mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 14:11:15 -07:00
7944 lines
217 KiB
7944 lines
217 KiB
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
local global_helpers = require('test.helpers')
local NIL = helpers.NIL
local clear, nvim, eq, neq = helpers.clear, helpers.nvim, helpers.eq, helpers.neq
local ok, nvim_async, feed = helpers.ok, helpers.nvim_async, helpers.feed
local os_name = helpers.os_name
local meths = helpers.meths
local funcs = helpers.funcs
local request = helpers.request
local meth_pcall = helpers.meth_pcall
local command = helpers.command
local REMOVE_THIS = global_helpers.REMOVE_THIS
local intchar2lua = global_helpers.intchar2lua
local format_string = global_helpers.format_string
local mergedicts_copy = global_helpers.mergedicts_copy
describe('api', function()
describe('nvim_command', function()
it('works', function()
local fname = helpers.tmpname()
nvim('command', 'new')
nvim('command', 'edit '..fname)
nvim('command', 'normal itesting\napi')
nvim('command', 'w')
local f = io.open(fname)
ok(f ~= nil)
if os_name() == 'windows' then
eq('testing\r\napi\r\n', f:read('*a'))
eq('testing\napi\n', f:read('*a'))
it("VimL error: fails (VimL error), does NOT update v:errmsg", function()
-- Most API methods return generic errors (or no error) if a VimL
-- expression fails; nvim_command returns the VimL error details.
local status, rv = pcall(nvim, "command", "bogus_command")
eq(false, status) -- nvim_command() failed.
eq("E492:", string.match(rv, "E%d*:")) -- VimL error was returned.
eq("", nvim("eval", "v:errmsg")) -- v:errmsg was not updated.
describe('nvim_eval', function()
it('works', function()
nvim('command', 'let g:v1 = "a"')
nvim('command', 'let g:v2 = [1, 2, {"v3": 3}]')
eq({v1 = 'a', v2 = { 1, 2, { v3 = 3 } } }, nvim('eval', 'g:'))
it('handles NULL-initialized strings correctly', function()
eq(1, nvim('eval',"matcharg(1) == ['', '']"))
eq({'', ''}, nvim('eval','matcharg(1)'))
it('works under deprecated name', function()
eq(2, request("vim_eval", "1+1"))
it("VimL error: fails (generic error), does NOT update v:errmsg", function()
local status, rv = pcall(nvim, "eval", "bogus expression")
eq(false, status) -- nvim_eval() failed.
ok(nil ~= string.find(rv, "Failed to evaluate expression"))
eq("", nvim("eval", "v:errmsg")) -- v:errmsg was not updated.
describe('nvim_call_function', function()
it('works', function()
nvim('call_function', 'setqflist', { { { filename = 'something', lnum = 17 } }, 'r' })
eq(17, nvim('call_function', 'getqflist', {})[1].lnum)
eq(17, nvim('call_function', 'eval', {17}))
eq('foo', nvim('call_function', 'simplify', {'this/./is//redundant/../../../foo'}))
it("VimL error: fails (generic error), does NOT update v:errmsg", function()
local status, rv = pcall(nvim, "call_function", "bogus function", {"arg1"})
eq(false, status) -- nvim_call_function() failed.
ok(nil ~= string.find(rv, "Error calling function"))
eq("", nvim("eval", "v:errmsg")) -- v:errmsg was not updated.
describe('nvim_execute_lua', function()
it('works', function()
meths.execute_lua('vim.api.nvim_set_var("test", 3)', {})
eq(3, meths.get_var('test'))
eq(17, meths.execute_lua('a, b = ...\nreturn a + b', {10,7}))
eq(NIL, meths.execute_lua('function xx(a,b)\nreturn a..b\nend',{}))
eq("xy", meths.execute_lua('return xx(...)', {'x','y'}))
it('reports errors', function()
eq({false, 'Error loading lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: '..
"'=' expected near '+'"},
meth_pcall(meths.execute_lua, 'a+*b', {}))
eq({false, 'Error loading lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: '..
"unexpected symbol near '1'"},
meth_pcall(meths.execute_lua, '1+2', {}))
eq({false, 'Error loading lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: '..
"unexpected symbol"},
meth_pcall(meths.execute_lua, 'aa=bb\0', {}))
eq({false, 'Error executing lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: '..
"attempt to call global 'bork' (a nil value)"},
meth_pcall(meths.execute_lua, 'bork()', {}))
describe('nvim_input', function()
it("VimL error: does NOT fail, updates v:errmsg", function()
local status, _ = pcall(nvim, "input", ":call bogus_fn()<CR>")
local v_errnum = string.match(nvim("eval", "v:errmsg"), "E%d*:")
eq(true, status) -- nvim_input() did not fail.
eq("E117:", v_errnum) -- v:errmsg was updated.
describe('nvim_strwidth', function()
it('works', function()
eq(3, nvim('strwidth', 'abc'))
-- 6 + (neovim)
-- 19 * 2 (each japanese character occupies two cells)
eq(44, nvim('strwidth', 'neovimのデザインかなりまともなのになってる。'))
it('cannot handle NULs', function()
eq(0, nvim('strwidth', '\0abc'))
describe('nvim_get_current_line, nvim_set_current_line', function()
it('works', function()
eq('', nvim('get_current_line'))
nvim('set_current_line', 'abc')
eq('abc', nvim('get_current_line'))
describe('nvim_get_var, nvim_set_var, nvim_del_var', function()
it('works', function()
nvim('set_var', 'lua', {1, 2, {['3'] = 1}})
eq({1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}, nvim('get_var', 'lua'))
eq({1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}, nvim('eval', 'g:lua'))
eq(1, funcs.exists('g:lua'))
eq(0, funcs.exists('g:lua'))
eq({false, 'Key does not exist: lua'}, meth_pcall(meths.del_var, 'lua'))
meths.set_var('lua', 1)
command('lockvar lua')
eq({false, 'Key is locked: lua'}, meth_pcall(meths.del_var, 'lua'))
eq({false, 'Key is locked: lua'}, meth_pcall(meths.set_var, 'lua', 1))
it('vim_set_var returns the old value', function()
local val1 = {1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}
local val2 = {4, 7}
eq(NIL, request('vim_set_var', 'lua', val1))
eq(val1, request('vim_set_var', 'lua', val2))
it('vim_del_var returns the old value', function()
local val1 = {1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}
local val2 = {4, 7}
eq(NIL, request('vim_set_var', 'lua', val1))
eq(val1, request('vim_set_var', 'lua', val2))
eq(val2, request('vim_del_var', 'lua'))
it('truncates values with NULs in them', function()
nvim('set_var', 'xxx', 'ab\0cd')
eq('ab', nvim('get_var', 'xxx'))
describe('nvim_get_option, nvim_set_option', function()
it('works', function()
ok(nvim('get_option', 'equalalways'))
nvim('set_option', 'equalalways', false)
ok(not nvim('get_option', 'equalalways'))
it('works to get global value of local options', function()
eq(false, nvim('get_option', 'lisp'))
eq(8, nvim('get_option', 'shiftwidth'))
it('works to set global value of local options', function()
nvim('set_option', 'lisp', true)
eq(true, nvim('get_option', 'lisp'))
eq(false, helpers.curbuf('get_option', 'lisp'))
eq(nil, nvim('command_output', 'setglobal lisp?'):match('nolisp'))
eq('nolisp', nvim('command_output', 'setlocal lisp?'):match('nolisp'))
nvim('set_option', 'shiftwidth', 20)
eq('20', nvim('command_output', 'setglobal shiftwidth?'):match('%d+'))
eq('8', nvim('command_output', 'setlocal shiftwidth?'):match('%d+'))
it('most window-local options have no global value', function()
local status, err = pcall(nvim, 'get_option', 'foldcolumn')
eq(false, status)
ok(err:match('Invalid option name') ~= nil)
describe('nvim_{get,set}_current_buf, nvim_list_bufs', function()
it('works', function()
eq(1, #nvim('list_bufs'))
eq(nvim('list_bufs')[1], nvim('get_current_buf'))
nvim('command', 'new')
eq(2, #nvim('list_bufs'))
eq(nvim('list_bufs')[2], nvim('get_current_buf'))
nvim('set_current_buf', nvim('list_bufs')[1])
eq(nvim('list_bufs')[1], nvim('get_current_buf'))
describe('nvim_{get,set}_current_win, nvim_list_wins', function()
it('works', function()
eq(1, #nvim('list_wins'))
eq(nvim('list_wins')[1], nvim('get_current_win'))
nvim('command', 'vsplit')
nvim('command', 'split')
eq(3, #nvim('list_wins'))
eq(nvim('list_wins')[1], nvim('get_current_win'))
nvim('set_current_win', nvim('list_wins')[2])
eq(nvim('list_wins')[2], nvim('get_current_win'))
describe('nvim_{get,set}_current_tabpage, nvim_list_tabpages', function()
it('works', function()
eq(1, #nvim('list_tabpages'))
eq(nvim('list_tabpages')[1], nvim('get_current_tabpage'))
nvim('command', 'tabnew')
eq(2, #nvim('list_tabpages'))
eq(2, #nvim('list_wins'))
eq(nvim('list_wins')[2], nvim('get_current_win'))
eq(nvim('list_tabpages')[2], nvim('get_current_tabpage'))
nvim('set_current_win', nvim('list_wins')[1])
-- Switching window also switches tabpages if necessary
eq(nvim('list_tabpages')[1], nvim('get_current_tabpage'))
eq(nvim('list_wins')[1], nvim('get_current_win'))
nvim('set_current_tabpage', nvim('list_tabpages')[2])
eq(nvim('list_tabpages')[2], nvim('get_current_tabpage'))
eq(nvim('list_wins')[2], nvim('get_current_win'))
describe('nvim_get_mode', function()
it("during normal-mode `g` returns blocking=true", function()
nvim("input", "o") -- add a line
eq({mode='i', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", [[<C-\><C-N>]])
eq(2, nvim("eval", "line('.')"))
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", "g")
eq({mode='n', blocking=true}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", "k") -- complete the operator
eq(1, nvim("eval", "line('.')")) -- verify the completed operator
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
it("returns the correct result multiple consecutive times", function()
for _ = 1,5 do
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", "g")
for _ = 1,4 do
eq({mode='n', blocking=true}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", "g")
for _ = 1,7 do
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
it("during normal-mode CTRL-W, returns blocking=true", function()
nvim("input", "<C-W>")
eq({mode='n', blocking=true}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", "s") -- complete the operator
eq(2, nvim("eval", "winnr('$')")) -- verify the completed operator
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
it("during press-enter prompt returns blocking=true", function()
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
command("echom 'msg1'")
command("echom 'msg2'")
command("echom 'msg3'")
command("echom 'msg4'")
command("echom 'msg5'")
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
nvim("input", ":messages<CR>")
eq({mode='r', blocking=true}, nvim("get_mode"))
it("during getchar() returns blocking=false", function()
nvim("input", ":let g:test_input = nr2char(getchar())<CR>")
-- Events are enabled during getchar(), RPC calls are *not* blocked. #5384
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
eq(0, nvim("eval", "exists('g:test_input')"))
nvim("input", "J")
eq("J", nvim("eval", "g:test_input"))
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
-- TODO: bug #6247#issuecomment-286403810
it("batched with input", function()
eq({mode='n', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
command("echom 'msg1'")
command("echom 'msg2'")
command("echom 'msg3'")
command("echom 'msg4'")
command("echom 'msg5'")
local req = {
{'nvim_get_mode', {}},
{'nvim_input', {':messages<CR>'}},
{'nvim_get_mode', {}},
{'nvim_eval', {'1'}},
eq({ { {mode='n', blocking=false},
{mode='n', blocking=false}, -- TODO: should be blocked=true ?
1 },
NIL}, meths.call_atomic(req))
eq({mode='r', blocking=true}, nvim("get_mode"))
it("during insert-mode map-pending, returns blocking=true #6166", function()
command("inoremap xx foo")
nvim("input", "ix")
eq({mode='i', blocking=true}, nvim("get_mode"))
it("during normal-mode gU, returns blocking=false #6166", function()
nvim("input", "gu")
eq({mode='no', blocking=false}, nvim("get_mode"))
describe('RPC (K_EVENT) #6166', function()
it('does not complete ("interrupt") normal-mode operator-pending', function()
nvim('input', 'gg')
nvim('input', 'gu')
-- Make any RPC request (can be non-async: op-pending does not block).
-- Buffer should not change.
-- Now send input to complete the operator.
nvim('input', 'j')
first line
second line]])
it('does not complete ("interrupt") `d` #3732', function()
local screen = Screen.new(20, 4)
command('set listchars=eol:$')
command('set list')
-- Make any RPC request (can be non-async: op-pending does not block).
^a$ |
b$ |
c$ |
it('does not complete ("interrupt") normal-mode map-pending', function()
command("nnoremap dd :let g:foo='it worked...'<CR>")
nvim('input', 'gg')
nvim('input', 'd')
-- Make any RPC request (must be async, because map-pending blocks).
-- Send input to complete the mapping.
nvim('input', 'd')
eq('it worked...', helpers.eval('g:foo'))
it('does not complete ("interrupt") insert-mode map-pending', function()
command('inoremap xx foo')
command('set timeoutlen=9999')
nvim('input', 'ix')
-- Make any RPC request (must be async, because map-pending blocks).
-- Send input to complete the mapping.
nvim('input', 'x')
describe('nvim_replace_termcodes', function()
it('escapes K_SPECIAL as K_SPECIAL KS_SPECIAL KE_FILLER', function()
eq('\128\254X', helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes', '\128', true, true, true))
it('leaves non-K_SPECIAL string unchanged', function()
eq('abc', helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes', 'abc', true, true, true))
it('converts <expressions>', function()
eq('\\', helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes', '<Leader>', true, true, true))
it('converts <LeftMouse> to K_SPECIAL KS_EXTRA KE_LEFTMOUSE', function()
-- 0x80 0xfd 0x2c
-- 128 253 44
eq('\128\253\44', helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes',
'<LeftMouse>', true, true, true))
it('converts keycodes', function()
eq('\nx\27x\rx<x', helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes',
'<NL>x<Esc>x<CR>x<lt>x', true, true, true))
it('does not convert keycodes if special=false', function()
eq('<NL>x<Esc>x<CR>x<lt>x', helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes',
'<NL>x<Esc>x<CR>x<lt>x', true, true, false))
it('does not crash when transforming an empty string', function()
-- Actually does not test anything, because current code will use NULL for
-- an empty string.
-- Problem here is that if String argument has .data in allocated memory
-- then `return str` in vim_replace_termcodes body will make Neovim free
-- `str.data` twice: once when freeing arguments, then when freeing return
-- value.
eq('', meths.replace_termcodes('', true, true, true))
describe('nvim_feedkeys', function()
it('CSI escaping', function()
local function on_setup()
-- notice the special char(…) \xe2\80\xa6
nvim('feedkeys', ':let x1="…"\n', '', true)
-- Both nvim_replace_termcodes and nvim_feedkeys escape \x80
local inp = helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes', ':let x2="…"<CR>', true, true, true)
nvim('feedkeys', inp, '', true) -- escape_csi=true
-- nvim_feedkeys with CSI escaping disabled
inp = helpers.nvim('replace_termcodes', ':let x3="…"<CR>', true, true, true)
nvim('feedkeys', inp, '', false) -- escape_csi=false
-- spin the loop a bit
helpers.run(nil, nil, on_setup)
eq(nvim('get_var', 'x1'), '…')
-- Because of the double escaping this is neq
neq(nvim('get_var', 'x2'), '…')
eq(nvim('get_var', 'x3'), '…')
describe('nvim_err_write', function()
local screen
screen = Screen.new(40, 8)
[0] = {bold=true, foreground=Screen.colors.Blue},
[1] = {foreground = Screen.colors.White, background = Screen.colors.Red},
[2] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen}
it('can show one line', function()
nvim_async('err_write', 'has bork\n')
^ |
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{1:has bork} |
it('shows return prompt when more than &cmdheight lines', function()
nvim_async('err_write', 'something happened\nvery bad\n')
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{1:something happened} |
{1:very bad} |
{2:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
it('shows return prompt after all lines are shown', function()
nvim_async('err_write', 'FAILURE\nERROR\nEXCEPTION\nTRACEBACK\n')
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{1:ERROR} |
{2:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
it('handles multiple calls', function()
-- without linebreak text is joined to one line
nvim_async('err_write', 'very ')
nvim_async('err_write', 'fail\n')
^ |
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{1:very fail} |
-- shows up to &cmdheight lines
nvim_async('err_write', 'more fail\ntoo fail\n')
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{0:~ }|
{1:more fail} |
{1:too fail} |
{2:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
feed('<cr>') -- exit the press ENTER screen
describe('nvim_call_atomic', function()
it('works', function()
meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {'first'})
local req = {
{'nvim_get_current_line', {}},
{'nvim_set_current_line', {'second'}},
eq({{'first', NIL}, NIL}, meths.call_atomic(req))
eq({'second'}, meths.buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true))
it('allows multiple return values', function()
local req = {
{'nvim_set_var', {'avar', true}},
{'nvim_set_var', {'bvar', 'string'}},
{'nvim_get_var', {'avar'}},
{'nvim_get_var', {'bvar'}},
eq({{NIL, NIL, true, 'string'}, NIL}, meths.call_atomic(req))
it('is aborted by errors in call', function()
local error_types = meths.get_api_info()[2].error_types
local req = {
{'nvim_set_var', {'one', 1}},
{'nvim_buf_set_lines', {}},
{'nvim_set_var', {'two', 2}},
eq({{NIL}, {1, error_types.Exception.id,
'Wrong number of arguments: expecting 5 but got 0'}},
eq(1, meths.get_var('one'))
eq(false, pcall(meths.get_var, 'two'))
-- still returns all previous successful calls
req = {
{'nvim_set_var', {'avar', 5}},
{'nvim_set_var', {'bvar', 'string'}},
{'nvim_get_var', {'avar'}},
{'nvim_buf_get_lines', {0, 10, 20, true}},
{'nvim_get_var', {'bvar'}},
eq({{NIL, NIL, 5}, {3, error_types.Validation.id, 'Index out of bounds'}},
req = {
{'i_am_not_a_method', {'xx'}},
{'nvim_set_var', {'avar', 10}},
eq({{}, {0, error_types.Exception.id, 'Invalid method name'}},
eq(5, meths.get_var('avar'))
it('throws error on malformed arguments', function()
local req = {
{'nvim_set_var', {'avar', 1}},
{'nvim_set_var', {'avar', 2}},
local status, err = pcall(meths.call_atomic, req)
eq(false, status)
ok(err:match(' All items in calls array must be arrays of size 2') ~= nil)
-- call before was done, but not after
eq(1, meths.get_var('avar'))
req = {
{ 'nvim_set_var', { 'bvar', { 2, 3 } } },
status, err = pcall(meths.call_atomic, req)
eq(false, status)
ok(err:match('All items in calls array must be arrays') ~= nil)
eq({2,3}, meths.get_var('bvar'))
req = {
{'nvim_set_current_line', 'little line'},
{'nvim_set_var', {'avar', 3}},
status, err = pcall(meths.call_atomic, req)
eq(false, status)
ok(err:match('Args must be Array') ~= nil)
-- call before was done, but not after
eq(1, meths.get_var('avar'))
eq({''}, meths.buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true))
describe('list_runtime_paths', function()
it('returns nothing with empty &runtimepath', function()
meths.set_option('runtimepath', '')
eq({}, meths.list_runtime_paths())
it('returns single runtimepath', function()
meths.set_option('runtimepath', 'a')
eq({'a'}, meths.list_runtime_paths())
it('returns two runtimepaths', function()
meths.set_option('runtimepath', 'a,b')
eq({'a', 'b'}, meths.list_runtime_paths())
it('returns empty strings when appropriate', function()
meths.set_option('runtimepath', 'a,,b')
eq({'a', '', 'b'}, meths.list_runtime_paths())
meths.set_option('runtimepath', ',a,b')
eq({'', 'a', 'b'}, meths.list_runtime_paths())
meths.set_option('runtimepath', 'a,b,')
eq({'a', 'b', ''}, meths.list_runtime_paths())
it('truncates too long paths', function()
local long_path = ('/a'):rep(8192)
meths.set_option('runtimepath', long_path)
local paths_list = meths.list_runtime_paths()
neq({long_path}, paths_list)
eq({long_path:sub(1, #(paths_list[1]))}, paths_list)
it('can throw exceptions', function()
local status, err = pcall(nvim, 'get_option', 'invalid-option')
eq(false, status)
ok(err:match('Invalid option name') ~= nil)
it('does not truncate error message <1 MB #5984', function()
local very_long_name = 'A'..('x'):rep(10000)..'Z'
local status, err = pcall(nvim, 'get_option', very_long_name)
eq(false, status)
eq(very_long_name, err:match('Ax+Z?'))
it("does not leak memory on incorrect argument types", function()
local status, err = pcall(nvim, 'set_current_dir',{'not', 'a', 'dir'})
eq(false, status)
ok(err:match(': Wrong type for argument 1, expecting String') ~= nil)
describe('nvim_parse_expression', function()
local function simplify_east_api_node(line, east_api_node)
if east_api_node == NIL then
return nil
if east_api_node.children then
for k, v in pairs(east_api_node.children) do
east_api_node.children[k] = simplify_east_api_node(line, v)
local typ = east_api_node.type
if typ == 'Register' then
typ = typ .. ('(name=%s)'):format(
east_api_node.name = nil
elseif typ == 'PlainIdentifier' then
typ = typ .. ('(scope=%s,ident=%s)'):format(
tostring(intchar2lua(east_api_node.scope)), east_api_node.ident)
east_api_node.scope = nil
east_api_node.ident = nil
elseif typ == 'PlainKey' then
typ = typ .. ('(key=%s)'):format(east_api_node.ident)
east_api_node.ident = nil
elseif typ == 'Comparison' then
typ = typ .. ('(type=%s,inv=%u,ccs=%s)'):format(
east_api_node.cmp_type, east_api_node.invert and 1 or 0,
east_api_node.ccs_strategy = nil
east_api_node.cmp_type = nil
east_api_node.invert = nil
elseif typ == 'Integer' then
typ = typ .. ('(val=%u)'):format(east_api_node.ivalue)
east_api_node.ivalue = nil
elseif typ == 'Float' then
typ = typ .. ('(val=%e)'):format(east_api_node.fvalue)
east_api_node.fvalue = nil
elseif typ == 'SingleQuotedString' or typ == 'DoubleQuotedString' then
typ = format_string('%s(val=%q)', typ, east_api_node.svalue)
east_api_node.svalue = nil
elseif typ == 'Option' then
typ = ('%s(scope=%s,ident=%s)'):format(
east_api_node.ident = nil
east_api_node.scope = nil
elseif typ == 'Environment' then
typ = ('%s(ident=%s)'):format(typ, east_api_node.ident)
east_api_node.ident = nil
typ = ('%s:%u:%u:%s'):format(
typ, east_api_node.start[1], east_api_node.start[2],
line:sub(east_api_node.start[2] + 1,
east_api_node.start[2] + 1 + east_api_node.len - 1))
assert(east_api_node.start[2] + east_api_node.len - 1 <= #line)
for k, _ in pairs(east_api_node.start) do
assert(({true, true})[k])
east_api_node.start = nil
east_api_node.type = nil
east_api_node.len = nil
local can_simplify = true
for _, _ in pairs(east_api_node) do
if can_simplify then can_simplify = false end
if can_simplify then
return typ
east_api_node[1] = typ
return east_api_node
local function simplify_east_api(line, east_api)
if east_api.error then
east_api.err = east_api.error
east_api.error = nil
east_api.err.msg = east_api.err.message
east_api.err.message = nil
if east_api.ast then
east_api.ast = {simplify_east_api_node(line, east_api.ast)}
return east_api
local function simplify_east_hl(line, east_hl)
for i, v in ipairs(east_hl) do
east_hl[i] = ('%s:%u:%u:%s'):format(
line:sub(v[2] + 1, v[3]))
return east_hl
local FLAGS_TO_STR = {
[0] = "",
[1] = "m",
[2] = "E",
[3] = "mE",
local function check_parsing(str, exp_ast, exp_highlighting_fs,
nz_flags_exps = nz_flags_exps or {}
for _, flags in ipairs({0, 1, 2, 3}) do
local err, msg = pcall(function()
local east_api = meths.parse_expression(str, FLAGS_TO_STR[flags], true)
local east_hl = east_api.highlight
east_api.highlight = nil
local ast = simplify_east_api(str, east_api)
local hls = simplify_east_hl(str, east_hl)
local exps = {
ast = exp_ast,
hl_fs = exp_highlighting_fs,
local add_exps = nz_flags_exps[flags]
if not add_exps and flags == 3 then
add_exps = nz_flags_exps[1] or nz_flags_exps[2]
if add_exps then
if add_exps.ast then
exps.ast = mergedicts_copy(exps.ast, add_exps.ast)
if add_exps.hl_fs then
exps.hl_fs = mergedicts_copy(exps.hl_fs, add_exps.hl_fs)
eq(exps.ast, ast)
if exp_highlighting_fs then
local exp_highlighting = {}
local next_col = 0
for i, h in ipairs(exps.hl_fs) do
exp_highlighting[i], next_col = h(next_col)
eq(exp_highlighting, hls)
if not err then
msg = format_string('Error while processing test (%r, %s):\n%s',
str, FLAGS_TO_STR[flags], msg)
local function hl(group, str, shift)
return function(next_col)
local col = next_col + (shift or 0)
return (('%s:%u:%u:%s'):format(
'NVim' .. group,
str)), (col + #str)
it('works with + and @a', function()
check_parsing('@a', {
ast = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
check_parsing('+@a', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
check_parsing('@a+@b', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('@a+@b+@c', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
check_parsing('+@a+@b', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('+@a++@b', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('@a@b', {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '@b',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('InvalidRegister', '@b'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
hl_fs = {
check_parsing(' @a \t @b', {
ast = {
children = {
'Register(name=a):0:0: @a',
'Register(name=b):0:3: \t @b',
err = {
arg = '@b',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a', 1),
hl('InvalidSpacing', ' \t '),
hl('Register', '@b'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
'Register(name=a):0:0: @a'
hl_fs = {
check_parsing('+', {
ast = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
check_parsing(' +', {
ast = {
'UnaryPlus:0:0: +',
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+', 1),
check_parsing('@a+ ', {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
it('works with @a, + and parenthesis', function()
check_parsing('(@a)', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('()', {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing(')', {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('+)', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('+@a(@b)', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a+@b(@c)', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a()', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a ()', {
ast = {
children = {
'Nested:0:2: (',
children = {
err = {
arg = '()',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('InvalidSpacing', ' '),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
hl_fs = {
check_parsing('@a + (@b)', {
ast = {
'BinaryPlus:0:2: +',
children = {
'Nested:0:4: (',
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a + (+@b)', {
ast = {
'BinaryPlus:0:2: +',
children = {
'Nested:0:4: (',
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a + (@b + @c)', {
ast = {
'BinaryPlus:0:2: +',
children = {
'Nested:0:4: (',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:8: +',
children = {
'Register(name=c):0:10: @c',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@c', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(@a)+@b', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('@a+(@b)(@c)', {
-- 01234567890
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = { 'Register(name=b):0:4:@b' },
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a+((@b))(@c)', {
-- 01234567890123456890123456789
-- 0 1 2
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = { 'Register(name=b):0:5:@b' }
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a+((@b))+@c', {
-- 01234567890123456890123456789
-- 0 1 2
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = { 'Register(name=b):0:5:@b' }
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
'@a + (@b + @c) + @d(@e) + (+@f) + ((+@g(@h))(@j)(@k))(@l)', {--[[
| | | | | | | | || | | || | | ||| || || || ||
ast = {{
'BinaryPlus:0:31: +',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:23: +',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:14: +',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:2: +',
children = {
'Nested:0:4: (',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:8: +',
children = {
'Register(name=c):0:10: @c',
children = {
'Register(name=d):0:16: @d',
'Nested:0:25: (',
children = {
children = {
children = {
'Nested:0:33: (',
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@c', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@d', 1),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@f'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@g'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@j'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@k'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@l'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a)', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected closing parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(@a', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '(@a',
msg = 'E110: Missing closing parenthesis for nested expression: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@a'),
check_parsing('@a(@b', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '(@b',
msg = 'E116: Missing closing parenthesis for function call: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('@a(@b, @c, @d, @e)', {
-- 012345678901234567
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
'Register(name=c):0:6: @c',
children = {
'Register(name=d):0:10: @d',
'Register(name=e):0:14: @e',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@c', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@d', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@e', 1),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a(@b(@c))', {
-- 01234567890123456789012345678901234567
-- 0 1 2 3
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('@a(@b(@c(@d(@e), @f(@g(@h), @i(@j)))))', {
-- 01234567890123456789012345678901234567
-- 0 1 2 3
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
'Register(name=f):0:16: @f',
children = {
children = {
children = {
'Register(name=i):0:27: @i',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@f', 1),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@g'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@i', 1),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@j'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
it('works with variable names, including curly braces ones', function()
check_parsing('var', {
ast = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'var'),
check_parsing('g:var', {
ast = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'g'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'var'),
check_parsing('g:', {
ast = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'g'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
check_parsing('{a}', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{a:b}', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'a'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{a:@b}', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '@b}',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'a'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('InvalidRegister', '@b'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a}', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a}{@b}', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('g:{@a}', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'g'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a}_test', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('IdentifierName', '_test'),
check_parsing('g:{@a}_test', {
-- 01234567890
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'g'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('IdentifierName', '_test'),
check_parsing('g:{@a}_test()', {
-- 0123456789012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'g'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('IdentifierName', '_test'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('{@a} ()', {
-- 0123456789012
ast = {
'Call:0:4: (',
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('g:{@a} ()', {
-- 0123456789012
ast = {
'Call:0:6: (',
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'g'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('{@a', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '{@a',
msg = 'E15: Missing closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('FigureBrace', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
it('works with lambdas and dictionaries', function()
check_parsing('{}', {
ast = {
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('{->@a}', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{->@a+@b}', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a->@a}', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b->@a}', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b,c->@a}', {
-- 01234567890
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b,c,d->@a}', {
-- 0123456789012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b,c,d,->@a}', {
-- 01234567890123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b->{c,d->{e,f->@a}}}', {
-- 01234567890123456789012
-- 0 1 2
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'e'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'f'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b->c,d}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ',d}',
msg = 'E15: Comma outside of call, lambda or literal: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('a,b,c,d', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ',b,c,d',
msg = 'E15: Comma outside of call, lambda or literal: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
check_parsing('a,b,c,d,', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ',b,c,d,',
msg = 'E15: Comma outside of call, lambda or literal: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
check_parsing(',', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ',',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got comma: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
check_parsing('{,a->@a}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ',a->@a}',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got comma: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('InvalidComma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
err = {
arg = '}',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidFigureBrace', '}'),
check_parsing('{->}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '}',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('InvalidLambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,b}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '}',
msg = 'E15: Expected lambda arguments list or arrow: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('InvalidLambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a,}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '}',
msg = 'E15: Expected lambda arguments list or arrow: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('InvalidLambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a:@b}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a:@b,@c:@d}', {
-- 0123456789012
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a:@b,@c:@d,@e:@f,}', {
-- 01234567890123456789
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@f'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a:@b,@c:@d,@e:@f,@g:}', {
-- 01234567890123456789012
-- 0 1 2
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '}',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@f'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@g'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('InvalidDict', '}'),
check_parsing('{@a:@b,}', {
-- 01234567890123
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Colon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('{({f -> g})(@h)(@i)}', {
-- 01234567890123456789
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:4: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=g):0:7: g',
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'f'),
hl('Arrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'g', 1),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@i'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('a:{b()}c', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'a'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
check_parsing('a:{{b, c -> @d + @e + ({f -> g})(@h)}(@i)}j', {
-- 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
-- 0 1 2 3 4
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:6: c',
'Arrow:0:8: ->',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:19: +',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:14: +',
children = {
'Register(name=d):0:11: @d',
'Register(name=e):0:16: @e',
children = {
'Nested:0:21: (',
children = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:25: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=g):0:28: g',
}, {
hl('IdentifierScope', 'a'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('Arrow', '->', 1),
hl('Register', '@d', 1),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@e', 1),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '(', 1),
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'f'),
hl('Arrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'g', 1),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@i'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'j'),
check_parsing('{@a + @b : @c + @d, @e + @f : @g + @i}', {
-- 01234567890123456789012345678901234567
-- 0 1 2 3
ast = {
children = {
children = {
'Colon:0:8: :',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:3: +',
children = {
'Register(name=b):0:5: @b',
'BinaryPlus:0:13: +',
children = {
'Register(name=c):0:10: @c',
'Register(name=d):0:15: @d',
'Colon:0:27: :',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:22: +',
children = {
'Register(name=e):0:19: @e',
'Register(name=f):0:24: @f',
'BinaryPlus:0:32: +',
children = {
'Register(name=g):0:29: @g',
'Register(name=i):0:34: @i',
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@b', 1),
hl('Colon', ':', 1),
hl('Register', '@c', 1),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@d', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('Register', '@e', 1),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@f', 1),
hl('Colon', ':', 1),
hl('Register', '@g', 1),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Register', '@i', 1),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('-> -> ->', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:2: ->',
children = {
'Arrow:0:5: ->',
children = {
err = {
arg = '-> -> ->',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected arrow: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidArrow', '->'),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
check_parsing('a -> b -> c -> d', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
'Arrow:0:1: ->',
children = {
'Arrow:0:6: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
'Arrow:0:11: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:9: c',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=d):0:14: d',
err = {
arg = '-> b -> c -> d',
msg = 'E15: Arrow outside of lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd', 1),
check_parsing('{a -> b -> c}', {
-- 0123456789012
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:2: ->',
children = {
'Arrow:0:7: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:5: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:10: c',
err = {
arg = '-> c}',
msg = 'E15: Arrow outside of lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Arrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('Lambda', '}'),
check_parsing('{a: -> b}', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:3: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:6: b',
err = {
arg = '-> b}',
msg = 'E15: Arrow outside of lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'a'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{a:b -> b}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:4: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:7: b',
err = {
arg = '-> b}',
msg = 'E15: Arrow outside of lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'a'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{a#b -> b}', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
children = {
'Arrow:0:4: ->',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:7: b',
err = {
arg = '-> b}',
msg = 'E15: Arrow outside of lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a#b'),
hl('InvalidArrow', '->', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Curly', '}'),
check_parsing('{a : b : c}', {
-- 01234567890
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
'Colon:0:2: :',
children = {
'Colon:0:6: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:8: c',
err = {
arg = ': c}',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Colon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('InvalidColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('Dict', '}'),
check_parsing('{', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '{',
msg = 'E15: Missing closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('FigureBrace', '{'),
check_parsing('{a', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '{a',
msg = 'E15: Missing closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('FigureBrace', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
check_parsing('{a,b', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '{a,b',
msg = 'E15: Missing closing figure brace for lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
check_parsing('{a,b->', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
check_parsing('{a,b->c', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '{a,b->c',
msg = 'E15: Missing closing figure brace for lambda: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Lambda', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Arrow', '->'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
check_parsing('{a : b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
'Colon:0:2: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
err = {
arg = '{a : b',
msg = 'E723: Missing end of Dictionary \'}\': %.*s',
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Colon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('{a : b,', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
children = {
children = {
'Colon:0:2: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Dict', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Colon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
it('works with ternary operator', function()
check_parsing('a ? b : c', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
'Ternary:0:1: ?',
children = {
'TernaryValue:0:5: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:7: c',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('TernaryColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
check_parsing('@a?@b?@c:@d:@e', {
-- 01234567890123
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@e'),
check_parsing('@a?@b:@c?@d:@e', {
-- 01234567890123
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@e'),
check_parsing('@a?@b?@c?@d:@e?@f:@g:@h?@i:@j:@k', {
-- 01234567890123456789012345678901
-- 0 1 2 3
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@f'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@g'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@i'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@j'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@k'),
check_parsing('?', {
-- 0
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '?',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got question mark: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidTernary', '?'),
check_parsing('?:', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '?:',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got question mark: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidTernary', '?'),
hl('InvalidTernaryColon', ':'),
check_parsing('?::', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '?::',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got question mark: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidTernary', '?'),
hl('InvalidTernaryColon', ':'),
hl('InvalidColon', ':'),
check_parsing('a?b', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '?b',
msg = 'E109: Missing \':\' after \'?\': %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
check_parsing('a?b:', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '?b:',
msg = 'E109: Missing \':\' after \'?\': %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'b'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
check_parsing('a?b::c', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'b'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
check_parsing('a?b :', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
'TernaryValue:0:3: :',
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':', 1),
check_parsing('(@a?@b:@c)?@d:@e', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@e'),
check_parsing('(@a?@b:@c)?(@d?@e:@f):(@g?@h:@i)', {
-- 01234567890123456789012345678901
-- 0 1 2 3
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@f'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@g'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@i'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(@a?@b:@c)?@d?@e:@f:@g?@h:@i', {
-- 0123456789012345678901234567
-- 0 1 2
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@d'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@e'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@f'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@g'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('Register', '@h'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('Register', '@i'),
check_parsing('a?b{cdef}g:h', {
-- 012345678901
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'cdef'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'g'),
hl('TernaryColon', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'h'),
check_parsing('a ? b : c : d', {
-- 0123456789012
-- 0 1
ast = {
'Colon:0:9: :',
children = {
'Ternary:0:1: ?',
children = {
'TernaryValue:0:5: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:7: c',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=d):0:11: d',
err = {
arg = ': d',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Ternary', '?', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('TernaryColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('InvalidColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd', 1),
it('works with comparison operators', function()
check_parsing('a == b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Equal,inv=0,ccs=UseOption):0:1: ==',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '==', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a ==? b', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Equal,inv=0,ccs=IgnoreCase):0:1: ==?',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:5: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '==', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '?'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a ==# b', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Equal,inv=0,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: ==#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:5: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '==', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a !=# b', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Equal,inv=1,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: !=#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:5: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '!=', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a <=# b', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Greater,inv=1,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: <=#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:5: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '<=', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a >=# b', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Comparison(type=GreaterOrEqual,inv=0,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: >=#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:5: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '>=', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a ># b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Greater,inv=0,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: >#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '>', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a <# b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
'Comparison(type=GreaterOrEqual,inv=1,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: <#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '<', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a is#b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Identical,inv=0,ccs=MatchCase):0:1: is#',
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', 'is', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
check_parsing('a is?b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Identical,inv=0,ccs=IgnoreCase):0:1: is?',
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', 'is', 1),
hl('ComparisonModifier', '?'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
check_parsing('a isnot b', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Identical,inv=1,ccs=UseOption):0:1: isnot',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:7: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', 'isnot', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a < b < c', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
'Comparison(type=GreaterOrEqual,inv=1,ccs=UseOption):0:1: <',
children = {
'Comparison(type=GreaterOrEqual,inv=1,ccs=UseOption):0:5: <',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:7: c',
err = {
arg = ' < c',
msg = 'E15: Operator is not associative: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '<', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('InvalidComparison', '<', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
check_parsing('a < b <# c', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
'Comparison(type=GreaterOrEqual,inv=1,ccs=UseOption):0:1: <',
children = {
'Comparison(type=GreaterOrEqual,inv=1,ccs=MatchCase):0:5: <#',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:8: c',
err = {
arg = ' <# c',
msg = 'E15: Operator is not associative: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comparison', '<', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('InvalidComparison', '<', 1),
hl('InvalidComparisonModifier', '#'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
check_parsing('a += b', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:1: +',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
err = {
arg = '= b',
msg = 'E15: Expected == or =~: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('InvalidComparison', '='),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a + b == c + d', {
-- 01234567890123
-- 0 1
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Equal,inv=0,ccs=UseOption):0:5: ==',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:1: +',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
'BinaryPlus:0:10: +',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:8: c',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=d):0:12: d',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Comparison', '==', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd', 1),
check_parsing('+ a == + b', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
'Comparison(type=Equal,inv=0,ccs=UseOption):0:3: ==',
children = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=a):0:1: a',
'UnaryPlus:0:6: +',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:8: b',
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a', 1),
hl('Comparison', '==', 1),
hl('UnaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
it('works with concat/subscript', function()
check_parsing('.', {
-- 0
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '.',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected dot: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
check_parsing('a.', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
check_parsing('a.b', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', 'b'),
check_parsing('1.2', {
-- 012
ast = {
}, {
hl('Float', '1.2'),
check_parsing('1.2 + 1.3e-5', {
-- 012345678901
-- 0 1
ast = {
'BinaryPlus:0:3: +',
children = {
'Float(val=1.300000e-05):0:5: 1.3e-5',
}, {
hl('Float', '1.2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Float', '1.3e-5', 1),
check_parsing('a . 1.2 + 1.3e-5', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
'BinaryPlus:0:7: +',
children = {
'Concat:0:1: .',
children = {
children = {
'Integer(val=1):0:3: 1',
'Float(val=1.300000e-05):0:9: 1.3e-5',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Concat', '.', 1),
hl('Number', '1', 1),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Float', '1.3e-5', 1),
check_parsing('1.3e-5 + 1.2 . a', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
'Concat:0:12: .',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:6: +',
children = {
'Float(val=1.200000e+00):0:8: 1.2',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=a):0:14: a',
}, {
hl('Float', '1.3e-5'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('Float', '1.2', 1),
hl('Concat', '.', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a', 1),
check_parsing('1.3e-5 + a . 1.2', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
'Concat:0:10: .',
children = {
'BinaryPlus:0:6: +',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=a):0:8: a',
children = {
'Integer(val=1):0:12: 1',
}, {
hl('Float', '1.3e-5'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a', 1),
hl('Concat', '.', 1),
hl('Number', '1', 1),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '2'),
check_parsing('1.2.3', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '2'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '3'),
check_parsing('a.1.2', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '1'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '2'),
check_parsing('a . 1.2', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Concat:0:1: .',
children = {
children = {
'Integer(val=1):0:3: 1',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Concat', '.', 1),
hl('Number', '1', 1),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierKey', '2'),
check_parsing('+a . +b', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
'Concat:0:2: .',
children = {
children = {
'UnaryPlus:0:4: +',
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryPlus', '+'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Concat', '.', 1),
hl('UnaryPlus', '+', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
check_parsing('a. b', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:2: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
check_parsing('a. 1', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
'Integer(val=1):0:2: 1',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('ConcatOrSubscript', '.'),
hl('Number', '1', 1),
it('works with bracket subscripts', function()
check_parsing(':', {
-- 0
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ':',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidColon', ':'),
check_parsing('a[]', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ']',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got closing bracket: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('InvalidSubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('a[b:]', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'b'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('a[b:c]', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierScope', 'b'),
hl('IdentifierScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('a[b : c]', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
children = {
'Colon:0:3: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:5: c',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('SubscriptColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('a[: b]', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('SubscriptColon', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('a[b :]', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
'Colon:0:3: :',
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('SubscriptColon', ':', 1),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('a[b][c][d](e)(f)(g)', {
-- 0123456789012345678
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('IdentifierName', 'e'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('IdentifierName', 'f'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', '('),
hl('IdentifierName', 'g'),
hl('CallingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('{a}{b}{c}[d][e][f]', {
-- 012345678901234567
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('Curly', '{'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c'),
hl('Curly', '}'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'e'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'f'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', ']'),
it('supports list literals', function()
check_parsing('[]', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('List', ']'),
check_parsing('[a]', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('List', ']'),
check_parsing('[a, b]', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('List', ']'),
check_parsing('[a, b, c]', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:6: c',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('List', ']'),
check_parsing('[a, b, c, ]', {
-- 01234567890
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:3: b',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:6: c',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('List', ']', 1),
check_parsing('[a : b, c : d]', {
-- 01234567890123
-- 0 1
ast = {
children = {
children = {
'Colon:0:2: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
'Colon:0:9: :',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:7: c',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=d):0:11: d',
err = {
arg = ': b, c : d]',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('InvalidColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Comma', ','),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('InvalidColon', ':', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd', 1),
hl('List', ']'),
check_parsing(']', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = ']',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidList', ']'),
check_parsing('a]', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ']',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('InvalidList', ']'),
check_parsing('[] []', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
'ListLiteral:0:2: [',
err = {
arg = '[]',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('List', ']'),
hl('InvalidSpacing', ' '),
hl('List', '['),
hl('List', ']'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
hl_fs = {
check_parsing('[][]', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ']',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got closing bracket: %.*s',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('List', ']'),
hl('SubscriptBracket', '['),
hl('InvalidSubscriptBracket', ']'),
check_parsing('[', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
check_parsing('[1', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '[1',
msg = 'E697: Missing end of List \']\': %.*s',
}, {
hl('List', '['),
hl('Number', '1'),
it('works with strings', function()
check_parsing('\'abc\'', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
hl('SingleQuotedBody', 'abc'),
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
check_parsing('"abc"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'abc'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('\'\'', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
check_parsing('""', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('\'', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '\'',
msg = 'E115: Missing single quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidSingleQuote', '\''),
check_parsing('"a', {
-- 01
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"a',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedBody', 'a'),
check_parsing('\'a', {
-- 01
ast = {
err = {
arg = '\'a',
msg = 'E115: Missing single quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidSingleQuote', '\''),
hl('InvalidSingleQuotedBody', 'a'),
check_parsing('\'abc\'\'def\'', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
}, {
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
hl('SingleQuotedBody', 'abc'),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuotedBody', 'def'),
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
check_parsing('\'abc\'\'', {
-- 012345
ast = {
err = {
arg = '\'abc\'\'',
msg = 'E115: Missing single quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidSingleQuote', '\''),
hl('InvalidSingleQuotedBody', 'abc'),
hl('InvalidSingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
check_parsing('\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
check_parsing('\'\'\'a\'\'\'\'bc\'', {
-- 01234567890
-- 0 1
ast = {
}, {
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuotedBody', 'a'),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuotedQuote', '\'\''),
hl('SingleQuotedBody', 'bc'),
hl('SingleQuote', '\''),
check_parsing('"\\"\\"\\"\\""', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"abc\\"def\\"ghi\\"jkl\\"mno"', {
-- 0123456789012345678901234
-- 0 1 2
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'abc'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'def'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'ghi'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'jkl'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'mno'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\b\\e\\f\\r\\t\\\\"', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\b'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\e'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\f'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\r'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\t'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\\\'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\n\n"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\n'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '\n'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\x00"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\x00'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\xFF"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\xFF'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\xF"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\xF'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u00AB"', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\u00AB'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U000000AB"', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U000000AB'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\x"', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\x'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\x', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\x',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\x'),
check_parsing('"\\xF', {
-- 0123
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\xF',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedEscape', '\\xF'),
check_parsing('"\\u"', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\u'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\u',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\u'),
check_parsing('"\\U', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\U',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\U'),
check_parsing('"\\U"', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\U'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\xFX"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\xF'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\XFX"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\XF'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\xX"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\x'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\XX"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\X'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\uX"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\u'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\UX"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\U'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\x0X"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\x0'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\X0X"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\X0'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u0X"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\u0'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U0X"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U0'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\x00X"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\x00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\X00X"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\X00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u00X"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\u00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U00X"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u000X"', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\u000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U000X"', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u0000X"', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\u0000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U0000X"', {
-- 012345678
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U0000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U00000X"', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U00000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U000000X"', {
-- 01234567890
-- 0 1
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U000000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U0000000X"', {
-- 012345678901
-- 0 1
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U0000000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U00000000X"', {
-- 0123456789012
-- 0 1
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U00000000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\x000X"', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\x00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '0X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\X000X"', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\X00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '0X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\u00000X"', {
-- 0123456789
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\u0000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '0X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\U000000000X"', {
-- 01234567890123
-- 0 1
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\U00000000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '0X'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\0"', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\0'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\00"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\00'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\000"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\000'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\0000"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '0'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\8"', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\8'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\08"', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\0'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '8'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\008"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\00'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '8'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\0008"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\000'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', '8'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\777"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\777'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\050"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\050'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\<C-u>"', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\<C-u>'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\<', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\<',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\<'),
check_parsing('"\\<"', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\<'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('"\\<C-u"', {
-- 0123456
ast = {
}, {
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\<'),
hl('DoubleQuotedBody', 'C-u'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
it('works with multiplication-like operators', function()
check_parsing('2+2*2', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('Multiplication', '*'),
hl('Number', '2'),
check_parsing('2+2*', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('Multiplication', '*'),
check_parsing('2+*2', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '*2',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected multiplication-like operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('InvalidMultiplication', '*'),
hl('Number', '2'),
check_parsing('2+2/2', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('Division', '/'),
hl('Number', '2'),
check_parsing('2+2/', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('Division', '/'),
check_parsing('2+/2', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '/2',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected multiplication-like operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('InvalidDivision', '/'),
hl('Number', '2'),
check_parsing('2+2%2', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('Mod', '%'),
hl('Number', '2'),
check_parsing('2+2%', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('Mod', '%'),
check_parsing('2+%2', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '%2',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected multiplication-like operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('InvalidMod', '%'),
hl('Number', '2'),
it('works with -', function()
check_parsing('@a', {
ast = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
check_parsing('-@a', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
check_parsing('@a-@b', {
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('@a-@b-@c', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@c'),
check_parsing('-@a-@b', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('-@a--@b', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('UnaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
hl('UnaryMinus', '-'),
hl('Register', '@b'),
check_parsing('-', {
ast = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('UnaryMinus', '-'),
check_parsing(' -', {
ast = {
'UnaryMinus:0:0: -',
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('UnaryMinus', '-', 1),
check_parsing('@a- ', {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Register', '@a'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
it('works with logical operators', function()
check_parsing('a && b || c && d', {
-- 0123456789012345
-- 0 1
ast = {
'Or:0:6: ||',
children = {
'And:0:1: &&',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=b):0:4: b',
'And:0:11: &&',
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=c):0:9: c',
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=d):0:14: d',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('And', '&&', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'b', 1),
hl('Or', '||', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'c', 1),
hl('And', '&&', 1),
hl('IdentifierName', 'd', 1),
check_parsing('&& a', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=a):0:2: a',
err = {
arg = '&& a',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected and operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidAnd', '&&'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a', 1),
check_parsing('|| a', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
'PlainIdentifier(scope=0,ident=a):0:2: a',
err = {
arg = '|| a',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected or operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidOr', '||'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a', 1),
check_parsing('a||', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Or', '||'),
check_parsing('a&&', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('And', '&&'),
check_parsing('(&&)', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '&&)',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected and operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidAnd', '&&'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(||)', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '||)',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected or operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidOr', '||'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(a||)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('Or', '||'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(a&&)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('And', '&&'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(&&a)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '&&a)',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected and operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidAnd', '&&'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(||a)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '||a)',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected or operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidOr', '||'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'a'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
it('works with &opt', function()
check_parsing('&', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '&',
msg = 'E112: Option name missing: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidOptionSigil', '&'),
check_parsing('&opt', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('OptionSigil', '&'),
hl('OptionName', 'opt'),
check_parsing('&l:opt', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('OptionSigil', '&'),
hl('OptionScope', 'l'),
hl('OptionScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('OptionName', 'opt'),
check_parsing('&g:opt', {
-- 012345
ast = {
}, {
hl('OptionSigil', '&'),
hl('OptionScope', 'g'),
hl('OptionScopeDelimiter', ':'),
hl('OptionName', 'opt'),
check_parsing('&s:opt', {
-- 012345
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ':opt',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('OptionSigil', '&'),
hl('OptionName', 's'),
hl('InvalidColon', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'opt'),
check_parsing('& ', {
-- 01
ast = {
err = {
arg = '& ',
msg = 'E112: Option name missing: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidOptionSigil', '&'),
check_parsing('&-', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '&-',
msg = 'E112: Option name missing: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidOptionSigil', '&'),
hl('BinaryMinus', '-'),
check_parsing('&A', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('OptionSigil', '&'),
hl('OptionName', 'A'),
check_parsing('&xxx_yyy', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '_yyy',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('OptionSigil', '&'),
hl('OptionName', 'xxx'),
hl('InvalidIdentifierName', '_yyy'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
hl_fs = {
check_parsing('(1+&)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '&)',
msg = 'E112: Option name missing: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('InvalidOptionSigil', '&'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(&+1)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '&+1)',
msg = 'E112: Option name missing: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidOptionSigil', '&'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
it('works with $ENV', function()
check_parsing('$', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '$',
msg = 'E15: Environment variable name missing',
}, {
hl('InvalidEnvironmentSigil', '$'),
check_parsing('$g:A', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ':A',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('EnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('EnvironmentName', 'g'),
hl('InvalidColon', ':'),
hl('IdentifierName', 'A'),
check_parsing('$A', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('EnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('EnvironmentName', 'A'),
check_parsing('$ABC', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('EnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('EnvironmentName', 'ABC'),
check_parsing('(1+$)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '$)',
msg = 'E15: Environment variable name missing',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('InvalidEnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('($+1)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '$+1)',
msg = 'E15: Environment variable name missing',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('InvalidEnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('BinaryPlus', '+'),
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('$_ABC', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('EnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('EnvironmentName', '_ABC'),
check_parsing('$_', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('EnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('EnvironmentName', '_'),
check_parsing('$ABC_DEF', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('EnvironmentSigil', '$'),
hl('EnvironmentName', 'ABC_DEF'),
it('works with unary !', function()
check_parsing('!', {
-- 0
ast = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Not', '!'),
check_parsing('!!', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Not', '!'),
hl('Not', '!'),
check_parsing('!!1', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Not', '!'),
hl('Not', '!'),
hl('Number', '1'),
check_parsing('!1', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
}, {
hl('Not', '!'),
hl('Number', '1'),
check_parsing('(!1)', {
-- 0123
ast = {
children = {
children = {
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Not', '!'),
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(!)', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ')',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got parenthesis: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Not', '!'),
hl('InvalidNestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('(1!2)', {
-- 01234
ast = {
children = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '!2)',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('NestingParenthesis', '('),
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('InvalidNot', '!'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('NestingParenthesis', ')'),
check_parsing('1!2', {
-- 012
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '!2',
msg = 'E15: Missing operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('Number', '1'),
hl('InvalidNot', '!'),
hl('Number', '2'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
hl_fs = {
it('highlights numbers with prefix', function()
check_parsing('0xABCDEF', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0x'),
hl('Number', 'ABCDEF'),
check_parsing('0Xabcdef', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0X'),
hl('Number', 'abcdef'),
check_parsing('0XABCDEF', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0X'),
hl('Number', 'ABCDEF'),
check_parsing('0xabcdef', {
-- 01234567
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0x'),
hl('Number', 'abcdef'),
check_parsing('0b001', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0b'),
hl('Number', '001'),
check_parsing('0B001', {
-- 01234
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0B'),
hl('Number', '001'),
check_parsing('0B00', {
-- 0123
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0B'),
hl('Number', '00'),
check_parsing('00', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0'),
hl('Number', '0'),
check_parsing('001', {
-- 012
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0'),
hl('Number', '01'),
check_parsing('01', {
-- 01
ast = {
}, {
hl('NumberPrefix', '0'),
hl('Number', '1'),
check_parsing('1', {
-- 0
ast = {
}, {
hl('Number', '1'),
it('errors out on unknown flags', function()
eq({false, 'Invalid flag: \'F\' (70)'},
meth_pcall(meths.parse_expression, '', 'F', true))
eq({false, 'Invalid flag: \'\\0\' (0)'},
meth_pcall(meths.parse_expression, '', '\0', true))
eq({false, 'Invalid flag: \'\1\' (1)'},
meth_pcall(meths.parse_expression, '', 'm\1E', true))
it('respects highlight argument', function()
ast = {
ivalue = 1,
len = 1,
start = {0, 0},
type = 'Integer'
}, meths.parse_expression('1', '', false))
ast = {
ivalue = 1,
len = 1,
start = {0, 0},
type = 'Integer'
highlight = {
{0, 0, 1, 'NVimNumber'}
}, meths.parse_expression('1', '', true))
it('works (KLEE tests)', function()
check_parsing('\0002&A:\000', {
ast = {},
err = {
arg = '\0002&A:\0',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
}, {
[2] = {
ast = {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
msg = 'E15: Unexpected EOC character: %.*s',
hl_fs = {
hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
hl('Number', '2'),
hl('InvalidOptionSigil', '&'),
hl('InvalidOptionName', 'A'),
hl('InvalidColon', ':'),
hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[3] = {
ast = {
ast = {
err = {
msg = 'E15: Unexpected EOC character: %.*s',
hl_fs = {
hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
hl('Number', '2'),
check_parsing('"\\U\\', {
-- 0123
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\U\\',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\U'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedBody', '\\'),
check_parsing('"\\U', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\U',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\U'),
check_parsing('|"\\U\\', {
-- 01234
ast = {},
err = {
arg = '|"\\U\\',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
}, {
[2] = {
ast = {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
msg = 'E15: Unexpected EOC character: %.*s',
hl_fs = {
hl('InvalidOr', '|'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\U'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedBody', '\\'),
check_parsing('|"\\e"', {
-- 01234
ast = {},
err = {
arg = '|"\\e"',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
}, {
[2] = {
ast = {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
msg = 'E15: Unexpected EOC character: %.*s',
hl_fs = {
hl('InvalidOr', '|'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('DoubleQuotedEscape', '\\e'),
hl('DoubleQuote', '"'),
check_parsing('|\029', {
-- 01
ast = {},
err = {
arg = '|\029',
msg = 'E15: Expected value, got EOC: %.*s',
}, {
}, {
[2] = {
ast = {
ast = {
children = {
err = {
msg = 'E15: Unexpected EOC character: %.*s',
hl_fs = {
hl('InvalidOr', '|'),
hl('InvalidIdentifierName', '\029'),
check_parsing('"\\<', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\<',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedUnknownEscape', '\\<'),
check_parsing('"\\1', {
-- 012
ast = {
err = {
arg = '"\\1',
msg = 'E114: Missing double quote: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidDoubleQuote', '"'),
hl('InvalidDoubleQuotedEscape', '\\1'),
check_parsing('}l', {
-- 01
ast = {
children = {
err = {
arg = '}l',
msg = 'E15: Unexpected closing figure brace: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidFigureBrace', '}'),
hl('InvalidIdentifierName', 'l'),
}, {
[1] = {
ast = {
ast = {
hl_fs = {
check_parsing(':?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000', {
ast = {
children = {
children = {
err = {
arg = ':?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000',
msg = 'E15: Colon outside of dictionary or ternary operator: %.*s',
}, {
hl('InvalidColon', ':'),
hl('InvalidTernary', '?'),
}, {
[2] = {
hl_fs = {
[3] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[4] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[5] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[6] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[7] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[8] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),
[9] = hl('InvalidSpacing', '\0'),