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synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
There is no reason for this file to be in project root, which is crowded as is. This also fits nicely part of the ongoing work towards gathering as much of the documentation as possible into one place.
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*backers.txt* Nvim
Fundraiser Backers
Thank you to everyone who backed the original Neovim Fundraiser.
- [Bob Breznak](http://brez.io)
- [Tim Uruski](http://timuruski.net)
- @mikker (http://brnbw.com)
- Aaron J. [@metaxis](http://twitter.com/metaxis) Peterson
- Adam George http://www.adamgeorge.com
- Adam Lindberg (http://alind.io)
- Adam McLain http://twitter.com/adammclain
- Adam Piper http://ahri.net
- Adrian Philipp http://adrian-philipp.com
- Alexander Quine
- Alexandru Dabija
- Alexis Hildebrandt http://surryhill.net
- Andrew M. Farrell http://amfarrell.com
- Anton Beloglazov http://beloglazov.info/
- Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt - https://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com
- Ben Thouret http://benjamin.thouret.com
- Benedikt Böhm http://bb.xnull.de
- bfredl, http://bfredl.github.io
- Brandon Smith, http://reardencode.com
- Brandon Wang, http://brandonwang.me
- Brennen Bearnes http://p1k3.com
- Brock Wilcox (awwaiid) http://thelackthereof.org/
- Cameron Eagans http://cweagans.net
- Carl Myers http://cmyers.org/
- Carlos Alves http://www.carlosalves.info
- Chris Chernesky, http://www.tinderglow.com
- Chris Hartjes
- Christoffer Holmstedt (http://www.christofferholmstedt.se)
- Ciaran Downey <http://ciarand.me>
- Craig Bane http://standardizedways.co.uk
- Dane Summers http://pinedesk.biz
- Daniel Collin https://twitter.com/daniel_collin
- Daniel Rogers http://remotecodelist.com
- Darshan Sawardekar http://pressing-matters.io
- David Gabriel http://wiki.dest-unreachable.net
- Deepak Kumar www.kreatio.com
- Derek Rodger http://devslant.com
- ebene fünf GmbH www.ebenefuenf.de
- Ehtesh Choudhury
- Emil Hernvall http://emilhernvall.github.io/
- Eric Siegel https://github.com/esiegel
- Ethan Schoonover http://ethanschoonover.com
- FFunction http://ffctn.com
- Frank http://duckpun.ch
- Gabriele Lana http://github.com/gabrielelana
- Gavin Rogers http://praxeology.co.uk
- Geoff Greer https://floobits.com/
- Glenn Strauss https://github.com/gstrauss/
- Gustav Buchholtz http://grod.se
- Henri Bourcereau http://bourcereau.fr
- http://jaredforsyth.com
- http://www.1bsyl.com
- Johann Dahm (http://johanndahm.com)
- Ian Farmer http://farmernet.net
- iauns - http://www.noobtube.com
- Jacob Jewell www.immersiveapplications.com
- James A. Overton http://james.overton.ca
- James Tomasino - http://jamestomasino.com
- Jamiel Almeida http://slashfoo.com
- Jan Christoph Ebersbach http://www.e-jc.de/
- Jason Peacock http://jasonpeacock.com
- Jason Weathered http://jasoncodes.com/
- Javier Maestro
- Jeff Craig http://blog.foxxtrot.net/
- Jeremy Huffman http://jeremyhuffman.com
- Jeremy Morrell http://rathercurio.us
- Jesper Kjeldgaard (thejspr) - http://thejspr.com
- Jim Hester (http://jimhester.com)
- Joe Moon http://joe.xoxomoon.com
- Johan Simonsson, http://fun-tech.se
- John P. Kiffmeyer (http://jpk.is)
- John Szakmeister http://www.szakmeister.net/
- John W. Long http://wiseheartdesign.com Twitter: @johnwlong GitHub: @jlong
- Jon Yurek http://thoughtbot.com
- jonaias http://jonaias.info
- Josh Davis, http://joshldavis.com
- Joshua Levesque (www.jandyco.com)
- Justin M. Keyes https://github.com/justinmk
- Justin Russell http://jrussell.me
- kbussell
- Kevin Sjöberg, http://kevinsjoberg.com
- Kevin Sumner http://kevinsumner.com
- Kevin Wu http://kevinformatics.com
- Ley Missailidis, http://polymet.is
- Loa https://github.com/loa
- Lowe Schmidt http://loweschmidt.se
- Marcello Barnaba http://sindro.me/
- Marcin Kulik - http://ku1ik.com
- Marius Rieder http://www.durchmesser.ch/
- Mark Allen [@bytemeorg](http://twitter.com/bytemeorg)
- Mark Percival http://markpercival.us
- Mark Sprevak
- Martin Ansdell-Smith https://ansdell.net/
- Martin Kopischke http://martin.kopischke.net
- masukomi http://masukomi.org
- Matt Greer -- http://mattgreer.org
- MetaCosm | #Vim on Freenode
- Michael Ulm www.mulm.at
- Mikael Jansson http://mikaelj.se
- Mikkel Høgh http://mikkel.hoegh.org/
- Ming Liu http://ming.codes
- Holger Peters http://www.holger-peters.de
- Alexander Myshov http://myshov.com/
- Darren Cheng http://sanguinerane.com/
- Felix Rath www.0fx.eu
- Hong Xu http://www.topbug.net
- Slava Kim https://www.meteor.com
- Nate Soares (So8res) http://so8r.es
- neektza http://pltconfusion.com
- Niclas Nilsson, http://niclasnilsson.se
- Nikolay Bachiyski http://extrapolate.me/
- Nikush Patel http://nikush.co.uk
- Norman Köhring https://koehr.in
- Osamu Komagata
- Øystein E. Krog https://github.com/oysteinkrog
- Pablo Brasero Moreno http://pablobm.com
- Peter Souter http://www.petersouter.co.uk
- Phil Levchenko (http://philslair.com)
- Pierre Douyon https://github.com/pgdouyon
- Prateek Rungta
- Przemysław Pietrzkiewicz, http://ppi.sh
- Rasmus Mattsson http://zzm.se
- Reed Esau https://github.com/reedes
- Richard Harding https://bmark.us
- Rob Warner http://grailbox.com
- Runar Balstad Jensen, http://stdout.no/
- Ryan Paul http://seg.phault.net
- Saad Malik - https://github.com/saamalik
- Saggi Malachi - http://sagg.im
- Scott Wessels (http://www.usgn.net)
- Sean DuBois (Sean-Der) http://siobud.com
- Sebastian Vetter (http://www.roadside-developer.com)
- Simen Endsjø, http://simendsjo.me
- Stanley Chan (Happy-Dude)
- Stefan Penner
- Steve Vermeulen https://github.com/svermeulen
- Steven Myint (https://github.com/myint)
- Tae Sandoval Murgan <taecilla.github.io>
- The Kompanee http://thekompanee.com
- Thomas Cannon <http://thomascannon.net>
- Tim Oxley http://campjs.com/
- Timo Schmiade
- Timothy Dahlin
- Tiziano Santoro
- Toban Wiebe http://tobanwiebe.com
- Tobias Sjösten http://vvv.tobiassjosten.net/
- Tom Cammann http://github.com/takac
- Val Markovic http://val.markovic.io/
- Víðir Valberg Guðmundsson http://rabotnik.coop
- Weiyi Lou http://parlseygardens.net
- Wesley Moore http://wezm.net/
- Woody Peterson, http://www.bitsofsignal.com
- Zach Kelling, http://zeekay.io
### Your name in BACKERS.md.
- @a13xb
- @d1eg0
- @derkha
- @georgebashi
- @tmcw
- @xpayn
- Adam Baxter (voltagex)
- Adam Miller (maxamillion)
- Adam Sunderland/iterion
- Adon Metcalfe (adonm)
- Adrian Duyzer
- Aidan Stein
- ak47
- Aketzu
- Alessandro Gangemi
- Alessandro Pagnin
- Alessandro Proscia
- Alex Genco (alexgenco)
- Alex Heeton
- Alex Roper
- Alex Soto (apsoto@gmail.com)
- Alexander Flatter
- Alexander Jeurissen
- Alexander Shabalin
- Alexander Woerndle
- Alexandru Keszeg
- Allan Hudgins
- Ami Chayun
- Amit Beka
- Anders Fuzz
- Andre Azzolini
- Andre da Palma
- André Santos/andrefs
- Andrea Michi
- Andreas Heider
- Andreas Lappe
- andrej ocenas / aocenas
- Andrew Arminio @5thWall
- Andrew DeMaria ~ muff1nman
- Andrew Fallows
- Andrew Fecheyr (@andruby)
- Andrew Hartford
- Andrey Tarantsov
- Andrey Yurovsky
- Andy Dirnberger
- Andy Gayton
- Andy Lindeman
- Andy Webster
- AngelLeliel
- Anton Egorov / satyrius
- Anton Shemerey
- Arnaud Bétrémieux
- Arne Ehrlich
- Arseny Zarechnev
- Arvind Deshpande
- Astro Jetson Jr
- Attila Maczak
- Avétis KAZARIAN (avetisk)
- BarryKay
- bbinet
- BenBergman
- Bengt Lüers
- Benjamin Bryant
- Bèr "berkes" Kessels
- Bernd Homuth
- Bheesham Persaud
- Bilal Quadri
- Bjorn Tipling
- Bojan Zivanovic
- Boris Searles
- Braden Bruington
- Brandon Liu/thenovices
- Brandon Mathis - @imathis
- Brett Ritter
- Brian Shaver (shakerlxxv)
- Bryan Grohman
- Bryn Edwards
- Calin Iorgulescu
- calind
- Cameron Wood / cewood
- Chris Lopes
- Chris Lord
- Chris Porter
- Chris Sims (@jcsims)
- Christian Anton / fibbs
- Christian Delahousse cdelahousse
- Christian Lange
- Christian Wellenbrock
- Christophe Badoit
- Christopher Lübbemeier
- Christopher Mullins
- Chungha Kim
- ckromero
- Claas-Thido Pfaff
- Claes Mogren
- Clayton Drazner
- claytron
- Colin Cooper
- corytheboyd
- Cristián Alberto Arenas Ulloa / NiñoScript
- Cyril LEPAGNOT/cyrill62
- D3 Designs
- DAddYE (github: DAddYE)
- Dan Webb
- Daniel C. Henning / danielsdesk
- Daniel Egeberg
- Daniel Egger
- Daniel Hodan/czertbytes
- Daniel Latzer
- Daniel Riti
- Daniel Weisser
- Daniele Polencic
- Dave Dixon
- David Collie
- David Galeano
- David Newell
- David Rappo, Bountysource.com
- David Rasch
- David Stensland - terite
- Davit Samvelyan
- Dean Morin
- deffi420
- defrex
- Deraen
- Dewdrops
- Dick Seabrook
- Dominik Ritter
- Don Browne
- Donald Walker
- Donna Martz
- dpc
- dperson
- dvidsilva
- Edan Maor
- Eddy Garcia
- Edward Ash/cazador481
- Elias Tandel Barrionovo
- Elijah Mirecki
- Elliot Winkler (github: mcmire)
- Enric Lluelles
- Eric Fode
- Erik Goldman
- Erik Johnson Github: terminalmage Twitter: @terminalmage
- Erik Nordlund
- Ethan Erchinger/erchn
- Evan Tatarka
- Ewoud van Raamsdonk
- fd0
- Federico Galassi
- Félix Archambault
- Ferdinand Salis-Samaden
- Florian Bartels
- Florian Sachs
- foca
- forbesmyester
- Frédéric de Villamil
- Fredrik Rambris
- Dapeng Li (luislee818)
- Janko Marohnić (janko-m)
- Jun Wu
- Maurice van der Pot (Griffon26)
- Ory Band (oryband)
- Garrett Dawson
- Gaveen Prabhasara
- George Nikolopoulos
- github username "alandyer"
- Giuseppe Rota
- gkalas
- Gökhan Kocak
- goodgravy
- Göran Gustafsson (GLEG)
- Graham Jans
- Greg Marcil
- Gregory Byrd/GByrd
- Gustavo Barron / Cicloid
- Gyuri Horák
- Harald Hvaal
- Harm Aarts
- Harry Glaser
- Håvard Grimelid
- hencjo
- Henning Hasemann
- Henry "Ingvij" Kupty
- henry4k
- Heryandi
- Hontvári József Levente
- IKEDA, Yoshifumi
- Ilia Choly
- iliis
- Ilya Katz
- Indrek Juhkam / indrekj
- irwand
- Islam Sharabash / ibash
- Ivar Vasara
- Jack Stouffer
- Jacqueline Leykam
- Jakob Landbo
- James Herdman
- James Magness
- James Murty / jmurty
- James Nguyen
- James Orr
- James Pickard
- James Seward
- Jamie Hillman
- Jan Larres
- Jan Weitz
- Janko Luin
- Jannik Nielsen / bitkid
- Jared Tyler Miller
- Jason Imison
- Jason Long / @jasonlong
- Jason Stillwell/dragonfax
- Jasu
- javaguirre
- Jedidiah Hurt
- Jeff Schornick
- Jen Patrick
- Jens Hausherr
- Jess Brown / Jess
- Jesse Cooke/@jc00ke
- Jessica Frazelle/ jfrazelle
- Jesus Alvarez
- Jez Allan
- Jimmie Elvenmark
- Jiří Koten
- JJ Murre
- joe di castro
- Joe Malin/633squadron
- Joel Meyer
- Joey Trapp
- Johan Klokkhammer Helsing
- John Cant
- John K. Paul
- John Krueger
- John Netherdrake
- John Schmidt / schmee
- John Whitley/@jwhitley
- Jon Anhold
- Jon Gosting
- Jonas Rollsby
- Jonathan Buschmann
- Jonathan Gibert
- Jonathan Jacobs
- Jonathan Kinred
- Jorge Gallegos (kad)
- Joris Morger
- Josemar Luedke
- Joshua Brookover
- Joshua Travis
- Jouko Karvonen
- jstemmer
- Juan Campa
- Juan Hernández Babón / jhbabon
- juanolon
- Justin Carter Moy
- Justin Force
- Kamil Slowikowski
- Karl Ove Hufthammer
- Kazuo Teramoto
- Kevin Goslar
- Kevin Hamer
- Kevin Watters
- Kevin Zimmerman / zim44
- kryft
- Krzysztof Adamski
- Lachlan Brad Easton
- Lance Ulmer
- Larry Riedel (Larry@Riedel.org)
- Lasse Immonen (lasse.immonen@gmail.com)
- Léo Unbekandt / Soulou
- Leszek Swirski
- Levi Brown
- lhl
- linduxed
- Lluis Satorre Gonzalez
- lobachevsky
- Louis Pilfold
- Lucas Stephanou/lucasts
- Lucas Werkmeister
- Luke Sampson
- Luke van der Hoeven / @plukevdh
- Maciej Litwiniuk (@mlitwiniuk)
- Mads Navntoft Noe
- Maik Derstappen / MrTango
- Manuel Salvadores
- Marcus Huntemann/mapclyps
- Marcus Martin/nymaen
- Markus Dobler
- Mat Moore
- Mate Nagy
- Mathias Fußenegger
- Matt Moretti
- Matthew Machuga
- Matthew Sunderland
- Matthias Bilger
- Matthias Lehmann
- Maximilian Gerlach
- Meryn Stol
- Michael "manveru" Fellinger
- Michael "beefsack" Alexander
- Michael Iles
- Michael Irwin/mdi
- Michael Kebe
- Michael Lerch
- Michael R. Jones
- Michael Sanders/msanders
- Michael Schall / schallm
- Michail Denchev
- Michał Bartoszkiewicz
- Miguel Santesmases
- Mihir Pendse
- Mike Bissett/paran01d
- Mike Sergio
- Mike Wadsten
- mikedillion
- Mikkel Oscar Lyderik Larsen
- Miles Edland / edlandm
- Miles Frain
- Mirko Grönroos
- Moritz Lotze
- Morten Nygaard Åsnes
- MrException
- Julian Churchill (julianchurchill)
- Nakul Dhotre
- Corey Farwell (frewsxcv)
- Tarrant Rollins (tarrant)
- Naseer Ahmed
- Nate Jones
- Nate Soares (So8res)
- Nate Straz
- Neil Kirsopp
- Nelson Chen/nelsonjchen
- Nicholas Firth-McCoy (nfm)
- Nick Sloan
- Nickolas Means
- Nicolai Ruckel
- Niko Kivelä
- nop
- Nuno Frade
- Olaf Heinemann
- Ole Reifschneider
- Oliver Caldwell
- Olivier Lechevalier
- orangain
- orestis
- pablasso
- Pascal Hartig
- Patrick Berkeley
- Patrick Bihan-Faou, TeamBox SARL
- Patrick Stapfer
- Paul R Alexander
- Pavel Afanasyev
- Pawel Grzech
- Paweł Nowak
- Pedro Rodriguez T
- Per Modin
- Peter Edge
- Peter Fern
- Philipe Farias/philipefarias
- Philipp Millar
- Piotr Mitoraj
- Prithvi Prabhu (prithvi)
- Qingping Hou / houqp
- Quasar Jarosz
- queria
- Rachid Zarouali / Xinity
- Radek Szymczyszyn
- Randy Topliffe / Taar
- Ranko Radonić
- Raphael Henrique Ribas
- Ravi Joseph Pinto
- rekab
- Renato Zannon
- Richard "RichiH" Hartmann
- Richard Mihalovič
- Richard Sotarsh Clark
- Rio Kierkels
- rob allen
- Rob Bevan
- Rob Miller @robmil
- Rob O'Dwyer
- Rodolfo Borges (aka bart9h)
- Rodrigo Souto
- Roland Szabo
- Romans Malinovskis
- Roshan George
- Rostepher
- runar
- Russ Adams / rustushki
- Ryan Phillips
- Ryan Pierce/ fission1110
- Ryan Schmitt
- Ryan Tarpine
- Sadik Gokhan Caglar
- Sam Stokes
- Sanpi
- Santiago Suarez Ordoñez
- saxman7000
- Scott D'Aquila
- Scott Mathson
- Sean Copenhaver (@copenhas)
- Sean McCleary
- Sean M. Collins (sc68cal)
- Sean Tegtmeyer
- seanbell
- Sebastian Geiger
- Sergey Alexandrov
- Shane Delmore
- shawndumas
- shazow
- Silvan Jegen
- Simon Ratner (simonratner)
- Song Gao
- Stanimir Angelov Mladenov
- Stanislav B. - zbstof
- Stefan Gojan (hoschi)
- Stefan Hoffmann / stefan991
- Stefan Wienert
- Steffen Rademacker
- Stephen Oney/soney
- Steve "ryz" Haßenpflug
- Steven Daniel Webb
- Steven Sloss
- Sven Opitz
- Sverre Rabbelier
- Szymon Ząbkiewicz
- Taichi Nakamura
- Takayuki Soga
- Teasp00n
- Terin Stock - @terinjokes
- Thai Pangsakulyanont (dtinth)
- Thameera Senanayaka
- Theo Belaire
- Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen
- Thomas Hirsch
- Thomas Maffia/Szerated
- Thomas Pani
- Thomas Thune Hansen
- Thorbjørn Lindeijer
- Thunder Hu
- Thys Meintjes
- Tim Anema
- Tim Matthews
- Timo Kröger
- Tolstyak
- Tom Panning
- Tom Wadley
- Tony Kemp
- tonyo112
- Tori "TicViking" Hamblin
- treppo
- Truman Ellis
- Tuomas Vähänen
- Tyler Briles/MrBri
- Tyler Brock
- Tyler Mandry
- Ulf Fischer/ulf
- Vangelis Tsoumenis
- Vítězslav Homolka
- Vladimir Chernis
- Vojtech Jasny
- vvakame
- Vytis Valentinavičius
- Wade Berrier
- warrenv
- whateverhuis
- Will Binns-Smith
- Xavier Antoviaque (xavier@antoviaque.org)
- xsb
- Yann Villessuzanne
- yko
- Youta Harada(cohalz)
- Yrjö Peussa
- Yusuke Kanda(@uskanda)
- Yuval Langer
- zerowidth
- Ziling Zhao
- Zsolt Botykai
There were also 307 other people who didn't claim any level of reward but
contributed to the fundraiser. Thank you all for the support!