mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 13:45:15 -07:00
321 lines
15 KiB
321 lines
15 KiB
local helpers = require("test.unit.helpers")(after_each)
local bit = require('bit')
local itp = helpers.gen_itp(it)
local child_call_once = helpers.child_call_once
local cimport = helpers.cimport
local ffi = helpers.ffi
local lib = cimport('./src/nvim/charset.h')
num = ffi.typeof('varnumber_T[1]'),
unum = ffi.typeof('uvarnumber_T[1]'),
pre = ffi.typeof('int[1]'),
len = ffi.typeof('int[1]'),
local icnt = -42
local ucnt = 4242
local function arginit(arg)
if arg == 'unum' then
ucnt = ucnt + 1
return ARGTYPES[arg]({ucnt})
icnt = icnt - 1
return ARGTYPES[arg]({icnt})
local function argreset(arg, args)
if arg == 'unum' then
ucnt = ucnt + 1
args[arg][0] = ucnt
icnt = icnt - 1
args[arg][0] = icnt
local function test_vim_str2nr(s, what, exp, maxlen)
local bits = {}
for k, _ in pairs(exp) do
bits[#bits + 1] = k
maxlen = maxlen or #s
local args = {}
for k, _ in pairs(ARGTYPES) do
args[k] = arginit(k)
for case = 0, ((2 ^ (#bits)) - 1) do
local cv = {}
for b = 0, (#bits - 1) do
if bit.band(case, (2 ^ b)) == 0 then
local k = bits[b + 1]
argreset(k, args)
cv[k] = args[k]
lib.vim_str2nr(s, cv.pre, cv.len, what, cv.num, cv.unum, maxlen)
for cck, ccv in pairs(cv) do
if exp[cck] ~= tonumber(ccv[0]) then
error(('Failed check (%s = %d) in test (s=%s, w=%u, m=%d): %d'):format(
cck, exp[cck], s, tonumber(what), maxlen, tonumber(ccv[0])
local _itp = itp
itp = function(...)
describe('vim_str2nr()', function()
itp('works fine when it has nothing to do', function()
test_vim_str2nr('', 0, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_ALL, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_BIN, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_OCT, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_HEX, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_FORCE + lib.STR2NR_DEC, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_FORCE + lib.STR2NR_BIN, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_FORCE + lib.STR2NR_OCT, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('', lib.STR2NR_FORCE + lib.STR2NR_HEX, {len = 0, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 0)
itp('works with decimal numbers', function()
for _, flags in ipairs({
lib.STR2NR_BIN + lib.STR2NR_OCT,
lib.STR2NR_BIN + lib.STR2NR_HEX,
lib.STR2NR_OCT + lib.STR2NR_HEX,
}) do
-- Check that all digits are recognized
test_vim_str2nr( '12345', flags, {len = 5, num = 12345, unum = 12345, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '67890', flags, {len = 5, num = 67890, unum = 67890, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '12345A', flags, {len = 5, num = 12345, unum = 12345, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '67890A', flags, {len = 5, num = 67890, unum = 67890, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '42', flags, {len = 2, num = 42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '42', flags, {len = 1, num = 4, unum = 4, pre = 0}, 1)
test_vim_str2nr( '42', flags, {len = 2, num = 42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 2)
test_vim_str2nr( '42', flags, {len = 2, num = 42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 3) -- includes NUL byte in maxlen
test_vim_str2nr( '42x', flags, {len = 2, num = 42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '42x', flags, {len = 2, num = 42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-42', flags, {len = 3, num = -42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-42', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0}, 1)
test_vim_str2nr('-42x', flags, {len = 3, num = -42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-42x', flags, {len = 3, num = -42, unum = 42, pre = 0}, 4)
itp('works with binary numbers', function()
for _, flags in ipairs({
lib.STR2NR_BIN + lib.STR2NR_OCT,
lib.STR2NR_BIN + lib.STR2NR_HEX,
}) do
local bin
local BIN
if flags > lib.STR2NR_FORCE then
bin = 0
BIN = 0
bin = ('b'):byte()
BIN = ('B'):byte()
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 3, num = 1, unum = 1, pre = bin}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 4, num = 2, unum = 2, pre = bin}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b101', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b1012', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0b1012', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 4, num = -1, unum = 1, pre = bin}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 5, num = -2, unum = 2, pre = bin}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b101', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 7)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b1012', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0b1012', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = bin}, 7)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 3, num = 1, unum = 1, pre = BIN}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 4, num = 2, unum = 2, pre = BIN}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B101', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B1012', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0B1012', flags, {len = 5, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 4, num = -1, unum = 1, pre = BIN}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 5, num = -2, unum = 2, pre = BIN}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B101', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 7)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B1012', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0B1012', flags, {len = 6, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = BIN}, 7)
if flags > lib.STR2NR_FORCE then
test_vim_str2nr('-101', flags, {len = 4, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = 0}, 0)
itp('works with octal numbers', function()
for _, flags in ipairs({
lib.STR2NR_OCT + lib.STR2NR_BIN,
lib.STR2NR_OCT + lib.STR2NR_HEX,
}) do
local oct
if flags > lib.STR2NR_FORCE then
oct = 0
oct = ('0'):byte()
-- Check that all digits are recognized
test_vim_str2nr( '012345670', flags, {len = 9, num = 2739128, unum = 2739128, pre = oct}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '054', flags, {len = 3, num = 44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '054', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr( '054', flags, {len = 2, num = 5, unum = 5, pre = oct}, 2)
test_vim_str2nr( '054', flags, {len = 3, num = 44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr( '0548', flags, {len = 3, num = 44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr( '054', flags, {len = 3, num = 44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr( '054x', flags, {len = 3, num = 44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr( '054x', flags, {len = 3, num = 44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-054', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-054', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr('-054', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr('-054', flags, {len = 3, num = -5, unum = 5, pre = oct}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-054', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr('-0548', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr('-054', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-054x', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-054x', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = oct}, 0)
if flags > lib.STR2NR_FORCE then
test_vim_str2nr('-54', flags, {len = 3, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0548', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = 0}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-0548', flags, {len = 4, num = -44, unum = 44, pre = 0}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0548', flags, {len = 5, num = -548, unum = 548, pre = 0}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-0548', flags, {len = 5, num = -548, unum = 548, pre = 0}, 0)
itp('works with hexadecimal numbers', function()
for _, flags in ipairs({
lib.STR2NR_HEX + lib.STR2NR_BIN,
lib.STR2NR_HEX + lib.STR2NR_OCT,
}) do
local hex
local HEX
if flags > lib.STR2NR_FORCE then
hex = 0
HEX = 0
hex = ('x'):byte()
HEX = ('X'):byte()
-- Check that all digits are recognized
test_vim_str2nr('0x12345', flags, {len = 7, num = 74565, unum = 74565, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('0x67890', flags, {len = 7, num = 424080, unum = 424080, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('0xABCDEF', flags, {len = 8, num = 11259375, unum = 11259375, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('0xabcdef', flags, {len = 8, num = 11259375, unum = 11259375, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 3, num = 1, unum = 1, pre = hex}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 4, num = 16, unum = 16, pre = hex}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101G', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0x101G', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 4, num = -1, unum = 1, pre = hex}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 5, num = -16, unum = 16, pre = hex}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 7)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101G', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0x101G', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = hex}, 7)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 3, num = 1, unum = 1, pre = HEX}, 3)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 4, num = 16, unum = 16, pre = HEX}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101G', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr( '0X101G', flags, {len = 5, num = 257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 1, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 1)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 2)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 2, num = 0, unum = 0, pre = 0 }, 3)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 4, num = -1, unum = 1, pre = HEX}, 4)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 5, num = -16, unum = 16, pre = HEX}, 5)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 6)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 7)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101G', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 0)
test_vim_str2nr('-0X101G', flags, {len = 6, num =-257, unum =257, pre = HEX}, 7)
if flags > lib.STR2NR_FORCE then
test_vim_str2nr('-101', flags, {len = 4, num = -257, unum = 257, pre = 0}, 0)