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synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
24 lines
841 B
24 lines
841 B
" Vim syntax file
" Language: lsp_markdown
" Maintainer: Michael Lingelbach <m.j.lbach@gmail.com
" URL: http://neovim.io
" Remark: Uses markdown syntax file
" always source the system included markdown instead of any other installed
" markdown.vim syntax files
execute 'source' expand('<sfile>:p:h') .. '/markdown.vim'
syn cluster mkdNonListItem add=mkdEscape,mkdNbsp
syn clear markdownEscape
syntax region markdownEscape matchgroup=markdownEscape start=/\\\ze[\\\x60*{}\[\]()#+\-,.!_>~|"$%&'\/:;<=?@^ ]/ end=/./ containedin=ALL keepend oneline concealends
" conceal html entities
syntax match mkdNbsp / / conceal cchar=
syntax match mkdLt /</ conceal cchar=<
syntax match mkdGt />/ conceal cchar=>
syntax match mkdAmp /&/ conceal cchar=&
syntax match mkdQuot /"/ conceal cchar="
hi def link mkdEscape special