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synced 2025-01-01 17:23:36 -07:00
Problem: Test_map_restore_sid fails in GUI
Solution: Feed an unsimplified Ctrl-B
closes: vim/vim#12770
372 lines
10 KiB
372 lines
10 KiB
" Tests for maparg(), mapcheck() and mapset().
" Also test utf8 map with a 0x80 byte.
source shared.vim
func s:SID()
return str2nr(matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$'))
func Test_maparg()
set cpo-=<
set encoding=utf8
" Test maparg() with a string result
let sid = s:SID()
let lnum = expand('<sflnum>')
map foo<C-V> is<F4>foo
vnoremap <script> <buffer> <expr> <silent> bar isbar
call assert_equal("is<F4>foo", maparg('foo<C-V>'))
call assert_equal({'silent': 0, 'noremap': 0, 'script': 0, 'lhs': 'foo<C-V>',
\ 'lhsraw': "foo\x80\xfc\x04V", 'lhsrawalt': "foo\x16",
\ 'mode': ' ', 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'lnum': lnum + 1,
\ 'rhs': 'is<F4>foo', 'buffer': 0},
\ maparg('foo<C-V>', '', 0, 1))
call assert_equal({'silent': 1, 'noremap': 1, 'script': 1, 'lhs': 'bar',
\ 'lhsraw': 'bar', 'mode': 'v',
\ 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 1, 'sid': sid, 'lnum': lnum + 2,
\ 'rhs': 'isbar', 'buffer': 1},
\ 'bar'->maparg('', 0, 1))
let lnum = expand('<sflnum>')
map <buffer> <nowait> foo bar
call assert_equal({'silent': 0, 'noremap': 0, 'script': 0, 'lhs': 'foo',
\ 'lhsraw': 'foo', 'mode': ' ',
\ 'nowait': 1, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'lnum': lnum + 1, 'rhs': 'bar',
\ 'buffer': 1},
\ maparg('foo', '', 0, 1))
let lnum = expand('<sflnum>')
tmap baz foo
call assert_equal({'silent': 0, 'noremap': 0, 'script': 0, 'lhs': 'baz',
\ 'lhsraw': 'baz', 'mode': 't',
\ 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'lnum': lnum + 1, 'rhs': 'foo',
\ 'buffer': 0},
\ maparg('baz', 't', 0, 1))
map abc x<char-114>x
call assert_equal("xrx", maparg('abc'))
map abc y<S-char-114>y
call assert_equal("yRy", maparg('abc'))
" character with K_SPECIAL byte
nmap abc …
call assert_equal('…', maparg('abc'))
" modified character with K_SPECIAL byte
nmap abc <M-…>
call assert_equal('<M-…>', maparg('abc'))
" illegal bytes
let str = ":\x7f:\x80:\x90:\xd0:"
exe 'nmap abc ' .. str
call assert_equal(str, maparg('abc'))
unlet str
omap { w
let d = maparg('{', 'o', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(['{', 'w', 'o'], [d.lhs, d.rhs, d.mode])
ounmap {
lmap { w
let d = maparg('{', 'l', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(['{', 'w', 'l'], [d.lhs, d.rhs, d.mode])
lunmap {
nmap { w
let d = maparg('{', 'n', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(['{', 'w', 'n'], [d.lhs, d.rhs, d.mode])
nunmap {
xmap { w
let d = maparg('{', 'x', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(['{', 'w', 'x'], [d.lhs, d.rhs, d.mode])
xunmap {
smap { w
let d = maparg('{', 's', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(['{', 'w', 's'], [d.lhs, d.rhs, d.mode])
sunmap {
map <C-I> foo
unmap <Tab>
" This used to cause a segfault
call maparg('<C-I>', '', 0, 1)
unmap <C-I>
map abc <Nop>
call assert_equal("<Nop>", maparg('abc'))
unmap abc
call feedkeys(":abbr esc \<C-V>\<C-V>\<C-V>\<C-V>\<C-V>\<Esc>\<CR>", "xt")
let d = maparg('esc', 'i', 1, 1)
call assert_equal(['esc', "\<C-V>\<C-V>\<Esc>", '!'], [d.lhs, d.rhs, d.mode])
unlet d
func Test_mapcheck()
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('a'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('abc'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('ax'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('b'))
map a something
call assert_equal('something', mapcheck('a'))
call assert_equal('something', mapcheck('a', 'n'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('a', 'c'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('a', 'i'))
call assert_equal('something', 'abc'->mapcheck())
call assert_equal('something', 'ax'->mapcheck())
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('b'))
unmap a
map ab foobar
call assert_equal('foobar', mapcheck('a'))
call assert_equal('foobar', mapcheck('abc'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('ax'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('b'))
unmap ab
map abc barfoo
call assert_equal('barfoo', mapcheck('a'))
call assert_equal('barfoo', mapcheck('a', 'n', 0))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('a', 'n', 1))
call assert_equal('barfoo', mapcheck('abc'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('ax'))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('b'))
unmap abc
abbr ab abbrev
call assert_equal('abbrev', mapcheck('a', 'i', 1))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('a', 'n', 1))
call assert_equal('', mapcheck('a', 'i', 0))
unabbr ab
func Test_range_map()
" Outside of the range, minimum
inoremap <Char-0x1040> a
execute "normal a\u1040\<Esc>"
" Inside of the range, minimum
inoremap <Char-0x103f> b
execute "normal a\u103f\<Esc>"
" Inside of the range, maximum
inoremap <Char-0xf03f> c
execute "normal a\uf03f\<Esc>"
" Outside of the range, maximum
inoremap <Char-0xf040> d
execute "normal a\uf040\<Esc>"
call assert_equal("abcd", getline(1))
func One_mapset_test(keys, rhs)
exe 'nnoremap ' .. a:keys .. ' ' .. a:rhs
let orig = maparg(a:keys, 'n', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(a:keys, orig.lhs)
call assert_equal(a:rhs, orig.rhs)
call assert_equal('n', orig.mode)
exe 'nunmap ' .. a:keys
let d = maparg(a:keys, 'n', 0, 1)
call assert_equal({}, d)
call mapset('n', 0, orig)
let d = maparg(a:keys, 'n', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(a:keys, d.lhs)
call assert_equal(a:rhs, d.rhs)
call assert_equal('n', d.mode)
exe 'nunmap ' .. a:keys
func Test_mapset()
call One_mapset_test('K', 'original<CR>')
call One_mapset_test('<F3>', 'original<CR>')
call One_mapset_test('<F3>', '<lt>Nop>')
" Check <> key conversion
inoremap K one<Left>x
call feedkeys("iK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('onxe', getline(1))
let orig = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal('K', orig.lhs)
call assert_equal('one<Left>x', orig.rhs)
call assert_equal('i', orig.mode)
iunmap K
let d = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal({}, d)
call mapset('i', 0, orig)
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('onxe', getline(1))
iunmap K
" Test that <Nop> is restored properly
inoremap K <Nop>
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('', getline(1))
let orig = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal('K', orig.lhs)
call assert_equal('<Nop>', orig.rhs)
call assert_equal('i', orig.mode)
inoremap K foo
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('foo', getline(1))
call mapset('i', 0, orig)
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('', getline(1))
iunmap K
" Test literal <CR> using a backslash
let cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=B
inoremap K one\<CR>two
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('one<CR>two', getline(1))
let orig = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal('K', orig.lhs)
call assert_equal('one\<CR>two', orig.rhs)
call assert_equal('i', orig.mode)
iunmap K
let d = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal({}, d)
call mapset('i', 0, orig)
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('one<CR>two', getline(1))
iunmap K
" Test literal <CR> using CTRL-V
inoremap K one<CR>two
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('one<CR>two', getline(1))
let orig = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal('K', orig.lhs)
call assert_equal("one\x16<CR>two", orig.rhs)
call assert_equal('i', orig.mode)
iunmap K
let d = maparg('K', 'i', 0, 1)
call assert_equal({}, d)
call mapset('i', 0, orig)
call feedkeys("SK\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('one<CR>two', getline(1))
iunmap K
let &cpo = cpo_save
call assert_fails('call mapset([], v:false, {})', 'E730:')
call assert_fails('call mapset("i", 0, "")', 'E1206:')
call assert_fails('call mapset("i", 0, {})', 'E460:')
func Check_ctrlb_map(d, check_alt)
call assert_equal('<C-B>', a:d.lhs)
if a:check_alt
call assert_equal("\x80\xfc\x04B", a:d.lhsraw)
call assert_equal("\x02", a:d.lhsrawalt)
call assert_equal("\x02", a:d.lhsraw)
func Test_map_local()
nmap a global
nmap <buffer>a local
let prev_map_list = split(execute('nmap a'), "\n")
call assert_match('n\s*a\s*@local', prev_map_list[0])
call assert_match('n\s*a\s*global', prev_map_list[1])
let mapping = maparg('a', 'n', 0, 1)
call assert_equal(1, mapping.buffer)
let mapping.rhs = 'new_local'
call mapset('n', 0, mapping)
" Check that the global mapping is left untouched.
let map_list = split(execute('nmap a'), "\n")
call assert_match('n\s*a\s*@new_local', map_list[0])
call assert_match('n\s*a\s*global', map_list[1])
nunmap a
func Test_map_restore()
" Test restoring map with alternate keycode
nmap <C-B> back
let d = maparg('<C-B>', 'n', 0, 1)
call Check_ctrlb_map(d, 1)
let dsimp = maparg("\x02", 'n', 0, 1)
call Check_ctrlb_map(dsimp, 0)
nunmap <C-B>
call mapset('n', 0, d)
let d = maparg('<C-B>', 'n', 0, 1)
call Check_ctrlb_map(d, 1)
let dsimp = maparg("\x02", 'n', 0, 1)
call Check_ctrlb_map(dsimp, 0)
nunmap <C-B>
" Test restoring an <SID> mapping
func Test_map_restore_sid()
func RestoreMap()
const d = maparg('<CR>', 'i', v:false, v:true)
iunmap <buffer> <CR>
call mapset('i', v:false, d)
let mapscript =<< trim [CODE]
inoremap <silent><buffer> <SID>Return <C-R>=42<CR>
inoremap <script><buffer> <CR> <CR><SID>Return
call writefile(mapscript, 'Xmapscript', 'D')
source Xmapscript
inoremap <buffer> <C-B> <Cmd>call RestoreMap()<CR>
call feedkeys("i\<CR>\<*C-B>\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal(['', '42', '42'], getline(1, '$'))
delfunc RestoreMap
" Test restoring a mapping with a negative script ID
func Test_map_restore_negative_sid()
let after =<< trim [CODE]
call assert_equal("\tLast set from --cmd argument",
\ execute('verbose nmap ,n')->trim()->split("\n")[-1])
let d = maparg(',n', 'n', 0, 1)
nunmap ,n
call assert_equal('No mapping found',
\ execute('verbose nmap ,n')->trim()->split("\n")[-1])
call mapset('n', 0, d)
call assert_equal("\tLast set from --cmd argument",
\ execute('verbose nmap ,n')->trim()->split("\n")[-1])
call writefile(v:errors, 'Xresult')
if RunVim([], after, '--clean --cmd "nmap ,n <Nop>"')
call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult'))
call delete('Xresult')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab