bfredl d6279f9392 refactor(tests): move lua-client into core and use it for functionaltests
Eliminates lua-client and non-static libluv as test time dependencies

Note: the API for a public lua-client is not yet finished.
The interface needs to be adjusted to work in the embedded loop
of a nvim instance (to use it to talk between instances)
2023-02-10 20:19:04 +01:00

13 lines
635 B

local platform = vim.loop.os_uname()
if platform and platform.sysname:lower():find'windows' then
local deps_prefix = os.getenv 'DEPS_PREFIX'
if deps_prefix ~= nil and deps_prefix ~= "" then
package.path = deps_prefix.."/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;"..deps_prefix.."/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;"..package.path
package.path = deps_prefix.."/bin/lua/?.lua;"..deps_prefix.."/bin/lua/?/init.lua;"..package.path
package.cpath = deps_prefix.."/lib/lua/5.1/?.dll;"..package.cpath;
package.cpath = deps_prefix.."/bin/?.dll;"..deps_prefix.."/bin/loadall.dll;"..package.cpath;
require 'busted.runner'({ standalone = false })