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synced 2024-12-27 14:21:31 -07:00
The benefit of this is that users only pay for what they use. If e.g. only `vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()` is called then they don't need to load all modules under `vim.lsp` which could lead to significant startuptime saving. Also `vim.lsp.module` is a bit nicer to user compared to `require("vim.lsp.module")`. This isn't used for some nested modules such as `filetype` as it breaks tests with error messages such as "attempt to index field 'detect'". It's not entirely certain the reason for this, but it is likely it is due to filetype being precompiled which would imply deferred loading isn't needed for performance reasons.
171 lines
6.6 KiB
171 lines
6.6 KiB
local bit = require('bit')
local glob = vim.glob
local watch = vim._watch
local protocol = require('vim.lsp.protocol')
local ms = protocol.Methods
local lpeg = vim.lpeg
local M = {}
M._watchfunc = (vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 or vim.fn.has('mac') == 1) and watch.watch or watch.poll
---@type table<integer, table<string, function[]>> client id -> registration id -> cancel function
local cancels = vim.defaulttable()
local queue_timeout_ms = 100
---@type table<integer, uv.uv_timer_t> client id -> libuv timer which will send queued changes at its timeout
local queue_timers = {}
---@type table<integer, lsp.FileEvent[]> client id -> set of queued changes to send in a single LSP notification
local change_queues = {}
---@type table<integer, table<string, lsp.FileChangeType>> client id -> URI -> last type of change processed
--- Used to prune consecutive events of the same type for the same file
local change_cache = vim.defaulttable()
---@type table<vim._watch.FileChangeType, lsp.FileChangeType>
local to_lsp_change_type = {
[watch.FileChangeType.Created] = protocol.FileChangeType.Created,
[watch.FileChangeType.Changed] = protocol.FileChangeType.Changed,
[watch.FileChangeType.Deleted] = protocol.FileChangeType.Deleted,
--- Default excludes the same as VSCode's `files.watcherExclude` setting.
--- https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/eef30e7165e19b33daa1e15e92fa34ff4a5df0d3/src/vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/files.contribution.ts#L261
---@type vim.lpeg.Pattern parsed Lpeg pattern
M._poll_exclude_pattern = glob.to_lpeg('**/.git/{objects,subtree-cache}/**')
+ glob.to_lpeg('**/node_modules/*/**')
+ glob.to_lpeg('**/.hg/store/**')
--- Registers the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles capability dynamically.
---@param reg lsp.Registration LSP Registration object.
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext Context from the |lsp-handler|.
function M.register(reg, ctx)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id), 'Client must be running')
-- Ill-behaved servers may not honor the client capability and try to register
-- anyway, so ignore requests when the user has opted out of the feature.
local has_capability = vim.tbl_get(
client.config.capabilities or {},
if not has_capability or not client.workspace_folders then
local register_options = reg.registerOptions --[[@as lsp.DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions]]
---@type table<string, {pattern: vim.lpeg.Pattern, kind: lsp.WatchKind}[]> by base_dir
local watch_regs = vim.defaulttable()
for _, w in ipairs(register_options.watchers) do
local kind = w.kind
or (protocol.WatchKind.Create + protocol.WatchKind.Change + protocol.WatchKind.Delete)
local glob_pattern = w.globPattern
if type(glob_pattern) == 'string' then
local pattern = glob.to_lpeg(glob_pattern)
if not pattern then
error('Cannot parse pattern: ' .. glob_pattern)
for _, folder in ipairs(client.workspace_folders) do
local base_dir = vim.uri_to_fname(folder.uri)
table.insert(watch_regs[base_dir], { pattern = pattern, kind = kind })
local base_uri = glob_pattern.baseUri
local uri = type(base_uri) == 'string' and base_uri or base_uri.uri
local base_dir = vim.uri_to_fname(uri)
local pattern = glob.to_lpeg(glob_pattern.pattern)
if not pattern then
error('Cannot parse pattern: ' .. glob_pattern.pattern)
pattern = lpeg.P(base_dir .. '/') * pattern
table.insert(watch_regs[base_dir], { pattern = pattern, kind = kind })
---@param base_dir string
local callback = function(base_dir)
return function(fullpath, change_type)
local registrations = watch_regs[base_dir]
for _, w in ipairs(registrations) do
local lsp_change_type = assert(
'Must receive change type Created, Changed or Deleted'
-- e.g. match kind with Delete bit (0b0100) to Delete change_type (3)
local kind_mask = bit.lshift(1, lsp_change_type - 1)
local change_type_match = bit.band(w.kind, kind_mask) == kind_mask
if w.pattern:match(fullpath) ~= nil and change_type_match then
---@type lsp.FileEvent
local change = {
uri = vim.uri_from_fname(fullpath),
type = lsp_change_type,
local last_type = change_cache[client_id][change.uri]
if last_type ~= change.type then
change_queues[client_id] = change_queues[client_id] or {}
table.insert(change_queues[client_id], change)
change_cache[client_id][change.uri] = change.type
if not queue_timers[client_id] then
queue_timers[client_id] = vim.defer_fn(function()
---@type lsp.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams
local params = {
changes = change_queues[client_id],
client.notify(ms.workspace_didChangeWatchedFiles, params)
queue_timers[client_id] = nil
change_queues[client_id] = nil
change_cache[client_id] = nil
end, queue_timeout_ms)
break -- if an event matches multiple watchers, only send one notification
for base_dir, watches in pairs(watch_regs) do
local include_pattern = vim.iter(watches):fold(lpeg.P(false), function(acc, w)
return acc + w.pattern
M._watchfunc(base_dir, {
uvflags = {
recursive = true,
-- include_pattern will ensure the pattern from *any* watcher definition for the
-- base_dir matches. This first pass prevents polling for changes to files that
-- will never be sent to the LSP server. A second pass in the callback is still necessary to
-- match a *particular* pattern+kind pair.
include_pattern = include_pattern,
exclude_pattern = M._poll_exclude_pattern,
}, callback(base_dir))
--- Unregisters the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles capability dynamically.
---@param unreg lsp.Unregistration LSP Unregistration object.
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext Context from the |lsp-handler|.
function M.unregister(unreg, ctx)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
local client_cancels = cancels[client_id]
local reg_cancels = client_cancels[unreg.id]
while #reg_cancels > 0 do
client_cancels[unreg.id] = nil
if not next(cancels[client_id]) then
cancels[client_id] = nil
return M