Rui Abreu Ferreira d31d177a0c win: default shellxescape, shellxquote to empty
Calling cmd.exe in Windows follows a very different pattern from Vim.
The primary difference is that Vim does a nested call to cmd.exe, e.g.
the following call in Vim

    system('echo a 2>&1')

spawns the following processes

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim80\vimrun" -s C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c (echo a 2^>^&1
        ^>C:\Users\dummy\AppData\Local\Temp\VIoC169.tmp 2^>^&1)
    C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c (echo a 2^>^&1
        ^>C:\Users\dummy\AppData\Local\Temp\VIo3C6C.tmp 2^>^&1)
    C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe  /c (echo a 2>&1
        >C:\Users\dummy\AppData\Local\Temp\VIo3C6C.tmp 2>&1)

The escaping with ^ is needed because cmd.exe calls itself and needs to
preserve the special metacharacters for the last call. However in nvim
no nested call is made, system('') spawns a single cmd.exe process.
Setting shellxescape to "" disables escaping with ^.

The previous default for shellxquote=( wrapped any command in
parenthesis, in Vim this is more meaningful due to the use of tempfiles
to store the output and redirection (also see &shellquote). There is
a slight benefit in having the default be empty because some expressions
that run in console will not run within parens e.g. due to unbalanced
double quotes

    system('echo "a b')
2017-04-12 02:10:34 +02:00

69 lines
2.2 KiB

local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
local curbufmeths = helpers.curbufmeths
local curwinmeths = helpers.curwinmeths
local nvim_dir = helpers.nvim_dir
local command = helpers.command
local meths = helpers.meths
local clear = helpers.clear
local eq = helpers.eq
describe(':edit term://*', function()
local get_screen = function(columns, lines)
local scr =, lines)
return scr
meths.set_option('shell', nvim_dir .. '/shell-test')
meths.set_option('shellcmdflag', 'EXE')
it('runs TermOpen event', function()
meths.set_var('termopen_runs', {})
command('autocmd TermOpen * :call add(g:termopen_runs, expand("<amatch>"))')
command('edit term://')
local termopen_runs = meths.get_var('termopen_runs')
eq(1, #termopen_runs)
eq(termopen_runs[1], termopen_runs[1]:match('^term://.//%d+:$'))
it("runs TermOpen early enough to set buffer-local 'scrollback'", function()
local columns, lines = 20, 4
local scr = get_screen(columns, lines)
local rep = 'a'
meths.set_option('shellcmdflag', 'REP ' .. rep)
local rep_size = rep:byte() -- 'a' => 97
local sb = 10
command('autocmd TermOpen * :setlocal scrollback='..tostring(sb)
..'|call feedkeys("G", "n")')
command('edit term://foobar')
local bufcontents = {}
local winheight = curwinmeths.get_height()
local buf_cont_start = rep_size - sb - winheight + 2
for i = buf_cont_start,(rep_size - 1) do
bufcontents[#bufcontents + 1] = ('%d: foobar'):format(i)
bufcontents[#bufcontents + 1] = ''
bufcontents[#bufcontents + 1] = '[Process exited 0]'
local exp_screen = '\n'
for i = 1,(winheight - 1) do
local line = bufcontents[#bufcontents - winheight + i]
exp_screen = (exp_screen
.. line
.. (' '):rep(columns - #line)
.. '|\n')
exp_screen = exp_screen..'^[Process exited 0] |\n'
exp_screen = exp_screen..(' '):rep(columns)..'|\n'
eq(bufcontents, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, true))