Thomas Wienecke 1949acc806 Revive vim_fname (-> os_file_exists); fix misuse of mch_getperm.
* Move vim_fname from misc1 to os/fs:os_file_exists.
* Add unit tests for os_file_exists.
* Replace misuse of mch_getperm with os_file_exists.
2014-03-15 11:50:22 -03:00

334 lines
12 KiB

{:cimport, :cppimport, :internalize, :eq, :neq, :ffi, :lib, :cstr, :to_cstr} = require 'test.unit.helpers'
require 'lfs'
require 'bit'
-- fs = cimport './src/os/os.h'
-- remove these statements once 'cimport' is working properly for misc1.h
fs = lib
ffi.cdef [[
enum OKFAIL {
OK = 1, FAIL = 0
enum BOOLEAN {
TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0
int mch_dirname(char_u *buf, int len);
int mch_isdir(char_u * name);
int is_executable(char_u *name);
int mch_can_exe(char_u *name);
long mch_getperm(char_u *name);
int mch_setperm(char_u *name, long perm);
int os_file_exists(const char_u *name);
-- import constants parsed by ffi
{:OK, :FAIL} = lib
{:TRUE, :FALSE} = lib
cppimport 'sys/stat.h'
describe 'fs function', ->
setup ->
lfs.mkdir 'unit-test-directory'
( 'unit-test-directory/test.file', 'w').close!
-- Since the tests are executed, they are called by an executable. We use
-- that executable for several asserts.
export absolute_executable = arg[0]
-- Split absolute_executable into a directory and the actual file name for
-- later usage.
export directory, executable_name = string.match(absolute_executable, '^(.*)/(.*)$')
teardown ->
os.remove 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
lfs.rmdir 'unit-test-directory'
describe 'mch_dirname', ->
mch_dirname = (buf, len) ->
fs.mch_dirname buf, len
before_each ->
export len = (string.len lfs.currentdir!) + 1
export buf = cstr len, ''
it 'returns OK and writes current directory into the buffer if it is large
enough', ->
eq OK, (mch_dirname buf, len)
eq lfs.currentdir!, (ffi.string buf)
-- What kind of other failing cases are possible?
it 'returns FAIL if the buffer is too small', ->
buf = cstr (len-1), ''
eq FAIL, (mch_dirname buf, (len-1))
describe 'mch_full_dir_name', ->
ffi.cdef 'int mch_full_dir_name(char *directory, char *buffer, int len);'
mch_full_dir_name = (directory, buffer, len) ->
directory = to_cstr directory
fs.mch_full_dir_name directory, buffer, len
before_each ->
-- Create empty string buffer which will contain the resulting path.
export len = (string.len lfs.currentdir!) + 22
export buffer = cstr len, ''
it 'returns the absolute directory name of a given relative one', ->
result = mch_full_dir_name '..', buffer, len
eq OK, result
old_dir = lfs.currentdir!
lfs.chdir '..'
expected = lfs.currentdir!
lfs.chdir old_dir
eq expected, (ffi.string buffer)
it 'returns the current directory name if the given string is empty', ->
eq OK, (mch_full_dir_name '', buffer, len)
eq lfs.currentdir!, (ffi.string buffer)
it 'fails if the given directory does not exist', ->
eq FAIL, mch_full_dir_name('does_not_exist', buffer, len)
it 'works with a normal relative dir', ->
result = mch_full_dir_name('unit-test-directory', buffer, len)
eq lfs.currentdir! .. '/unit-test-directory', (ffi.string buffer)
eq OK, result
describe 'mch_get_absolute_path', ->
ffi.cdef 'int mch_get_absolute_path(char *fname, char *buf, int len, int force);'
mch_get_absolute_path = (filename, buffer, length, force) ->
filename = to_cstr filename
fs.mch_get_absolute_path filename, buffer, length, force
before_each ->
-- Create empty string buffer which will contain the resulting path.
export len = (string.len lfs.currentdir!) + 33
export buffer = cstr len, ''
it 'fails if given filename contains non-existing directory', ->
force_expansion = 1
result = mch_get_absolute_path 'non_existing_dir/test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion
eq FAIL, result
it 'concatenates given filename if it does not contain a slash', ->
force_expansion = 1
result = mch_get_absolute_path 'test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion
expected = lfs.currentdir! .. '/test.file'
eq expected, (ffi.string buffer)
eq OK, result
it 'concatenates given filename if it is a directory but does not contain a
slash', ->
force_expansion = 1
result = mch_get_absolute_path '..', buffer, len, force_expansion
expected = lfs.currentdir! .. '/..'
eq expected, (ffi.string buffer)
eq OK, result
-- Is it possible for every developer to enter '..' directory while running
-- the unit tests? Which other directory would be better?
it 'enters given directory (instead of just concatenating the strings) if
possible and if path contains a slash', ->
force_expansion = 1
result = mch_get_absolute_path '../test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion
old_dir = lfs.currentdir!
lfs.chdir '..'
expected = lfs.currentdir! .. '/test.file'
lfs.chdir old_dir
eq expected, (ffi.string buffer)
eq OK, result
it 'just copies the path if it is already absolute and force=0', ->
force_expansion = 0
absolute_path = '/absolute/path'
result = mch_get_absolute_path absolute_path, buffer, len, force_expansion
eq absolute_path, (ffi.string buffer)
eq OK, result
it 'fails when the path is relative to HOME', ->
force_expansion = 1
absolute_path = '~/home.file'
result = mch_get_absolute_path absolute_path, buffer, len, force_expansion
eq FAIL, result
it 'works with some "normal" relative path with directories', ->
force_expansion = 1
result = mch_get_absolute_path 'unit-test-directory/test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion
eq OK, result
eq lfs.currentdir! .. '/unit-test-directory/test.file', (ffi.string buffer)
it 'does not modify the given filename', ->
force_expansion = 1
filename = to_cstr 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
-- Don't use the wrapper here but pass a cstring directly to the c
-- function.
result = fs.mch_get_absolute_path filename, buffer, len, force_expansion
eq lfs.currentdir! .. '/unit-test-directory/test.file', (ffi.string buffer)
eq 'unit-test-directory/test.file', (ffi.string filename)
eq OK, result
describe 'append_path', ->
ffi.cdef 'int append_path(char *path, char *to_append, int max_len);'
it 'joins given paths with a slash', ->
path = cstr 100, 'path1'
to_append = to_cstr 'path2'
eq OK, (fs.append_path path, to_append, 100)
eq "path1/path2", (ffi.string path)
it 'joins given paths without adding an unnecessary slash', ->
path = cstr 100, 'path1/'
to_append = to_cstr 'path2'
eq OK, fs.append_path path, to_append, 100
eq "path1/path2", (ffi.string path)
it 'fails if there is not enough space left for to_append', ->
path = cstr 11, 'path1/'
to_append = to_cstr 'path2'
eq FAIL, (fs.append_path path, to_append, 11)
it 'does not append a slash if to_append is empty', ->
path = cstr 6, 'path1'
to_append = to_cstr ''
eq OK, (fs.append_path path, to_append, 6)
eq 'path1', (ffi.string path)
it 'does not append unnecessary dots', ->
path = cstr 6, 'path1'
to_append = to_cstr '.'
eq OK, (fs.append_path path, to_append, 6)
eq 'path1', (ffi.string path)
it 'copies to_append to path, if path is empty', ->
path = cstr 7, ''
to_append = to_cstr '/path2'
eq OK, (fs.append_path path, to_append, 7)
eq '/path2', (ffi.string path)
describe 'mch_is_absolute_path', ->
ffi.cdef 'int mch_is_absolute_path(char *fname);'
mch_is_absolute_path = (filename) ->
filename = to_cstr filename
fs.mch_is_absolute_path filename
it 'returns true if filename starts with a slash', ->
eq OK, mch_is_absolute_path '/some/directory/'
it 'returns true if filename starts with a tilde', ->
eq OK, mch_is_absolute_path '~/in/my/home~/directory'
it 'returns false if filename starts not with slash nor tilde', ->
eq FAIL, mch_is_absolute_path 'not/in/my/home~/directory'
describe 'mch_isdir', ->
mch_isdir = (name) ->
fs.mch_isdir (to_cstr name)
it 'returns false if an empty string is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir '')
it 'returns false if a nonexisting directory is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir 'non-existing-directory')
it 'returns false if a nonexisting absolute directory is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir '/non-existing-directory')
it 'returns false if an existing file is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir 'unit-test-directory/test.file')
it 'returns true if the current directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir '.')
it 'returns true if the parent directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir '..')
it 'returns true if an arbitrary directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir 'unit-test-directory')
it 'returns true if an absolute directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir directory)
describe 'mch_can_exe', ->
mch_can_exe = (name) ->
fs.mch_can_exe (to_cstr name)
it 'returns false when given a directory', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_can_exe './unit-test-directory')
it 'returns false when given a regular file without executable bit set', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_can_exe 'unit-test-directory/test.file')
it 'returns false when the given file does not exists', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_can_exe 'does-not-exist.file')
it 'returns true when given an executable inside $PATH', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_can_exe executable_name)
it 'returns true when given an executable relative to the current dir', ->
old_dir = lfs.currentdir!
lfs.chdir directory
relative_executable = './' .. executable_name
eq TRUE, (mch_can_exe relative_executable)
lfs.chdir old_dir
describe 'file permissions', ->
mch_getperm = (filename) ->
perm = fs.mch_getperm (to_cstr filename)
tonumber perm
mch_setperm = (filename, perm) ->
fs.mch_setperm (to_cstr filename), perm
bit_set = (number, check_bit) ->
if 0 == ( number, check_bit) then false else true
set_bit = (number, to_set) ->
return bit.bor number, to_set
unset_bit = (number, to_unset) ->
return number, (bit.bnot to_unset)
describe 'mch_getperm', ->
it 'returns -1 when the given file does not exist', ->
eq -1, (mch_getperm 'non-existing-file')
it 'returns a perm > 0 when given an existing file', ->
assert.is_true (mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory') > 0
it 'returns S_IRUSR when the file is readable', ->
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory'
assert.is_true (bit_set perm, ffi.C.kS_IRUSR)
describe 'mch_setperm', ->
it 'can set and unset the executable bit of a file', ->
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
perm = unset_bit perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR
eq OK, (mch_setperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file', perm)
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
assert.is_false (bit_set perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR)
perm = set_bit perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR
eq OK, mch_setperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file', perm
perm = mch_getperm 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
assert.is_true (bit_set perm, ffi.C.kS_IXUSR)
it 'fails if given file does not exist', ->
perm = ffi.C.kS_IXUSR
eq FAIL, (mch_setperm 'non-existing-file', perm)
describe 'os_file_exists', ->
os_file_exists = (filename) ->
fs.os_file_exists (to_cstr filename)
it 'returns FALSE when given a non-existing file', ->
eq FALSE, (os_file_exists 'non-existing-file')
it 'returns TRUE when given an existing file', ->
eq TRUE, (os_file_exists 'unit-test-directory/test.file')