2015-07-04 15:43:53 -04:00

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*nvim_clipboard.txt* For Nvim. {Nvim}
Clipboard integration for Nvim *nvim-clipboard*
1. Intro |nvim-clipboard-intro|
2. X11 selection mechanism |nvim-clipboard-x11|
1. Intro *nvim-clipboard-intro*
Nvim has no direct connection to the system clipboard. Instead, it is
accessible through the |nvim-provider| infrastructure, which transparently
uses shell commands for communicating with the clipboard.
Clipboard access is implicitly enabled if any of the following clipboard tools
is found in your `$PATH`.
- xclip
- xsel (newer alternative to xclip)
- pbcopy/pbpaste (only for Mac OS X)
The presence of a suitable clipboard tool implicitly enables the '+' and '*'
If you want to ALWAYS use the clipboard for ALL operations (as opposed
to interacting with the '+' and/or '*' registers explicitly), set the
following option:
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
See 'clipboard' for details and more options.
2. X11 selection mechanism *nvim-clipboard-x11* *x11-selection*
The clipboard providers for X11 store text in what is known as "selections".
Selections are "owned" by an application, so when the application is closed,
the selection text is lost.
The contents of selections are held by the originating application (e.g., upon
a copy), and only passed on to another application when that other application
asks for them (e.g., upon a paste).
*quoteplus* *quote+*
There are three documented X11 selections: `PRIMARY`, `SECONDARY`, and `CLIPBOARD`.
`CLIPBOARD` is typically used in X11 applications for copy/paste operations
(`Ctrl-c`/`v`), while `PRIMARY` is used for the last selected text, which is
generally inserted with the middle mouse button.
Nvim's X11 clipboard providers only utilize the `PRIMARY` and `CLIPBOARD`
selections, used for the '*' and '+' registers, respectively.