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synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
It is otherwise impossible to determine which test failed sanitizer/valgrind check. test/functional/helpers.lua module return was changed so that tests which do not provide after_each function to get new check will automatically fail.
191 lines
6.6 KiB
191 lines
6.6 KiB
-- Test for problems in quickfix/location list:
-- A. incorrectly copying location lists which caused the location list to show a
-- different name than the file that was actually being displayed.
-- B. not reusing the window for which the location list window is opened but
-- instead creating new windows.
-- C. make sure that the location list window is not reused instead of the window
-- it belongs to.
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local source = helpers.source
local clear, execute, expect = helpers.clear, helpers.execute, helpers.expect
describe('location list', function()
it('is working', function()
-- Set up the test environment.
-- This function serves as a callback which is executed on editing a new
-- buffer. It accepts a "test protocol" file name that looks like
-- "test://foo.txt". It sets some buffer-local settings and populates the
-- buffer with one line consisting of the base name ("foo").
function! ReadTestProtocol(name)
let base = substitute(a:name, '\v^test://(.*)%(\.[^.]+)?', '\1', '')
let word = substitute(base, '\v(.*)\..*', '\1', '')
setl modifiable
setl noreadonly
setl noswapfile
setl bufhidden=delete
%del _
" For problem 2:
" 'buftype' has to be set to reproduce the constant opening of new windows.
setl buftype=nofile
call setline(1, word)
setl nomodified
setl nomodifiable
setl readonly
exe 'doautocmd BufRead ' . substitute(a:name, '\v^test://(.*)', '\1', '')
]] ..
-- Register the above buffer setup function to be executed before
-- starting to edit a new "test protocol" buffer.
augroup testgroup
autocmd BufReadCmd test://* call ReadTestProtocol(expand("<amatch>"))
augroup END
]] ..
-- Populate the location list of the current window with some test
-- protocol file locations such as "test://foo.txt".
let words = [ "foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "shmoo", "spam", "eggs" ]
let qflist = []
for word in words
call add(qflist, {'filename': 'test://' . word . '.txt', 'text': 'file ' . word . '.txt', })
" NOTE: problem 1:
" Intentionally not setting 'lnum' so that the quickfix entries are not
" valid.
call setloclist(0, qflist, ' ')
-- Set up the result buffer "test.out".
execute('w! test.out')
execute('b 1')
-- Test A.
-- Open a new buffer as the sole window, rewind and open the prepopulated
-- location list and navigate through the entries.
execute('lnext', 'lnext', 'lnext', 'lnext')
-- Split the window, copying the location list, then open the copied
-- location list and again navigate forward.
execute('vert split')
execute('wincmd L')
execute('wincmd p')
-- Record the current file name and the file name of the corresponding
-- location list entry, then open the result buffer.
execute('let fileName = expand("%")')
execute('wincmd p')
execute([[let locationListFileName = substitute(getline(line('.')), '\([^|]*\)|.*', '\1', '')]])
execute('wincmd n')
execute('wincmd K')
execute('b test.out')
-- Prepare test output and write it to the result buffer.
execute([[let fileName = substitute(fileName, '\\', '/', 'g')]])
execute([[let locationListFileName = substitute(locationListFileName, '\\', '/', 'g')]])
execute([[call append(line('$'), "Test A:")]])
execute([[call append(line('$'), " - file name displayed: " . fileName)]])
execute([[call append(line('$'), " - quickfix claims that the file name displayed is: " . locationListFileName)]])
-- Clean slate for the next test.
execute('wincmd o')
execute('b 1')
-- Test B.
-- Rewind the location list, then open it and browse through it by running
-- ":{number}" followed by Enter repeatedly in the location list window.
execute('2', [[exe "normal \\<CR>"]])
execute('wincmd p')
execute('3', [[exe "normal \<CR>"]])
execute('wincmd p')
execute('4', [[exe "normal \<CR>"]])
-- Record the number of windows open, then go back to the result buffer.
execute('let numberOfWindowsOpen = winnr("$")')
execute('wincmd n')
execute('wincmd K')
execute('b test.out')
-- Prepare test output and write it to the result buffer.
execute('call append(line("$"), "Test B:")')
execute('call append(line("$"), " - number of window open: " . numberOfWindowsOpen)')
-- Clean slate.
execute('wincmd o')
execute('b 1')
-- Test C.
-- Rewind the location list, then open it and again do the ":{number}" plus
-- Enter browsing. But this time, move the location list window to the top
-- to check whether it (the first window found) will be reused when we try
-- to open new windows.
execute('wincmd K')
execute('2', [[exe "normal \<CR>"]])
execute('wincmd p')
execute('3', [[exe "normal \<CR>"]])
execute('wincmd p')
execute('4', [[exe "normal \<CR>"]])
-- Record the 'buftype' of window 1 (the location list) and the buffer name
-- of window 2 (the current "test protocol" buffer), then go back to the
-- result buffer.
execute('1wincmd w')
execute('let locationListWindowBufType = &buftype')
execute('2wincmd w')
execute('let bufferName = expand("%")')
execute('wincmd n')
execute('wincmd K')
execute('b test.out')
-- Prepare test output and write it to the result buffer.
execute([[let bufferName = substitute(bufferName, '\\', '/', 'g')]])
execute([[call append(line("$"), "Test C:")]])
execute([[call append(line('$'), " - 'buftype' of the location list window: " . locationListWindowBufType)]])
execute([[call append(line('$'), " - buffer displayed in the 2nd window: " . bufferName)]])
execute('wincmd o')
execute('b 1')
-- Assert buffer contents.
Test A:
- file name displayed: test://bar.txt
- quickfix claims that the file name displayed is: test://bar.txt
Test B:
- number of window open: 2
Test C:
- 'buftype' of the location list window: quickfix
- buffer displayed in the 2nd window: test://quux.txt]])