr) Runs the on_attach function from the client's
config if it was defined. Useful for buffer-local setup.
• Members
• {id} (number): The id allocated to the client.
• {name} (string): If a name is specified on creation, that will be
used. Otherwise it is just the client id. This is used for logs and
• {rpc} (table): RPC client object, for low level interaction with the
client. See |vim.lsp.rpc.start()|.
• {offset_encoding} (string): The encoding used for communicating with
the server. You can modify this in the `config`'s `on_init` method
before text is sent to the server.
• {handlers} (table): The handlers used by the client as described in
• {requests} (table): The current pending requests in flight to the
server. Entries are key-value pairs with the key being the request ID
while the value is a table with `type`, `bufnr`, and `method`
key-value pairs. `type` is either "pending" for an active request, or
"cancel" for a cancel request.
• {config} (table): copy of the table that was passed by the user to
• {server_capabilities} (table): Response from the server sent on
`initialize` describing the server's capabilities.
client_is_stopped({client_id}) *vim.lsp.client_is_stopped()*
Checks whether a client is stopped.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (Number)
Return: ~
true if client is stopped, false otherwise.
for_each_buffer_client({bufnr}, {fn})
Invokes a function for each LSP client attached to a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer number
{fn} (function) Function to run on each client attached to buffer
{bufnr}. The function takes the client, client ID, and buffer
number as arguments. Example: >
vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(0, function(client, client_id, bufnr)
formatexpr({opts}) *vim.lsp.formatexpr()*
Provides an interface between the built-in client and a `formatexpr`
Currently only supports a single client. This can be set via `setlocal
formatexpr=v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr()` but will typically or in
`on_attach` via `vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'formatexpr',
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options for customizing the formatting expression
which takes the following optional keys:
• timeout_ms (default 500ms). The timeout period for the
formatting request.
get_active_clients({filter}) *vim.lsp.get_active_clients()*
Get active clients.
Parameters: ~
{filter} (table|nil) A table with key-value pairs used to filter the
returned clients. The available keys are:
• id (number): Only return clients with the given id
• bufnr (number): Only return clients attached to this
• name (string): Only return clients with the given name
Return: ~
(table) List of |vim.lsp.client| objects
Returns list of buffers attached to client_id.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (number) client id
Return: ~
list of buffer ids
get_client_by_id({client_id}) *vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()*
Gets a client by id, or nil if the id is invalid. The returned client may
not yet be fully initialized.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (number) client id
Return: ~
|vim.lsp.client| object, or nil
get_log_path() *vim.lsp.get_log_path()*
Gets the path of the logfile used by the LSP client.
Return: ~
(String) Path to logfile.
omnifunc({findstart}, {base}) *vim.lsp.omnifunc()*
Implements 'omnifunc' compatible LSP completion.
Parameters: ~
{findstart} 0 or 1, decides behavior
{base} If findstart=0, text to match against
Return: ~
(number) Decided by {findstart}:
• findstart=0: column where the completion starts, or -2 or -3
• findstart=1: list of matches (actually just calls |complete()|)
See also: ~
set_log_level({level}) *vim.lsp.set_log_level()*
Sets the global log level for LSP logging.
Levels by name: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF"
Level numbers begin with "TRACE" at 0
Use `lsp.log_levels` for reverse lookup.
Parameters: ~
{level} [number|string] the case insensitive level name or number
See also: ~
start({config}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.start()*
Create a new LSP client and start a language server or reuses an already
running client if one is found matching `name` and `root_dir`. Attaches
the current buffer to the client.
name = 'my-server-name',
cmd = {'name-of-language-server-executable'},
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'pyproject.toml', ''}, { upward = true })[1]),
See |vim.lsp.start_client()| for all available options. The most important
`name` is an arbitrary name for the LSP client. It should be unique per
language server.
`cmd` the command as list - used to start the language server. The command must
be present in the `$PATH` environment variable or an absolute path to the executable. Shell
constructs like `~` are NOT expanded.
`root_dir` path to the project root. By default this is used to decide if
an existing client should be re-used. The example above uses
|vim.fs.find()| and |vim.fs.dirname()| to detect the root by traversing
the file system upwards starting from the current directory until either a
`pyproject.toml` or `` file is found.
`workspace_folders` a list of { uri:string, name: string } tables. The
project root folders used by the language server. If `nil` the property is
derived from the `root_dir` for convenience.
Language servers use this information to discover metadata like the
dependencies of your project and they tend to index the contents within
the project folder.
To ensure a language server is only started for languages it can handle,
make sure to call |vim.lsp.start()| within a |FileType| autocmd. Either
use |:au|, |nvim_create_autocmd()| or put the call in a
`ftplugin/<filetype_name>.lua` (See |ftplugin-name|)
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Same configuration as documented in
{opts} nil|table Optional keyword arguments:
• reuse_client (fun(client: client, config: table): boolean)
Predicate used to decide if a client should be re-used.
Used on all running clients. The default implementation
re-uses a client if name and root_dir matches.
Return: ~
(number|nil) client_id
start_client({config}) *vim.lsp.start_client()*
Starts and initializes a client with the given configuration.
Parameter `cmd` is required.
The following parameters describe fields in the {config} table.
Parameters: ~
{cmd} (table|string|fun(dispatchers: table):table)
command string or list treated like |jobstart()|.
The command must launch the language server
process. `cmd` can also be a function that
creates an RPC client. The function receives a
dispatchers table and must return a table with
the functions `request`, `notify`, `is_closing`
and `terminate` See |vim.lsp.rpc.request()| and
|vim.lsp.rpc.notify()| For TCP there is a
built-in rpc client factory:
{cmd_cwd} (string, default=|getcwd()|) Directory to launch
the `cmd` process. Not related to `root_dir`.
{cmd_env} (table) Environment flags to pass to the LSP on
spawn. Can be specified using keys like a map or
as a list with `k=v` pairs or both. Non-string values are coerced to
string. Example: >
{ "PRODUCTION=true"; "TEST=123"; PORT = 8080; HOST = ""; }
{detached} (boolean, default true) Daemonize the server
process so that it runs in a separate process
group from Nvim. Nvim will shutdown the process
on exit, but if Nvim fails to exit cleanly this
could leave behind orphaned server processes.
{workspace_folders} (table) List of workspace folders passed to the
language server. For backwards compatibility
rootUri and rootPath will be derived from the
first workspace folder in this list. See
`workspaceFolders` in the LSP spec.
{capabilities} Map overriding the default capabilities defined
by |vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()|,
passed to the language server on initialization.
Hint: use make_client_capabilities() and modify
its result.
• Note: To send an empty dictionary use
`{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}`, else
it will be encoded as an array.
{handlers} Map of language server method names to
{settings} Map with language server specific settings. These
are returned to the language server if requested
via `workspace/configuration`. Keys are
{commands} (table) Table that maps string of clientside
commands to user-defined functions. Commands
passed to start_client take precedence over the
global command registry. Each key must be a
unique command name, and the value is a function
which is called if any LSP action (code action,
code lenses, ...) triggers the command.
{init_options} Values to pass in the initialization request as
`initializationOptions`. See `initialize` in the
LSP spec.
{name} (string, default=client-id) Name in log messages.
{get_language_id} function(bufnr, filetype) -> language ID as
string. Defaults to the filetype.
{offset_encoding} (default="utf-16") One of "utf-8", "utf-16", or
"utf-32" which is the encoding that the LSP
server expects. Client does not verify this is
{on_error} Callback with parameters (code, ...), invoked
when the client operation throws an error. `code`
is a number describing the error. Other arguments
may be passed depending on the error kind. See
`vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors` for possible errors.
Use `vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors[code]` to get
human-friendly name.
{before_init} Callback with parameters (initialize_params,
config) invoked before the LSP "initialize"
phase, where `params` contains the parameters
being sent to the server and `config` is the
config that was passed to
|vim.lsp.start_client()|. You can use this to
modify parameters before they are sent.
{on_init} Callback (client, initialize_result) invoked
after LSP "initialize", where `result` is a table
of `capabilities` and anything else the server
may send. For example, clangd sends
`initialize_result.offsetEncoding` if
`capabilities.offsetEncoding` was sent to it. You
can only modify the `client.offset_encoding` here
before any notifications are sent. Most language
servers expect to be sent client specified
settings after initialization. Neovim does not
make this assumption. A
`workspace/didChangeConfiguration` notification
should be sent to the server during on_init.
{on_exit} Callback (code, signal, client_id) invoked on
client exit.
• code: exit code of the process
• signal: number describing the signal used to
terminate (if any)
• client_id: client handle
{on_attach} Callback (client, bufnr) invoked when client
attaches to a buffer.
{trace} "off" | "messages" | "verbose" | nil passed
directly to the language server in the initialize
request. Invalid/empty values will default to
{flags} A table with flags for the client. The current
(experimental) flags are:
• allow_incremental_sync (bool, default true):
Allow using incremental sync for buffer edits
• debounce_text_changes (number, default 150):
Debounce didChange notifications to the server
by the given number in milliseconds. No
debounce occurs if nil
• exit_timeout (number|boolean, default false):
Milliseconds to wait for server to exit cleanly
after sending the "shutdown" request before
sending kill -15. If set to false, nvim exits
immediately after sending the "shutdown"
request to the server.
{root_dir} (string) Directory where the LSP server will base
its workspaceFolders, rootUri, and rootPath on
Return: ~
Client id. |vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| Note: client may not be fully
initialized. Use `on_init` to do any actions once the client has been
stop_client({client_id}, {force}) *vim.lsp.stop_client()*
Stops a client(s).
You can also use the `stop()` function on a |vim.lsp.client| object. To
stop all clients:
By default asks the server to shutdown, unless stop was requested already
for this client, then force-shutdown is attempted.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} client id or |vim.lsp.client| object, or list thereof
{force} (boolean) (optional) shutdown forcefully
tagfunc({...}) *vim.lsp.tagfunc()*
Provides an interface between the built-in client and 'tagfunc'.
When used with normal mode commands (e.g. |CTRL-]|) this will invoke the
"textDocument/definition" LSP method to find the tag under the cursor.
Otherwise, uses "workspace/symbol". If no results are returned from any
LSP servers, falls back to using built-in tags.
Parameters: ~
{pattern} Pattern used to find a workspace symbol
{flags} See |tag-function|
Return: ~
A list of matching tags
with({handler}, {override_config}) *vim.lsp.with()*
Function to manage overriding defaults for LSP handlers.
Parameters: ~
{handler} (function) See |lsp-handler|
{override_config} (table) Table containing the keys to override
behavior of the {handler}
Lua module: vim.lsp.buf *lsp-buf*
Add the folder at path to the workspace folders. If {path} is not
provided, the user will be prompted for a path using |input()|.
clear_references() *vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()*
Removes document highlights from current buffer.
code_action({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.code_action()*
Selects a code action available at the current cursor position.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) Optional table which holds the following
optional fields:
• context: (table|nil) Corresponds to `CodeActionContext` of the LSP specification:
• diagnostics (table|nil): LSP`Diagnostic[]` . Inferred from the current position if not provided.
• only (table|nil): List of LSP `CodeActionKind`s used to
filter the code actions. Most language servers support
values like `refactor` or `quickfix`.
• filter: (function|nil) Predicate taking an `CodeAction`
and returning a boolean.
• apply: (boolean|nil) When set to `true`, and there is
just one remaining action (after filtering), the action
is applied without user query.
• range: (table|nil) Range for which code actions should be
requested. If in visual mode this defaults to the active
selection. Table must contain `start` and `end` keys with
{row, col} tuples using mark-like indexing. See
See also: ~
completion({context}) *vim.lsp.buf.completion()*
Retrieves the completion items at the current cursor position. Can only be
called in Insert mode.
Parameters: ~
{context} (context support not yet implemented) Additional
information about the context in which a completion was
triggered (how it was triggered, and by which trigger
character, if applicable)
See also: ~
declaration({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.declaration()*
Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor.
Many servers do not implement this method. Generally, see
|vim.lsp.buf.definition()| instead.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already open.
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
definition({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.definition()*
Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already open.
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
document_highlight() *vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()*
Send request to the server to resolve document highlights for the current
text document position. This request can be triggered by a key mapping or
by events such as `CursorHold`, e.g.:
autocmd CursorHold <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
autocmd CursorHoldI <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
Note: Usage of |vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()| requires the following
highlight groups to be defined or you won't be able to see the actual
highlights. |hl-LspReferenceText| |hl-LspReferenceRead|
document_symbol({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()*
Lists all symbols in the current buffer in the quickfix window.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
execute_command({command_params}) *vim.lsp.buf.execute_command()*
Executes an LSP server command.
Parameters: ~
{command_params} (table) A valid `ExecuteCommandParams` object
See also: ~
format({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.format()*
Formats a buffer using the attached (and optionally filtered) language
server clients.
Parameters: ~
{options} table|nil Optional table which holds the following optional
• formatting_options (table|nil): Can be used to specify
FormattingOptions. Some unspecified options will be
automatically derived from the current Neovim options.
• timeout_ms (integer|nil, default 1000): Time in
milliseconds to block for formatting requests. No effect
if async=true
• bufnr (number|nil): Restrict formatting to the clients
attached to the given buffer, defaults to the current
buffer (0).
• filter (function|nil): Predicate used to filter clients.
Receives a client as argument and must return a boolean.
Clients matching the predicate are included. Example: • >
-- Never request typescript-language-server for formatting
vim.lsp.buf.format {
filter = function(client) return ~= "tsserver" end
• async boolean|nil If true the method won't block.
Defaults to false. Editing the buffer while formatting
asynchronous can lead to unexpected changes.
• id (number|nil): Restrict formatting to the client with
ID ( matching this field.
• name (string|nil): Restrict formatting to the client with
name ( matching this field.
• range (table|nil) Range to format. Table must contain
`start` and `end` keys with {row, col} tuples using (1,0)
indexing. Defaults to current selection in visual mode
Defaults to `nil` in other modes, formatting the full
hover() *vim.lsp.buf.hover()*
Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating
window. Calling the function twice will jump into the floating window.
implementation({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.implementation()*
Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the
quickfix window.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
incoming_calls() *vim.lsp.buf.incoming_calls()*
Lists all the call sites of the symbol under the cursor in the |quickfix|
window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple items, the user can pick one
in the |inputlist()|.
list_workspace_folders() *vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()*
List workspace folders.
outgoing_calls() *vim.lsp.buf.outgoing_calls()*
Lists all the items that are called by the symbol under the cursor in the
|quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple items, the user
can pick one in the |inputlist()|.
references({context}, {options}) *vim.lsp.buf.references()*
Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix
Parameters: ~
{context} (table) Context for the request
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
See also: ~
Remove the folder at path from the workspace folders. If {path} is not
provided, the user will be prompted for a path using |input()|.
rename({new_name}, {options}) *vim.lsp.buf.rename()*
Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
{new_name} (string|nil) If not provided, the user will be prompted
for a new name using |vim.ui.input()|.
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• filter (function|nil): Predicate used to filter clients.
Receives a client as argument and must return a boolean.
Clients matching the predicate are included.
• name (string|nil): Restrict clients used for rename to
ones where matches this field.
server_ready() *vim.lsp.buf.server_ready()*
Checks whether the language servers attached to the current buffer are
Return: ~
`true` if server responds.
signature_help() *vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()*
Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a
floating window.
type_definition({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()*
Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already open.
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
workspace_symbol({query}, {options}) *vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol()*
Lists all symbols in the current workspace in the quickfix window.
The list is filtered against {query}; if the argument is omitted from the
call, the user is prompted to enter a string on the command line. An empty
string means no filtering is done.
Parameters: ~
{query} (string, optional)
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
Lua module: vim.lsp.diagnostic *lsp-diagnostic*
get_namespace({client_id}) *vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace()*
Get the diagnostic namespace associated with an LSP client
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (number) The id of the LSP client
on_publish_diagnostics({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
|lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
See |vim.diagnostic.config()| for configuration options. Handler-specific
configuration can be set using |vim.lsp.with()|: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Enable underline, use default values
underline = true,
-- Enable virtual text, override spacing to 4
virtual_text = {
spacing = 4,
-- Use a function to dynamically turn signs off
-- and on, using buffer local variables
signs = function(namespace, bufnr)
return vim.b[bufnr].show_signs == true
-- Disable a feature
update_in_insert = false,
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|).
Lua module: vim.lsp.codelens *lsp-codelens*
display({lenses}, {bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.codelens.display()*
Display the lenses using virtual text
Parameters: ~
{lenses} (table) of lenses to display (`CodeLens[] | null`)
{bufnr} (number)
{client_id} (number)
get({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.codelens.get()*
Return all lenses for the given buffer
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer number. 0 can be used for the current buffer.
Return: ~
(table) (`CodeLens[]`)
on_codelens({err}, {result}, {ctx}, {_})
|lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/codeLens`
refresh() *vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()*
Refresh the codelens for the current buffer
It is recommended to trigger this using an autocmd or via keymap.
autocmd BufEnter,CursorHold,InsertLeave <buffer> lua vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()
run() **
Run the code lens in the current line
save({lenses}, {bufnr}, {client_id}) **
Store lenses for a specific buffer and client
Parameters: ~
{lenses} (table) of lenses to store (`CodeLens[] | null`)
{bufnr} (number)
{client_id} (number)
Lua module: vim.lsp.handlers *lsp-handlers*
hover({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config}) *vim.lsp.handlers.hover()*
|lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/hover" >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.hover, {
-- Use a sharp border with `FloatBorder` highlights
border = "single"
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Configuration table.
• border: (default=nil)
• Add borders to the floating window
• See |nvim_open_win()|
signature_help({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
|lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/signatureHelp". The active
parameter is highlighted with |hl-LspSignatureActiveParameter|. >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/signatureHelp"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help, {
-- Use a sharp border with `FloatBorder` highlights
border = "single"
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Configuration table.
• border: (default=nil)
• Add borders to the floating window
• See |nvim_open_win()|
Lua module: vim.lsp.util *lsp-util*
apply_text_document_edit({text_document_edit}, {index}, {offset_encoding})
Applies a `TextDocumentEdit`, which is a list of changes to a single
Parameters: ~
{text_document_edit} table: a `TextDocumentEdit` object
{index} number: Optional index of the edit, if from a
list of edits (or nil, if not from a list)
See also: ~
apply_text_edits({text_edits}, {bufnr}, {offset_encoding})
Applies a list of text edits to a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{text_edits} (table) list of `TextEdit` objects
{bufnr} (number) Buffer id
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32
See also: ~
apply_workspace_edit({workspace_edit}, {offset_encoding})
Applies a `WorkspaceEdit`.
Parameters: ~
{workspace_edit} (table) `WorkspaceEdit`
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 (required)
buf_clear_references({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.buf_clear_references()*
Removes document highlights from a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer id
buf_highlight_references({bufnr}, {references}, {offset_encoding})
Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer id
{references} (table) List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to
{offset_encoding} (string) One of "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-32".
See also: ~
character_offset({buf}, {row}, {col}, {offset_encoding})
Returns the UTF-32 and UTF-16 offsets for a position in a certain buffer.
Parameters: ~
{buf} (number) buffer number (0 for current)
{row} 0-indexed line
{col} 0-indexed byte offset in line
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of `buf`
Return: ~
(number, number) `offset_encoding` index of the character in line
{row} column {col} in buffer {buf}
convert_input_to_markdown_lines({input}, {contents})
Converts any of `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent` into a
list of lines containing valid markdown. Useful to populate the hover
window for `textDocument/hover`, for parsing the result of
`textDocument/signatureHelp`, and potentially others.
Parameters: ~
{input} (`MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent`)
{contents} (table, optional, default `{}`) List of strings to extend
with converted lines
Return: ~
{contents}, extended with lines of converted markdown.
See also: ~
convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines({signature_help}, {ft}, {triggers})
Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown lines.
Parameters: ~
{signature_help} Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp`
{ft} optional filetype that will be use as the `lang` for
the label markdown code block
{triggers} optional list of trigger characters from the lsp
server. used to better determine parameter offsets
Return: ~
list of lines of converted markdown.
See also: ~
Can be used to extract the completion items from a `textDocument/completion` request, which may return one of `CompletionItem[]` , `CompletionList` or null.
Parameters: ~
{result} (table) The result of a `textDocument/completion` request
Return: ~
(table) List of completion items
See also: ~
get_effective_tabstop({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.get_effective_tabstop()*
Returns indentation size.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number|nil): Buffer handle, defaults to current
Return: ~
(number) indentation size
See also: ~
jump_to_location({location}, {offset_encoding}, {reuse_win})
Jumps to a location.
Parameters: ~
{location} (table) (`Location`|`LocationLink`)
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 (required)
{reuse_win} (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already opened.
Return: ~
`true` if the jump succeeded
locations_to_items({locations}, {offset_encoding})
Returns the items with the byte position calculated correctly and in
sorted order, for display in quickfix and location lists.
The result can be passed to the {list} argument of |setqflist()| or
Parameters: ~
{locations} (table) list of `Location`s or `LocationLink`s
{offset_encoding} (string) offset_encoding for locations
Return: ~
(table) list of items
lookup_section({settings}, {section}) *vim.lsp.util.lookup_section()*
Helper function to return nested values in language server settings
Parameters: ~
{settings} a table of language server settings
{section} a string indicating the field of the settings table
Return: ~
(table or string) The value of settings accessed via section
make_floating_popup_options({width}, {height}, {opts})
Creates a table with sensible default options for a floating window. The
table can be passed to |nvim_open_win()|.
Parameters: ~
{width} (number) window width (in character cells)
{height} (number) window height (in character cells)
{opts} (table, optional)
• offset_x (number) offset to add to `col`
• offset_y (number) offset to add to `row`
• border (string or table) override `border`
• focusable (string or table) override `focusable`
• zindex (string or table) override `zindex`, defaults to 50
Return: ~
(table) Options
Creates a `DocumentFormattingParams` object for the current buffer and
cursor position.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
Return: ~
`DocumentFormattingParams` object
See also: ~
make_given_range_params({start_pos}, {end_pos}, {bufnr}, {offset_encoding})
Using the given range in the current buffer, creates an object that is
similar to |vim.lsp.util.make_range_params()|.
Parameters: ~
{start_pos} number[]|nil {row, col} mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the start of the last visual selection.
{end_pos} number[]|nil {row, col} mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the end of the last visual selection.
{bufnr} (number|nil) buffer handle or 0 for current,
defaults to current
{offset_encoding} "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32"|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of `bufnr`
Return: ~
{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = { start =
`start_position`, end = `end_position` } }
make_position_params({window}, {offset_encoding})
Creates a `TextDocumentPositionParams` object for the current buffer and
cursor position.
Parameters: ~
{window} number|nil: window handle or 0 for current,
defaults to current
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of
Return: ~
`TextDocumentPositionParams` object
See also: ~
make_range_params({window}, {offset_encoding})
Using the current position in the current buffer, creates an object that
can be used as a building block for several LSP requests, such as
`textDocument/codeAction`, `textDocument/colorPresentation`,
Parameters: ~
{window} number|nil: window handle or 0 for current,
defaults to current
{offset_encoding} "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32"|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of
Return: ~
{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = { start =
`current_position`, end = `current_position` } }
Creates a `TextDocumentIdentifier` object for the current buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} number|nil: Buffer handle, defaults to current
Return: ~
See also: ~
make_workspace_params({added}, {removed})
Create the workspace params
Parameters: ~
open_floating_preview({contents}, {syntax}, {opts})
Shows contents in a floating window.
Parameters: ~
{contents} (table) of lines to show in window
{syntax} (string) of syntax to set for opened buffer
{opts} (table) with optional fields (additional keys are passed
on to |nvim_open_win()|)
• height: (number) height of floating window
• width: (number) width of floating window
• wrap: (boolean, default true) wrap long lines
• wrap_at: (number) character to wrap at for computing
height when wrap is enabled
• max_width: (number) maximal width of floating window
• max_height: (number) maximal height of floating window
• pad_top: (number) number of lines to pad contents at top
• pad_bottom: (number) number of lines to pad contents at
• focus_id: (string) if a popup with this id is opened,
then focus it
• close_events: (table) list of events that closes the
floating window
• focusable: (boolean, default true) Make float focusable
• focus: (boolean, default true) If `true`, and if
{focusable} is also `true`, focus an existing floating
window with the same {focus_id}
Return: ~
bufnr,winnr buffer and window number of the newly created floating
preview window
parse_snippet({input}) *vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet()*
Parses snippets in a completion entry.
Parameters: ~
{input} (string) unparsed snippet
Return: ~
(string) parsed snippet
preview_location({location}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.util.preview_location()*
Previews a location in a floating window
behavior depends on type of location:
• for Location, range is shown (e.g., function definition)
• for LocationLink, targetRange is shown (e.g., body of function
Parameters: ~
{location} a single `Location` or `LocationLink`
Return: ~
(bufnr,winnr) buffer and window number of floating window or nil
rename({old_fname}, {new_fname}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.util.rename()*
Rename old_fname to new_fname
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table)
set_lines({lines}, {A}, {B}, {new_lines}) *vim.lsp.util.set_lines()*
Replaces text in a range with new text.
CAUTION: Changes in-place!
Parameters: ~
{lines} (table) Original list of strings
{A} (table) Start position; a 2-tuple of {line, col} numbers
{B} (table) End position; a 2-tuple of {line, col} numbers
{new_lines} A list of strings to replace the original
Return: ~
(table) The modified {lines} object
stylize_markdown({bufnr}, {contents}, {opts})
Converts markdown into syntax highlighted regions by stripping the code
blocks and converting them into highlighted code. This will by default
insert a blank line separator after those code block regions to improve
This method configures the given buffer and returns the lines to set.
If you want to open a popup with fancy markdown, use
`open_floating_preview` instead
Parameters: ~
{contents} (table) of lines to show in window
{opts} dictionary with optional fields
• height of floating window
• width of floating window
• wrap_at character to wrap at for computing height
• max_width maximal width of floating window
• max_height maximal height of floating window
• pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top
• pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom
• separator insert separator after code block
Return: ~
width,height size of float
symbols_to_items({symbols}, {bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.symbols_to_items()*
Converts symbols to quickfix list items.
Parameters: ~
{symbols} DocumentSymbol[] or SymbolInformation[]
text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items({result}, {prefix})
Turns the result of a `textDocument/completion` request into
vim-compatible |complete-items|.
Parameters: ~
{result} The result of a `textDocument/completion` call, e.g. from
|vim.lsp.buf.completion()|, which may be one of
`CompletionItem[]`, `CompletionList` or `null`
{prefix} (string) the prefix to filter the completion items
Return: ~
{ matches = complete-items table, incomplete = bool }
See also: ~
trim_empty_lines({lines}) *vim.lsp.util.trim_empty_lines()*
Removes empty lines from the beginning and end.
Parameters: ~
{lines} (table) list of lines to trim
Return: ~
(table) trimmed list of lines
Accepts markdown lines and tries to reduce them to a filetype if they
comprise just a single code block.
CAUTION: Modifies the input in-place!
Parameters: ~
{lines} (table) list of lines
Return: ~
(string) filetype or "markdown" if it was unchanged.
Lua module: vim.lsp.log *lsp-log*
get_filename() *vim.lsp.log.get_filename()*
Returns the log filename.
Return: ~
(string) log filename
get_level() *vim.lsp.log.get_level()*
Gets the current log level.
Return: ~
(string) current log level
set_format_func({handle}) *vim.lsp.log.set_format_func()*
Sets formatting function used to format logs
Parameters: ~
{handle} (function) function to apply to logging arguments, pass
vim.inspect for multi-line formatting
set_level({level}) *vim.lsp.log.set_level()*
Sets the current log level.
Parameters: ~
{level} (string or number) One of `vim.lsp.log.levels`
should_log({level}) *vim.lsp.log.should_log()*
Checks whether the level is sufficient for logging.
Parameters: ~
{level} (number) log level
Return: ~
(bool) true if would log, false if not
Lua module: vim.lsp.rpc *lsp-rpc*
connect({host}, {port}) *vim.lsp.rpc.connect()*
Create a LSP RPC client factory that connects via TCP to the given host
and port
Parameters: ~
{host} (string)
{port} (number)
Return: ~
format_rpc_error({err}) *vim.lsp.rpc.format_rpc_error()*
Constructs an error message from an LSP error object.
Parameters: ~
{err} (table) The error object
Return: ~
(string) The formatted error message
notify({method}, {params}) *vim.lsp.rpc.notify()*
Sends a notification to the LSP server.
Parameters: ~
{method} (string) The invoked LSP method
{params} (table|nil): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
Return: ~
(bool) `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not
request({method}, {params}, {callback}, {notify_reply_callback})
Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response.
Parameters: ~
{method} (string) The invoked LSP method
{params} (table|nil) Parameters for the invoked LSP
{callback} (function) Callback to invoke
{notify_reply_callback} (function|nil) Callback to invoke as soon as
a request is no longer pending
Return: ~
(bool, number) `(true, message_id)` if request could be sent, `false`
if not
rpc_response_error({code}, {message}, {data})
Creates an RPC response object/table.
Parameters: ~
{code} (number) RPC error code defined in
{message} (string|nil) arbitrary message to send to server
{data} any|nil arbitrary data to send to server
start({cmd}, {cmd_args}, {dispatchers}, {extra_spawn_params})
Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client object to
interact with it. Communication with the spawned process happens via
stdio. For communication via TCP, spawn a process manually and use
Parameters: ~
{cmd} (string) Command to start the LSP server.
{cmd_args} (table) List of additional string arguments to
pass to {cmd}.
{dispatchers} (table|nil) Dispatchers for LSP message types.
Valid dispatcher names are:
• `"notification"`
• `"server_request"`
• `"on_error"`
• `"on_exit"`
{extra_spawn_params} (table|nil) Additional context for the LSP
server process. May contain:
• {cwd} (string) Working directory for the LSP
server process
• {env} (table) Additional environment variables
for LSP server process
Return: ~
Client RPC object.
• `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|
• `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|
• `is_closing()` returns a boolean indicating if the RPC is closing.
• `terminate()` terminates the RPC client.
Lua module: vim.lsp.sync *lsp-sync*
Returns the range table for the difference between prev and curr lines
Parameters: ~
{prev_lines} (table) list of lines
{curr_lines} (table) list of lines
{firstline} (number) line to begin search for first difference
{lastline} (number) line to begin search in old_lines for last
{new_lastline} (number) line to begin search in new_lines for last
{offset_encoding} (string) encoding requested by language server
Return: ~
(table) TextDocumentContentChangeEvent see
Lua module: vim.lsp.protocol *lsp-protocol*
Gets a new ClientCapabilities object describing the LSP client
Creates a normalized object describing LSP server capabilities.
Parameters: ~
{server_capabilities} (table) Table of capabilities supported by the
Return: ~
(table) Normalized table of capabilities