mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 17:23:36 -07:00
Problem: luals returns stricter diagnostics with bundled luarc.json Solution: Improve some function and type annotations: * use recognized uv.* types * disable diagnostic for global `vim` in shared.lua * docs: don't start comment lines with taglink (otherwise LuaLS will interpret it as a type) * add type alias for lpeg pattern * fix return annotation for `vim.secure.trust` * rename local Range object in vim.version (shadows `Range` in vim.treesitter) * fix some "missing fields" warnings * add missing required fields for test functions in eval.lua * rename lsp meta files for consistency
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254 lines
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local bit = require('bit')
local watch = require('vim._watch')
local protocol = require('vim.lsp.protocol')
local ms = protocol.Methods
local lpeg = vim.lpeg
local M = {}
---@alias lpeg userdata
--- Parses the raw pattern into an |lpeg| pattern. LPeg patterns natively support the "this" or "that"
--- alternative constructions described in the LSP spec that cannot be expressed in a standard Lua pattern.
---@param pattern string The raw glob pattern
---@return lpeg An |lpeg| representation of the pattern, or nil if the pattern is invalid.
local function parse(pattern)
local l = lpeg
local P, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V
local C, Cc, Ct, Cf = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cf
local pathsep = '/'
local function class(inv, ranges)
for i, r in ipairs(ranges) do
ranges[i] = r[1] .. r[2]
local patt = l.R(unpack(ranges))
if inv == '!' then
patt = P(1) - patt
return patt
local function add(acc, a)
return acc + a
local function mul(acc, m)
return acc * m
local function star(stars, after)
return (-after * (l.P(1) - pathsep)) ^ #stars * after
local function dstar(after)
return (-after * l.P(1)) ^ 0 * after
local p = P({
Pattern = V('Elem') ^ -1 * V('End'),
Elem = Cf(
(V('DStar') + V('Star') + V('Ques') + V('Class') + V('CondList') + V('Literal'))
* (V('Elem') + V('End')),
DStar = P('**') * (P(pathsep) * (V('Elem') + V('End')) + V('End')) / dstar,
Star = C(P('*') ^ 1) * (V('Elem') + V('End')) / star,
Ques = P('?') * Cc(l.P(1) - pathsep),
Class = P('[') * C(P('!') ^ -1) * Ct(Ct(C(1) * '-' * C(P(1) - ']')) ^ 1 * ']') / class,
CondList = P('{') * Cf(V('Cond') * (P(',') * V('Cond')) ^ 0, add) * '}',
-- TODO: '*' inside a {} condition is interpreted literally but should probably have the same
-- wildcard semantics it usually has.
-- Fixing this is non-trivial because '*' should match non-greedily up to "the rest of the
-- pattern" which in all other cases is the entire succeeding part of the pattern, but at the end of a {}
-- condition means "everything after the {}" where several other options separated by ',' may
-- exist in between that should not be matched by '*'.
Cond = Cf((V('Ques') + V('Class') + V('CondList') + (V('Literal') - S(',}'))) ^ 1, mul)
+ Cc(l.P(0)),
Literal = P(1) / l.P,
End = P(-1) * Cc(l.P(-1)),
return p:match(pattern)
--- Implementation of LSP 3.17.0's pattern matching: https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#pattern
---@param pattern string|table The glob pattern (raw or parsed) to match.
---@param s string The string to match against pattern.
---@return boolean Whether or not pattern matches s.
function M._match(pattern, s)
if type(pattern) == 'string' then
pattern = parse(pattern)
return pattern:match(s) ~= nil
M._watchfunc = (vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 or vim.fn.has('mac') == 1) and watch.watch or watch.poll
---@type table<number, table<number, function[]>> client id -> registration id -> cancel function
local cancels = vim.defaulttable()
local queue_timeout_ms = 100
---@type table<number, uv.uv_timer_t> client id -> libuv timer which will send queued changes at its timeout
local queue_timers = {}
---@type table<number, lsp.FileEvent[]> client id -> set of queued changes to send in a single LSP notification
local change_queues = {}
---@type table<number, table<string, lsp.FileChangeType>> client id -> URI -> last type of change processed
--- Used to prune consecutive events of the same type for the same file
local change_cache = vim.defaulttable()
local to_lsp_change_type = {
[watch.FileChangeType.Created] = protocol.FileChangeType.Created,
[watch.FileChangeType.Changed] = protocol.FileChangeType.Changed,
[watch.FileChangeType.Deleted] = protocol.FileChangeType.Deleted,
--- Default excludes the same as VSCode's `files.watcherExclude` setting.
--- https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/eef30e7165e19b33daa1e15e92fa34ff4a5df0d3/src/vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/files.contribution.ts#L261
---@type lpeg parsed Lpeg pattern
M._poll_exclude_pattern = parse('**/.git/{objects,subtree-cache}/**')
+ parse('**/node_modules/*/**')
+ parse('**/.hg/store/**')
--- Registers the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles capability dynamically.
---@param reg table LSP Registration object.
---@param ctx table Context from the |lsp-handler|.
function M.register(reg, ctx)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
-- Ill-behaved servers may not honor the client capability and try to register
-- anyway, so ignore requests when the user has opted out of the feature.
local has_capability = vim.tbl_get(
client.config.capabilities or {},
if not has_capability or not client.workspace_folders then
local watch_regs = {} --- @type table<string,{pattern:lpeg,kind:integer}>
for _, w in ipairs(reg.registerOptions.watchers) do
local relative_pattern = false
local glob_patterns = {} --- @type {baseUri:string, pattern: string}[]
if type(w.globPattern) == 'string' then
for _, folder in ipairs(client.workspace_folders) do
table.insert(glob_patterns, { baseUri = folder.uri, pattern = w.globPattern })
relative_pattern = true
table.insert(glob_patterns, w.globPattern)
for _, glob_pattern in ipairs(glob_patterns) do
local base_dir = nil ---@type string?
if type(glob_pattern.baseUri) == 'string' then
base_dir = glob_pattern.baseUri
elseif type(glob_pattern.baseUri) == 'table' then
base_dir = glob_pattern.baseUri.uri
assert(base_dir, "couldn't identify root of watch")
base_dir = vim.uri_to_fname(base_dir)
---@type integer
local kind = w.kind
or protocol.WatchKind.Create + protocol.WatchKind.Change + protocol.WatchKind.Delete
local pattern = parse(glob_pattern.pattern)
assert(pattern, 'invalid pattern: ' .. glob_pattern.pattern)
if relative_pattern then
pattern = lpeg.P(base_dir .. '/') * pattern
watch_regs[base_dir] = watch_regs[base_dir] or {}
table.insert(watch_regs[base_dir], {
pattern = pattern,
kind = kind,
local callback = function(base_dir)
return function(fullpath, change_type)
for _, w in ipairs(watch_regs[base_dir]) do
change_type = to_lsp_change_type[change_type]
-- e.g. match kind with Delete bit (0b0100) to Delete change_type (3)
local kind_mask = bit.lshift(1, change_type - 1)
local change_type_match = bit.band(w.kind, kind_mask) == kind_mask
if M._match(w.pattern, fullpath) and change_type_match then
local change = {
uri = vim.uri_from_fname(fullpath),
type = change_type,
local last_type = change_cache[client_id][change.uri]
if last_type ~= change.type then
change_queues[client_id] = change_queues[client_id] or {}
table.insert(change_queues[client_id], change)
change_cache[client_id][change.uri] = change.type
if not queue_timers[client_id] then
queue_timers[client_id] = vim.defer_fn(function()
client.notify(ms.workspace_didChangeWatchedFiles, {
changes = change_queues[client_id],
queue_timers[client_id] = nil
change_queues[client_id] = nil
change_cache[client_id] = nil
end, queue_timeout_ms)
break -- if an event matches multiple watchers, only send one notification
for base_dir, watches in pairs(watch_regs) do
local include_pattern = vim.iter(watches):fold(lpeg.P(false), function(acc, w)
return acc + w.pattern
M._watchfunc(base_dir, {
uvflags = {
recursive = true,
-- include_pattern will ensure the pattern from *any* watcher definition for the
-- base_dir matches. This first pass prevents polling for changes to files that
-- will never be sent to the LSP server. A second pass in the callback is still necessary to
-- match a *particular* pattern+kind pair.
include_pattern = include_pattern,
exclude_pattern = M._poll_exclude_pattern,
}, callback(base_dir))
--- Unregisters the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles capability dynamically.
---@param unreg table LSP Unregistration object.
---@param ctx table Context from the |lsp-handler|.
function M.unregister(unreg, ctx)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
local client_cancels = cancels[client_id]
local reg_cancels = client_cancels[unreg.id]
while #reg_cancels > 0 do
client_cancels[unreg.id] = nil
if not next(cancels[client_id]) then
cancels[client_id] = nil
return M