dundargoc af23d17388
test: move oldtests to test directory (#22536)
The new oldtest directory is in test/old/testdir. The reason for this is
that many tests have hardcoded the parent directory name to be
2023-03-07 11:13:04 +08:00

44 lines
1.5 KiB

func Test_colorscheme()
" call assert_equal('16777216', &t_Co)
let colorscheme_saved = exists('g:colors_name') ? g:colors_name : 'default'
let g:color_count = 0
augroup TestColors
au ColorScheme * let g:color_count += 1
\ | let g:after_colors = g:color_count
\ | let g:color_after = expand('<amatch>')
au ColorSchemePre * let g:color_count += 1
\ | let g:before_colors = g:color_count
\ | let g:color_pre = expand('<amatch>')
augroup END
colorscheme torte
call assert_equal('dark', &background)
call assert_equal(1, g:before_colors)
call assert_equal(2, g:after_colors)
call assert_equal('torte', g:color_pre)
call assert_equal('torte', g:color_after)
call assert_equal("\ntorte", execute('colorscheme'))
let a = substitute(execute('hi Search'), "\n\\s\\+", ' ', 'g')
" FIXME: temporarily check less while the colorscheme changes
" call assert_match("\nSearch xxx term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=196 ctermbg=16 gui=reverse guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#000000", a)
" call assert_match("\nSearch xxx term=reverse ", a)
call assert_fails('colorscheme does_not_exist', 'E185:')
call assert_equal('does_not_exist', g:color_pre)
call assert_equal('torte', g:color_after)
exec 'colorscheme' colorscheme_saved
augroup TestColors
augroup END
unlet g:color_count g:after_colors g:before_colors
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab