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-- Nvim-Lua stdlib: the `vim` module (:help lua-stdlib)
-- Lua code lives in one of three places:
-- 1. runtime/lua/vim/ (the runtime): For "nice to have" features, e.g. the
-- `inspect` and `lpeg` modules.
-- 2. runtime/lua/vim/shared.lua: Code shared between Nvim and tests.
-- 3. src/nvim/lua/: Compiled-into Nvim itself.
-- Guideline: "If in doubt, put it in the runtime".
-- Most functions should live directly on `vim.`, not sub-modules. The only
-- "forbidden" names are those claimed by legacy `if_lua`:
-- $ vim
-- :lua for k,v in pairs(vim) do print(k) end
-- buffer
-- open
-- window
-- lastline
-- firstline
-- type
-- line
-- eval
-- dict
-- beep
-- list
-- command
-- Reference (#6580):
-- - https://github.com/luafun/luafun
-- - https://github.com/rxi/lume
-- - http://leafo.net/lapis/reference/utilities.html
-- - https://github.com/torch/paths
-- - https://github.com/bakpakin/Fennel (pretty print, repl)
-- - https://github.com/howl-editor/howl/tree/master/lib/howl/util
-- Internal-only until comments in #8107 are addressed.
-- Returns:
-- {errcode}, {output}
local function _system(cmd)
local out = vim.api.nvim_call_function('system', { cmd })
local err = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar('shell_error')
return err, out
-- Gets process info from the `ps` command.
-- Used by nvim_get_proc() as a fallback.
local function _os_proc_info(pid)
if pid == nil or pid <= 0 or type(pid) ~= 'number' then
error('invalid pid')
local cmd = { 'ps', '-p', pid, '-o', 'comm=', }
local err, name = _system(cmd)
if 1 == err and string.gsub(name, '%s*', '') == '' then
return {} -- Process not found.
elseif 0 ~= err then
local args_str = vim.api.nvim_call_function('string', { cmd })
error('command failed: '..args_str)
local _, ppid = _system({ 'ps', '-p', pid, '-o', 'ppid=', })
-- Remove trailing whitespace.
name = string.gsub(string.gsub(name, '%s+$', ''), '^.*/', '')
ppid = string.gsub(ppid, '%s+$', '')
ppid = tonumber(ppid) == nil and -1 or tonumber(ppid)
return {
name = name,
pid = pid,
ppid = ppid,
-- Gets process children from the `pgrep` command.
-- Used by nvim_get_proc_children() as a fallback.
local function _os_proc_children(ppid)
if ppid == nil or ppid <= 0 or type(ppid) ~= 'number' then
error('invalid ppid')
local cmd = { 'pgrep', '-P', ppid, }
local err, rv = _system(cmd)
if 1 == err and string.gsub(rv, '%s*', '') == '' then
return {} -- Process not found.
elseif 0 ~= err then
local args_str = vim.api.nvim_call_function('string', { cmd })
error('command failed: '..args_str)
local children = {}
for s in string.gmatch(rv, '%S+') do
local i = tonumber(s)
if i ~= nil then
table.insert(children, i)
return children
-- TODO(ZyX-I): Create compatibility layer.
--{{{1 package.path updater function
-- Last inserted paths. Used to clear out items from package.[c]path when they
-- are no longer in &runtimepath.
local last_nvim_paths = {}
local function _update_package_paths()
local cur_nvim_paths = {}
local rtps = vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths()
local sep = package.config:sub(1, 1)
for _, key in ipairs({'path', 'cpath'}) do
local orig_str = package[key] .. ';'
local pathtrails_ordered = {}
local orig = {}
-- Note: ignores trailing item without trailing `;`. Not using something
-- simpler in order to preserve empty items (stand for default path).
for s in orig_str:gmatch('[^;]*;') do
s = s:sub(1, -2) -- Strip trailing semicolon
orig[#orig + 1] = s
if key == 'path' then
-- /?.lua and /?/init.lua
pathtrails_ordered = {sep .. '?.lua', sep .. '?' .. sep .. 'init.lua'}
local pathtrails = {}
for _, s in ipairs(orig) do
-- Find out path patterns. pathtrail should contain something like
-- /?.so, \?.dll. This allows not to bother determining what correct
-- suffixes are.
local pathtrail = s:match('[/\\][^/\\]*%?.*$')
if pathtrail and not pathtrails[pathtrail] then
pathtrails[pathtrail] = true
pathtrails_ordered[#pathtrails_ordered + 1] = pathtrail
local new = {}
for _, rtp in ipairs(rtps) do
if not rtp:match(';') then
for _, pathtrail in pairs(pathtrails_ordered) do
local new_path = rtp .. sep .. 'lua' .. pathtrail
-- Always keep paths from &runtimepath at the start:
-- append them here disregarding orig possibly containing one of them.
new[#new + 1] = new_path
cur_nvim_paths[new_path] = true
for _, orig_path in ipairs(orig) do
-- Handle removing obsolete paths originating from &runtimepath: such
-- paths either belong to cur_nvim_paths and were already added above or
-- to last_nvim_paths and should not be added at all if corresponding
-- entry was removed from &runtimepath list.
if not (cur_nvim_paths[orig_path] or last_nvim_paths[orig_path]) then
new[#new + 1] = orig_path
package[key] = table.concat(new, ';')
last_nvim_paths = cur_nvim_paths
--- Return a human-readable representation of the given object.
--@see https://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua
local function inspect(object, options) -- luacheck: no unused
error(object, options) -- Stub for gen_vimdoc.py
local function __index(t, key)
if key == 'inspect' then
t.inspect = require('vim.inspect')
return t.inspect
elseif require('vim.shared')[key] ~= nil then
-- Expose all `vim.shared` functions on the `vim` module.
t[key] = require('vim.shared')[key]
return t[key]
local module = {
_update_package_paths = _update_package_paths,
_os_proc_children = _os_proc_children,
_os_proc_info = _os_proc_info,
_system = _system,
setmetatable(module, {
__index = __index
return module