mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
The dispatchers used by the RPC client should be defined in the client, so they have been moved there. Due to this, it also made sense to move all code related to client configuration and the creation of the RPC client there too. Now vim.lsp.start_client is significantly simplified and now mostly contains logic for tracking open clients. - Renamed client.new -> client.start
1457 lines
52 KiB
1457 lines
52 KiB
local api = vim.api
local tbl_isempty, tbl_extend = vim.tbl_isempty, vim.tbl_extend
local validate = vim.validate
local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil
local lsp = vim._defer_require('vim.lsp', {
_changetracking = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp._changetracking'
_completion = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp._completion'
_dynamic = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp._dynamic'
_snippet_grammar = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp._snippet_grammar'
_tagfunc = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp._tagfunc'
_watchfiles = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp._watchfiles'
buf = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.buf'
client = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.client'
codelens = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.codelens'
diagnostic = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.diagnostic'
handlers = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.handlers'
inlay_hint = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.inlay_hint'
log = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.log'
protocol = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.protocol'
rpc = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.rpc'
semantic_tokens = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.semantic_tokens'
util = ..., --- @module 'vim.lsp.util'
local log = lsp.log
local protocol = lsp.protocol
local ms = protocol.Methods
local util = lsp.util
local changetracking = lsp._changetracking
-- Export these directly from rpc.
lsp.rpc_response_error = lsp.rpc.rpc_response_error
-- maps request name to the required server_capability in the client.
lsp._request_name_to_capability = {
[ms.textDocument_hover] = { 'hoverProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_signatureHelp] = { 'signatureHelpProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_definition] = { 'definitionProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_implementation] = { 'implementationProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_declaration] = { 'declarationProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_typeDefinition] = { 'typeDefinitionProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_documentSymbol] = { 'documentSymbolProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_prepareCallHierarchy] = { 'callHierarchyProvider' },
[ms.callHierarchy_incomingCalls] = { 'callHierarchyProvider' },
[ms.callHierarchy_outgoingCalls] = { 'callHierarchyProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_rename] = { 'renameProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_prepareRename] = { 'renameProvider', 'prepareProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_codeAction] = { 'codeActionProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_codeLens] = { 'codeLensProvider' },
[ms.codeLens_resolve] = { 'codeLensProvider', 'resolveProvider' },
[ms.codeAction_resolve] = { 'codeActionProvider', 'resolveProvider' },
[ms.workspace_executeCommand] = { 'executeCommandProvider' },
[ms.workspace_symbol] = { 'workspaceSymbolProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_references] = { 'referencesProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_rangeFormatting] = { 'documentRangeFormattingProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_formatting] = { 'documentFormattingProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_completion] = { 'completionProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_documentHighlight] = { 'documentHighlightProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_semanticTokens_full] = { 'semanticTokensProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_semanticTokens_full_delta] = { 'semanticTokensProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_inlayHint] = { 'inlayHintProvider' },
[ms.textDocument_diagnostic] = { 'diagnosticProvider' },
[ms.inlayHint_resolve] = { 'inlayHintProvider', 'resolveProvider' },
-- TODO improve handling of scratch buffers with LSP attached.
--- Returns the buffer number for the given {bufnr}.
---@param bufnr (integer|nil) Buffer number to resolve. Defaults to current buffer
---@return integer bufnr
local function resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
validate({ bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true } })
if bufnr == nil or bufnr == 0 then
return api.nvim_get_current_buf()
return bufnr
--- Called by the client when trying to call a method that's not
--- supported in any of the servers registered for the current buffer.
---@param method (string) name of the method
function lsp._unsupported_method(method)
local msg = string.format(
'method %s is not supported by any of the servers registered for the current buffer',
return msg
local wait_result_reason = { [-1] = 'timeout', [-2] = 'interrupted', [-3] = 'error' }
local format_line_ending = {
['unix'] = '\n',
['dos'] = '\r\n',
['mac'] = '\r',
---@param bufnr (number)
---@return string
function lsp._buf_get_line_ending(bufnr)
return format_line_ending[vim.bo[bufnr].fileformat] or '\n'
-- Tracks all clients created via lsp.start_client
local active_clients = {} --- @type table<integer,lsp.Client>
local all_buffer_active_clients = {} --- @type table<integer,table<integer,true>>
local uninitialized_clients = {} --- @type table<integer,lsp.Client>
---@param bufnr? integer
---@param fn fun(client: lsp.Client, client_id: integer, bufnr: integer)
local function for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, fn, restrict_client_ids)
fn = { fn, 'f' },
restrict_client_ids = { restrict_client_ids, 't', true },
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
local client_ids = all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr]
if not client_ids or tbl_isempty(client_ids) then
if restrict_client_ids and #restrict_client_ids > 0 then
local filtered_client_ids = {} --- @type table<integer,true>
for client_id in pairs(client_ids) do
if vim.list_contains(restrict_client_ids, client_id) then
filtered_client_ids[client_id] = true
client_ids = filtered_client_ids
for client_id in pairs(client_ids) do
local client = active_clients[client_id]
if client then
fn(client, client_id, bufnr)
--- Error codes to be used with `on_error` from |vim.lsp.start_client|.
--- Can be used to look up the string from a the number or the number
--- from the string.
--- @nodoc
lsp.client_errors = tbl_extend(
BEFORE_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR = table.maxn(lsp.rpc.client_errors) + 1,
ON_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR = table.maxn(lsp.rpc.client_errors) + 2,
ON_ATTACH_ERROR = table.maxn(lsp.rpc.client_errors) + 3,
--- Returns full text of buffer {bufnr} as a string.
---@param bufnr (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
---@return string # Buffer text as string.
function lsp._buf_get_full_text(bufnr)
local line_ending = lsp._buf_get_line_ending(bufnr)
local text = table.concat(api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, true), line_ending)
if vim.bo[bufnr].eol then
text = text .. line_ending
return text
--- Memoizes a function. On first run, the function return value is saved and
--- immediately returned on subsequent runs. If the function returns a multival,
--- only the first returned value will be memoized and returned. The function will only be run once,
--- even if it has side effects.
---@generic T: function
---@param fn (T) Function to run
---@return T
local function once(fn)
local value --- @type function
local ran = false
return function(...)
if not ran then
value = fn(...) --- @type function
ran = true
return value
-- FIXME: DOC: Shouldn't need to use a dummy function
--- LSP client object. You can get an active client object via
--- |vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| or |vim.lsp.get_clients()|.
--- - Methods:
--- - request(method, params, [handler], bufnr)
--- Sends a request to the server.
--- This is a thin wrapper around {client.rpc.request} with some additional
--- checking.
--- If {handler} is not specified, If one is not found there, then an error will occur.
--- Returns: {status}, {[client_id]}. {status} is a boolean indicating if
--- the notification was successful. If it is `false`, then it will always
--- be `false` (the client has shutdown).
--- If {status} is `true`, the function returns {request_id} as the second
--- result. You can use this with `client.cancel_request(request_id)`
--- to cancel the request.
--- - request_sync(method, params, timeout_ms, bufnr)
--- Sends a request to the server and synchronously waits for the response.
--- This is a wrapper around {client.request}
--- Returns: { err=err, result=result }, a dictionary, where `err` and `result` come from
--- the |lsp-handler|. On timeout, cancel or error, returns `(nil, err)` where `err` is a
--- string describing the failure reason. If the request was unsuccessful returns `nil`.
--- - notify(method, params)
--- Sends a notification to an LSP server.
--- Returns: a boolean to indicate if the notification was successful. If
--- it is false, then it will always be false (the client has shutdown).
--- - cancel_request(id)
--- Cancels a request with a given request id.
--- Returns: same as `notify()`.
--- - stop([force])
--- Stops a client, optionally with force.
--- By default, it will just ask the server to shutdown without force.
--- If you request to stop a client which has previously been requested to
--- shutdown, it will automatically escalate and force shutdown.
--- - is_stopped()
--- Checks whether a client is stopped.
--- Returns: true if the client is fully stopped.
--- - on_attach(client, bufnr)
--- Runs the on_attach function from the client's config if it was defined.
--- Useful for buffer-local setup.
--- - supports_method(method, [opts]): boolean
--- Checks if a client supports a given method.
--- Always returns true for unknown off-spec methods.
--- [opts] is a optional `{bufnr?: integer}` table.
--- Some language server capabilities can be file specific.
--- - Members
--- - {id} (number): The id allocated to the client.
--- - {name} (string): If a name is specified on creation, that will be
--- used. Otherwise it is just the client id. This is used for
--- logs and messages.
--- - {rpc} (table): RPC client object, for low level interaction with the
--- client. See |vim.lsp.rpc.start()|.
--- - {offset_encoding} (string): The encoding used for communicating
--- with the server. You can modify this in the `config`'s `on_init` method
--- before text is sent to the server.
--- - {handlers} (table): The handlers used by the client as described in |lsp-handler|.
--- - {requests} (table): The current pending requests in flight
--- to the server. Entries are key-value pairs with the key
--- being the request ID while the value is a table with `type`,
--- `bufnr`, and `method` key-value pairs. `type` is either "pending"
--- for an active request, or "cancel" for a cancel request. It will
--- be "complete" ephemerally while executing |LspRequest| autocmds
--- when replies are received from the server.
--- - {config} (table): copy of the table that was passed by the user
--- to |vim.lsp.start_client()|.
--- - {server_capabilities} (table): Response from the server sent on
--- `initialize` describing the server's capabilities.
--- - {progress} A ring buffer (|vim.ringbuf()|) containing progress messages
--- sent by the server.
function lsp.client()
--- @class lsp.StartOpts
--- @field reuse_client fun(client: lsp.Client, config: table): boolean
--- @field bufnr integer
--- Create a new LSP client and start a language server or reuses an already
--- running client if one is found matching `name` and `root_dir`.
--- Attaches the current buffer to the client.
--- Example:
--- ```lua
--- vim.lsp.start({
--- name = 'my-server-name',
--- cmd = {'name-of-language-server-executable'},
--- root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'pyproject.toml', 'setup.py'}, { upward = true })[1]),
--- })
--- ```
--- See |vim.lsp.start_client()| for all available options. The most important are:
--- - `name` arbitrary name for the LSP client. Should be unique per language server.
--- - `cmd` command string[] or function, described at |vim.lsp.start_client()|.
--- - `root_dir` path to the project root. By default this is used to decide if an existing client
--- should be re-used. The example above uses |vim.fs.find()| and |vim.fs.dirname()| to detect the
--- root by traversing the file system upwards starting from the current directory until either
--- a `pyproject.toml` or `setup.py` file is found.
--- - `workspace_folders` list of `{ uri:string, name: string }` tables specifying the project root
--- folders used by the language server. If `nil` the property is derived from `root_dir` for
--- convenience.
--- Language servers use this information to discover metadata like the
--- dependencies of your project and they tend to index the contents within the
--- project folder.
--- To ensure a language server is only started for languages it can handle,
--- make sure to call |vim.lsp.start()| within a |FileType| autocmd.
--- Either use |:au|, |nvim_create_autocmd()| or put the call in a
--- `ftplugin/<filetype_name>.lua` (See |ftplugin-name|)
---@param config lsp.ClientConfig Same configuration as documented in |vim.lsp.start_client()|
---@param opts lsp.StartOpts? Optional keyword arguments:
--- - reuse_client (fun(client: client, config: table): boolean)
--- Predicate used to decide if a client should be re-used.
--- Used on all running clients.
--- The default implementation re-uses a client if name
--- and root_dir matches.
--- - bufnr (number)
--- Buffer handle to attach to if starting or re-using a
--- client (0 for current).
---@return integer? client_id
function lsp.start(config, opts)
opts = opts or {}
local reuse_client = opts.reuse_client
or function(client, conf)
return client.config.root_dir == conf.root_dir and client.name == conf.name
local bufnr = resolve_bufnr(opts.bufnr)
for _, clients in ipairs({ uninitialized_clients, lsp.get_clients() }) do
for _, client in pairs(clients) do
if reuse_client(client, config) then
lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client.id)
return client.id
local client_id = lsp.start_client(config)
if not client_id then
return -- lsp.start_client will have printed an error
lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id)
return client_id
--- Consumes the latest progress messages from all clients and formats them as a string.
--- Empty if there are no clients or if no new messages
---@return string
function lsp.status()
local percentage = nil
local messages = {} --- @type string[]
for _, client in ipairs(vim.lsp.get_clients()) do
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
for progress in client.progress do
--- @cast progress {token: lsp.ProgressToken, value: lsp.LSPAny}
local value = progress.value
if type(value) == 'table' and value.kind then
local message = value.message and (value.title .. ': ' .. value.message) or value.title
messages[#messages + 1] = message
if value.percentage then
percentage = math.max(percentage or 0, value.percentage)
-- else: Doesn't look like work done progress and can be in any format
-- Just ignore it as there is no sensible way to display it
local message = table.concat(messages, ', ')
if percentage then
return string.format('%3d%%: %s', percentage, message)
return message
-- Determines whether the given option can be set by `set_defaults`.
---@param bufnr integer
---@param option string
---@return boolean
local function is_empty_or_default(bufnr, option)
if vim.bo[bufnr][option] == '' then
return true
local info = api.nvim_get_option_info2(option, { buf = bufnr })
local scriptinfo = vim.tbl_filter(function(e)
return e.sid == info.last_set_sid
end, vim.fn.getscriptinfo())
if #scriptinfo ~= 1 then
return false
return vim.startswith(scriptinfo[1].name, vim.fn.expand('$VIMRUNTIME'))
---@param client lsp.Client
---@param bufnr integer
function lsp._set_defaults(client, bufnr)
client.supports_method(ms.textDocument_definition) and is_empty_or_default(bufnr, 'tagfunc')
vim.bo[bufnr].tagfunc = 'v:lua.vim.lsp.tagfunc'
client.supports_method(ms.textDocument_completion) and is_empty_or_default(bufnr, 'omnifunc')
vim.bo[bufnr].omnifunc = 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc'
and is_empty_or_default(bufnr, 'formatprg')
and is_empty_or_default(bufnr, 'formatexpr')
vim.bo[bufnr].formatexpr = 'v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr()'
api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function()
and is_empty_or_default(bufnr, 'keywordprg')
and vim.fn.maparg('K', 'n', false, false) == ''
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = bufnr })
if client.supports_method(ms.textDocument_diagnostic) then
--- Reset defaults set by `set_defaults`.
--- Must only be called if the last client attached to a buffer exits.
local function reset_defaults(bufnr)
if vim.bo[bufnr].tagfunc == 'v:lua.vim.lsp.tagfunc' then
vim.bo[bufnr].tagfunc = nil
if vim.bo[bufnr].omnifunc == 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc' then
vim.bo[bufnr].omnifunc = nil
if vim.bo[bufnr].formatexpr == 'v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr()' then
vim.bo[bufnr].formatexpr = nil
api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function()
local keymap = vim.fn.maparg('K', 'n', false, true)
if keymap and keymap.callback == vim.lsp.buf.hover then
vim.keymap.del('n', 'K', { buffer = bufnr })
--- @param client lsp.Client
local function on_client_init(client)
local id = client.id
uninitialized_clients[id] = nil
-- Only assign after initialized.
active_clients[id] = client
-- If we had been registered before we start, then send didOpen This can
-- happen if we attach to buffers before initialize finishes or if
-- someone restarts a client.
for bufnr, client_ids in pairs(all_buffer_active_clients) do
if client_ids[id] then
--- @param code integer
--- @param signal integer
--- @param client_id integer
local function on_client_exit(code, signal, client_id)
local client = active_clients[client_id] or uninitialized_clients[client_id]
for bufnr, client_ids in pairs(all_buffer_active_clients) do
if client_ids[client_id] then
if client and client.attached_buffers[bufnr] then
api.nvim_exec_autocmds('LspDetach', {
buffer = bufnr,
modeline = false,
data = { client_id = client_id },
local namespace = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace(client_id)
vim.diagnostic.reset(namespace, bufnr)
client_ids[client_id] = nil
if vim.tbl_isempty(client_ids) then
local name = client.name or 'unknown'
-- Schedule the deletion of the client object so that it exists in the execution of LspDetach
-- autocommands
active_clients[client_id] = nil
uninitialized_clients[client_id] = nil
-- Client can be absent if executable starts, but initialize fails
-- init/attach won't have happened
if client then
if code ~= 0 or (signal ~= 0 and signal ~= 15) then
local msg = string.format(
'Client %s quit with exit code %s and signal %s. Check log for errors: %s',
vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN)
--- @generic F: function
--- @param ... F
--- @return F
local function join_cbs(...)
local funcs = vim.F.pack_len(...)
return function(...)
for i = 1, funcs.n do
if funcs[i] ~= nil then
-- FIXME: DOC: Currently all methods on the `vim.lsp.client` object are
-- documented twice: Here, and on the methods themselves (e.g.
-- `client.request()`). This is a workaround for the vimdoc generator script
-- not handling method names correctly. If you change the documentation on
-- either, please make sure to update the other as well.
--- Starts and initializes a client with the given configuration.
--- Field `cmd` in {config} is required.
---@param config (lsp.ClientConfig) Configuration for the server:
--- - cmd: (string[]|fun(dispatchers: table):table) command string[] that launches the language
--- server (treated as in |jobstart()|, must be absolute or on `$PATH`, shell constructs like
--- "~" are not expanded), or function that creates an RPC client. Function receives
--- a `dispatchers` table and returns a table with member functions `request`, `notify`,
--- `is_closing` and `terminate`.
--- See |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|, |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|.
--- For TCP there is a builtin RPC client factory: |vim.lsp.rpc.connect()|
--- - cmd_cwd: (string, default=|getcwd()|) Directory to launch
--- the `cmd` process. Not related to `root_dir`.
--- - cmd_env: (table) Environment flags to pass to the LSP on
--- spawn. Must be specified using a table.
--- Non-string values are coerced to string.
--- Example:
--- <pre>
--- { PORT = 8080; HOST = ""; }
--- </pre>
--- - detached: (boolean, default true) Daemonize the server process so that it runs in a
--- separate process group from Nvim. Nvim will shutdown the process on exit, but if Nvim fails to
--- exit cleanly this could leave behind orphaned server processes.
--- - workspace_folders: (table) List of workspace folders passed to the
--- language server. For backwards compatibility rootUri and rootPath will be
--- derived from the first workspace folder in this list. See `workspaceFolders` in
--- the LSP spec.
--- - capabilities: Map overriding the default capabilities defined by
--- \|vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()|, passed to the language
--- server on initialization. Hint: use make_client_capabilities() and modify
--- its result.
--- - Note: To send an empty dictionary use |vim.empty_dict()|, else it will be encoded as an
--- array.
--- - handlers: Map of language server method names to |lsp-handler|
--- - settings: Map with language server specific settings. These are
--- returned to the language server if requested via `workspace/configuration`.
--- Keys are case-sensitive.
--- - commands: table Table that maps string of clientside commands to user-defined functions.
--- Commands passed to start_client take precedence over the global command registry. Each key
--- must be a unique command name, and the value is a function which is called if any LSP action
--- (code action, code lenses, ...) triggers the command.
--- - init_options Values to pass in the initialization request
--- as `initializationOptions`. See `initialize` in the LSP spec.
--- - name: (string, default=client-id) Name in log messages.
--- - get_language_id: function(bufnr, filetype) -> language ID as string.
--- Defaults to the filetype.
--- - offset_encoding: (default="utf-16") One of "utf-8", "utf-16",
--- or "utf-32" which is the encoding that the LSP server expects. Client does
--- not verify this is correct.
--- - on_error: Callback with parameters (code, ...), invoked
--- when the client operation throws an error. `code` is a number describing
--- the error. Other arguments may be passed depending on the error kind. See
--- `vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors` for possible errors.
--- Use `vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors[code]` to get human-friendly name.
--- - before_init: Callback with parameters (initialize_params, config)
--- invoked before the LSP "initialize" phase, where `params` contains the
--- parameters being sent to the server and `config` is the config that was
--- passed to |vim.lsp.start_client()|. You can use this to modify parameters before
--- they are sent.
--- - on_init: Callback (client, initialize_result) invoked after LSP
--- "initialize", where `result` is a table of `capabilities` and anything else
--- the server may send. For example, clangd sends
--- `initialize_result.offsetEncoding` if `capabilities.offsetEncoding` was
--- sent to it. You can only modify the `client.offset_encoding` here before
--- any notifications are sent. Most language servers expect to be sent client specified settings after
--- initialization. Nvim does not make this assumption. A
--- `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` notification should be sent
--- to the server during on_init.
--- - on_exit Callback (code, signal, client_id) invoked on client
--- exit.
--- - code: exit code of the process
--- - signal: number describing the signal used to terminate (if any)
--- - client_id: client handle
--- - on_attach: Callback (client, bufnr) invoked when client
--- attaches to a buffer.
--- - trace: ("off" | "messages" | "verbose" | nil) passed directly to the language
--- server in the initialize request. Invalid/empty values will default to "off"
--- - flags: A table with flags for the client. The current (experimental) flags are:
--- - allow_incremental_sync (bool, default true): Allow using incremental sync for buffer edits
--- - debounce_text_changes (number, default 150): Debounce didChange
--- notifications to the server by the given number in milliseconds. No debounce
--- occurs if nil
--- - exit_timeout (number|boolean, default false): Milliseconds to wait for server to
--- exit cleanly after sending the "shutdown" request before sending kill -15.
--- If set to false, nvim exits immediately after sending the "shutdown" request to the server.
--- - root_dir: (string) Directory where the LSP
--- server will base its workspaceFolders, rootUri, and rootPath
--- on initialization.
---@return integer|nil client_id. |vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| Note: client may not be
--- fully initialized. Use `on_init` to do any actions once
--- the client has been initialized.
function lsp.start_client(config)
config = vim.deepcopy(config, false)
config.on_init = join_cbs(config.on_init, on_client_init)
config.on_exit = join_cbs(config.on_exit, on_client_exit)
local client = require('vim.lsp.client').start(config)
if not client then
-- Store the uninitialized_clients for cleanup in case we exit before initialize finishes.
-- TODO(lewis6991): do this on before_init(). Requires API change to before_init() so it
-- can access the client_id.
uninitialized_clients[client.id] = client
return client.id
--- Notify all attached clients that a buffer has changed.
---@param _ integer
---@param bufnr integer
---@param changedtick integer
---@param firstline integer
---@param lastline integer
---@param new_lastline integer
---@return true?
local function text_document_did_change_handler(
-- Detach (nvim_buf_attach) via returning True to on_lines if no clients are attached
if tbl_isempty(all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] or {}) then
return true
util.buf_versions[bufnr] = changedtick
changetracking.send_changes(bufnr, firstline, lastline, new_lastline)
---Buffer lifecycle handler for textDocument/didSave
--- @param bufnr integer
local function text_document_did_save_handler(bufnr)
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr)
local text = once(lsp._buf_get_full_text)
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do
local name = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
local old_name = changetracking._get_and_set_name(client, bufnr, name)
if old_name and name ~= old_name then
client.notify(ms.textDocument_didClose, {
textDocument = {
uri = vim.uri_from_fname(old_name),
client.notify(ms.textDocument_didOpen, {
textDocument = {
version = 0,
uri = uri,
languageId = client.config.get_language_id(bufnr, vim.bo[bufnr].filetype),
text = lsp._buf_get_full_text(bufnr),
util.buf_versions[bufnr] = 0
local save_capability = vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'save')
if save_capability then
local included_text --- @type string?
if type(save_capability) == 'table' and save_capability.includeText then
included_text = text(bufnr)
client.notify(ms.textDocument_didSave, {
textDocument = {
uri = uri,
text = included_text,
--- Implements the `textDocument/did…` notifications required to track a buffer
--- for any language server.
--- Without calling this, the server won't be notified of changes to a buffer.
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
---@param client_id (integer) Client id
---@return boolean success `true` if client was attached successfully; `false` otherwise
function lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id)
bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true },
client_id = { client_id, 'n' },
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then
log.warn(string.format('buf_attach_client called on unloaded buffer (id: %d): ', bufnr))
return false
local buffer_client_ids = all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr]
-- This is our first time attaching to this buffer.
if not buffer_client_ids then
buffer_client_ids = {}
all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] = buffer_client_ids
local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr)
local augroup = ('lsp_c_%d_b_%d_save'):format(client_id, bufnr)
local group = api.nvim_create_augroup(augroup, { clear = true })
api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePre', {
group = group,
buffer = bufnr,
desc = 'vim.lsp: textDocument/willSave',
callback = function(ctx)
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = ctx.buf })) do
local params = {
textDocument = {
uri = uri,
reason = protocol.TextDocumentSaveReason.Manual,
if vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'willSave') then
client.notify(ms.textDocument_willSave, params)
if vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'willSaveWaitUntil') then
local result, err =
client.request_sync(ms.textDocument_willSaveWaitUntil, params, 1000, ctx.buf)
if result and result.result then
util.apply_text_edits(result.result, ctx.buf, client.offset_encoding)
elseif err then
api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePost', {
group = group,
buffer = bufnr,
desc = 'vim.lsp: textDocument/didSave handler',
callback = function(ctx)
-- First time, so attach and set up stuff.
api.nvim_buf_attach(bufnr, false, {
on_lines = text_document_did_change_handler,
on_reload = function()
local params = { textDocument = { uri = uri } }
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do
changetracking.reset_buf(client, bufnr)
if vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'openClose') then
client.notify(ms.textDocument_didClose, params)
on_detach = function()
local params = { textDocument = { uri = uri } }
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do
changetracking.reset_buf(client, bufnr)
if vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'openClose') then
client.notify(ms.textDocument_didClose, params)
client.attached_buffers[bufnr] = nil
util.buf_versions[bufnr] = nil
all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] = nil
-- TODO if we know all of the potential clients ahead of time, then we
-- could conditionally set this.
-- utf_sizes = size_index > 1;
utf_sizes = true,
if buffer_client_ids[client_id] then
return true
-- This is our first time attaching this client to this buffer.
buffer_client_ids[client_id] = true
local client = active_clients[client_id]
-- Send didOpen for the client if it is initialized. If it isn't initialized
-- then it will send didOpen on initialize.
if client then
return true
--- Detaches client from the specified buffer.
--- Note: While the server is notified that the text document (buffer)
--- was closed, it is still able to send notifications should it ignore this notification.
---@param bufnr integer Buffer handle, or 0 for current
---@param client_id integer Client id
function lsp.buf_detach_client(bufnr, client_id)
bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true },
client_id = { client_id, 'n' },
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
if not client or not client.attached_buffers[bufnr] then
'Buffer (id: %d) is not attached to client (id: %d). Cannot detach.',
api.nvim_exec_autocmds('LspDetach', {
buffer = bufnr,
modeline = false,
data = { client_id = client_id },
changetracking.reset_buf(client, bufnr)
if vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'openClose') then
local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr)
local params = { textDocument = { uri = uri } }
client.notify(ms.textDocument_didClose, params)
client.attached_buffers[bufnr] = nil
util.buf_versions[bufnr] = nil
all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr][client_id] = nil
if #vim.tbl_keys(all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr]) == 0 then
all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] = nil
local namespace = lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace(client_id)
vim.diagnostic.reset(namespace, bufnr)
--- Checks if a buffer is attached for a particular client.
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
---@param client_id (integer) the client id
function lsp.buf_is_attached(bufnr, client_id)
return (all_buffer_active_clients[resolve_bufnr(bufnr)] or {})[client_id] == true
--- Gets a client by id, or nil if the id is invalid.
--- The returned client may not yet be fully initialized.
---@param client_id integer client id
---@return (nil|lsp.Client) client rpc object
function lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
return active_clients[client_id] or uninitialized_clients[client_id]
--- Returns list of buffers attached to client_id.
---@param client_id integer client id
---@return integer[] buffers list of buffer ids
function lsp.get_buffers_by_client_id(client_id)
local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
return client and vim.tbl_keys(client.attached_buffers) or {}
--- Stops a client(s).
--- You can also use the `stop()` function on a |vim.lsp.client| object.
--- To stop all clients:
--- ```lua
--- vim.lsp.stop_client(vim.lsp.get_clients())
--- ```
--- By default asks the server to shutdown, unless stop was requested
--- already for this client, then force-shutdown is attempted.
---@param client_id integer|table id or |vim.lsp.client| object, or list thereof
---@param force boolean|nil shutdown forcefully
function lsp.stop_client(client_id, force)
local ids = type(client_id) == 'table' and client_id or { client_id }
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
if type(id) == 'table' and id.stop ~= nil then
elseif active_clients[id] then
elseif uninitialized_clients[id] then
---@class vim.lsp.get_clients.filter
---@field id integer|nil Match clients by id
---@field bufnr integer|nil match clients attached to the given buffer
---@field name string|nil match clients by name
---@field method string|nil match client by supported method name
--- Get active clients.
---@param filter vim.lsp.get_clients.filter|nil (table|nil) A table with
--- key-value pairs used to filter the returned clients.
--- The available keys are:
--- - id (number): Only return clients with the given id
--- - bufnr (number): Only return clients attached to this buffer
--- - name (string): Only return clients with the given name
--- - method (string): Only return clients supporting the given method
---@return lsp.Client[]: List of |vim.lsp.client| objects
function lsp.get_clients(filter)
validate({ filter = { filter, 't', true } })
filter = filter or {}
local clients = {} --- @type lsp.Client[]
local t = filter.bufnr and (all_buffer_active_clients[resolve_bufnr(filter.bufnr)] or {})
or active_clients
for client_id in pairs(t) do
local client = active_clients[client_id]
and (filter.id == nil or client.id == filter.id)
and (filter.name == nil or client.name == filter.name)
and (filter.method == nil or client.supports_method(filter.method, { bufnr = filter.bufnr }))
clients[#clients + 1] = client
return clients
function lsp.get_active_clients(filter)
vim.deprecate('vim.lsp.get_active_clients()', 'vim.lsp.get_clients()', '0.12')
return lsp.get_clients(filter)
api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimLeavePre', {
desc = 'vim.lsp: exit handler',
callback = function()
log.info('exit_handler', active_clients)
for _, client in pairs(uninitialized_clients) do
-- TODO handle v:dying differently?
if tbl_isempty(active_clients) then
for _, client in pairs(active_clients) do
local timeouts = {} --- @type table<integer,integer>
local max_timeout = 0
local send_kill = false
for client_id, client in pairs(active_clients) do
local timeout = if_nil(client.config.flags.exit_timeout, false)
if timeout then
send_kill = true
timeouts[client_id] = timeout
max_timeout = math.max(timeout, max_timeout)
local poll_time = 50
local function check_clients_closed()
for client_id, timeout in pairs(timeouts) do
timeouts[client_id] = timeout - poll_time
for client_id, _ in pairs(active_clients) do
if timeouts[client_id] ~= nil and timeouts[client_id] > 0 then
return false
return true
if send_kill then
if not vim.wait(max_timeout, check_clients_closed, poll_time) then
for client_id, client in pairs(active_clients) do
if timeouts[client_id] ~= nil then
--- Sends an async request for all active clients attached to the
--- buffer.
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
---@param method (string) LSP method name
---@param params table|nil Parameters to send to the server
---@param handler? lsp.Handler See |lsp-handler|
--- If nil, follows resolution strategy defined in |lsp-handler-configuration|
---@return table<integer, integer> client_request_ids Map of client-id:request-id pairs
---for all successful requests.
---@return function _cancel_all_requests Function which can be used to
---cancel all the requests. You could instead
---iterate all clients and call their `cancel_request()` methods.
function lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, handler)
bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true },
method = { method, 's' },
handler = { handler, 'f', true },
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
local method_supported = false
local clients = lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })
local client_request_ids = {} --- @type table<integer,integer>
for _, client in ipairs(clients) do
if client.supports_method(method, { bufnr = bufnr }) then
method_supported = true
local request_success, request_id = client.request(method, params, handler, bufnr)
-- This could only fail if the client shut down in the time since we looked
-- it up and we did the request, which should be rare.
if request_success then
client_request_ids[client.id] = request_id
-- if has client but no clients support the given method, notify the user
if next(clients) and not method_supported then
vim.notify(lsp._unsupported_method(method), vim.log.levels.ERROR)
return {}, function() end
local function _cancel_all_requests()
for client_id, request_id in pairs(client_request_ids) do
local client = active_clients[client_id]
return client_request_ids, _cancel_all_requests
--- Sends an async request for all active clients attached to the buffer and executes the `handler`
--- callback with the combined result.
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
---@param method (string) LSP method name
---@param params (table|nil) Parameters to send to the server
---@param handler fun(results: table<integer, {error: lsp.ResponseError, result: any}>) (function)
--- Handler called after all requests are completed. Server results are passed as
--- a `client_id:result` map.
---@return function cancel Function that cancels all requests.
function lsp.buf_request_all(bufnr, method, params, handler)
local results = {} --- @type table<integer,{error:string, result:any}>
local result_count = 0
local expected_result_count = 0
local set_expected_result_count = once(function()
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do
if client.supports_method(method, { bufnr = bufnr }) then
expected_result_count = expected_result_count + 1
local function _sync_handler(err, result, ctx)
results[ctx.client_id] = { error = err, result = result }
result_count = result_count + 1
if result_count >= expected_result_count then
local _, cancel = lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, _sync_handler)
return cancel
--- Sends a request to all server and waits for the response of all of them.
--- Calls |vim.lsp.buf_request_all()| but blocks Nvim while awaiting the result.
--- Parameters are the same as |vim.lsp.buf_request_all()| but the result is
--- different. Waits a maximum of {timeout_ms} (default 1000) ms.
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
---@param method (string) LSP method name
---@param params (table|nil) Parameters to send to the server
---@param timeout_ms (integer|nil) Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a
--- result. Defaults to 1000
---@return table<integer, {err: lsp.ResponseError, result: any}>|nil (table) result Map of client_id:request_result.
---@return string|nil err On timeout, cancel, or error, `err` is a string describing the failure reason, and `result` is nil.
function lsp.buf_request_sync(bufnr, method, params, timeout_ms)
local request_results
local cancel = lsp.buf_request_all(bufnr, method, params, function(it)
request_results = it
local wait_result, reason = vim.wait(timeout_ms or 1000, function()
return request_results ~= nil
end, 10)
if not wait_result then
return nil, wait_result_reason[reason]
return request_results
--- Send a notification to a server
---@param bufnr (integer|nil) The number of the buffer
---@param method (string) Name of the request method
---@param params (any) Arguments to send to the server
---@return boolean success true if any client returns true; false otherwise
function lsp.buf_notify(bufnr, method, params)
bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true },
method = { method, 's' },
local resp = false
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do
if client.rpc.notify(method, params) then
resp = true
return resp
--- Implements 'omnifunc' compatible LSP completion.
---@see |complete-functions|
---@see |complete-items|
---@see |CompleteDone|
---@param findstart integer 0 or 1, decides behavior
---@param base integer findstart=0, text to match against
---@return integer|table Decided by {findstart}:
--- - findstart=0: column where the completion starts, or -2 or -3
--- - findstart=1: list of matches (actually just calls |complete()|)
function lsp.omnifunc(findstart, base)
log.debug('omnifunc.findstart', { findstart = findstart, base = base })
return vim.lsp._completion.omnifunc(findstart, base)
--- Provides an interface between the built-in client and a `formatexpr` function.
--- Currently only supports a single client. This can be set via
--- `setlocal formatexpr=v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr()` but will typically or in `on_attach`
--- via ``vim.bo[bufnr].formatexpr = 'v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr(#{timeout_ms:250})'``.
---@param opts table options for customizing the formatting expression which takes the
--- following optional keys:
--- * timeout_ms (default 500ms). The timeout period for the formatting request.
function lsp.formatexpr(opts)
opts = opts or {}
local timeout_ms = opts.timeout_ms or 500
if vim.list_contains({ 'i', 'R', 'ic', 'ix' }, vim.fn.mode()) then
-- `formatexpr` is also called when exceeding `textwidth` in insert mode
-- fall back to internal formatting
return 1
local start_lnum = vim.v.lnum
local end_lnum = start_lnum + vim.v.count - 1
if start_lnum <= 0 or end_lnum <= 0 then
return 0
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
for _, client in pairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do
if client.supports_method(ms.textDocument_rangeFormatting) then
local params = util.make_formatting_params()
local end_line = vim.fn.getline(end_lnum) --[[@as string]]
local end_col = util._str_utfindex_enc(end_line, nil, client.offset_encoding)
--- @cast params +lsp.DocumentRangeFormattingParams
params.range = {
start = {
line = start_lnum - 1,
character = 0,
['end'] = {
line = end_lnum - 1,
character = end_col,
local response =
client.request_sync(ms.textDocument_rangeFormatting, params, timeout_ms, bufnr)
if response and response.result then
lsp.util.apply_text_edits(response.result, 0, client.offset_encoding)
return 0
-- do not run builtin formatter.
return 0
--- Provides an interface between the built-in client and 'tagfunc'.
--- When used with normal mode commands (e.g. |CTRL-]|) this will invoke
--- the "textDocument/definition" LSP method to find the tag under the cursor.
--- Otherwise, uses "workspace/symbol". If no results are returned from
--- any LSP servers, falls back to using built-in tags.
---@param pattern string Pattern used to find a workspace symbol
---@param flags string See |tag-function|
---@return table[] tags A list of matching tags
function lsp.tagfunc(pattern, flags)
return vim.lsp._tagfunc(pattern, flags)
---Checks whether a client is stopped.
---@param client_id (integer)
---@return boolean stopped true if client is stopped, false otherwise.
function lsp.client_is_stopped(client_id)
assert(client_id, 'missing client_id param')
return active_clients[client_id] == nil and not uninitialized_clients[client_id]
--- Gets a map of client_id:client pairs for the given buffer, where each value
--- is a |vim.lsp.client| object.
---@param bufnr (integer|nil): Buffer handle, or 0 for current
---@return table result is table of (client_id, client) pairs
---@deprecated Use |vim.lsp.get_clients()| instead.
function lsp.buf_get_clients(bufnr)
vim.deprecate('vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()', 'vim.lsp.get_clients()', '0.12')
local result = {} --- @type table<integer,lsp.Client>
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr) })) do
result[client.id] = client
return result
--- Log level dictionary with reverse lookup as well.
--- Can be used to lookup the number from the name or the
--- name from the number.
--- Levels by name: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF"
--- Level numbers begin with "TRACE" at 0
--- @nodoc
lsp.log_levels = log.levels
--- Sets the global log level for LSP logging.
--- Levels by name: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF"
--- Level numbers begin with "TRACE" at 0
--- Use `lsp.log_levels` for reverse lookup.
---@see |vim.lsp.log_levels|
---@param level (integer|string) the case insensitive level name or number
function lsp.set_log_level(level)
if type(level) == 'string' or type(level) == 'number' then
error(string.format('Invalid log level: %q', level))
--- Gets the path of the logfile used by the LSP client.
---@return string path to log file
function lsp.get_log_path()
return log.get_filename()
--- Invokes a function for each LSP client attached to a buffer.
---@param bufnr integer Buffer number
---@param fn function Function to run on each client attached to buffer
--- {bufnr}. The function takes the client, client ID, and
--- buffer number as arguments.
---@deprecated use lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr }) with regular loop
function lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, fn)
'lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr }) with regular loop',
return for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, fn)
--- Function to manage overriding defaults for LSP handlers.
---@param handler (lsp.Handler) See |lsp-handler|
---@param override_config (table) Table containing the keys to override behavior of the {handler}
function lsp.with(handler, override_config)
return function(err, result, ctx, config)
return handler(err, result, ctx, vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', config or {}, override_config))
--- Helper function to use when implementing a handler.
--- This will check that all of the keys in the user configuration
--- are valid keys and make sense to include for this handler.
--- Will error on invalid keys (i.e. keys that do not exist in the options)
--- @param name string
--- @param options table<string,any>
--- @param user_config table<string,any>
function lsp._with_extend(name, options, user_config)
user_config = user_config or {}
local resulting_config = {} --- @type table<string,any>
for k, v in pairs(user_config) do
if options[k] == nil then
'Invalid option for `%s`: %s. Valid options are:\n%s',
resulting_config[k] = v
for k, v in pairs(options) do
if resulting_config[k] == nil then
resulting_config[k] = v
return resulting_config
--- Registry for client side commands.
--- This is an extension point for plugins to handle custom commands which are
--- not part of the core language server protocol specification.
--- The registry is a table where the key is a unique command name,
--- and the value is a function which is called if any LSP action
--- (code action, code lenses, ...) triggers the command.
--- If a LSP response contains a command for which no matching entry is
--- available in this registry, the command will be executed via the LSP server
--- using `workspace/executeCommand`.
--- The first argument to the function will be the `Command`:
--- Command
--- title: String
--- command: String
--- arguments?: any[]
--- The second argument is the `ctx` of |lsp-handler|
--- @type table<string,function>
lsp.commands = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(tbl, key, value)
assert(type(key) == 'string', 'The key for commands in `vim.lsp.commands` must be a string')
assert(type(value) == 'function', 'Command added to `vim.lsp.commands` must be a function')
rawset(tbl, key, value)
return lsp