mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
runtime(ftplugin): Use "*" browsefilter pattern to match "All Files"
Problem: The "*.*" browsefilter pattern only matches all files on
Windows (Daryl Lee)
Solution: Use "*" to filter on all platforms but keep "*.*" as the label
text on Windows. (Fixes vim/vim#12685, Doug Kearns)
The *.* browsefilter pattern used to match "All Files" on Windows is a
legacy of the DOS 8.3 filename wildcard matching algorithm. For reasons
of backward compatibility this still works on Windows to match all
files, even those without an extension.
However, this pattern only matches filenames containing a dot on other
platforms. This often makes files without an extension difficult to
access from the file dialog, e.g., "Makefile"
On Windows it is still standard practice to use "*.*" for the filter
label so ftplugins should use "All Files (*.*)" on Windows and "All
Files (*)" on other platforms. This matches Vim's default browsefilter
This commit also normalises the browsefilter conditional test to check
for the Win32 and GTK GUI features and an unset b:browsefilter.
closes: vim/vim#12759
Co-authored-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
554 lines
21 KiB
554 lines
21 KiB
" SQL filetype plugin file
" Language: SQL (Common for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase)
" Version: 12.0
" Maintainer: David Fishburn <dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com>
" Last Change: 2017 Mar 07
" 2024 Jan 14 by Vim Project (browsefilter)
" Download: http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=454
" For more details please use:
" :h sql.txt
" This file should only contain values that are common to all SQL languages
" Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASA/ASE, MySQL, and so on
" If additional features are required create:
" vimfiles/after/ftplugin/sql.vim (Windows)
" .vim/after/ftplugin/sql.vim (Unix)
" to override and add any of your own settings.
" This file also creates a command, SQLSetType, which allows you to change
" SQL dialects on the fly. For example, if I open an Oracle SQL file, it
" is color highlighted appropriately. If I open an Informix SQL file, it
" will still be highlighted according to Oracles settings. By running:
" :SQLSetType sqlinformix
" All files called sqlinformix.vim will be loaded from the indent and syntax
" directories. This allows you to easily flip SQL dialects on a per file
" basis. NOTE: you can also use completion:
" :SQLSetType <tab>
" To change the default dialect, add the following to your vimrc:
" let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlanywhere'
" This file also creates a command, SQLGetType, which allows you to
" determine what the current dialect is in use.
" :SQLGetType
" History
" Version 12.0 (April 2013)
" NF: Added support for "BEGIN TRY ... END TRY ... BEGIN CATCH ... END CATCH
" BF: This plugin is designed to be used with other plugins to enable the
" SQL completion with Perl, Python, Java, ... The loading mechanism
" was not checking if the SQL objects were created, which can lead to
" the plugin not loading the SQL support.
" Version 11.0 (May 2013)
" NF: Updated to use SyntaxComplete's new regex support for syntax groups.
" Version 10.0 (Dec 2012)
" NF: Changed all maps to use noremap instead of must map
" NF: Changed all visual maps to use xnoremap instead of vnoremap as they
" should only be used in visual mode and not select mode.
" BF: Most of the maps were using doubled up backslashes before they were
" changed to using the search() function, which meant they no longer
" worked.
" Version 9.0
" NF: Completes 'b:undo_ftplugin'
" BF: Correctly set cpoptions when creating script
" Version 8.0
" NF: Improved the matchit plugin regex (Talek)
" Version 7.0
" NF: Calls the sqlcomplete#ResetCacheSyntax() function when calling
" SQLSetType.
" Version 6.0
" NF: Adds the command SQLGetType
" Version 5.0
" NF: Adds the ability to choose the keys to control SQL completion, just add
" the following to your .vimrc:
" let g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key = '<C-C>'
" let g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_right = '<Right>'
" let g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_left = '<Left>'
" BF: format-options - Auto-wrap comments using textwidth was turned off
" by mistake.
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
" This ftplugin can be used with other ftplugins. So ensure loading
" happens if all elements of this plugin have not yet loaded.
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") && exists("b:current_ftplugin") && b:current_ftplugin == 'sql'
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Disable autowrapping for code, but enable for comments
" t Auto-wrap text using textwidth
" c Auto-wrap comments using textwidth, inserting the current comment
" leader automatically.
setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal formatoptions+=c
" Functions/Commands to allow the user to change SQL syntax dialects
" through the use of :SQLSetType <tab> for completion.
" This works with both Vim 6 and 7.
if !exists("*SQL_SetType")
" NOTE: You cannot use function! since this file can be
" sourced from within this function. That will result in
" an error reported by Vim.
function SQL_GetList(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
if !exists('s:sql_list')
" Grab a list of files that contain "sql" in their names
let list_indent = globpath(&runtimepath, 'indent/*sql*')
let list_syntax = globpath(&runtimepath, 'syntax/*sql*')
let list_ftplugin = globpath(&runtimepath, 'ftplugin/*sql*')
let sqls = "\n".list_indent."\n".list_syntax."\n".list_ftplugin."\n"
" Strip out everything (path info) but the filename
" Regex
" From between two newline characters
" Non-greedily grab all characters
" Followed by a valid filename \w\+\.\w\+ (sql.vim)
" Followed by a newline, but do not include the newline
" Replace it with just the filename (get rid of PATH)
" Recursively, since there are many filenames that contain
" the word SQL in the indent, syntax and ftplugin directory
let sqls = substitute( sqls,
\ '[\n]\%(.\{-}\)\(\w\+\.\w\+\)\n\@=',
\ '\1\n',
\ 'g'
\ )
" Remove duplicates, since sqlanywhere.vim can exist in the
" syntax, indent and ftplugin directory, yet we only want
" to display the option once
let index = match(sqls, '.\{-}\ze\n')
while index > -1
" Get the first filename
let file = matchstr(sqls, '.\{-}\ze\n', index)
" Recursively replace any *other* occurrence of that
" filename with nothing (ie remove it)
let sqls = substitute(sqls, '\%>'.(index+strlen(file)).'c\<'.file.'\>\n', '', 'g')
" Move on to the next filename
let index = match(sqls, '.\{-}\ze\n', (index+strlen(file)+1))
" Sort the list if using version 7
if v:version >= 700
let mylist = split(sqls, "\n")
let mylist = sort(mylist)
let sqls = join(mylist, "\n")
let s:sql_list = sqls
return s:sql_list
function SQL_SetType(name)
" User has decided to override default SQL scripts and
" specify a vendor specific version
" (ie Oracle, Informix, SQL Anywhere, ...)
" So check for an remove any settings that prevent the
" scripts from being executed, and then source the
" appropriate Vim scripts.
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
unlet b:did_ftplugin
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" echomsg 'SQLSetType - clearing syntax'
syntax clear
if exists("b:current_syntax")
unlet b:current_syntax
if exists("b:did_indent")
" echomsg 'SQLSetType - clearing indent'
unlet b:did_indent
" Set these values to their defaults
setlocal indentkeys&
setlocal indentexpr&
" Ensure the name is in the correct format
let new_sql_type = substitute(a:name,
\ '\s*\([^\.]\+\)\(\.\w\+\)\?', '\L\1', '')
" Do not specify a buffer local variable if it is
" the default value
if new_sql_type == 'sql'
let new_sql_type = 'sqloracle'
let b:sql_type_override = new_sql_type
" Remove any cached SQL since a new syntax will have different
" items and groups
if !exists('g:loaded_sql_completion') || g:loaded_sql_completion >= 100
call sqlcomplete#ResetCacheSyntax()
" Vim will automatically source the correct files if we
" change the filetype. You cannot do this with setfiletype
" since that command will only execute if a filetype has
" not already been set. In this case we want to override
" the existing filetype.
let &filetype = 'sql'
if b:sql_compl_savefunc != ""
" We are changing the filetype to SQL from some other filetype
" which had OMNI completion defined. We need to activate the
" SQL completion plugin in order to cache some of the syntax items
" while the syntax rules for SQL are active.
call sqlcomplete#PreCacheSyntax()
command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,SQL_GetList SQLSetType :call SQL_SetType(<q-args>)
" Functions/Commands to allow the user determine current SQL syntax dialect
" This works with both Vim 6 and 7.
if !exists("*SQL_GetType")
function SQL_GetType()
if exists('b:sql_type_override')
echomsg "Current SQL dialect in use:".b:sql_type_override
echomsg "Current SQL dialect in use:".g:sql_type_default
command! -nargs=0 SQLGetType :call SQL_GetType()
if exists("b:sql_type_override")
" echo 'sourcing buffer ftplugin/'.b:sql_type_override.'.vim'
if globpath(&runtimepath, 'ftplugin/'.b:sql_type_override.'.vim') != ''
exec 'runtime ftplugin/'.b:sql_type_override.'.vim'
" else
" echomsg 'ftplugin/'.b:sql_type_override.' not exist, using default'
elseif exists("g:sql_type_default")
" echo 'sourcing global ftplugin/'.g:sql_type_default.'.vim'
if globpath(&runtimepath, 'ftplugin/'.g:sql_type_default.'.vim') != ''
exec 'runtime ftplugin/'.g:sql_type_default.'.vim'
" else
" echomsg 'ftplugin/'.g:sql_type_default.'.vim not exist, using default'
" If the above runtime command succeeded, do not load the default settings
" as they should have already been loaded from a previous run.
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") && exists("b:current_ftplugin") && b:current_ftplugin == 'sql'
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl comments< formatoptions< define< omnifunc<" .
\ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words"
" Don't load another plugin for this buffer
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let b:current_ftplugin = 'sql'
" Win32 and GTK can filter files in the browse dialog
if (has("gui_win32") || has("gui_gtk")) && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "SQL Files (*.sql)\t*.sql\n"
if has("win32")
let b:browsefilter .= "All Files (*.*)\t*\n"
let b:browsefilter .= "All Files (*)\t*\n"
" Some standard expressions for use with the matchit strings
let s:notend = '\%(\<end\s\+\)\@<!'
let s:when_no_matched_or_others = '\%(\<when\>\%(\s\+\%(\%(\<not\>\s\+\)\?<matched\>\)\|\<others\>\)\@!\)'
let s:or_replace = '\%(or\s\+replace\s\+\)\?'
" Define patterns for the matchit macro
if !exists("b:match_words")
" SQL is generally case insensitive
let b:match_ignorecase = 1
" Handle the following:
" if
" elseif | elsif
" else [if]
" end if
" [while condition] loop
" leave
" break
" continue
" exit
" end loop
" for
" leave
" break
" continue
" exit
" end loop
" do
" statements
" doend
" case
" when
" when
" default
" end case
" merge
" when not matched
" when matched
" WHEN column_not_found THEN
" begin try
" end try
" begin catch
" end catch
" create[ or replace] procedure|function|event
" \ '^\s*\<\%(do\|for\|while\|loop\)\>.*:'.
" For ColdFusion support
setlocal matchpairs+=<:>
let b:match_words = &matchpairs .
\ ',\%(\<begin\)\%(\s\+\%(try\|catch\)\>\)\@!:\<end\>\W*$,'.
\ '\<begin\s\+try\>:'.
\ '\<end\s\+try\>:'.
\ '\<begin\s\+catch\>:'.
\ '\<end\s\+catch\>,'.
\ s:notend . '\<if\>:'.
\ '\<elsif\>\|\<elseif\>\|\<else\>:'.
\ '\<end\s\+if\>,'.
\ '\(^\s*\)\@<=\(\<\%(do\|for\|while\|loop\)\>.*\):'.
\ '\%(\<exit\>\|\<leave\>\|\<break\>\|\<continue\>\):'.
\ '\%(\<doend\>\|\%(\<end\s\+\%(for\|while\|loop\>\)\)\),'.
\ '\%('. s:notend . '\<case\>\):'.
\ '\%('.s:when_no_matched_or_others.'\):'.
\ '\%(\<when\s\+others\>\|\<end\s\+case\>\),' .
\ '\<merge\>:' .
\ '\<when\s\+not\s\+matched\>:' .
\ '\<when\s\+matched\>,' .
\ '\%(\<create\s\+' . s:or_replace . '\)\?'.
\ '\%(function\|procedure\|event\):'.
\ '\<returns\?\>'
" \ '\<begin\>\|\<returns\?\>:'.
" \ '\<end\>\(;\)\?\s*$'
" \ '\<exception\>:'.s:when_no_matched_or_others.
" \ ':\<when\s\+others\>,'.
" \ '\%(\<exception\>\|\%('. s:notend . '\<case\>\)\):'.
" \ '\%(\<default\>\|'.s:when_no_matched_or_others.'\):'.
" \ '\%(\%(\<when\s\+others\>\)\|\<end\s\+case\>\),' .
" Define how to find the macro definition of a variable using the various
" [d, [D, [_CTRL_D and so on features
" Match these values ignoring case
" ie DECLARE varname INTEGER
let &l:define = '\c\<\(VARIABLE\|DECLARE\|IN\|OUT\|INOUT\)\>'
" Mappings to move to the next BEGIN ... END block
" \W - no characters or digits
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :call search('\c^\s*begin\>', 'W' )<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :call search('\c^\s*begin\>', 'bW' )<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ][ :call search('\c^\s*end\W*$', 'W' )<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [] :call search('\c^\s*end\W*$', 'bW' )<CR>
xnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :<C-U>exec "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\c^\s*begin\>', 'W' )<CR>
xnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :<C-U>exec "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\c^\s*begin\>', 'bW' )<CR>
xnoremap <buffer> <silent> ][ :<C-U>exec "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\c^\s*end\W*$', 'W' )<CR>
xnoremap <buffer> <silent> [] :<C-U>exec "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('\c^\s*end\W*$', 'bW' )<CR>
" By default only look for CREATE statements, but allow
" the user to override
if !exists('g:ftplugin_sql_statements')
let g:ftplugin_sql_statements = 'create'
" Predefined SQL objects what are used by the below mappings using
" the ]} style maps.
" This global variable allows the users to override its value
" from within their vimrc.
" Note, you cannot use \?, since these patterns can be used to search
" backwards, you must use \{,1}
if !exists('g:ftplugin_sql_objects')
let g:ftplugin_sql_objects = 'function,procedure,event,' .
\ '\(existing\\|global\s\+temporary\s\+\)\{,1}' .
\ 'table,trigger' .
\ ',schema,service,publication,database,datatype,domain' .
\ ',index,subscription,synchronization,view,variable'
" Key to trigger SQL completion
if !exists('g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key')
let g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key = '<C-C>'
" Key to trigger drill into column list
if !exists('g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_right')
let g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_right = '<Right>'
" Key to trigger drill out of column list
if !exists('g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_left')
let g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_left = '<Left>'
" Replace all ,'s with bars, except ones with numbers after them.
" This will most likely be a \{,1} string.
let s:ftplugin_sql_objects =
\ '\c^\s*' .
\ '\(\(' .
\ substitute(g:ftplugin_sql_statements, ',\d\@!', '\\\\|', 'g') .
\ '\)\s\+\(or\s\+replace\s\+\)\{,1}\)\{,1}' .
\ '\<\(' .
\ substitute(g:ftplugin_sql_objects, ',\d\@!', '\\\\|', 'g') .
\ '\)\>'
" Mappings to move to the next CREATE ... block
exec "nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]} :call search('".s:ftplugin_sql_objects."', 'W')<CR>"
exec "nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [{ :call search('".s:ftplugin_sql_objects."', 'bW')<CR>"
" Could not figure out how to use a :call search() string in visual mode
" without it ending visual mode
" Unfortunately, this will add a entry to the search history
exec 'xnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]} /'.s:ftplugin_sql_objects.'<CR>'
exec 'xnoremap <buffer> <silent> [{ ?'.s:ftplugin_sql_objects.'<CR>'
" Mappings to move to the next COMMENT
" Had to double the \ for the \| separator since this has a special
" meaning on maps
let b:comment_leader = '\(--\\|\/\/\\|\*\\|\/\*\\|\*\/\)'
" Find the start of the next comment
let b:comment_start = '^\(\s*'.b:comment_leader.'.*\n\)\@<!'.
\ '\(\s*'.b:comment_leader.'\)'
" Find the end of the previous comment
let b:comment_end = '\(^\s*'.b:comment_leader.'.*\n\)'.
\ '\(^\s*'.b:comment_leader.'\)\@!'
" Skip over the comment
let b:comment_jump_over = "call search('".
\ '^\(\s*'.b:comment_leader.'.*\n\)\@<!'.
\ "', 'W')"
let b:comment_skip_back = "call search('".
\ '^\(\s*'.b:comment_leader.'.*\n\)\@<!'.
\ "', 'bW')"
" Move to the start and end of comments
exec 'nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]" :call search('."'".b:comment_start."'".', "W" )<CR>'
exec 'nnoremap <silent><buffer> [" :call search('."'".b:comment_end."'".', "W" )<CR>'
exec 'xnoremap <silent><buffer> ]" :<C-U>exec "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('."'".b:comment_start."'".', "W" )<CR>'
exec 'xnoremap <silent><buffer> [" :<C-U>exec "normal! gv"<Bar>call search('."'".b:comment_end."'".', "W" )<CR>'
" Comments can be of the form:
" /*
" *
" */
" or
" --
" or
" //
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,:--,://
" Set completion with CTRL-X CTRL-O to autoloaded function.
if exists('&omnifunc')
" Since the SQL completion plugin can be used in conjunction
" with other completion filetypes it must record the previous
" OMNI function prior to setting up the SQL OMNI function
let b:sql_compl_savefunc = &omnifunc
" Source it to determine its version
runtime autoload/sqlcomplete.vim
" This is used by the sqlcomplete.vim plugin
" Source it for its global functions
runtime autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim
setlocal omnifunc=sqlcomplete#Complete
" Prevent the intellisense plugin from loading
let b:sql_vis = 1
if !exists('g:omni_sql_no_default_maps')
let regex_extra = ''
if exists('g:loaded_syntax_completion') && exists('g:loaded_sql_completion')
if g:loaded_syntax_completion > 120 && g:loaded_sql_completion > 140
let regex_extra = '\\w*'
" Static maps which use populate the completion list
" using Vim's syntax highlighting rules
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'a <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("syntax")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'k <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("sqlKeyword'.regex_extra.'")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'f <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("sqlFunction'.regex_extra.'")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'o <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("sqlOption'.regex_extra.'")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'T <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("sqlType'.regex_extra.'")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'s <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("sqlStatement'.regex_extra.'")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
" Dynamic maps which use populate the completion list
" using the dbext.vim plugin
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'t <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("table")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'p <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("procedure")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'v <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("view")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'c <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("column")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'l <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("column_csv")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
" The next 3 maps are only to be used while the completion window is
" active due to the <CR> at the beginning of the map
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'L <C-Y><C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("column_csv")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
" <C-Right> is not recognized on most Unix systems, so only create
" these additional maps on the Windows platform.
" If you would like to use these maps, choose a different key and make
" the same map in your vimrc.
" if has('win32')
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_right.' <C-R>=sqlcomplete#DrillIntoTable()<CR>'
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key_left.' <C-R>=sqlcomplete#DrillOutOfColumns()<CR>'
" endif
" Remove any cached items useful for schema changes
exec 'inoremap <buffer> '.g:ftplugin_sql_omni_key.'R <C-\><C-O>:call sqlcomplete#Map("resetCache")<CR><C-X><C-O>'
if b:sql_compl_savefunc != ""
" We are changing the filetype to SQL from some other filetype
" which had OMNI completion defined. We need to activate the
" SQL completion plugin in order to cache some of the syntax items
" while the syntax rules for SQL are active.
call sqlcomplete#ResetCacheSyntax()
call sqlcomplete#PreCacheSyntax()
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim:sw=4: