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synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
Problem: No longer able to show prompt messages with vim.ui_attach(). Solution: Do not execute callback in fast context for prompt message kinds. These events must be safe to show the incoming message so the event itself serves to indicate that the message should be shown immediately.
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-- luacheck: no unused args
error('Cannot require a meta file')
--- @brief <pre>help
--- vim.api.{func}({...}) *vim.api*
--- Invokes Nvim |API| function {func} with arguments {...}.
--- Example: call the "nvim_get_current_line()" API function: >lua
--- print(tostring(vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()))
--- vim.NIL *vim.NIL*
--- Special value representing NIL in |RPC| and |v:null| in Vimscript
--- conversion, and similar cases. Lua `nil` cannot be used as part of a Lua
--- table representing a Dictionary or Array, because it is treated as
--- missing: `{"foo", nil}` is the same as `{"foo"}`.
--- vim.type_idx *vim.type_idx*
--- Type index for use in |lua-special-tbl|. Specifying one of the values from
--- |vim.types| allows typing the empty table (it is unclear whether empty Lua
--- table represents empty list or empty array) and forcing integral numbers
--- to be |Float|. See |lua-special-tbl| for more details.
--- vim.val_idx *vim.val_idx*
--- Value index for tables representing |Float|s. A table representing
--- floating-point value 1.0 looks like this: >lua
--- {
--- [vim.type_idx] = vim.types.float,
--- [vim.val_idx] = 1.0,
--- }
--- < See also |vim.type_idx| and |lua-special-tbl|.
--- vim.types *vim.types*
--- Table with possible values for |vim.type_idx|. Contains two sets of
--- key-value pairs: first maps possible values for |vim.type_idx| to
--- human-readable strings, second maps human-readable type names to values
--- for |vim.type_idx|. Currently contains pairs for `float`, `array` and
--- `dictionary` types.
--- Note: One must expect that values corresponding to `vim.types.float`,
--- `vim.types.array` and `vim.types.dictionary` fall under only two following
--- assumptions:
--- 1. Value may serve both as a key and as a value in a table. Given the
--- properties of Lua tables this basically means “value is not `nil`”.
--- 2. For each value in `vim.types` table `vim.types[vim.types[value]]` is the
--- same as `value`.
--- No other restrictions are put on types, and it is not guaranteed that
--- values corresponding to `vim.types.float`, `vim.types.array` and
--- `vim.types.dictionary` will not change or that `vim.types` table will only
--- contain values for these three types.
--- *log_levels* *vim.log.levels*
--- Log levels are one of the values defined in `vim.log.levels`:
--- vim.log.levels.DEBUG
--- vim.log.levels.ERROR
--- vim.log.levels.INFO
--- vim.log.levels.TRACE
--- vim.log.levels.WARN
--- vim.log.levels.OFF
--- </pre>
---@class vim.NIL
---@type vim.NIL
vim.NIL = ...
--- Returns true if the code is executing as part of a "fast" event handler,
--- where most of the API is disabled. These are low-level events (e.g.
--- |lua-loop-callbacks|) which can be invoked whenever Nvim polls for input.
--- When this is `false` most API functions are callable (but may be subject
--- to other restrictions such as |textlock|).
function vim.in_fast_event() end
--- Creates a special empty table (marked with a metatable), which Nvim
--- converts to an empty dictionary when translating Lua values to Vimscript
--- or API types. Nvim by default converts an empty table `{}` without this
--- metatable to an list/array.
--- Note: If numeric keys are present in the table, Nvim ignores the metatable
--- marker and converts the dict to a list/array anyway.
--- @return table
function vim.empty_dict() end
--- Sends {event} to {channel} via |RPC| and returns immediately. If {channel}
--- is 0, the event is broadcast to all channels.
--- This function also works in a fast callback |lua-loop-callbacks|.
--- @param channel integer
--- @param method string
--- @param ...? any
function vim.rpcnotify(channel, method, ...) end
--- Sends a request to {channel} to invoke {method} via |RPC| and blocks until
--- a response is received.
--- Note: NIL values as part of the return value is represented as |vim.NIL|
--- special value
--- @param channel integer
--- @param method string
--- @param ...? any
function vim.rpcrequest(channel, method, ...) end
--- Compares strings case-insensitively.
--- @param a string
--- @param b string
--- @return 0|1|-1
--- if strings are
--- equal, {a} is greater than {b} or {a} is lesser than {b}, respectively.
function vim.stricmp(a, b) end
--- Gets a list of the starting byte positions of each UTF-8 codepoint in the given string.
--- Embedded NUL bytes are treated as terminating the string.
--- @param str string
--- @return integer[]
function vim.str_utf_pos(str) end
--- Gets the distance (in bytes) from the starting byte of the codepoint (character) that {index}
--- points to.
--- The result can be added to {index} to get the starting byte of a character.
--- Examples:
--- ```lua
--- -- The character 'æ' is stored as the bytes '\xc3\xa6' (using UTF-8)
--- -- Returns 0 because the index is pointing at the first byte of a character
--- vim.str_utf_start('æ', 1)
--- -- Returns -1 because the index is pointing at the second byte of a character
--- vim.str_utf_start('æ', 2)
--- ```
--- @param str string
--- @param index integer
--- @return integer
function vim.str_utf_start(str, index) end
--- Gets the distance (in bytes) from the last byte of the codepoint (character) that {index} points
--- to.
--- Examples:
--- ```lua
--- -- The character 'æ' is stored as the bytes '\xc3\xa6' (using UTF-8)
--- -- Returns 0 because the index is pointing at the last byte of a character
--- vim.str_utf_end('æ', 2)
--- -- Returns 1 because the index is pointing at the penultimate byte of a character
--- vim.str_utf_end('æ', 1)
--- ```
--- @param str string
--- @param index integer
--- @return integer
function vim.str_utf_end(str, index) end
--- The result is a String, which is the text {str} converted from
--- encoding {from} to encoding {to}. When the conversion fails `nil` is
--- returned. When some characters could not be converted they
--- are replaced with "?".
--- The encoding names are whatever the iconv() library function
--- can accept, see ":Man 3 iconv".
--- @param str string Text to convert
--- @param from string Encoding of {str}
--- @param to string Target encoding
--- @return string? : Converted string if conversion succeeds, `nil` otherwise.
function vim.iconv(str, from, to, opts) end
--- Schedules {fn} to be invoked soon by the main event-loop. Useful
--- to avoid |textlock| or other temporary restrictions.
--- @param fn fun()
function vim.schedule(fn) end
--- Wait for {time} in milliseconds until {callback} returns `true`.
--- Executes {callback} immediately and at approximately {interval}
--- milliseconds (default 200). Nvim still processes other events during
--- this time.
--- Cannot be called while in an |api-fast| event.
--- Examples:
--- ```lua
--- ---
--- -- Wait for 100 ms, allowing other events to process
--- vim.wait(100, function() end)
--- ---
--- -- Wait for 100 ms or until global variable set.
--- vim.wait(100, function() return vim.g.waiting_for_var end)
--- ---
--- -- Wait for 1 second or until global variable set, checking every ~500 ms
--- vim.wait(1000, function() return vim.g.waiting_for_var end, 500)
--- ---
--- -- Schedule a function to set a value in 100ms
--- vim.defer_fn(function() vim.g.timer_result = true end, 100)
--- -- Would wait ten seconds if results blocked. Actually only waits 100 ms
--- if vim.wait(10000, function() return vim.g.timer_result end) then
--- print('Only waiting a little bit of time!')
--- end
--- ```
--- @param time integer Number of milliseconds to wait
--- @param callback? fun(): boolean Optional callback. Waits until {callback} returns true
--- @param interval? integer (Approximate) number of milliseconds to wait between polls
--- @param fast_only? boolean If true, only |api-fast| events will be processed.
--- @return boolean, nil|-1|-2
--- - If {callback} returns `true` during the {time}: `true, nil`
--- - If {callback} never returns `true` during the {time}: `false, -1`
--- - If {callback} is interrupted during the {time}: `false, -2`
--- - If {callback} errors, the error is raised.
function vim.wait(time, callback, interval, fast_only) end
--- Attach to |ui-events|, similar to |nvim_ui_attach()| but receive events
--- as Lua callback. Can be used to implement screen elements like
--- popupmenu or message handling in Lua.
--- {options} should be a dictionary-like table, where `ext_...` options should
--- be set to true to receive events for the respective external element.
--- {callback} receives event name plus additional parameters. See |ui-popupmenu|
--- and the sections below for event format for respective events.
--- Callbacks for `msg_show` events are executed in |api-fast| context unless
--- Nvim will wait for input, in which case messages should be shown
--- immediately.
--- Excessive errors inside the callback will result in forced detachment.
--- WARNING: This api is considered experimental. Usability will vary for
--- different screen elements. In particular `ext_messages` behavior is subject
--- to further changes and usability improvements. This is expected to be
--- used to handle messages when setting 'cmdheight' to zero (which is
--- likewise experimental).
--- Example (stub for a |ui-popupmenu| implementation):
--- ```lua
--- ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('my_fancy_pum')
--- vim.ui_attach(ns, {ext_popupmenu=true}, function(event, ...)
--- if event == "popupmenu_show" then
--- local items, selected, row, col, grid = ...
--- print("display pum ", #items)
--- elseif event == "popupmenu_select" then
--- local selected = ...
--- print("selected", selected)
--- elseif event == "popupmenu_hide" then
--- print("FIN")
--- end
--- end)
--- ```
--- @since 0
--- @param ns integer
--- @param options table<string, any>
--- @param callback fun()
function vim.ui_attach(ns, options, callback) end
--- Detach a callback previously attached with |vim.ui_attach()| for the
--- given namespace {ns}.
--- @param ns integer
function vim.ui_detach(ns) end