KillTheMule c535cc7dde vim-patch:d7464be
Updated runtime files.


Applied cleanly except for runtime/docs/todo.txt and runtime/docs/tags.
2016-05-03 20:59:26 +02:00

201 lines
10 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: hog (Snort.conf + .rules)
" Maintainer: Victor Roemer, <>.
" Last Change: 2015 Oct 24 -> Rename syntax items from Snort -> Hog
" 2012 Oct 24 -> Originalish release
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
setlocal iskeyword-=:
setlocal iskeyword+=-
syn case ignore
" Hog ruletype crap
syn keyword HogRuleType ruletype nextgroup=HogRuleTypeName skipwhite
syn match HogRuleTypeName "[[:alnum:]_]\+" contained nextgroup=HogRuleTypeBody skipwhite
syn region HogRuleTypeBody start="{" end="}" contained contains=HogRuleTypeType,HogOutput fold
syn keyword HogRuleTypeType type contained
" Hog Configurables
syn keyword HogPreproc preprocessor nextgroup=HogConfigName skipwhite
syn keyword HogConfig config nextgroup=HogConfigName skipwhite
syn keyword HogOutput output nextgroup=HogConfigName skipwhite
syn match HogConfigName "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained nextgroup=HogConfigOpts skipwhite
syn region HogConfigOpts start=":" skip="\\.\{-}$\|^\s*#.\{-}$\|^\s*$" end="$" fold keepend contained contains=HogSpecial,HogNumber,HogIPAddr,HogVar,HogComment
" Event filter's and threshold's
syn region HogEvFilter start="event_filter\|threshold" skip="\\.\{-}$\|^\s*#.\{-}$\|^\s*$" end="$" fold transparent keepend contains=HogEvFilterKeyword,HogEvFilterOptions,HogComment
syn keyword HogEvFilterKeyword skipwhite event_filter threshold
syn keyword HogEvFilterOptions skipwhite type nextgroup=HogEvFilterTypes
syn keyword HogEvFilterTypes skipwhite limit threshold both contained
syn keyword HogEvFilterOptions skipwhite track nextgroup=HogEvFilterTrack
syn keyword HogEvFilterTrack skipwhite by_src by_dst contained
syn keyword HogEvFilterOptions skipwhite gen_id sig_id count seconds nextgroup=HogNumber
" Suppressions
syn region HogEvFilter start="suppress" skip="\\.\{-}$\|^\s*#.\{-}$\|^\s*$" end="$" fold transparent keepend contains=HogSuppressKeyword,HogComment
syn keyword HogSuppressKeyword skipwhite suppress
syn keyword HogSuppressOptions skipwhite gen_id sig_id nextgroup=HogNumber
syn keyword HogSuppressOptions skipwhite track nextgroup=HogEvFilterTrack
syn keyword HogSuppressOptions skipwhite ip nextgroup=HogIPAddr
" Attribute table
syn keyword HogAttribute attribute_table nextgroup=HogAttributeFile
syn match HogAttributeFile contained ".*$" contains=HogVar,HogAttributeType,HogComment
syn keyword HogAttributeType filename
" Hog includes
syn keyword HogInclude include nextgroup=HogIncludeFile skipwhite
syn match HogIncludeFile ".*$" contained contains=HogVar,HogComment
" Hog dynamic libraries
syn keyword HogDylib dynamicpreprocessor dynamicengine dynamicdetection nextgroup=HogDylibFile skipwhite
syn match HogDylibFile "\s.*$" contained contains=HogVar,HogDylibType,HogComment
syn keyword HogDylibType directory file contained
" Variable dereferenced with '$'
syn match HogVar "\$[[:alnum:]_]\+"
", Variables declared with 'var'
syn keyword HogVarType var nextgroup=HogVarSet skipwhite
syn match HogVarSet "[[:alnum:]_]\+" display contained nextgroup=HogVarValue skipwhite
syn match HogVarValue ".*$" contained contains=HogString,HogNumber,HogVar,HogComment
" Variables declared with 'ipvar'
syn keyword HogIPVarType ipvar nextgroup=HogIPVarSet skipwhite
syn match HogIPVarSet "[[:alnum:]_]\+" display contained nextgroup=HogIPVarList,HogSpecial skipwhite
syn region HogIPVarList start="\[" end="]" contains=HogIPVarList,HogIPAddr,HogVar,HogOpNot
" Variables declared with 'portvar'
syn keyword HogPortVarType portvar nextgroup=HogPortVarSet skipwhite
syn match HogPortVarSet "[[:alnum:]_]\+" display contained nextgroup=HogPortVarList,HogPort,HogOpRange,HogOpNot,HogSpecial skipwhite
syn region HogPortVarList start="\[" end="]" contains=HogPortVarList,HogVar,HogOpNot,HogPort,HogOpRange,HogOpNot
syn match HogPort "\<\%(\d\+\|any\)\>" display contains=HogOpRange nextgroup=HogOpRange
" Generic stuff
syn match HogIPAddr contained "\<\%(\d\{1,3}\(\.\d\{1,3}\)\{3}\|any\)\>" nextgroup=HogIPCidr
syn match HogIPAddr contained "\<\d\{1,3}\(\.\d\{1,3}\)\{3}\>" nextgroup=HogIPCidr
syn match HogIPCidr contained "\/\([0-2][0-9]\=\|3[0-2]\=\)"
syn region HogHexEsc contained start='|' end='|' oneline
syn region HogString contained start='"' end='"' extend oneline contains=HogHexEsc
syn match HogNumber contained display "\<\d\+\>"
syn match HogNumber contained display "\<\d\+\>"
syn match HogNumber contained display "0x\x\+\>"
syn keyword HogSpecial contained true false yes no default all any
syn keyword HogSpecialAny contained any
syn match HogOpNot "!" contained
syn match HogOpRange ":" contained
" Rules
syn keyword HogRuleAction activate alert drop block dynamic log pass reject sdrop sblock skipwhite nextgroup=HogRuleProto,HogRuleBlock
syn keyword HogRuleProto ip tcp udp icmp skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSrcIP
syn match HogRuleSrcIP "\S\+" transparent skipwhite contained contains=HogIPVarList,HogIPAddr,HogVar,HogOpNot nextgroup=HogRuleSrcPort
syn match HogRuleSrcPort "\S\+" transparent skipwhite contained contains=HogPortVarList,HogVar,HogPort,HogOpRange,HogOpNot nextgroup=HogRuleDir
syn match HogRuleDir "->\|<>" skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleDstIP
syn match HogRuleDstIP "\S\+" transparent skipwhite contained contains=HogIPVarList,HogIPAddr,HogVar,HogOpNot nextgroup=HogRuleDstPort
syn match HogRuleDstPort "\S\+" transparent skipwhite contained contains=HogPortVarList,HogVar,HogPort,HogOpRange,HogOpNot nextgroup=HogRuleBlock
syn region HogRuleBlock start="(" end=")" transparent skipwhite contained contains=HogRuleOption,HogComment fold
"syn region HogRuleOption start="\<gid\|sid\|rev\|depth\|offset\|distance\|within\>" end="\ze;" skipwhite contained contains=HogNumber
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP msg gid sid rev classtype priority metadata content nocase rawbytes
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP depth offset distance within http_client_body http_cookie http_raw_cookie http_header
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP http_raw_header http_method http_uri http_raw_uri http_stat_code http_stat_msg
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP fast_pattern uricontent urilen isdataat pcre pkt_data file_data base64_decode base64_data
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP byte_test byte_jump byte_extract ftpbounce asn1 cvs dce_iface dce_opnum dce_stub_data
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP sip_method sip_stat_code sip_header sip_body gtp_type gtp_info gtp_version ssl_version
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP ssl_state fragoffset ttl tos id ipopts fragbits dsize flags flow flowbits seq ack window
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP itype icode icmp_id icmp_seq rpc ip_proto sameip stream_reassemble stream_size
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP logto session resp react tag activates activated_by count replace detection_filter
syn keyword HogRuleOption skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleSROP threshold reference sd_pattern file_type file_group
syn region HogRuleSROP start=':' end=";" transparent keepend contained contains=HogRuleChars,HogString,HogNumber
syn match HogRuleChars "\%(\k\|\.\|?\|=\|/\|%\|&\)\+" contained
syn match HogURLChars "\%(\.\|?\|=\)\+" contained
" Hog File Type Rules
syn match HogFileType /^\s*file.*$/ transparent contains=HogFileTypeOpt,HogFileFROP
syn keyword HogFileTypeOpt skipwhite contained nextgroup=HogRuleFROP file type ver category id rev content offset msg group
syn region HogFileFROP start=':' end=";" transparent keepend contained contains=NotASemicoln
syn match NotASemiColn ".*$" contained
" Comments
syn keyword HogTodo XXX TODO NOTE contained
syn match HogTodo "Step\s\+#\=\d\+" contained
syn region HogComment start="#" end="$" contains=HogTodo,@Spell
syn case match
if !exists("hog_minlines")
let hog_minlines = 100
exec "syn sync minlines=" . hog_minlines
hi link HogRuleType Statement
hi link HogRuleTypeName Type
hi link HogRuleTypeType Keyword
hi link HogPreproc Statement
hi link HogConfig Statement
hi link HogOutput Statement
hi link HogConfigName Type
"hi link HogEvFilter
hi link HogEvFilterKeyword Statement
hi link HogSuppressKeyword Statement
hi link HogEvFilterTypes Constant
hi link HogEvFilterTrack Constant
hi link HogAttribute Statement
hi link HogAttributeFile String
hi link HogAttributeType Statement
hi link HogInclude Statement
hi link HogIncludeFile String
hi link HogDylib Statement
hi link HogDylibType Statement
hi link HogDylibFile String
" Variables
" var
hi link HogVar Identifier
hi link HogVarType Keyword
hi link HogVarSet Identifier
hi link HogVarValue String
" ipvar
hi link HogIPVarType Keyword
hi link HogIPVarSet Identifier
" portvar
hi link HogPortVarType Keyword
hi link HogPortVarSet Identifier
hi link HogPort Constant
hi link HogTodo Todo
hi link HogComment Comment
hi link HogString String
hi link HogHexEsc PreProc
hi link HogNumber Number
hi link HogSpecial Constant
hi link HogSpecialAny Constant
hi link HogIPAddr Constant
hi link HogIPCidr Constant
hi link HogOpNot Operator
hi link HogOpRange Operator
hi link HogRuleAction Statement
hi link HogRuleProto Identifier
hi link HogRuleDir Operator
hi link HogRuleOption Keyword
hi link HogRuleChars String
hi link HogFileType HogRuleAction
hi link HogFileTypeOpt HogRuleOption
hi link NotASemiColn HogRuleChars
let b:current_syntax = "hog"