zeertzjq 13ebfafc95
vim-patch:9.1.0351: No test that completing a partial mapping clears 'showcmd' (#28406)
Problem:  No test that completing a partial mapping clears 'showcmd'.
Solution: Complete partial mappings in Test_showcmd_part_map() instead
          of using :echo.  Adjust some comments (zeertzjq).

closes: vim/vim#14580

2024-04-19 05:45:25 +08:00

366 lines
12 KiB

" Tests for Unicode manipulations
source check.vim
source view_util.vim
source screendump.vim
" Visual block Insert adjusts for multi-byte char
func Test_visual_block_insert()
call setline(1, ["aaa", "あああ", "bbb"])
exe ":norm! gg0l\<C-V>jjIx\<Esc>"
call assert_equal(['axaa', ' xあああ', 'bxbb'], getline(1, '$'))
" Test for built-in functions strchars() and strcharlen()
func Test_strchars()
let inp = ["a", "あいa", "A\u20dd", "A\u20dd\u20dd", "\u20dd"]
let exp = [[1, 1, 1], [3, 3, 3], [2, 2, 1], [3, 3, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
for i in range(len(inp))
call assert_equal(exp[i][0], strchars(inp[i]))
call assert_equal(exp[i][1], inp[i]->strchars(0))
call assert_equal(exp[i][2], strchars(inp[i], 1))
let exp = [1, 3, 1, 1, 1]
for i in range(len(inp))
call assert_equal(exp[i], inp[i]->strcharlen())
call assert_equal(exp[i], strcharlen(inp[i]))
call assert_fails("call strchars('abc', 2)", ['E1023:', 'E1023:'])
call assert_fails("call strchars('abc', -1)", ['E1023:', 'E1023:'])
call assert_fails("call strchars('abc', {})", ['E728:', 'E728:'])
call assert_fails("call strchars('abc', [])", ['E745:', 'E745:'])
" Test for customlist completion
func CustomComplete1(lead, line, pos)
return ['あ', 'い']
func CustomComplete2(lead, line, pos)
return ['あたし', 'あたま', 'あたりめ']
func CustomComplete3(lead, line, pos)
return ['Nこ', 'Nん', 'Nぶ']
func Test_customlist_completion()
command -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,CustomComplete1 Test1 echo
call feedkeys(":Test1 \<C-L>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'itx')
call assert_equal('"Test1 ', getreg(':'))
command -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,CustomComplete2 Test2 echo
call feedkeys(":Test2 \<C-L>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'itx')
call assert_equal('"Test2 あた', getreg(':'))
command -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,CustomComplete3 Test3 echo
call feedkeys(":Test3 \<C-L>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'itx')
call assert_equal('"Test3 N', getreg(':'))
call garbagecollect(1)
delcommand Test1
delcommand Test2
delcommand Test3
" Yank one 3 byte character and check the mark columns.
func Test_getvcol()
call setline(1, "x\u2500x")
normal 0lvy
call assert_equal(2, col("'["))
call assert_equal(4, col("']"))
call assert_equal(2, virtcol("'["))
call assert_equal(2, virtcol("']"))
func Test_list2str_str2list_utf8()
" One Unicode codepoint
let s = "\u3042\u3044"
let l = [0x3042, 0x3044]
call assert_equal(l, str2list(s, 1))
call assert_equal(s, list2str(l, 1))
if &enc ==# 'utf-8'
call assert_equal(str2list(s), str2list(s, 1))
call assert_equal(list2str(l), list2str(l, 1))
" With composing characters
let s = "\u304b\u3099\u3044"
let l = [0x304b, 0x3099, 0x3044]
call assert_equal(l, str2list(s, 1))
call assert_equal(s, l->list2str(1))
if &enc ==# 'utf-8'
call assert_equal(str2list(s), str2list(s, 1))
call assert_equal(list2str(l), list2str(l, 1))
" Null list is the same as an empty list
call assert_equal('', list2str([]))
call assert_equal('', list2str(v:_null_list))
func Test_list2str_str2list_latin1()
" When 'encoding' is not multi-byte can still get utf-8 string.
" But we need to create the utf-8 string while 'encoding' is utf-8.
let s = "\u3042\u3044"
let l = [0x3042, 0x3044]
let save_encoding = &encoding
" set encoding=latin1
let lres = str2list(s, 1)
let sres = list2str(l, 1)
call assert_equal([65, 66, 67], str2list("ABC"))
" Try converting a list to a string in latin-1 encoding
call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], str2list(list2str([1, 2, 3])))
let &encoding = save_encoding
call assert_equal(l, lres)
call assert_equal(s, sres)
func Test_screenchar_utf8()
" 1-cell, with composing characters
call setline(1, ["ABC\u0308"])
call assert_equal([0x0041], screenchars(1, 1))
call assert_equal([0x0042], 1->screenchars(2))
call assert_equal([0x0043, 0x0308], screenchars(1, 3))
call assert_equal("A", screenstring(1, 1))
call assert_equal("B", screenstring(1, 2))
call assert_equal("C\u0308", screenstring(1, 3))
" 1-cell, with 6 composing characters
set maxcombine=6
call setline(1, ["ABC" .. repeat("\u0308", 6)])
call assert_equal([0x0041], screenchars(1, 1))
call assert_equal([0x0042], 1->screenchars(2))
" This should not use uninitialized memory
call assert_equal([0x0043] + repeat([0x0308], 6), screenchars(1, 3))
call assert_equal("A", screenstring(1, 1))
call assert_equal("B", screenstring(1, 2))
call assert_equal("C" .. repeat("\u0308", 6), screenstring(1, 3))
set maxcombine&
" 2-cells, with composing characters
let text = "\u3042\u3044\u3046\u3099"
call setline(1, text)
call assert_equal([0x3042], screenchars(1, 1))
call assert_equal([0], screenchars(1, 2))
call assert_equal([0x3044], screenchars(1, 3))
call assert_equal([0], screenchars(1, 4))
call assert_equal([0x3046, 0x3099], screenchars(1, 5))
call assert_equal("\u3042", screenstring(1, 1))
call assert_equal("", screenstring(1, 2))
call assert_equal("\u3044", screenstring(1, 3))
call assert_equal("", screenstring(1, 4))
call assert_equal("\u3046\u3099", screenstring(1, 5))
call assert_equal([text . ' '], ScreenLines(1, 8))
func Test_setcellwidths()
call setcellwidths([
\ [0x1330, 0x1330, 2],
\ [9999, 10000, 1],
\ [0x1337, 0x1339, 2],
call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u1330"))
call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u1336"))
call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u1337"))
call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u1339"))
call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u133a"))
for aw in ['single', 'double']
exe 'set ambiwidth=' . aw
" Handle \u0080 to \u009F as control chars even on MS-Windows.
set isprint=@,161-255
call setcellwidths([])
" Control chars
call assert_equal(4, strwidth("\u0081"))
call assert_equal(6, strwidth("\uFEFF"))
" Ambiguous width chars
call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 1 : 2, strwidth("\u00A1"))
call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 1 : 2, strwidth("\u2010"))
call setcellwidths([[0x81, 0x81, 1], [0xA1, 0xA1, 1],
\ [0x2010, 0x2010, 1], [0xFEFF, 0xFEFF, 1]])
" Control chars
call assert_equal(4, strwidth("\u0081"))
call assert_equal(6, strwidth("\uFEFF"))
" Ambiguous width chars
call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u00A1"))
call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\u2010"))
call setcellwidths([[0x81, 0x81, 2], [0xA1, 0xA1, 2],
\ [0x2010, 0x2010, 2], [0xFEFF, 0xFEFF, 2]])
" Control chars
call assert_equal(4, strwidth("\u0081"))
call assert_equal(6, strwidth("\uFEFF"))
" Ambiguous width chars
call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u00A1"))
call assert_equal(2, strwidth("\u2010"))
call setcellwidths([])
call setline(1, repeat("\u2103", 10))
normal! $
call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 10 : 19, wincol())
call setcellwidths([[0x2103, 0x2103, 1]])
call assert_equal(10, wincol())
call setcellwidths([[0x2103, 0x2103, 2]])
call assert_equal(19, wincol())
set ambiwidth& isprint&
call setcellwidths([])
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths(1)', 'E714:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([1, 2, 0])', 'E1109:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x101]])', 'E1110:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x101, 0x102]])', 'E1110:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x101, 0x102, 1, 4]])', 'E1110:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([["a"]])', 'E1110:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x102, 0x101, 1]])', 'E1111:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x101, 0x102, 0]])', 'E1112:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x101, 0x102, 3]])', 'E1112:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x111, 0x122, 1], [0x115, 0x116, 2]])', 'E1113:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x111, 0x122, 1], [0x122, 0x123, 2]])', 'E1113:')
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x33, 0x44, 2]])', 'E1114:')
set listchars=tab:--\\u2192
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x2192, 0x2192, 2]])', 'E834:')
set fillchars=stl:\\u2501
call assert_fails('call setcellwidths([[0x2501, 0x2501, 2]])', 'E835:')
set listchars&
set fillchars&
call setcellwidths([])
func Test_getcellwidths()
call setcellwidths([])
call assert_equal([], getcellwidths())
let widthlist = [
\ [0x1330, 0x1330, 2],
\ [9999, 10000, 1],
\ [0x1337, 0x1339, 2],
let widthlistsorted = [
\ [0x1330, 0x1330, 2],
\ [0x1337, 0x1339, 2],
\ [9999, 10000, 1],
call setcellwidths(widthlist)
call assert_equal(widthlistsorted, getcellwidths())
call setcellwidths([])
func Test_setcellwidths_dump()
let lines =<< trim END
call setline(1, "\ue5ffDesktop")
call writefile(lines, 'XCellwidths', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XCellwidths', {'rows': 6})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_setcellwidths_dump_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setcellwidths([[0xe5ff, 0xe5ff, 2]])\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_setcellwidths_dump_2', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
" Test setcellwidths() on characters that are not targets of 'ambiwidth'.
func Test_setcellwidths_with_non_ambiwidth_character_dump()
let lines =<< trim END
call setline(1, [repeat("\u279c", 60), repeat("\u279c", 60)])
set ambiwidth=single
call writefile(lines, 'XCellwidthsWithNonAmbiwidthCharacter', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XCellwidthsWithNonAmbiwidthCharacter', {'rows': 6, 'cols': 50})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setcellwidths([[0x279c, 0x279c, 1]])\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_setcellwidths_with_non_ambiwidth_character_dump_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setcellwidths([[0x279c, 0x279c, 2]])\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_setcellwidths_with_non_ambiwidth_character_dump_2', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
" For some reason this test causes Test_customlist_completion() to fail on CI,
" so run it as the last test.
func Test_zz_ambiwidth_hl_dump()
let lines =<< trim END
call setline(1, [repeat("\u2103", 60), repeat("\u2103", 60)])
set ambiwidth=single cursorline list display=lastline
call writefile(lines, 'XAmbiwidthHl', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XAmbiwidthHl', {'rows': 6, 'cols': 50})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_ambiwidth_hl_dump_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set ambiwidth=double\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_ambiwidth_hl_dump_2', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set ambiwidth=single\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_ambiwidth_hl_dump_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setcellwidths([[0x2103, 0x2103, 2]])\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_ambiwidth_hl_dump_2', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setcellwidths([[0x2103, 0x2103, 1]])\<CR>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_ambiwidth_hl_dump_1', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
func Test_print_overlong()
" Text with more composing characters than MB_MAXBYTES.
call setline(1, 'axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab