zeertzjq ac1c23442f
test(old): don't set options to default before every test (#25335)
Oldtests clean up after themselves, and the options that need operators
to align with Vim all deny duplicates, so there is no need to set them
to default.

Also make the variable name that test_listchars.vim uses to align with
Vim more obvious.
2023-09-24 11:20:23 +08:00

85 lines
2.0 KiB

if exists('s:did_load')
" Align Nvim defaults to Vim.
set backspace=
set commentstring=/*%s*/
set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
set define=^\\s*#\\s*define
set directory^=.
set display=
set fillchars=vert:\|,foldsep:\|,fold:-
set formatoptions=tcq
set fsync
set include=^\\s*#\\s*include
set laststatus=1
set listchars=eol:$
set joinspaces
set mousemodel=extend
set nohidden nosmarttab noautoindent noautoread noruler noshowcmd
set nohlsearch noincsearch
set nrformats=bin,octal,hex
set shortmess=filnxtToOS
set sidescroll=0
set tags=./tags,tags
set undodir^=.
set wildoptions=
set startofline
set sessionoptions+=options
set viewoptions+=options
set switchbuf=
if g:testname !~ 'test_mapping.vim$'
" Make "Q" switch to Ex mode.
" This does not work for all tests.
nnoremap Q gQ
" Common preparations for running tests.
" Only load this once.
if exists('s:did_load')
let s:did_load = 1
" Clear Nvim default mappings and menus.
aunmenu *
tlunmenu *
" roughly equivalent to test_setmouse() in Vim
func Ntest_setmouse(row, col)
call nvim_input_mouse('move', '', '', 0, a:row - 1, a:col - 1)
" Prevent Nvim log from writing to stderr.
let $NVIM_LOG_FILE = exists($NVIM_LOG_FILE) ? $NVIM_LOG_FILE : 'Xnvim.log'
" Make sure 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' does not include $HOME.
set rtp=$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after
let &packpath = &rtp
" Avoid storing shell history.
let $HISTFILE = ""
" Use default shell on Windows to avoid segfault, caused by TUI
if has('win32')
let $SHELL = ''
let $TERM = ''
let &shell = empty($COMSPEC) ? exepath('cmd.exe') : $COMSPEC
set shellcmdflag=/s/c shellxquote=\" shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1
let &shellpipe = &shellredir
" Detect user modules for language providers
let $PYTHONUSERBASE = $HOME . '/.local'
if executable('gem')
let $GEM_PATH = system('gem env gempath')
" Make sure $HOME does not get read or written.
let $HOME = expand(getcwd() . '/XfakeHOME')
if !isdirectory($HOME)
call mkdir($HOME)