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synced 2024-12-31 17:13:26 -07:00
* fix(runtime/health): mitigate issues with duplicate healthchecks Previously if a healthcheck was found as Lua and Vim it was executed both times. This new implementations prefers Lua, therefore if two are found It only runs the Lua one, this way a plugin can mantain both implementations the Lua one with the method `check()` and the autoload function `#check()` (for none HEAD nvim versions). **Note: This will require plugins to use `check()` as the function name, since the autoload function that wraps the lua implementation won't be called** * docs(health): use spaces and don't overuse backtics followup to #15259
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*pi_health.txt* Healthcheck framework
Author: TJ DeVries <devries.timothyj@gmail.com>
Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
Introduction *health*
health.vim is a minimal framework to help with troubleshooting user
configuration. Nvim ships with healthchecks for configuration, performance,
python support, ruby support, clipboard support, and more.
To run the healthchecks, use this command: >
Plugin authors are encouraged to write new healthchecks. |health-dev|
Commands *health-commands*
*:checkhealth* *:CheckHealth*
:checkhealth Run all healthchecks.
Nvim depends on |$VIMRUNTIME|, 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' to
find the standard "runtime files" for syntax highlighting,
filetype-specific behavior, and standard plugins (including
:checkhealth). If the runtime files cannot be found then
those features will not work.
:checkhealth {plugins}
Run healthcheck(s) for one or more plugins. E.g. to run only
the standard Nvim healthcheck: >
:checkhealth nvim
To run the healthchecks for the "foo" and "bar" plugins
(assuming these plugins are on 'runtimepath' or 'packpath' and
they have implemented the Lua or Vimscript interface
require("foo.health").check() and health#bar#check(),
respectively): >
:checkhealth foo bar
To run healthchecks for lua submodules, use dot notation or
"*" to refer to all submodules. For example nvim provides
`vim.lsp` and `vim.treesitter` >
:checkhealth vim.lsp vim.treesitter
:checkhealth vim*
Lua Functions *health-functions-lua* *health-lua*
The Lua "health" module can be used to create new healthchecks (see also
|health-functions-vim|). To get started, simply use: >
local health = require('health')
health.report_start({name}) *health.report_start()*
Starts a new report. Most plugins should call this only once, but if
you want different sections to appear in your report, call this once
per section.
health.report_info({msg}) *health.report_info()*
Reports an informational message.
health.report_ok({msg}) *health.report_ok()*
Reports a "success" message.
health.report_warn({msg} [, {advice}]) *health.report_warn()*
Reports a warning. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health.report_error({msg} [, {advice}]) *health.report_error()*
Reports an error. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
Create a Lua healthcheck *health-dev-lua*
Healthchecks are functions that check the user environment, configuration,
etc. Nvim has built-in healthchecks in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/health/.
To add a new healthcheck for your own plugin, simply define a Lua module in
your plugin that returns a table with a "check()" function. |:checkhealth|
will automatically find and invoke this function.
If your plugin is named "foo", then its healthcheck module should be a file in
one of these locations on 'runtimepath' or 'packpath':
- lua/foo/health/init.lua
- lua/foo/health.lua
If your plugin provides a submodule named "bar" for which you want a separate
healthcheck, define the healthcheck at one of these locations on 'runtimepath'
or 'packpath':
- lua/foo/bar/health/init.lua
- lua/foo/bar/health.lua
All submodules should return a Lua table containing the method `check()`.
Copy this sample code into `lua/foo/health/init.lua` or `lua/foo/health.lua`,
replacing "foo" in the path with your plugin name: >
local M = {}
local health = require("health")
M.check = function()
health.report_start("my_plugin report")
-- make sure setup function parameters are ok
if check_setup() then
health.report_ok("Setup function is correct")
health.report_error("Setup function is incorrect")
-- do some more checking
-- ...
return M
Vimscript Functions *health-functions-vimscript* *health-vimscript*
health.vim functions are for creating new healthchecks. (See also
health#report_start({name}) *health#report_start*
Starts a new report. Most plugins should call this only once, but if
you want different sections to appear in your report, call this once
per section.
health#report_info({msg}) *health#report_info*
Reports an informational message.
health#report_ok({msg}) *health#report_ok*
Reports a "success" message.
health#report_warn({msg} [, {advice}]) *health#report_warn*
Reports a warning. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health#report_error({msg} [, {advice}]) *health#report_error*
Reports an error. {advice} is an optional List of suggestions.
health#{plugin}#check() *health.user_checker*
Healthcheck function for {plugin}. Called by |:checkhealth|
automatically. Example: >
function! health#my_plug#check() abort
silent call s:check_environment_vars()
silent call s:check_python_configuration()
Create a healthcheck *health-dev-vim*
Healthchecks are functions that check the user environment, configuration,
etc. Nvim has built-in healthchecks in $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/health/.
To add a new healthcheck for your own plugin, simply define a
health#{plugin}#check() function in autoload/health/{plugin}.vim.
|:checkhealth| automatically finds and invokes such functions.
If your plugin is named "foo", then its healthcheck function must be >
defined in this file on 'runtimepath' or 'packpath':
- autoload/health/foo.vim
Copy this sample code into autoload/health/foo.vim and replace "foo" with your
plugin name: >
function! health#foo#check() abort
call health#report_start('sanity checks')
" perform arbitrary checks
" ...
if looks_good
call health#report_ok('found required dependencies')
call health#report_error('cannot find foo',
\ ['npm install --save foo'])