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synced 2024-12-29 14:41:06 -07:00
Enable 'termguicolors' automatically when Nvim can detect that truecolor is supported by the host terminal. If $COLORTERM is set to "truecolor" or "24bit", or the terminal's terminfo entry contains capabilities for Tc, RGB, or setrgbf and setrgbb, then we assume that the terminal supports truecolor. Otherwise, the terminal is queried (using both XTGETTCAP and SGR + DECRQSS). If the terminal's response to these queries (if any) indicates that it supports truecolor, then 'termguicolors' is enabled.
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395 lines
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*news.txt* Nvim
Notable changes in Nvim 0.10 from 0.9 *news*
For changes in Nvim 0.9, see |news-0.9|.
Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
BREAKING CHANGES *news-breaking*
The following changes may require adaptations in user config or plugins.
• In some cases, the cursor in the Nvim |TUI| would blink even without
configuring 'guicursor' as mentioned in |cursor-blinking|. This was a bug
that has now been fixed. If your cursor has stopped blinking, add the
following (or similar, adapted to user preference) to your |config| file: >vim
set guicursor+=n-v-c:blinkon500-blinkoff500
• |vim.tbl_islist()| now checks whether a table is actually list-like (i.e.,
has integer keys without gaps and starting from 1). For the previous
behavior (only check for integer keys, allow gaps or not starting with 1),
use |vim.tbl_isarray()|.
• "#" followed by a digit no longer stands for a function key at the start of
the lhs of a mapping.
• `:behave` was removed.
- If you used `:behave xterm`, the following is equivalent: >vim
set mousemodel=extend
- If you used `:behave mswin`, the following is equivalent: >vim
set selection=exclusive
set selectmode=mouse,key
set mousemodel=popup
set keymodel=startsel,stopsel
• When switching windows, |CursorMoved| autocommands trigger when Nvim is back
in the main loop rather than immediately. This is more compatible with Vim.
• |-l| ensures output ends with a newline if the script prints messages and
doesn't cause Nvim to exit.
• |LspRequest| and LspProgressUpdate (renamed to |LspProgress|) autocmds were
promoted from a |User| autocmd to first class citizen.
• Renamed `vim.treesitter.playground` to `vim.treesitter.dev`.
• Removed functions from the |vim.json| module:
• Unnecessary, undocumented functions which caused global side-effects.
• `vim.json.null` is redundant with `vim.NIL`.
• `vim.json.array_mt` (and related) is redundant with `vim.empty_dict()`.
• Removed some Vim 5.0<= option compatibilities:
• |'backspace'| no longer supports number values. Instead:
• for `backspace=0` set `backspace=` (empty)
• for `backspace=1` set `backspace=indent,eol`
• for `backspace=2` set `backspace=indent,eol,start` (default behavior in Nvim)
• for `backspace=3` set `backspace=indent,eol,nostop`
• |'backupdir'| and |'directory'| will no longer remove a `>` at the start
of the option.
• |LanguageTree:parse()| will no longer parse injections by default and
now requires an explicit range argument to be passed. If injections are
required, provide an explicit range via `parser:parse({ start_row, end_row })`.
• Float window support hide and show by setting `hide` on `nvim_open_win` and
• |vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet()| will now strictly follow the snippet grammar
defined by LSP, and hence previously parsed snippets might now be considered
invalid input.
• |OptionSet| autocommand args |v:option_new|, |v:option_old|,
|v:option_oldlocal|, |v:option_oldglobal| now have the type of the option
instead of always being strings. |v:option_old| is now the old global value
for all global-local options, instead of just string global-local options.
• Local value for a global-local number/boolean option is now unset when
the option is set (e.g. using |:set| or |nvim_set_option_value()|) without a
scope, which means they now behave the same way as string options.
• Signs placed through the legacy |sign-commands| are now stored and displayed
as |extmarks| internally. Along with the following changes:
• A sign placed twice in the same group with the same identifier will be moved.
• Legacy signs are always deleted along with the line it is placed on.
• Legacy and extmark signs will show up in both |:sign-place-list| and |nvim_buf_get_extmarks()|.
• Legacy and extmark signs are displayed and listed with the same priority:
line number -> priority -> sign id -> recently placed
• Default color scheme has been updated to be "Neovim branded" and accessible.
Use `:colorscheme vim` to revert to the old legacy color scheme.
• 'termguicolors' is enabled by default when Nvim is able to determine that
the host terminal emulator supports 24-bit color.
BREAKING CHANGES IN HEAD *news-breaking-dev*
The following breaking changes were made during the development cycle to
unreleased features on Nvim HEAD.
• ...
• ...
NEW FEATURES *news-features*
The following new APIs and features were added.
• Performance:
• 'diffopt' "linematch" scoring algorithm now favours larger and less groups
• Treesitter highlighting now parses injections incrementally during
screen redraws only for the line range being rendered. This significantly
improves performance in large files with many injections.
• |vim.iter()| provides a generic iterator interface for tables and Lua
iterators |for-in|.
• Added |vim.ringbuf()| to create ring buffers.
• Added |vim.keycode()| for translating keycodes in a string.
• |'smoothscroll'| option to scroll by screen line rather than by text line
when |'wrap'| is set.
• Added inline virtual text support to |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|.
• 'foldtext' now supports virtual text format. |fold-foldtext|
• The terminal buffer now supports reflow (wrapped lines adapt when the buffer
is resized horizontally). Note: Lines that are not visible and kept in
|'scrollback'| are not reflown.
• |vim.system()| for running system commands.
• Added |nvim_win_text_height()| to compute the number of screen lines occupied
by a range of text in a given window.
• |nvim_set_keymap()| and |nvim_del_keymap()| now support abbreviations.
• Better cmdline completion for string option value. |complete-set-option|
• Builtin TUI can now recognize "super" (|<D-|) and "meta" (|<T-|) modifiers in a
terminal emulator that supports |tui-csiu|.
• Editor
• By default, the swapfile "ATTENTION" |E325| dialog is skipped if the
swapfile is owned by a running Nvim process, instead of prompting. If you
always want the swapfile dialog, delete the default SwapExists handler:
`autocmd! nvim_swapfile`. |default-autocmds|
• LSP method names are available in |vim.lsp.protocol.Methods|.
• Implemented LSP inlay hints: |lsp-inlay_hint|
• Implemented pull diagnostic textDocument/diagnostic: |vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_diagnostic()|
• Added |vim.lsp.status()| to consume the last progress messages as a string.
• LSP client now always saves and restores named buffer marks when applying
text edits.
• LSP client now supports the `positionEncoding` server capability. If a server
responds with the `positionEncoding` capability in its initialization
response, Nvim automatically sets the client's `offset_encoding` field.
• Dynamic registration of LSP capabilities. An implication of this change is
that checking a client's `server_capabilities` is no longer a sufficient
indicator to see if a server supports a feature. Instead use
`client.supports_method(<method>)`. It considers both the dynamic
capabilities and static `server_capabilities`.
• Added a new `anchor_bias` option to |lsp-handlers| to aid in positioning of
floating windows.
• Treesitter
• Bundled parsers and queries (highlight, folds) for Markdown, Python, and
• Added |vim.treesitter.query.omnifunc()| for treesitter query files (set by
• |Query:iter_matches()| now has the ability to set the maximum start depth
for matches.
• `@injection.language` now has smarter resolution and will now fallback to language aliases and/or attempt lower case variants of the text.
language via aliases (e.g., filetype) registered via
• The `#set!` directive now supports `injection.self` and `injection.parent` for injecting either the current node's language
or the parent LanguageTree's language, respectively.
• Added `vim.treesitter.query.edit()`, for live editing of treesitter
• Improved error messages for query parsing.
• Added |vim.treesitter.foldtext()| to apply treesitter highlighting to
• |vim.ui.open()| opens URIs using the system default handler (macOS `open`,
Windows `explorer`, Linux `xdg-open`, etc.)
• |vim.wo| can now be double indexed for |:setlocal| behaviour. Currently only
`0` for the buffer index is currently supported.
• Lua type annotations for:
• `vim.*`
• `vim.fn.*`
• `vim.api.*`
• Improved messages for type errors in `vim.api.*` calls (including `opts` params)
• Functions that take a severity as an optional parameter (e.g.
|vim.diagnostic.get()|) now also accept a list of severities |vim.diagnostic.severity|
• New RPC client type `msgpack-rpc` is added for `nvim_set_client_info` to
support fully MessagePack-RPC compliant clients.
• Floating windows can now show footer with new `footer` and `footer_pos`
config fields. Uses |hl-FloatFooter| by default.
• The |:terminal| command now accepts some |:command-modifiers| (specifically
|:horizontal| and those that affect splitting a window).
• |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()| sets the `user_data` of each item to the
original LSP `Location` or `LocationLink`.
• |$NVIM_APPNAME| can be set to a relative path instead of only a name.
• Added |:fclose| command.
• Added |vim.snippet| for snippet expansion support.
• 'complete' option supports "f" flag for completing buffer names.
• Added |vim.base64.encode()| and |vim.base64.decode()| for encoding and decoding
strings using Base64 encoding.
• The |TermResponse| autocommand event can be used with |v:termresponse| to
read escape sequence responses from the terminal.
• A clipboard provider which uses OSC 52 to copy the selection to the system
clipboard is now bundled by default and will be automatically enabled under
certain conditions. |clipboard-osc52|
• The 'termsync' option asks the terminal emulator to buffer screen updates
until the redraw cycle is complete. Requires support from the terminal.
• Added |vim.text.hexencode()| and |vim.text.hexdecode()| to convert strings
to and from byte representations.
CHANGED FEATURES *news-changed*
The following changes to existing APIs or features add new behavior.
• |vim.tbl_contains()| now works for general tables and allows specifying a
predicate function that is checked for each value. (Use |vim.list_contains()|
for checking list-like tables (integer keys without gaps) for literal values.)
• |vim.region()| can use a string accepted by |getpos()| as position.
• vim.diagnostic.config() now accepts a function for the virtual_text.prefix
option, which allows for rendering e.g., diagnostic severities differently.
• Defaults:
• On Windows 'isfname' does not include ":". Drive letters are handled
correctly without it. (Use |gF| for filepaths suffixed with ":line:col").
• 'comments' includes "fb:•".
• 'shortmess' includes the "C" flag.
• Automatic linting of treesitter query files (see |ft-query-plugin|).
Can be disabled via: >lua
vim.g.query_lint_on = {}
• Enabled treesitter highlighting for treesitter query files.
• Enabled treesitter highlighting for help files.
• The `workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles` LSP client capability is now enabled
by default.
• |LspRequest| autocmd callbacks now contain additional information about the LSP
request status update that occurred.
• `:source` without arguments treats a buffer with its 'filetype' set to "lua"
as Lua code regardless of its extension.
• |:checkhealth| buffer now implements |folding|. The initial folding status is
defined by the 'foldenable' option.
• |:Man| now respects 'wrapmargin'
• |gx| now uses |vim.ui.open()| and not netrw. To customize, you can redefine
`vim.ui.open` or remap `gx`. To continue using netrw (deprecated): >vim
:call netrw#BrowseX(expand(exists("g:netrw_gx")? g:netrw_gx : '<cfile>'), netrw#CheckIfRemote())<CR>
• |vim.lsp.start()| now maps |K| to use |vim.lsp.buf.hover()| if the server
supports it, unless |'keywordprg'| was customized before calling
• Terminal buffers started with no arguments (and use 'shell') close
automatically if the job exited without error, eliminating the (often
unwanted) "[Process exited 0]" message.
• |vim.diagnostic.config()| now accepts virtual text relevant options to
|nvim_buf_set_extmark()| (e.g. "virt_text_pos" and "hl_mode") in its
"virtual_text" table, which gives users more control over how diagnostic
virtual text is displayed.
• Extmarks now fully support multi-line ranges, and a single extmark can be
used to highlight a range of arbitrary length. The |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|
API function already allowed you to define such ranges, but highlight regions
were not rendered consistently for a range that covers more than one line break.
This has now been fixed. Signs defined as part of a multi-line extmark also
apply to every line in the range, not just the first.
In addition, |nvim_buf_get_extmarks()| has gained an "overlap" option to
return such ranges even if they started before the specified position.
• Extmarks can opt-out of precise undo tracking using the new "undo_restore"
flag to |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|
• Extmarks can be automatically hidden or removed using the new "invalidate"
flag to |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|
• LSP hover and signature help now use Treesitter for highlighting of Markdown
Note that syntax highlighting of code examples requires a matching parser
and may be affected by custom queries.
• Support for rendering multibyte characters using composing characters has been
enhanced. The maximum limit have been increased from 1+6 codepoints to
31 bytes, which is guaranteed to fit all chars from before but often more.
NOTE: the regexp engine still has a hard-coded limit of considering
6 composing chars only.
• |vim.wait()| is no longer allowed to be called in |api-fast|.
REMOVED FEATURES *news-removed*
The following deprecated functions or APIs were removed.
• Vimball support is removed.
- :Vimuntar command removed.
• Support for legacy treesitter injection queries is removed.
• Removed 'shortmess' flags:
- |shm-f|. Always uses "(3 of 5)", never "(file 3 of 5)"
- |shm-i|. Always use "[noeol]".
- |shm-x|. Always use "[dos]", "[unix]" and "[mac]"
- |shm-n|. Always use "[New]".
DEPRECATIONS *news-deprecations*
The following functions are now deprecated and will be removed in a future
• Checkhealth functions:
- |health#report_error|, |vim.health.report_error()| Use |vim.health.error()| instead.
- |health#report_info|, |vim.health.report_info()| Use |vim.health.info()| instead.
- |health#report_ok|, |vim.health.report_ok()| Use |vim.health.ok()| instead.
- |health#report_start|, |vim.health.report_start()| Use |vim.health.start()| instead.
- |health#report_warn|, |vim.health.report_warn()| Use |vim.health.warn()| instead.
• |API| functions:
- |nvim_buf_get_option()| Use |nvim_get_option_value()| instead.
- |nvim_buf_set_option()| Use |nvim_set_option_value()| instead.
- |nvim_get_option()| Use |nvim_get_option_value()| instead.
- |nvim_set_option()| Use |nvim_set_option_value()| instead.
- |nvim_win_get_option()| Use |nvim_get_option_value()| instead.
- |nvim_win_set_option()| Use |nvim_set_option_value()| instead.
• vim.lsp functions:
- |vim.lsp.util.get_progress_messages()| Use |vim.lsp.status()| instead.
- |vim.lsp.get_active_clients()| Use |vim.lsp.get_clients()| instead.
- |vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client()| Use |vim.lsp.get_clients()| instead.
- |vim.lsp.util.trim_empty_lines()| Use |vim.split()| with `trimempty` instead.
- |vim.lsp.util.try_trim_markdown_code_blocks()|
- |vim.lsp.util.set_lines()|
- |vim.lsp.util.extract_completion_items()|
- |vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet()|
- |vim.lsp.util.text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items()|
• `vim.loop` has been renamed to `vim.uv`.
• vim.treesitter.languagetree functions:
- |LanguageTree:for_each_child()| Use |LanguageTree:children()| (non-recursive) instead.
• The "term_background" UI option |ui-ext-options| is deprecated and no longer
populated. Background color detection is now performed in Lua by the Nvim
core, not the TUI.