dundargoc a0292b4e5f
build: remove libfindmacros library (#22423)
Large parts the library weren't being used, and the parts that were was overly
abstracted for our use case. Additionally, part of its use case was to abstract
pkgconfig boilerplate, which is no longer needed as pkgconfig has been removed
in favor of relying on cmake alone in 09118052ce.
2023-03-02 10:22:41 +01:00

6 lines
265 B

find_path(TreeSitter_INCLUDE_DIR tree_sitter/api.h)
find_library(TreeSitter_LIBRARY NAMES tree-sitter)
find_package_handle_standard_args(TreeSitter DEFAULT_MSG
TreeSitter_LIBRARY TreeSitter_INCLUDE_DIR)
mark_as_advanced(TreeSitter_LIBRARY TreeSitter_INCLUDE_DIR)