Background: Vim internally prefers to represent ALT/META chords as single-byte keys, by setting the high bit of the key byte. extract_modifiers() _discards_ the meta/alt modifier, but we need it for libvterm and libtermkey. Closes #2440 Closes #3727 Closes #2017 References #2277 References #2254 https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/2017#issuecomment-140423557 > We [not libtermkey] are setting the high bit for some reason https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/176#issuecomment-77834715 > libvtermkey requires the leading esc to parse alt/meta https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/3246#issuecomment-136328450 > A program could do better than the current logic on some terminals, by > asking for pure 8bit mode (S8C1T) and then immediately querying the > mode again. If the result comes back as an 8bit single-byte CSI, then > it can presume the mode setting was successful, and now the ESC prefix > byte won't be seen in multibyte sequences; only as an Alt- prefix or > a real Escape key. On such a terminal, it could therefore avoid > needing to use that waiting timeout. |
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