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-- Functions shared by Nvim and its test-suite.
-- These are "pure" lua functions not depending of the state of the editor.
-- Thus they should always be available whenever nvim-related lua code is run,
-- regardless if it is code in the editor itself, or in worker threads/processes,
-- or the test suite. (Eventually the test suite will be run in a worker process,
-- so this wouldn't be a separate case to consider)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: lowercase-global
vim = vim or {}
---@generic T
---@param orig T
---@param cache? table<any,any>
---@return T
local function deepcopy(orig, cache)
if orig == vim.NIL then
return vim.NIL
elseif type(orig) == 'userdata' or type(orig) == 'thread' then
error('Cannot deepcopy object of type ' .. type(orig))
elseif type(orig) ~= 'table' then
return orig
--- @cast orig table<any,any>
if cache and cache[orig] then
return cache[orig]
local copy = {} --- @type table<any,any>
if cache then
cache[orig] = copy
for k, v in pairs(orig) do
copy[deepcopy(k, cache)] = deepcopy(v, cache)
return setmetatable(copy, getmetatable(orig))
--- Returns a deep copy of the given object. Non-table objects are copied as
--- in a typical Lua assignment, whereas table objects are copied recursively.
--- Functions are naively copied, so functions in the copied table point to the
--- same functions as those in the input table. Userdata and threads are not
--- copied and will throw an error.
--- Note: `noref=true` is much more performant on tables with unique table
--- fields, while `noref=false` is more performant on tables that reuse table
--- fields.
---@generic T: table
---@param orig T Table to copy
---@param noref? boolean
--- When `false` (default) a contained table is only copied once and all
--- references point to this single copy. When `true` every occurrence of a
--- table results in a new copy. This also means that a cyclic reference can
--- cause `deepcopy()` to fail.
---@return T Table of copied keys and (nested) values.
function vim.deepcopy(orig, noref)
return deepcopy(orig, not noref and {} or nil)
--- @class vim.gsplit.Opts
--- @inlinedoc
--- Use `sep` literally (as in string.find).
--- @field plain? boolean
--- Discard empty segments at start and end of the sequence.
--- @field trimempty? boolean
--- Gets an |iterator| that splits a string at each instance of a separator, in "lazy" fashion
--- (as opposed to |vim.split()| which is "eager").
--- Example:
--- ```lua
--- for s in vim.gsplit(':aa::b:', ':', {plain=true}) do
--- print(s)
--- end
--- ```
--- If you want to also inspect the separator itself (instead of discarding it), use
--- |string.gmatch()|. Example:
--- ```lua
--- for word, num in ('foo111bar222'):gmatch('([^0-9]*)(%d*)') do
--- print(('word: %s num: %s'):format(word, num))
--- end
--- ```
--- @see |string.gmatch()|
--- @see |vim.split()|
--- @see |lua-patterns|
--- @see https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html
--- @see http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringLibraryTutorial
--- @param s string String to split
--- @param sep string Separator or pattern
--- @param opts? vim.gsplit.Opts Keyword arguments |kwargs|:
--- @return fun():string? : Iterator over the split components
function vim.gsplit(s, sep, opts)
local plain --- @type boolean?
local trimempty = false
if type(opts) == 'boolean' then
plain = opts -- For backwards compatibility.
vim.validate('s', s, 'string')
vim.validate('sep', sep, 'string')
vim.validate('opts', opts, 'table', true)
opts = opts or {}
plain, trimempty = opts.plain, opts.trimempty
local start = 1
local done = false
-- For `trimempty`: queue of collected segments, to be emitted at next pass.
local segs = {}
local empty_start = true -- Only empty segments seen so far.
--- @param i integer?
--- @param j integer
--- @param ... unknown
--- @return string
--- @return ...
local function _pass(i, j, ...)
if i then
assert(j + 1 > start, 'Infinite loop detected')
local seg = s:sub(start, i - 1)
start = j + 1
return seg, ...
done = true
return s:sub(start)
return function()
if trimempty and #segs > 0 then
-- trimempty: Pop the collected segments.
return table.remove(segs)
elseif done or (s == '' and sep == '') then
return nil
elseif sep == '' then
if start == #s then
done = true
return _pass(start + 1, start)
local seg = _pass(s:find(sep, start, plain))
-- Trim empty segments from start/end.
if trimempty and seg ~= '' then
empty_start = false
elseif trimempty and seg == '' then
while not done and seg == '' do
table.insert(segs, 1, '')
seg = _pass(s:find(sep, start, plain))
if done and seg == '' then
return nil
elseif empty_start then
empty_start = false
segs = {}
return seg
if seg ~= '' then
table.insert(segs, 1, seg)
return table.remove(segs)
return seg
--- Splits a string at each instance of a separator and returns the result as a table (unlike
--- |vim.gsplit()|).
--- Examples:
--- ```lua
--- split(":aa::b:", ":") --> {'','aa','','b',''}
--- split("axaby", "ab?") --> {'','x','y'}
--- split("x*yz*o", "*", {plain=true}) --> {'x','yz','o'}
--- split("|x|y|z|", "|", {trimempty=true}) --> {'x', 'y', 'z'}
--- ```
---@see |vim.gsplit()|
---@see |string.gmatch()|
---@param s string String to split
---@param sep string Separator or pattern
---@param opts? vim.gsplit.Opts Keyword arguments |kwargs|:
---@return string[] : List of split components
function vim.split(s, sep, opts)
local t = {}
for c in vim.gsplit(s, sep, opts) do
table.insert(t, c)
return t
--- Return a list of all keys used in a table.
--- However, the order of the return table of keys is not guaranteed.
---@see From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua
---@generic T
---@param t table<T, any> (table) Table
---@return T[] : List of keys
function vim.tbl_keys(t)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
--- @cast t table<any,any>
local keys = {}
for k in pairs(t) do
table.insert(keys, k)
return keys
--- Return a list of all values used in a table.
--- However, the order of the return table of values is not guaranteed.
---@generic T
---@param t table<any, T> (table) Table
---@return T[] : List of values
function vim.tbl_values(t)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
local values = {}
for _, v in
pairs(t --[[@as table<any,any>]])
table.insert(values, v)
return values
--- Apply a function to all values of a table.
---@generic T
---@param func fun(value: T): any Function
---@param t table<any, T> Table
---@return table : Table of transformed values
function vim.tbl_map(func, t)
vim.validate('func', func, 'callable')
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
--- @cast t table<any,any>
local rettab = {} --- @type table<any,any>
for k, v in pairs(t) do
rettab[k] = func(v)
return rettab
--- Filter a table using a predicate function
---@generic T
---@param func fun(value: T): boolean (function) Function
---@param t table<any, T> (table) Table
---@return T[] : Table of filtered values
function vim.tbl_filter(func, t)
vim.validate('func', func, 'callable')
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
--- @cast t table<any,any>
local rettab = {} --- @type table<any,any>
for _, entry in pairs(t) do
if func(entry) then
rettab[#rettab + 1] = entry
return rettab
--- @class vim.tbl_contains.Opts
--- @inlinedoc
--- `value` is a function reference to be checked (default false)
--- @field predicate? boolean
--- Checks if a table contains a given value, specified either directly or via
--- a predicate that is checked for each value.
--- Example:
--- ```lua
--- vim.tbl_contains({ 'a', { 'b', 'c' } }, function(v)
--- return vim.deep_equal(v, { 'b', 'c' })
--- end, { predicate = true })
--- -- true
--- ```
---@see |vim.list_contains()| for checking values in list-like tables
---@param t table Table to check
---@param value any Value to compare or predicate function reference
---@param opts? vim.tbl_contains.Opts Keyword arguments |kwargs|:
---@return boolean `true` if `t` contains `value`
function vim.tbl_contains(t, value, opts)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
vim.validate('opts', opts, 'table', true)
--- @cast t table<any,any>
local pred --- @type fun(v: any): boolean?
if opts and opts.predicate then
vim.validate('value', value, 'callable')
pred = value
pred = function(v)
return v == value
for _, v in pairs(t) do
if pred(v) then
return true
return false
--- Checks if a list-like table (integer keys without gaps) contains `value`.
---@see |vim.tbl_contains()| for checking values in general tables
---@param t table Table to check (must be list-like, not validated)
---@param value any Value to compare
---@return boolean `true` if `t` contains `value`
function vim.list_contains(t, value)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
--- @cast t table<any,any>
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if v == value then
return true
return false
--- Checks if a table is empty.
---@see https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua
---@param t table Table to check
---@return boolean `true` if `t` is empty
function vim.tbl_isempty(t)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
return next(t) == nil
--- We only merge empty tables or tables that are not list-like (indexed by consecutive integers
--- starting from 1)
local function can_merge(v)
return type(v) == 'table' and (vim.tbl_isempty(v) or not vim.islist(v))
--- Recursive worker for tbl_extend
--- @param behavior 'error'|'keep'|'force'
--- @param deep_extend boolean
--- @param ... table<any,any>
local function tbl_extend_rec(behavior, deep_extend, ...)
local ret = {} --- @type table<any,any>
if vim._empty_dict_mt ~= nil and getmetatable(select(1, ...)) == vim._empty_dict_mt then
ret = vim.empty_dict()
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
local tbl = select(i, ...) --[[@as table<any,any>]]
if tbl then
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
if deep_extend and can_merge(v) and can_merge(ret[k]) then
ret[k] = tbl_extend_rec(behavior, true, ret[k], v)
elseif behavior ~= 'force' and ret[k] ~= nil then
if behavior == 'error' then
error('key found in more than one map: ' .. k)
end -- Else behavior is "keep".
ret[k] = v
return ret
--- @param behavior 'error'|'keep'|'force'
--- @param deep_extend boolean
--- @param ... table<any,any>
local function tbl_extend(behavior, deep_extend, ...)
if behavior ~= 'error' and behavior ~= 'keep' and behavior ~= 'force' then
error('invalid "behavior": ' .. tostring(behavior))
local nargs = select('#', ...)
if nargs < 2 then
error(('wrong number of arguments (given %d, expected at least 3)'):format(1 + nargs))
for i = 1, nargs do
vim.validate('after the second argument', select(i, ...), 'table')
return tbl_extend_rec(behavior, deep_extend, ...)
--- Merges two or more tables.
---@see |extend()|
---@param behavior 'error'|'keep'|'force' Decides what to do if a key is found in more than one map:
--- - "error": raise an error
--- - "keep": use value from the leftmost map
--- - "force": use value from the rightmost map
---@param ... table Two or more tables
---@return table : Merged table
function vim.tbl_extend(behavior, ...)
return tbl_extend(behavior, false, ...)
--- Merges recursively two or more tables.
--- Only values that are empty tables or tables that are not |lua-list|s (indexed by consecutive
--- integers starting from 1) are merged recursively. This is useful for merging nested tables
--- like default and user configurations where lists should be treated as literals (i.e., are
--- overwritten instead of merged).
---@see |vim.tbl_extend()|
---@generic T1: table
---@generic T2: table
---@param behavior 'error'|'keep'|'force' Decides what to do if a key is found in more than one map:
--- - "error": raise an error
--- - "keep": use value from the leftmost map
--- - "force": use value from the rightmost map
---@param ... T2 Two or more tables
---@return T1|T2 (table) Merged table
function vim.tbl_deep_extend(behavior, ...)
return tbl_extend(behavior, true, ...)
--- Deep compare values for equality
--- Tables are compared recursively unless they both provide the `eq` metamethod.
--- All other types are compared using the equality `==` operator.
---@param a any First value
---@param b any Second value
---@return boolean `true` if values are equals, else `false`
function vim.deep_equal(a, b)
if a == b then
return true
if type(a) ~= type(b) then
return false
if type(a) == 'table' then
--- @cast a table<any,any>
--- @cast b table<any,any>
for k, v in pairs(a) do
if not vim.deep_equal(v, b[k]) then
return false
for k in pairs(b) do
if a[k] == nil then
return false
return true
return false
--- Add the reverse lookup values to an existing table.
--- For example:
--- `tbl_add_reverse_lookup { A = 1 } == { [1] = 'A', A = 1 }`
--- Note that this *modifies* the input.
---@param o table Table to add the reverse to
---@return table o
function vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup(o)
vim.deprecate('vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup', nil, '0.12')
--- @cast o table<any,any>
--- @type any[]
local keys = vim.tbl_keys(o)
for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
local v = o[k]
if o[v] then
'The reverse lookup found an existing value for %q while processing key %q',
o[v] = k
return o
--- Index into a table (first argument) via string keys passed as subsequent arguments.
--- Return `nil` if the key does not exist.
--- Examples:
--- ```lua
--- vim.tbl_get({ key = { nested_key = true }}, 'key', 'nested_key') == true
--- vim.tbl_get({ key = {}}, 'key', 'nested_key') == nil
--- ```
---@param o table Table to index
---@param ... any Optional keys (0 or more, variadic) via which to index the table
---@return any # Nested value indexed by key (if it exists), else nil
function vim.tbl_get(o, ...)
local keys = { ... }
if #keys == 0 then
return nil
for i, k in ipairs(keys) do
o = o[k] --- @type any
if o == nil then
return nil
elseif type(o) ~= 'table' and next(keys, i) then
return nil
return o
--- Extends a list-like table with the values of another list-like table.
--- NOTE: This mutates dst!
---@see |vim.tbl_extend()|
---@generic T: table
---@param dst T List which will be modified and appended to
---@param src table List from which values will be inserted
---@param start integer? Start index on src. Defaults to 1
---@param finish integer? Final index on src. Defaults to `#src`
---@return T dst
function vim.list_extend(dst, src, start, finish)
vim.validate('dst', dst, 'table')
vim.validate('src', src, 'table')
vim.validate('start', start, 'number', true)
vim.validate('finish', finish, 'number', true)
for i = start or 1, finish or #src do
table.insert(dst, src[i])
return dst
--- @deprecated
--- Creates a copy of a list-like table such that any nested tables are
--- "unrolled" and appended to the result.
---@see From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua
---@param t table List-like table
---@return table Flattened copy of the given list-like table
function vim.tbl_flatten(t)
vim.deprecate('vim.tbl_flatten', 'vim.iter(…):flatten():totable()', '0.13')
local result = {}
--- @param _t table<any,any>
local function _tbl_flatten(_t)
local n = #_t
for i = 1, n do
local v = _t[i]
if type(v) == 'table' then
elseif v then
table.insert(result, v)
return result
--- Enumerates key-value pairs of a table, ordered by key.
---@see Based on https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua
---@generic T: table, K, V
---@param t T Dict-like table
---@return fun(table: table<K, V>, index?: K):K, V # |for-in| iterator over sorted keys and their values
---@return T
function vim.spairs(t)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
--- @cast t table<any,any>
-- collect the keys
local keys = {}
for k in pairs(t) do
table.insert(keys, k)
-- Return the iterator function.
local i = 0
return function()
i = i + 1
if keys[i] then
return keys[i], t[keys[i]]
--- Tests if `t` is an "array": a table indexed _only_ by integers (potentially non-contiguous).
--- If the indexes start from 1 and are contiguous then the array is also a list. |vim.islist()|
--- Empty table `{}` is an array, unless it was created by |vim.empty_dict()| or returned as
--- a dict-like |API| or Vimscript result, for example from |rpcrequest()| or |vim.fn|.
---@see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2#tableisarray
---@param t? table
---@return boolean `true` if array-like table, else `false`.
function vim.isarray(t)
if type(t) ~= 'table' then
return false
--- @cast t table<any,any>
local count = 0
for k, _ in pairs(t) do
-- Check if the number k is an integer
if type(k) == 'number' and k == math.floor(k) then
count = count + 1
return false
if count > 0 then
return true
-- TODO(bfredl): in the future, we will always be inside nvim
-- then this check can be deleted.
if vim._empty_dict_mt == nil then
return false
return getmetatable(t) ~= vim._empty_dict_mt
--- @deprecated
function vim.tbl_islist(t)
vim.deprecate('vim.tbl_islist', 'vim.islist', '0.12')
return vim.islist(t)
--- Tests if `t` is a "list": a table indexed _only_ by contiguous integers starting from 1 (what
--- |lua-length| calls a "regular array").
--- Empty table `{}` is a list, unless it was created by |vim.empty_dict()| or returned as
--- a dict-like |API| or Vimscript result, for example from |rpcrequest()| or |vim.fn|.
---@see |vim.isarray()|
---@param t? table
---@return boolean `true` if list-like table, else `false`.
function vim.islist(t)
if type(t) ~= 'table' then
return false
if next(t) == nil then
return getmetatable(t) ~= vim._empty_dict_mt
local j = 1
for _ in
pairs(t--[[@as table<any,any>]])
if t[j] == nil then
return false
j = j + 1
return true
--- Counts the number of non-nil values in table `t`.
--- ```lua
--- vim.tbl_count({ a=1, b=2 }) --> 2
--- vim.tbl_count({ 1, 2 }) --> 2
--- ```
---@see https://github.com/Tieske/Penlight/blob/master/lua/pl/tablex.lua
---@param t table Table
---@return integer : Number of non-nil values in table
function vim.tbl_count(t)
vim.validate('t', t, 'table')
--- @cast t table<any,any>
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(t) do
count = count + 1
return count
--- Creates a copy of a table containing only elements from start to end (inclusive)
---@generic T
---@param list T[] Table
---@param start integer|nil Start range of slice
---@param finish integer|nil End range of slice
---@return T[] Copy of table sliced from start to finish (inclusive)
function vim.list_slice(list, start, finish)
local new_list = {} --- @type `T`[]
for i = start or 1, finish or #list do
new_list[#new_list + 1] = list[i]
return new_list
--- Trim whitespace (Lua pattern "%s") from both sides of a string.
---@see |lua-patterns|
---@see https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html
---@param s string String to trim
---@return string String with whitespace removed from its beginning and end
function vim.trim(s)
vim.validate('s', s, 'string')
return s:match('^%s*(.*%S)') or ''
--- Escapes magic chars in |lua-patterns|.
---@see https://github.com/rxi/lume
---@param s string String to escape
---@return string %-escaped pattern string
function vim.pesc(s)
vim.validate('s', s, 'string')
return (s:gsub('[%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$]', '%%%1'))
--- Tests if `s` starts with `prefix`.
---@param s string String
---@param prefix string Prefix to match
---@return boolean `true` if `prefix` is a prefix of `s`
function vim.startswith(s, prefix)
vim.validate('s', s, 'string')
vim.validate('prefix', prefix, 'string')
return s:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix
--- Tests if `s` ends with `suffix`.
---@param s string String
---@param suffix string Suffix to match
---@return boolean `true` if `suffix` is a suffix of `s`
function vim.endswith(s, suffix)
vim.validate('s', s, 'string')
vim.validate('suffix', suffix, 'string')
return #suffix == 0 or s:sub(-#suffix) == suffix
--- @alias vim.validate.Validator
--- | type
--- | 'callable'
--- | (type|'callable')[]
--- | fun(v:any):boolean, string?
local type_aliases = {
b = 'boolean',
c = 'callable',
f = 'function',
n = 'number',
s = 'string',
t = 'table',
--- @nodoc
--- @class vim.validate.Spec
--- @field [1] any Argument value
--- @field [2] vim.validate.Validator Argument validator
--- @field [3]? boolean|string Optional flag or error message
local function is_type(val, t)
return type(val) == t or (t == 'callable' and vim.is_callable(val))
--- @param param_name string
--- @param val any
--- @param validator vim.validate.Validator
--- @param message? string
--- @param allow_alias? boolean Allow short type names: 'n', 's', 't', 'b', 'f', 'c'
--- @return string?
local function is_valid(param_name, val, validator, message, allow_alias)
if type(validator) == 'string' then
local expected = allow_alias and type_aliases[validator] or validator
if not expected then
return string.format('invalid type name: %s', validator)
if not is_type(val, expected) then
return string.format('%s: expected %s, got %s', param_name, expected, type(val))
elseif vim.is_callable(validator) then
-- Check user-provided validation function
local valid, opt_msg = validator(val)
if not valid then
local err_msg =
string.format('%s: expected %s, got %s', param_name, message or '?', tostring(val))
if opt_msg then
err_msg = string.format('%s. Info: %s', err_msg, opt_msg)
return err_msg
elseif type(validator) == 'table' then
for _, t in ipairs(validator) do
local expected = allow_alias and type_aliases[t] or t
if not expected then
return string.format('invalid type name: %s', t)
if is_type(val, expected) then
return -- success
-- Normalize validator types for error message
if allow_alias then
for i, t in ipairs(validator) do
validator[i] = type_aliases[t] or t
return string.format(
'%s: expected %s, got %s',
table.concat(validator, '|'),
return string.format('invalid validator: %s', tostring(validator))
--- @param opt table<type|'callable',vim.validate.Spec>
--- @return string?
local function validate_spec(opt)
local report --- @type table<string,string>?
for param_name, spec in pairs(opt) do
local err_msg --- @type string?
if type(spec) ~= 'table' then
err_msg = string.format('opt[%s]: expected table, got %s', param_name, type(spec))
local value, validator = spec[1], spec[2]
local msg = type(spec[3]) == 'string' and spec[3] or nil --[[@as string?]]
local optional = spec[3] == true
if not (optional and value == nil) then
err_msg = is_valid(param_name, value, validator, msg, true)
if err_msg then
report = report or {}
report[param_name] = err_msg
if report then
for _, msg in vim.spairs(report) do -- luacheck: ignore
return msg
--- Validate function arguments.
--- This function has two valid forms:
--- 1. `vim.validate(name, value, validator[, optional][, message])`
--- Validates that argument {name} with value {value} satisfies
--- {validator}. If {optional} is given and is `true`, then {value} may be
--- `nil`. If {message} is given, then it is used as the expected type in the
--- error message.
--- Example:
--- ```lua
--- function vim.startswith(s, prefix)
--- vim.validate('s', s, 'string')
--- vim.validate('prefix', prefix, 'string')
--- ...
--- end
--- ```
--- 2. `vim.validate(spec)` (deprecated)
--- where `spec` is of type
--- `table<string,[value:any, validator: vim.validate.Validator, optional_or_msg? : boolean|string]>)`
--- Validates a argument specification.
--- Specs are evaluated in alphanumeric order, until the first failure.
--- Example:
--- ```lua
--- function user.new(name, age, hobbies)
--- vim.validate{
--- name={name, 'string'},
--- age={age, 'number'},
--- hobbies={hobbies, 'table'},
--- }
--- ...
--- end
--- ```
--- Examples with explicit argument values (can be run directly):
--- ```lua
--- vim.validate('arg1', {'foo'}, 'table')
--- --> NOP (success)
--- vim.validate('arg2', 'foo', 'string')
--- --> NOP (success)
--- vim.validate('arg1', 1, 'table')
--- --> error('arg1: expected table, got number')
--- vim.validate('arg1', 3, function(a) return (a % 2) == 0 end, 'even number')
--- --> error('arg1: expected even number, got 3')
--- ```
--- If multiple types are valid they can be given as a list.
--- ```lua
--- vim.validate('arg1', {'foo'}, {'table', 'string'})
--- vim.validate('arg2', 'foo', {'table', 'string'})
--- -- NOP (success)
--- vim.validate('arg1', 1, {'string', 'table'})
--- -- error('arg1: expected string|table, got number')
--- ```
--- @note `validator` set to a value returned by |lua-type()| provides the
--- best performance.
--- @param name string Argument name
--- @param value string Argument value
--- @param validator vim.validate.Validator
--- - (`string|string[]`): Any value that can be returned from |lua-type()| in addition to
--- `'callable'`: `'boolean'`, `'callable'`, `'function'`, `'nil'`, `'number'`, `'string'`, `'table'`,
--- `'thread'`, `'userdata'`.
--- - (`fun(val:any): boolean, string?`) A function that returns a boolean and an optional
--- string message.
--- @param optional? boolean Argument is optional (may be omitted)
--- @param message? string message when validation fails
--- @overload fun(name: string, val: any, validator: vim.validate.Validator, message: string)
--- @overload fun(spec: table<string,[any, vim.validate.Validator, boolean|string]>)
function vim.validate(name, value, validator, optional, message)
local err_msg --- @type string?
if validator then -- Form 1
-- Check validator as a string first to optimize the common case.
local ok = (type(value) == validator) or (value == nil and optional == true)
if not ok then
local msg = type(optional) == 'string' and optional or message --[[@as string?]]
-- Check more complicated validators
err_msg = is_valid(name, value, validator, msg, false)
elseif type(name) == 'table' then -- Form 2
vim.deprecate('vim.validate', 'vim.validate(name, value, validator, optional_or_msg)', '1.0')
err_msg = validate_spec(name)
error('invalid arguments')
if err_msg then
error(err_msg, 2)
--- Returns true if object `f` can be called as a function.
---@param f any Any object
---@return boolean `true` if `f` is callable, else `false`
function vim.is_callable(f)
if type(f) == 'function' then
return true
local m = getmetatable(f)
if m == nil then
return false
return type(rawget(m, '__call')) == 'function'
--- Creates a table whose missing keys are provided by {createfn} (like Python's "defaultdict").
--- If {createfn} is `nil` it defaults to defaulttable() itself, so accessing nested keys creates
--- nested tables:
--- ```lua
--- local a = vim.defaulttable()
--- a.b.c = 1
--- ```
---@param createfn? fun(key:any):any Provides the value for a missing `key`.
---@return table # Empty table with `__index` metamethod.
function vim.defaulttable(createfn)
createfn = createfn or function(_)
return vim.defaulttable()
return setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(tbl, key)
rawset(tbl, key, createfn(key))
return rawget(tbl, key)
---@class vim.Ringbuf<T>
---@field private _items table[]
---@field private _idx_read integer
---@field private _idx_write integer
---@field private _size integer
---@overload fun(self): table?
local Ringbuf = {}
--- Clear all items
function Ringbuf.clear(self)
self._items = {}
self._idx_read = 0
self._idx_write = 0
--- Adds an item, overriding the oldest item if the buffer is full.
---@generic T
---@param item T
function Ringbuf.push(self, item)
self._items[self._idx_write] = item
self._idx_write = (self._idx_write + 1) % self._size
if self._idx_write == self._idx_read then
self._idx_read = (self._idx_read + 1) % self._size
--- Removes and returns the first unread item
---@generic T
---@return T?
function Ringbuf.pop(self)
local idx_read = self._idx_read
if idx_read == self._idx_write then
return nil
local item = self._items[idx_read]
self._items[idx_read] = nil
self._idx_read = (idx_read + 1) % self._size
return item
--- Returns the first unread item without removing it
---@generic T
---@return T?
function Ringbuf.peek(self)
if self._idx_read == self._idx_write then
return nil
return self._items[self._idx_read]
--- Create a ring buffer limited to a maximal number of items.
--- Once the buffer is full, adding a new entry overrides the oldest entry.
--- ```lua
--- local ringbuf = vim.ringbuf(4)
--- ringbuf:push("a")
--- ringbuf:push("b")
--- ringbuf:push("c")
--- ringbuf:push("d")
--- ringbuf:push("e") -- overrides "a"
--- print(ringbuf:pop()) -- returns "b"
--- print(ringbuf:pop()) -- returns "c"
--- -- Can be used as iterator. Pops remaining items:
--- for val in ringbuf do
--- print(val)
--- end
--- ```
--- Returns a Ringbuf instance with the following methods:
--- - |Ringbuf:push()|
--- - |Ringbuf:pop()|
--- - |Ringbuf:peek()|
--- - |Ringbuf:clear()|
---@param size integer
---@return vim.Ringbuf ringbuf
function vim.ringbuf(size)
local ringbuf = {
_items = {},
_size = size + 1,
_idx_read = 0,
_idx_write = 0,
return setmetatable(ringbuf, {
__index = Ringbuf,
__call = function(self)
return self:pop()
--- @private
--- @generic T
--- @param root string
--- @param mod T
--- @return T
function vim._defer_require(root, mod)
return setmetatable({ _submodules = mod }, {
---@param t table<string, any>
---@param k string
__index = function(t, k)
if not mod[k] then
local name = string.format('%s.%s', root, k)
t[k] = require(name)
return t[k]
--- @private
--- Creates a module alias/shim that lazy-loads a target module.
--- Unlike `vim.defaulttable()` this also:
--- - implements __call
--- - calls vim.deprecate()
--- @param old_name string Name of the deprecated module, which will be shimmed.
--- @param new_name string Name of the new module, which will be loaded by require().
function vim._defer_deprecated_module(old_name, new_name)
return setmetatable({}, {
---@param _ table<string, any>
---@param k string
__index = function(_, k)
vim.deprecate(old_name, new_name, '2.0.0', nil, false)
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
local target = require(new_name)
return target[k]
__call = function(self)
vim.deprecate(old_name, new_name, '2.0.0', nil, false)
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
local target = require(new_name)
return target(self)
--- @nodoc
--- @class vim.context.mods
--- @field bo? table<string, any>
--- @field buf? integer
--- @field emsg_silent? boolean
--- @field env? table<string, any>
--- @field go? table<string, any>
--- @field hide? boolean
--- @field keepalt? boolean
--- @field keepjumps? boolean
--- @field keepmarks? boolean
--- @field keeppatterns? boolean
--- @field lockmarks? boolean
--- @field noautocmd? boolean
--- @field o? table<string, any>
--- @field sandbox? boolean
--- @field silent? boolean
--- @field unsilent? boolean
--- @field win? integer
--- @field wo? table<string, any>
--- @nodoc
--- @class vim.context.state
--- @field bo? table<string, any>
--- @field env? table<string, any>
--- @field go? table<string, any>
--- @field wo? table<string, any>
local scope_map = { buf = 'bo', global = 'go', win = 'wo' }
local scope_order = { 'o', 'wo', 'bo', 'go', 'env' }
local state_restore_order = { 'bo', 'wo', 'go', 'env' }
--- Gets data about current state, enough to properly restore specified options/env/etc.
--- @param context vim.context.mods
--- @return vim.context.state
local get_context_state = function(context)
--- @type vim.context.state
local res = { bo = {}, env = {}, go = {}, wo = {} }
-- Use specific order from possibly most to least intrusive
for _, scope in ipairs(scope_order) do
for name, _ in
pairs(context[scope] or {} --[[@as table<string,any>]])
local sc = scope == 'o' and scope_map[vim.api.nvim_get_option_info2(name, {}).scope] or scope
-- Do not override already set state and fall back to `vim.NIL` for
-- state `nil` values (which still needs restoring later)
res[sc][name] = res[sc][name] or vim[sc][name] or vim.NIL
-- Always track global option value to properly restore later.
-- This matters for at least `o` and `wo` (which might set either/both
-- local and global option values).
if sc ~= 'env' then
res.go[name] = res.go[name] or vim.go[name]
return res
--- Executes function `f` with the given context specification.
--- Notes:
--- - Context `{ buf = buf }` has no guarantees about current window when
--- inside context.
--- - Context `{ buf = buf, win = win }` is yet not allowed, but this seems
--- to be an implementation detail.
--- - There should be no way to revert currently set `context.sandbox = true`
--- (like with nested `vim._with()` calls). Otherwise it kind of breaks the
--- whole purpose of sandbox execution.
--- - Saving and restoring option contexts (`bo`, `go`, `o`, `wo`) trigger
--- `OptionSet` events. This is an implementation issue because not doing it
--- seems to mean using either 'eventignore' option or extra nesting with
--- `{ noautocmd = true }` (which itself is a wrapper for 'eventignore').
--- As `{ go = { eventignore = '...' } }` is a valid context which should be
--- properly set and restored, this is not a good approach.
--- Not triggering `OptionSet` seems to be a good idea, though. So probably
--- only moving context save and restore to lower level might resolve this.
--- @param context vim.context.mods
--- @param f function
--- @return any
function vim._with(context, f)
vim.validate('context', context, 'table')
vim.validate('f', f, 'function')
vim.validate('context.bo', context.bo, 'table', true)
vim.validate('context.buf', context.buf, 'number', true)
vim.validate('context.emsg_silent', context.emsg_silent, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.env', context.env, 'table', true)
vim.validate('context.go', context.go, 'table', true)
vim.validate('context.hide', context.hide, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.keepalt', context.keepalt, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.keepjumps', context.keepjumps, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.keepmarks', context.keepmarks, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.keeppatterns', context.keeppatterns, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.lockmarks', context.lockmarks, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.noautocmd', context.noautocmd, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.o', context.o, 'table', true)
vim.validate('context.sandbox', context.sandbox, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.silent', context.silent, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.unsilent', context.unsilent, 'boolean', true)
vim.validate('context.win', context.win, 'number', true)
vim.validate('context.wo', context.wo, 'table', true)
-- Check buffer exists
if context.buf then
if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(context.buf) then
error('Invalid buffer id: ' .. context.buf)
-- Check window exists
if context.win then
if not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(context.win) then
error('Invalid window id: ' .. context.win)
-- TODO: Maybe allow it?
if context.buf and vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(context.win) ~= context.buf then
error('Can not set both `buf` and `win` context.')
-- Decorate so that save-set-restore options is done in correct window-buffer
local callback = function()
-- Cache current values to be changed by context
-- Abort early in case of bad context value
local ok, state = pcall(get_context_state, context)
if not ok then
error(state, 0)
-- Apply some parts of the context in specific order
-- NOTE: triggers `OptionSet` event
for _, scope in ipairs(scope_order) do
for name, context_value in
pairs(context[scope] or {} --[[@as table<string,any>]])
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
vim[scope][name] = context_value
-- Execute
local res = { pcall(f) }
-- Restore relevant cached values in specific order, global scope last
-- NOTE: triggers `OptionSet` event
for _, scope in ipairs(state_restore_order) do
for name, cached_value in
pairs(state[scope] --[[@as table<string,any>]])
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
vim[scope][name] = cached_value
-- Return
if not res[1] then
error(res[2], 0)
table.remove(res, 1)
return unpack(res, 1, table.maxn(res))
return vim._with_c(context, callback)
return vim