2014-03-07 17:30:39 -03:00

106 lines
3.4 KiB

{:cimport, :eq, :ffi, :lib, :cstr} = require 'test.unit.helpers'
-- os = cimport './src/os_unix.h'
os = lib
ffi.cdef [[
enum BOOLEAN {
TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0
int mch_isdir(char_u * name);
int executable_file(char_u *name);
int mch_can_exe(char_u *name);
{:TRUE, :FALSE} = lib
describe 'os_unix function', ->
setup ->
lfs.mkdir 'unit-test-directory'
lfs.touch 'unit-test-directory/test.file'
-- Since the tests are executed, they are called by an executable. We use
-- that executable for several asserts.
export absolute_executable = arg[0]
-- Split absolute_executable into a directory and the actual file name and
-- append the directory to $PATH.
export directory, executable = if (string.find absolute_executable, '/')
string.match(absolute_executable, '^(.*)/(.*)$')
string.match(absolute_executable, '^(.*)\\(.*)$')
package.path = package.path .. ';' .. directory
teardown ->
lfs.rmdir 'unit-test-directory'
describe 'mch_isdir', ->
mch_isdir = (name) ->
name = cstr (string.len name), name
it 'returns false if an empty string is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir '')
it 'returns false if a nonexisting directory is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir 'non-existing-directory')
it 'returns false if an existing file is given', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_isdir 'non-existing-directory/test.file')
it 'returns true if the current directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir '.')
it 'returns true if the parent directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir '..')
it 'returns true if an arbitrary directory is given', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_isdir 'unit-test-directory')
describe 'executable_file', ->
executable_file = (name) ->
name = cstr (string.len name), name
os.executable_file name
it 'returns false when given a directory', ->
eq FALSE, (executable_file 'unit-test-directory')
it 'returns false when the given file does not exists', ->
eq FALSE, (executable_file 'does-not-exist.file')
it 'returns true when given an executable regular file', ->
eq TRUE, (executable_file absolute_executable)
it 'returns false when given a regular file without executable bit set', ->
-- This is a critical test since Windows does not have any executable
-- bit. Thus executable_file returns TRUE on every regular file on
-- Windows and this test will fail.
eq FALSE, (executable_file 'unit-test-directory/test.file')
describe 'mch_can_exe', ->
mch_can_exe = (name) ->
name = cstr (string.len name), name
os.mch_can_exe name
it 'returns false when given a directory', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_can_exe 'unit-test-directory')
it 'returns false when the given file does not exists', ->
eq FALSE, (mch_can_exe 'does-not-exist.file')
it 'returns true when given an executable in the current directory', ->
old_dir = lfs.currentdir!
lfs.chdir directory
eq TRUE, (mch_can_exe executable)
lfs.chdir old_dir
it 'returns true when given an executable inside $PATH', ->
eq TRUE, (mch_can_exe executable)
it 'returns true when given an executable relative to the current dir', ->
old_dir = lfs.currentdir!
lfs.chdir directory
relative_executable = './' .. executable
eq TRUE, (mch_can_exe relative_executable)
lfs.chdir old_dir