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If an iterator pipeline stage returns nil as its first return value, the other return values are ignored and it is treated as if that stage returned only nil (the semantics of returning nil are different between different stages). This is consistent with how for loops work in Lua more generally, where the for loop breaks when the first return value from the function iterator is nil (see :h for-in for details).
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---@defgroup vim.iter
--- \*vim.iter()\* is an interface for |iterable|s: it wraps a table or function argument into an
--- \*Iter\* object with methods (such as |Iter:filter()| and |Iter:map()|) that transform the
--- underlying source data. These methods can be chained together to create iterator "pipelines".
--- Each pipeline stage receives as input the output values from the prior stage. The values used in
--- the first stage of the pipeline depend on the type passed to this function:
--- - List tables (arrays) pass only the value of each element
--- - Non-list tables (dictionaries) pass both the key and value of each element
--- - Function |iterator|s pass all of the values returned by their respective function
--- - Tables with a metatable implementing |__call()| are treated as function iterators
--- The iterator pipeline terminates when the original table or function iterator runs out of values
--- (for function iterators, this means that the first value returned by the function is nil).
--- Examples:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })
--- it:map(function(v)
--- return v * 3
--- end)
--- it:rev()
--- it:skip(2)
--- it:totable()
--- -- { 9, 6, 3 }
--- -- ipairs() is a function iterator which returns both the index (i) and the value (v)
--- vim.iter(ipairs({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })):map(function(i, v)
--- if i > 2 then return v end
--- end):totable()
--- -- { 3, 4, 5 }
--- local it = vim.iter(vim.gsplit('1,2,3,4,5', ','))
--- it:map(function(s) return tonumber(s) end)
--- for i, d in it:enumerate() do
--- print(string.format("Column %d is %d", i, d))
--- end
--- -- Column 1 is 1
--- -- Column 2 is 2
--- -- Column 3 is 3
--- -- Column 4 is 4
--- -- Column 5 is 5
--- vim.iter({ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, z = 26 }):any(function(k, v)
--- return k == 'z'
--- end)
--- -- true
--- local rb = vim.ringbuf(3)
--- rb:push("a")
--- rb:push("b")
--- vim.iter(rb):totable()
--- -- { "a", "b" }
--- </pre>
--- In addition to the |vim.iter()| function, the |vim.iter| module provides
--- convenience functions like |vim.iter.filter()| and |vim.iter.totable()|.
---@class IterMod
---@operator call:Iter
local M = {}
---@class Iter
local Iter = {}
Iter.__index = Iter
Iter.__call = function(self)
return self:next()
--- Special case implementations for iterators on list tables.
---@class ListIter : Iter
---@field _table table Underlying table data
---@field _head number Index to the front of a table iterator
---@field _tail number Index to the end of a table iterator (exclusive)
local ListIter = {}
ListIter.__index = setmetatable(ListIter, Iter)
ListIter.__call = function(self)
return self:next()
--- Packed tables use this as their metatable
local packedmt = {}
local function unpack(t)
if type(t) == 'table' and getmetatable(t) == packedmt then
return _G.unpack(t, 1, t.n)
return t
local function pack(...)
local n = select('#', ...)
if n > 1 then
return setmetatable({ n = n, ... }, packedmt)
return ...
local function sanitize(t)
if type(t) == 'table' and getmetatable(t) == packedmt then
-- Remove length tag
t.n = nil
return t
--- Determine if the current iterator stage should continue.
--- If any arguments are passed to this function, then return those arguments
--- and stop the current iterator stage. Otherwise, return true to signal that
--- the current stage should continue.
---@param ... any Function arguments.
---@return boolean True if the iterator stage should continue, false otherwise
---@return any Function arguments.
local function continue(...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
return false, ...
return true
--- If no input arguments are given return false, indicating the current
--- iterator stage should stop. Otherwise, apply the arguments to the function
--- f. If that function returns no values, the current iterator stage continues.
--- Otherwise, those values are returned.
---@param f function Function to call with the given arguments
---@param ... any Arguments to apply to f
---@return boolean True if the iterator pipeline should continue, false otherwise
---@return any Return values of f
local function apply(f, ...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
return continue(f(...))
return false
--- Add a filter step to the iterator pipeline.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local bufs = vim.iter(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()):filter(vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded)
--- </pre>
---@param f function(...):bool Takes all values returned from the previous stage
--- in the pipeline and returns false or nil if the
--- current iterator element should be removed.
---@return Iter
function Iter.filter(self, f)
return self:map(function(...)
if f(...) then
return ...
function ListIter.filter(self, f)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
local n = self._head
for i = self._head, self._tail - inc, inc do
local v = self._table[i]
if f(unpack(v)) then
self._table[n] = v
n = n + inc
self._tail = n
return self
--- Add a map step to the iterator pipeline.
--- If the map function returns nil, the value is filtered from the iterator.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }):map(function(v)
--- if v % 2 == 0 then
--- return v * 3
--- end
--- end)
--- it:totable()
--- -- { 6, 12 }
--- </pre>
---@param f function(...):any Mapping function. Takes all values returned from
--- the previous stage in the pipeline as arguments
--- and returns one or more new values, which are used
--- in the next pipeline stage. Nil return values
--- are filtered from the output.
---@return Iter
function Iter.map(self, f)
-- Implementation note: the reader may be forgiven for observing that this
-- function appears excessively convoluted. The problem to solve is that each
-- stage of the iterator pipeline can return any number of values, and the
-- number of values could even change per iteration. And the return values
-- must be checked to determine if the pipeline has ended, so we cannot
-- naively forward them along to the next stage.
-- A simple approach is to pack all of the return values into a table, check
-- for nil, then unpack the table for the next stage. However, packing and
-- unpacking tables is quite slow. There is no other way in Lua to handle an
-- unknown number of function return values than to simply forward those
-- values along to another function. Hence the intricate function passing you
-- see here.
local next = self.next
--- Drain values from the upstream iterator source until a value can be
--- returned.
--- This is a recursive function. The base case is when the first argument is
--- false, which indicates that the rest of the arguments should be returned
--- as the values for the current iteration stage.
---@param cont boolean If true, the current iterator stage should continue to
--- pull values from its upstream pipeline stage.
--- Otherwise, this stage is complete and returns the
--- values passed.
---@param ... any Values to return if cont is false.
---@return any
local function fn(cont, ...)
if cont then
return fn(apply(f, next(self)))
return ...
self.next = function()
return fn(apply(f, next(self)))
return self
function ListIter.map(self, f)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
local n = self._head
for i = self._head, self._tail - inc, inc do
local v = pack(f(unpack(self._table[i])))
if v ~= nil then
self._table[n] = v
n = n + inc
self._tail = n
return self
--- Call a function once for each item in the pipeline.
--- This is used for functions which have side effects. To modify the values in
--- the iterator, use |Iter:map()|.
--- This function drains the iterator.
---@param f function(...) Function to execute for each item in the pipeline.
--- Takes all of the values returned by the previous stage
--- in the pipeline as arguments.
function Iter.each(self, f)
local function fn(...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
return true
while fn(self:next()) do
function ListIter.each(self, f)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
for i = self._head, self._tail - inc, inc do
self._head = self._tail
--- Collect the iterator into a table.
--- The resulting table depends on the initial source in the iterator pipeline.
--- List-like tables and function iterators will be collected into a list-like
--- table. If multiple values are returned from the final stage in the iterator
--- pipeline, each value will be included in a table.
--- Examples:
--- <pre>lua
--- vim.iter(string.gmatch('100 20 50', '%d+')):map(tonumber):totable()
--- -- { 100, 20, 50 }
--- vim.iter({ 1, 2, 3 }):map(function(v) return v, 2 * v end):totable()
--- -- { { 1, 2 }, { 2, 4 }, { 3, 6 } }
--- vim.iter({ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }):filter(function(k, v) return v % 2 ~= 0 end):totable()
--- -- { { 'a', 1 }, { 'c', 3 } }
--- </pre>
--- The generated table is a list-like table with consecutive, numeric indices.
--- To create a map-like table with arbitrary keys, use |Iter:fold()|.
---@return table
function Iter.totable(self)
local t = {}
while true do
local args = pack(self:next())
if args == nil then
t[#t + 1] = sanitize(args)
return t
function ListIter.totable(self)
if self.next ~= ListIter.next or self._head >= self._tail then
return Iter.totable(self)
local needs_sanitize = getmetatable(self._table[1]) == packedmt
-- Reindex and sanitize.
local len = self._tail - self._head
if needs_sanitize then
for i = 1, len do
self._table[i] = sanitize(self._table[self._head - 1 + i])
for i = 1, len do
self._table[i] = self._table[self._head - 1 + i]
for i = len + 1, table.maxn(self._table) do
self._table[i] = nil
self._head = 1
self._tail = len + 1
return self._table
--- Fold ("reduce") an iterator or table into a single value.
--- Examples:
--- <pre>lua
--- -- Create a new table with only even values
--- local t = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4 }
--- local it = vim.iter(t)
--- it:filter(function(k, v) return v % 2 == 0 end)
--- it:fold({}, function(t, k, v)
--- t[k] = v
--- return t
--- end)
--- -- { b = 2, d = 4 }
--- </pre>
---@generic A
---@param init A Initial value of the accumulator.
---@param f function(acc:A, ...):A Accumulation function.
---@return A
function Iter.fold(self, init, f)
local acc = init
--- Use a closure to handle var args returned from iterator
local function fn(...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
acc = f(acc, ...)
return true
while fn(self:next()) do
return acc
function ListIter.fold(self, init, f)
local acc = init
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
for i = self._head, self._tail - inc, inc do
acc = f(acc, unpack(self._table[i]))
return acc
--- Return the next value from the iterator.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter(string.gmatch('1 2 3', '%d+')):map(tonumber)
--- it:next()
--- -- 1
--- it:next()
--- -- 2
--- it:next()
--- -- 3
--- </pre>
---@return any
function Iter.next(self) -- luacheck: no unused args
-- This function is provided by the source iterator in Iter.new. This definition exists only for
-- the docstring
function ListIter.next(self)
if self._head ~= self._tail then
local v = self._table[self._head]
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
self._head = self._head + inc
return unpack(v)
--- Reverse an iterator.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 }):rev()
--- it:totable()
--- -- { 12, 9, 6, 3 }
--- </pre>
---@return Iter
function Iter.rev(self)
error('rev() requires a list-like table')
return self
function ListIter.rev(self)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
self._head, self._tail = self._tail - inc, self._head - inc
return self
--- Peek at the next value in the iterator without consuming it.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 })
--- it:peek()
--- -- 3
--- it:peek()
--- -- 3
--- it:next()
--- -- 3
--- </pre>
---@return any
function Iter.peek(self) -- luacheck: no unused args
error('peek() requires a list-like table')
function ListIter.peek(self)
if self._head ~= self._tail then
return self._table[self._head]
--- Find the first value in the iterator that satisfies the given predicate.
--- Advances the iterator. Returns nil and drains the iterator if no value is found.
--- Examples:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 })
--- it:find(12)
--- -- 12
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 })
--- it:find(20)
--- -- nil
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 })
--- it:find(function(v) return v % 4 == 0 end)
--- -- 12
--- </pre>
---@return any
function Iter.find(self, f)
if type(f) ~= 'function' then
local val = f
f = function(v)
return v == val
local result = nil
--- Use a closure to handle var args returned from iterator
local function fn(...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
if f(...) then
result = pack(...)
return true
while fn(self:next()) do
return unpack(result)
--- Find the first value in the iterator that satisfies the given predicate, starting from the end.
--- Advances the iterator. Returns nil and drains the iterator if no value is found.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Examples:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 }):enumerate()
--- it:rfind(1)
--- -- 5 1
--- it:rfind(1)
--- -- 1 1
--- </pre>
---@see Iter.find
---@return any
function Iter.rfind(self, f) -- luacheck: no unused args
error('rfind() requires a list-like table')
function ListIter.rfind(self, f) -- luacheck: no unused args
if type(f) ~= 'function' then
local val = f
f = function(v)
return v == val
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
for i = self._tail - inc, self._head, -inc do
local v = self._table[i]
if f(unpack(v)) then
self._tail = i
return unpack(v)
self._head = self._tail
--- Return the next value from the end of the iterator.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({1, 2, 3, 4})
--- it:nextback()
--- -- 4
--- it:nextback()
--- -- 3
--- </pre>
---@return any
function Iter.nextback(self) -- luacheck: no unused args
error('nextback() requires a list-like table')
function ListIter.nextback(self)
if self._head ~= self._tail then
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
self._tail = self._tail - inc
return self._table[self._tail]
--- Return the next value from the end of the iterator without consuming it.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({1, 2, 3, 4})
--- it:peekback()
--- -- 4
--- it:peekback()
--- -- 4
--- it:nextback()
--- -- 4
--- </pre>
---@return any
function Iter.peekback(self) -- luacheck: no unused args
error('peekback() requires a list-like table')
function ListIter.peekback(self)
if self._head ~= self._tail then
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
return self._table[self._tail - inc]
--- Skip values in the iterator.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 }):skip(2)
--- it:next()
--- -- 9
--- </pre>
---@param n number Number of values to skip.
---@return Iter
function Iter.skip(self, n)
for _ = 1, n do
local _ = self:next()
return self
function ListIter.skip(self, n)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and n or -n
self._head = self._head + inc
if (inc > 0 and self._head > self._tail) or (inc < 0 and self._head < self._tail) then
self._head = self._tail
return self
--- Skip values in the iterator starting from the end.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }):skipback(2)
--- it:next()
--- -- 1
--- it:nextback()
--- -- 3
--- </pre>
---@param n number Number of values to skip.
---@return Iter
function Iter.skipback(self, n) -- luacheck: no unused args
error('skipback() requires a list-like table')
return self
function ListIter.skipback(self, n)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and n or -n
self._tail = self._tail - inc
if (inc > 0 and self._head > self._tail) or (inc < 0 and self._head < self._tail) then
self._head = self._tail
return self
--- Return the nth value in the iterator.
--- This function advances the iterator.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 })
--- it:nth(2)
--- -- 6
--- it:nth(2)
--- -- 12
--- </pre>
---@param n number The index of the value to return.
---@return any
function Iter.nth(self, n)
if n > 0 then
return self:skip(n - 1):next()
--- Return the nth value from the end of the iterator.
--- This function advances the iterator.
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12 })
--- it:nthback(2)
--- -- 9
--- it:nthback(2)
--- -- 3
--- </pre>
---@param n number The index of the value to return.
---@return any
function Iter.nthback(self, n)
if n > 0 then
return self:skipback(n - 1):nextback()
--- Slice an iterator, changing its start and end positions.
--- This is equivalent to :skip(first - 1):skipback(len - last + 1)
--- Only supported for iterators on list-like tables.
---@param first number
---@param last number
---@return Iter
function Iter.slice(self, first, last) -- luacheck: no unused args
error('slice() requires a list-like table')
return self
function ListIter.slice(self, first, last)
return self:skip(math.max(0, first - 1)):skipback(math.max(0, self._tail - last - 1))
--- Return true if any of the items in the iterator match the given predicate.
---@param pred function(...):bool Predicate function. Takes all values returned from the previous
--- stage in the pipeline as arguments and returns true if the
--- predicate matches.
function Iter.any(self, pred)
local any = false
--- Use a closure to handle var args returned from iterator
local function fn(...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
if pred(...) then
any = true
return true
while fn(self:next()) do
return any
--- Return true if all of the items in the iterator match the given predicate.
---@param pred function(...):bool Predicate function. Takes all values returned from the previous
--- stage in the pipeline as arguments and returns true if the
--- predicate matches.
function Iter.all(self, pred)
local all = true
local function fn(...)
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
if not pred(...) then
all = false
return true
while fn(self:next()) do
return all
--- Return the last item in the iterator.
--- Drains the iterator.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter(vim.gsplit('abcdefg', ''))
--- it:last()
--- -- 'g'
--- local it = vim.iter({ 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 })
--- it:last()
--- -- 15
--- </pre>
---@return any
function Iter.last(self)
local last = self:next()
local cur = self:next()
while cur do
last = cur
cur = self:next()
return last
function ListIter.last(self)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
local v = self._table[self._tail - inc]
self._head = self._tail
return v
--- Add an iterator stage that returns the current iterator count as well as the iterator value.
--- For list tables, prefer
--- <pre>lua
--- vim.iter(ipairs(t))
--- </pre>
--- over
--- <pre>lua
--- vim.iter(t):enumerate()
--- </pre>
--- as the former is faster.
--- Example:
--- <pre>lua
--- local it = vim.iter(vim.gsplit('abc', '')):enumerate()
--- it:next()
--- -- 1 'a'
--- it:next()
--- -- 2 'b'
--- it:next()
--- -- 3 'c'
--- </pre>
---@return Iter
function Iter.enumerate(self)
local i = 0
return self:map(function(...)
i = i + 1
return i, ...
function ListIter.enumerate(self)
local inc = self._head < self._tail and 1 or -1
for i = self._head, self._tail - inc, inc do
local v = self._table[i]
self._table[i] = pack(i, v)
return self
--- Create a new Iter object from a table or iterator.
---@param src table|function Table or iterator to drain values from
---@return Iter
function Iter.new(src, ...)
local it = {}
if type(src) == 'table' then
local mt = getmetatable(src)
if mt and type(mt.__call) == 'function' then
function it.next()
return src()
setmetatable(it, Iter)
return it
local t = {}
-- Check if source table can be treated like a list (indices are consecutive integers
-- starting from 1)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(src) do
count = count + 1
local v = src[count]
if v == nil then
return Iter.new(pairs(src))
t[count] = v
return ListIter.new(t)
if type(src) == 'function' then
local s, var = ...
--- Use a closure to handle var args returned from iterator
local function fn(...)
-- Per the Lua 5.1 reference manual, an iterator is complete when the first returned value is
-- nil (even if there are other, non-nil return values). See |for-in|.
if select(1, ...) ~= nil then
var = select(1, ...)
return ...
function it.next()
return fn(src(s, var))
setmetatable(it, Iter)
error('src must be a table or function')
return it
--- Create a new ListIter
---@param t table List-like table. Caller guarantees that this table is a valid list.
---@return Iter
function ListIter.new(t)
local it = {}
it._table = t
it._head = 1
it._tail = #t + 1
setmetatable(it, ListIter)
return it
--- Collect an iterator into a table.
--- This is a convenience function that performs:
--- <pre>lua
--- vim.iter(f):totable()
--- </pre>
---@param f function Iterator function
---@return table
function M.totable(f, ...)
return Iter.new(f, ...):totable()
--- Filter a table or iterator.
--- This is a convenience function that performs:
--- <pre>lua
--- vim.iter(src):filter(f):totable()
--- </pre>
---@see |Iter:filter()|
---@param f function(...):bool Filter function. Accepts the current iterator or table values as
--- arguments and returns true if those values should be kept in the
--- final table
---@param src table|function Table or iterator function to filter
---@return table
function M.filter(f, src, ...)
return Iter.new(src, ...):filter(f):totable()
--- Map and filter a table or iterator.
--- This is a convenience function that performs:
--- <pre>lua
--- vim.iter(src):map(f):totable()
--- </pre>
---@see |Iter:map()|
---@param f function(...):?any Map function. Accepts the current iterator or table values as
--- arguments and returns one or more new values. Nil values are removed
--- from the final table.
---@param src table|function Table or iterator function to filter
---@return table
function M.map(f, src, ...)
return Iter.new(src, ...):map(f):totable()
---@type IterMod
return setmetatable(M, {
__call = function(_, ...)
return Iter.new(...)