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docs: fix typos (#19798)
Co-authored-by: adrian5 <>
Co-authored-by: Eisuke Kawashima <>
2022-08-27 15:56:58 +08:00

2013 lines
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*lsp.txt* LSP
LSP client/framework *lsp* *LSP*
Nvim supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP), which means it acts as
a client to LSP servers and includes a Lua framework `vim.lsp` for building
enhanced LSP tools.
LSP facilitates features like go-to-definition, find-references, hover,
completion, rename, format, refactor, etc., using semantic whole-project
analysis (unlike |ctags|).
Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
QUICKSTART *lsp-quickstart*
Nvim provides an LSP client, but the servers are provided by third parties.
Follow these steps to get LSP features:
1. Install language servers using your package manager or by
following the upstream installation instruction.
A list of language servers is available at:
2. Configure the LSP client per language server.
A minimal example:
name = 'my-server-name',
cmd = {'name-of-language-server-executable'},
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'', 'pyproject.toml'}, { upward = true })[1]),
See |vim.lsp.start| for details.
3. Configure keymaps and autocmds to utilize LSP features.
See |lsp-config|.
Starting a LSP client will automatically report diagnostics via
|vim.diagnostic|. Read |vim.diagnostic.config| to learn how to customize the
It also sets some buffer options if the options are otherwise empty and if the
language server supports the functionality.
- |omnifunc| is set to |vim.lsp.omnifunc|. This allows to trigger completion
using |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-o|
- |tagfunc| is set to |vim.lsp.tagfunc|. This enables features like
go-to-definition, |:tjump|, and keymaps like |CTRL-]|, |CTRL-W_]|,
|CTRL-W_}| to utilize the language server.
- |formatexpr| is set to |vim.lsp.formatexpr| if both |formatprg| and
|formatexpr| are empty. This allows to format lines via |gq| if the language
server supports it.
To use other LSP features like hover, rename, etc. you can setup some
additional keymaps. It's recommended to setup them in a |LspAttach| autocmd to
ensure they're only active if there is a LSP client running. An example:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(args)
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = args.buf })
The most used functions are:
- |vim.lsp.buf.hover()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.format()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.references()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.implementation()|
- |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()|
Not all language servers provide the same capabilities. To ensure you only set
keymaps if the language server supports a feature, you can guard the keymap
calls behind capability checks:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
callback = function(args)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
if client.server_capabilities.hoverProvider then
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = args.buf })
To learn what capabilities are available you can run the following command in
a buffer with a started LSP client:
:lua =vim.lsp.get_active_clients()[1].server_capabilities
Full list of features provided by default can be found in |lsp-buf|.
FAQ *lsp-faq*
- Q: How to force-reload LSP?
A: Stop all clients, then reload the buffer. >
:lua vim.lsp.stop_client(vim.lsp.get_active_clients())
- Q: Why isn't completion working?
A: In the buffer where you want to use LSP, check that 'omnifunc' is set to
"v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc": >
:verbose set omnifunc?
< Some other plugin may be overriding the option. To avoid that, you could
set the option in an |after-directory| ftplugin, e.g.
- Q: How do I run a request synchronously (e.g. for formatting on file save)?
A: Use the `_sync` variant of the function provided by |lsp-buf|, if it
E.g. code formatting: >
" Auto-format *.rs (rust) files prior to saving them
autocmd BufWritePre *.rs lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)
- Q: How do LSP and Treesitter compare?
A: LSP requires a client and language server. The language server uses
semantic analysis to understand code at a project level. This provides
language servers with the ability to rename across files, find
definitions in external libraries and more.
Treesitter is a language parsing library that provides excellent tools
for incrementally parsing text and handling errors. This makes it a great
fit for editors to understand the contents of the current file for things
like syntax highlighting, simple goto-definitions, scope analysis and
LSP and Treesitter are both great tools for editing and inspecting code.
LSP API *lsp-api*
LSP core API is described at |lsp-core|. Those are the core functions for
creating and managing clients.
The `vim.lsp.buf_…` functions perform operations for all LSP clients attached
to the given buffer. |lsp-buf|
LSP request/response handlers are implemented as Lua functions (see
|lsp-handler|). The |vim.lsp.handlers| table defines default handlers used
when creating a new client. Keys are LSP method names: >
:lua print(vim.inspect(vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.handlers)))
Methods are the names of requests and notifications as defined by the LSP
specification. These LSP requests/notifications are defined by default:
* NOTE: These are sometimes not implemented by servers.
lsp-handlers are functions with special signatures that are designed to handle
responses and notifications from LSP servers.
For |lsp-request|, each |lsp-handler| has this signature: >
function(err, result, ctx, config)
Parameters: ~
{err} (table|nil)
When the language server is unable to complete a
request, a table with information about the error is
sent. Otherwise, it is `nil`. See |lsp-response|.
{result} (Result | Params | nil)
When the language server is able to successfully
complete a request, this contains the `result` key of
the response. See |lsp-response|.
{ctx} (table)
Context describes additional calling state associated
with the handler. It consists of the following key,
value pairs:
{method} (string)
The |lsp-method| name.
{client_id} (number)
The ID of the |vim.lsp.client|.
{bufnr} (Buffer)
Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
{params} (table|nil)
The parameters used in the original
request which resulted in this handler
{config} (table)
Configuration for the handler.
Each handler can define its own configuration table
that allows users to customize the behavior of a
particular handler.
To configure a particular |lsp-handler|, see:
Returns: ~
The |lsp-handler| can respond by returning two values: `result, err`
Where `err` must be shaped like an RPC error:
`{ code, message, data? }`
You can use |vim.lsp.rpc_response_error()| to create this object.
For |lsp-notification|, each |lsp-handler| has this signature: >
function(err, result, ctx, config)
Parameters: ~
{err} (nil)
This is always `nil`.
See |lsp-notification|
{result} (Result)
This contains the `params` key of the notification.
See |lsp-notification|
{ctx} (table)
Context describes additional calling state associated
with the handler. It consists of the following key,
value pairs:
{method} (string)
The |lsp-method| name.
{client_id} (number)
The ID of the |vim.lsp.client|.
{config} (table)
Configuration for the handler.
Each handler can define its own configuration table
that allows users to customize the behavior of a
particular handler.
For an example, see:
To configure a particular |lsp-handler|, see:
Returns: ~
The |lsp-handler|'s return value will be ignored.
To configure the behavior of a builtin |lsp-handler|, the convenient method
|vim.lsp.with()| is provided for users.
To configure the behavior of |vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics()|,
consider the following example, where a new |lsp-handler| is created using
|vim.lsp.with()| that no longer generates signs for the diagnostics: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Disable signs
signs = false,
To enable signs, use |vim.lsp.with()| again to create and assign a new
|lsp-handler| to |vim.lsp.handlers| for the associated method: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Enable signs
signs = true,
To configure a handler on a per-server basis, you can use the {handlers} key
for |vim.lsp.start_client()| >
vim.lsp.start_client {
..., -- Other configuration omitted.
handlers = {
["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Disable virtual_text
virtual_text = false,
or if using 'nvim-lspconfig', you can use the {handlers} key of `setup()`: >
require('lspconfig').rust_analyzer.setup {
handlers = {
["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Disable virtual_text
virtual_text = false
Some handlers do not have an explicitly named handler function (such as
|on_publish_diagnostics()|). To override these, first create a reference
to the existing handler: >
local on_references = vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/references"]
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/references"] = vim.lsp.with(
on_references, {
-- Use location list instead of quickfix list
loclist = true,
Handlers can be set by:
- Setting a field in vim.lsp.handlers. *vim.lsp.handlers*
vim.lsp.handlers is a global table that contains the default mapping of
|lsp-method| names to |lsp-handlers|.
To override the handler for the `"textDocument/definition"` method: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/definition"] = my_custom_default_definition
- The {handlers} parameter for |vim.lsp.start_client|.
This will set the |lsp-handler| as the default handler for this server.
For example: >
vim.lsp.start_client {
..., -- Other configuration omitted.
handlers = {
["textDocument/definition"] = my_custom_server_definition
- The {handler} parameter for |vim.lsp.buf_request()|.
This will set the |lsp-handler| ONLY for the current request.
For example: >
In summary, the |lsp-handler| will be chosen based on the current |lsp-method|
in the following order:
1. Handler passed to |vim.lsp.buf_request()|, if any.
2. Handler defined in |vim.lsp.start_client()|, if any.
3. Handler defined in |vim.lsp.handlers|, if any.
Log levels are defined in |vim.log.levels|
VIM.LSP.PROTOCOL *vim.lsp.protocol*
Module `vim.lsp.protocol` defines constants dictated by the LSP specification,
and helper functions for creating protocol-related objects.
For example `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes` allows reverse lookup by number or
name: >
vim.lsp.protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Full == 1
vim.lsp.protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind[1] == "Full"
For the format of the response message, see:
For the format of the notification message, see:
`on_list` receives a table with:
- `items` table[], structured like |setqflist-what|
- `title` string, title for the list.
- `context` table|nil. `ctx` from |lsp-handler|
This table can be used with vim.fn.setqflist or vim.fn.setloclist. E.g.:
local function on_list(options)
vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', options)
vim.lsp.buf.references(nil, {on_list=on_list})
If you prefer loclist do something like this:
local function on_list(options)
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', options)
LSP HIGHLIGHT *lsp-highlight*
Reference Highlights:
Highlight groups that are meant to be used by |vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()|.
You can see more about the differences in types here:
LspReferenceText used for highlighting "text" references
LspReferenceRead used for highlighting "read" references
LspReferenceWrite used for highlighting "write" references
Highlight groups related to |lsp-codelens| functionality.
Used to color the virtual text of the codelens. See
LspCodeLensSeparator *hl-LspCodeLensSeparator*
Used to color the separator between two or more code lenses.
Highlight groups related to |vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help()|.
Used to highlight the active parameter in the signature help. See
EVENTS *lsp-events*
After an LSP client attaches to a buffer. The |autocmd-pattern| is the
name of the buffer. When used from Lua, the client ID is passed to the
callback in the "data" table. Example: >
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", {
callback = function(args)
local bufnr = args.buf
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
if client.server_capabilities.completionProvider then[bufnr].omnifunc = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc"
if client.server_capabilities.definitionProvider then[bufnr].tagfunc = "v:lua.vim.lsp.tagfunc"
Just before an LSP client detaches from a buffer. The |autocmd-pattern| is the
name of the buffer. When used from Lua, the client ID is passed to the
callback in the "data" table. Example: >
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspDetach", {
callback = function(args)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
-- Do something with the client
vim.cmd("setlocal tagfunc< omnifunc<")
In addition, the following |User| |autocommands| are provided:
LspProgressUpdate *LspProgressUpdate*
Upon receipt of a progress notification from the server. See
LspRequest *LspRequest*
After a change to the active set of pending LSP requests. See {requests}
in |vim.lsp.client|.
Example: >
autocmd User LspProgressUpdate redrawstatus
autocmd User LspRequest redrawstatus
Lua module: vim.lsp *lsp-core*
buf_attach_client({bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.buf_attach_client()*
Implements the `textDocument/did…` notifications required to track a
buffer for any language server.
Without calling this, the server won't be notified of changes to a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
{client_id} (number) Client id
buf_detach_client({bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.buf_detach_client()*
Detaches client from the specified buffer. Note: While the server is
notified that the text document (buffer) was closed, it is still able to
send notifications should it ignore this notification.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
{client_id} (number) Client id
buf_is_attached({bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.buf_is_attached()*
Checks if a buffer is attached for a particular client.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
{client_id} (number) the client id
buf_notify({bufnr}, {method}, {params}) *vim.lsp.buf_notify()*
Send a notification to a server
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} [number] (optional): The number of the buffer
{method} [string]: Name of the request method
{params} [string]: Arguments to send to the server
Return: ~
true if any client returns true; false otherwise
buf_request_all({bufnr}, {method}, {params}, {callback})
Sends an async request for all active clients attached to the buffer.
Executes the callback on the combined result. Parameters are the same as
|vim.lsp.buf_request()| but the return result and callback are different.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
{method} (string) LSP method name
{params} (optional, table) Parameters to send to the server
{callback} (function) The callback to call when all requests are
Return: ~
(function) A function that will cancel all requests which is the same
as the one returned from `buf_request`.
buf_request_sync({bufnr}, {method}, {params}, {timeout_ms})
Sends a request to all server and waits for the response of all of them.
Calls |vim.lsp.buf_request_all()| but blocks Nvim while awaiting the
result. Parameters are the same as |vim.lsp.buf_request()| but the return
result is different. Wait maximum of {timeout_ms} (default 1000) ms.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
{method} (string) LSP method name
{params} (optional, table) Parameters to send to the server
{timeout_ms} (optional, number, default=1000) Maximum time in
milliseconds to wait for a result.
Return: ~
Map of client_id:request_result. On timeout, cancel or error, returns
`(nil, err)` where `err` is a string describing the failure reason.
client() *vim.lsp.client*
LSP client object. You can get an active client object via
|vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| or |vim.lsp.get_active_clients()|.
• Methods:
• request(method, params, [handler], bufnr) Sends a request to the
server. This is a thin wrapper around {client.rpc.request} with some
additional checking. If {handler} is not specified, If one is not
found there, then an error will occur. Returns: {status},
{[client_id]}. {status} is a boolean indicating if the notification
was successful. If it is `false`, then it will always be `false` (the
client has shutdown). If {status} is `true`, the function returns
{request_id} as the second result. You can use this with
`client.cancel_request(request_id)` to cancel the request.
• request_sync(method, params, timeout_ms, bufnr) Sends a request to the
server and synchronously waits for the response. This is a wrapper
around {client.request} Returns: { err=err, result=result }, a
dictionary, where `err` and `result` come from the |lsp-handler|. On
timeout, cancel or error, returns `(nil, err)` where `err` is a string
describing the failure reason. If the request was unsuccessful returns
• notify(method, params) Sends a notification to an LSP server. Returns:
a boolean to indicate if the notification was successful. If it is
false, then it will always be false (the client has shutdown).
• cancel_request(id) Cancels a request with a given request id. Returns:
same as `notify()`.
• stop([force]) Stops a client, optionally with force. By default, it
will just ask the server to shutdown without force. If you request to
stop a client which has previously been requested to shutdown, it will
automatically escalate and force shutdown.
• is_stopped() Checks whether a client is stopped. Returns: true if the
client is fully stopped.
• on_attach(client, bufnr) Runs the on_attach function from the client's
config if it was defined. Useful for buffer-local setup.
• Members
• {id} (number): The id allocated to the client.
• {name} (string): If a name is specified on creation, that will be
used. Otherwise it is just the client id. This is used for logs and
• {rpc} (table): RPC client object, for low level interaction with the
client. See |vim.lsp.rpc.start()|.
• {offset_encoding} (string): The encoding used for communicating with
the server. You can modify this in the `config`'s `on_init` method
before text is sent to the server.
• {handlers} (table): The handlers used by the client as described in
• {requests} (table): The current pending requests in flight to the
server. Entries are key-value pairs with the key being the request ID
while the value is a table with `type`, `bufnr`, and `method`
key-value pairs. `type` is either "pending" for an active request, or
"cancel" for a cancel request.
• {config} (table): copy of the table that was passed by the user to
• {server_capabilities} (table): Response from the server sent on
`initialize` describing the server's capabilities.
client_is_stopped({client_id}) *vim.lsp.client_is_stopped()*
Checks whether a client is stopped.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (Number)
Return: ~
true if client is stopped, false otherwise.
for_each_buffer_client({bufnr}, {fn})
Invokes a function for each LSP client attached to a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer number
{fn} (function) Function to run on each client attached to buffer
{bufnr}. The function takes the client, client ID, and buffer
number as arguments. Example: >
vim.lsp.for_each_buffer_client(0, function(client, client_id, bufnr)
formatexpr({opts}) *vim.lsp.formatexpr()*
Provides an interface between the built-in client and a `formatexpr`
Currently only supports a single client. This can be set via `setlocal
formatexpr=v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr()` but will typically or in
`on_attach` via `vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'formatexpr',
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options for customizing the formatting expression
which takes the following optional keys:
• timeout_ms (default 500ms). The timeout period for the
formatting request.
get_active_clients({filter}) *vim.lsp.get_active_clients()*
Get active clients.
Parameters: ~
{filter} (table|nil) A table with key-value pairs used to filter the
returned clients. The available keys are:
• id (number): Only return clients with the given id
• bufnr (number): Only return clients attached to this
• name (string): Only return clients with the given name
Return: ~
(table) List of |vim.lsp.client| objects
Returns list of buffers attached to client_id.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (number) client id
Return: ~
list of buffer ids
get_client_by_id({client_id}) *vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()*
Gets a client by id, or nil if the id is invalid. The returned client may
not yet be fully initialized.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (number) client id
Return: ~
|vim.lsp.client| object, or nil
get_log_path() *vim.lsp.get_log_path()*
Gets the path of the logfile used by the LSP client.
Return: ~
(String) Path to logfile.
omnifunc({findstart}, {base}) *vim.lsp.omnifunc()*
Implements 'omnifunc' compatible LSP completion.
Parameters: ~
{findstart} 0 or 1, decides behavior
{base} If findstart=0, text to match against
Return: ~
(number) Decided by {findstart}:
• findstart=0: column where the completion starts, or -2 or -3
• findstart=1: list of matches (actually just calls |complete()|)
See also: ~
set_log_level({level}) *vim.lsp.set_log_level()*
Sets the global log level for LSP logging.
Levels by name: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF"
Level numbers begin with "TRACE" at 0
Use `lsp.log_levels` for reverse lookup.
Parameters: ~
{level} [number|string] the case insensitive level name or number
See also: ~
start({config}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.start()*
Create a new LSP client and start a language server or reuses an already
running client if one is found matching `name` and `root_dir`. Attaches
the current buffer to the client.
name = 'my-server-name',
cmd = {'name-of-language-server-executable'},
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'pyproject.toml', ''}, { upward = true })[1]),
See |lsp.start_client| for all available options. The most important are:
`name` is an arbitrary name for the LSP client. It should be unique per
language server.
`cmd` the command as list - used to start the language server. The command must
be present in the `$PATH` environment variable or an absolute path to the executable. Shell
constructs like `~` are NOT expanded.
`root_dir` path to the project root. By default this is used to decide if
an existing client should be re-used. The example above uses |vim.fs.find|
and |vim.fs.dirname| to detect the root by traversing the file system
upwards starting from the current directory until either a
`pyproject.toml` or `` file is found.
`workspace_folders` a list of { uri:string, name: string } tables. The
project root folders used by the language server. If `nil` the property is
derived from the `root_dir` for convenience.
Language servers use this information to discover metadata like the
dependencies of your project and they tend to index the contents within
the project folder.
To ensure a language server is only started for languages it can handle,
make sure to call |vim.lsp.start| within a |FileType| autocmd. Either use
|:au|, |nvim_create_autocmd()| or put the call in a
`ftplugin/<filetype_name>.lua` (See |ftplugin-name|)
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Same configuration as documented in
{opts} nil|table Optional keyword arguments:
• reuse_client (fun(client: client, config: table): boolean)
Predicate used to decide if a client should be re-used.
Used on all running clients. The default implementation
re-uses a client if name and root_dir matches.
Return: ~
(number) client_id
start_client({config}) *vim.lsp.start_client()*
Starts and initializes a client with the given configuration.
Parameter `cmd` is required.
The following parameters describe fields in the {config} table.
Parameters: ~
{cmd} (required, string or list treated like
|jobstart()|) Base command that initiates the LSP
{cmd_cwd} (string, default=|getcwd()|) Directory to launch
the `cmd` process. Not related to `root_dir`.
{cmd_env} (table) Environment flags to pass to the LSP on
spawn. Can be specified using keys like a map or
as a list with `k=v` pairs or both. Non-string values are coerced to
string. Example: >
{ "PRODUCTION=true"; "TEST=123"; PORT = 8080; HOST = ""; }
{detached} (boolean, default true) Daemonize the server
process so that it runs in a separate process
group from Nvim. Nvim will shutdown the process
on exit, but if Nvim fails to exit cleanly this
could leave behind orphaned server processes.
{workspace_folders} (table) List of workspace folders passed to the
language server. For backwards compatibility
rootUri and rootPath will be derived from the
first workspace folder in this list. See
`workspaceFolders` in the LSP spec.
{capabilities} Map overriding the default capabilities defined
by |vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()|,
passed to the language server on initialization.
Hint: use make_client_capabilities() and modify
its result.
• Note: To send an empty dictionary use
`{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}`, else
it will be encoded as an array.
{handlers} Map of language server method names to
{settings} Map with language server specific settings. These
are returned to the language server if requested
via `workspace/configuration`. Keys are
{commands} (table) Table that maps string of clientside
commands to user-defined functions. Commands
passed to start_client take precedence over the
global command registry. Each key must be a
unique command name, and the value is a function
which is called if any LSP action (code action,
code lenses, ...) triggers the command.
{init_options} Values to pass in the initialization request as
`initializationOptions`. See `initialize` in the
LSP spec.
{name} (string, default=client-id) Name in log messages.
{get_language_id} function(bufnr, filetype) -> language ID as
string. Defaults to the filetype.
{offset_encoding} (default="utf-16") One of "utf-8", "utf-16", or
"utf-32" which is the encoding that the LSP
server expects. Client does not verify this is
{on_error} Callback with parameters (code, ...), invoked
when the client operation throws an error. `code`
is a number describing the error. Other arguments
may be passed depending on the error kind. See
|vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors| for possible errors.
Use `vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors[code]` to get
human-friendly name.
{before_init} Callback with parameters (initialize_params,
config) invoked before the LSP "initialize"
phase, where `params` contains the parameters
being sent to the server and `config` is the
config that was passed to
|vim.lsp.start_client()|. You can use this to
modify parameters before they are sent.
{on_init} Callback (client, initialize_result) invoked
after LSP "initialize", where `result` is a table
of `capabilities` and anything else the server
may send. For example, clangd sends
`initialize_result.offsetEncoding` if
`capabilities.offsetEncoding` was sent to it. You
can only modify the `client.offset_encoding` here
before any notifications are sent. Most language
servers expect to be sent client specified
settings after initialization. Neovim does not
make this assumption. A
`workspace/didChangeConfiguration` notification
should be sent to the server during on_init.
{on_exit} Callback (code, signal, client_id) invoked on
client exit.
• code: exit code of the process
• signal: number describing the signal used to
terminate (if any)
• client_id: client handle
{on_attach} Callback (client, bufnr) invoked when client
attaches to a buffer.
{trace} "off" | "messages" | "verbose" | nil passed
directly to the language server in the initialize
request. Invalid/empty values will default to
{flags} A table with flags for the client. The current
(experimental) flags are:
• allow_incremental_sync (bool, default true):
Allow using incremental sync for buffer edits
• debounce_text_changes (number, default 150):
Debounce didChange notifications to the server
by the given number in milliseconds. No
debounce occurs if nil
• exit_timeout (number|boolean, default false):
Milliseconds to wait for server to exit cleanly
after sending the 'shutdown' request before
sending kill -15. If set to false, nvim exits
immediately after sending the 'shutdown'
request to the server.
{root_dir} (string) Directory where the LSP server will base
its workspaceFolders, rootUri, and rootPath on
Return: ~
Client id. |vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| Note: client may not be fully
initialized. Use `on_init` to do any actions once the client has been
stop_client({client_id}, {force}) *vim.lsp.stop_client()*
Stops a client(s).
You can also use the `stop()` function on a |vim.lsp.client| object. To
stop all clients:
By default asks the server to shutdown, unless stop was requested already
for this client, then force-shutdown is attempted.
Parameters: ~
{client_id} client id or |vim.lsp.client| object, or list thereof
{force} (boolean) (optional) shutdown forcefully
tagfunc({...}) *vim.lsp.tagfunc()*
Provides an interface between the built-in client and 'tagfunc'.
When used with normal mode commands (e.g. |CTRL-]|) this will invoke the
"textDocument/definition" LSP method to find the tag under the cursor.
Otherwise, uses "workspace/symbol". If no results are returned from any
LSP servers, falls back to using built-in tags.
Parameters: ~
{pattern} Pattern used to find a workspace symbol
{flags} See |tag-function|
Return: ~
A list of matching tags
with({handler}, {override_config}) *vim.lsp.with()*
Function to manage overriding defaults for LSP handlers.
Parameters: ~
{handler} (function) See |lsp-handler|
{override_config} (table) Table containing the keys to override
behavior of the {handler}
Lua module: vim.lsp.buf *lsp-buf*
Add the folder at path to the workspace folders. If {path} is not
provided, the user will be prompted for a path using |input()|.
clear_references() *vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()*
Removes document highlights from current buffer.
code_action({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.code_action()*
Selects a code action available at the current cursor position.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) Optional table which holds the following
optional fields:
• context: (table|nil) Corresponds to `CodeActionContext` of the LSP specification:
• diagnostics (table|nil): LSP`Diagnostic[]` . Inferred from the current position if not provided.
• only (table|nil): List of LSP `CodeActionKind`s used to
filter the code actions. Most language servers support
values like `refactor` or `quickfix`.
• filter: (function|nil) Predicate taking an `CodeAction`
and returning a boolean.
• apply: (boolean|nil) When set to `true`, and there is
just one remaining action (after filtering), the action
is applied without user query.
• range: (table|nil) Range for which code actions should be
requested. If in visual mode this defaults to the active
selection. Table must contain `start` and `end` keys with
{row, col} tuples using mark-like indexing. See
See also: ~
completion({context}) *vim.lsp.buf.completion()*
Retrieves the completion items at the current cursor position. Can only be
called in Insert mode.
Parameters: ~
{context} (context support not yet implemented) Additional
information about the context in which a completion was
triggered (how it was triggered, and by which trigger
character, if applicable)
See also: ~
declaration({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.declaration()*
Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor.
Many servers do not implement this method. Generally, see
|vim.lsp.buf.definition()| instead.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already open.
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
definition({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.definition()*
Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already open.
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
document_highlight() *vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()*
Send request to the server to resolve document highlights for the current
text document position. This request can be triggered by a key mapping or
by events such as `CursorHold`, e.g.:
autocmd CursorHold <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
autocmd CursorHoldI <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
Note: Usage of |vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()| requires the following
highlight groups to be defined or you won't be able to see the actual
highlights. |LspReferenceText| |LspReferenceRead| |LspReferenceWrite|
document_symbol({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()*
Lists all symbols in the current buffer in the quickfix window.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
execute_command({command_params}) *vim.lsp.buf.execute_command()*
Executes an LSP server command.
Parameters: ~
{command_params} (table) A valid `ExecuteCommandParams` object
See also: ~
format({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.format()*
Formats a buffer using the attached (and optionally filtered) language
server clients.
Parameters: ~
{options} table|nil Optional table which holds the following optional
• formatting_options (table|nil): Can be used to specify
FormattingOptions. Some unspecified options will be
automatically derived from the current Neovim options.
• timeout_ms (integer|nil, default 1000): Time in
milliseconds to block for formatting requests. No effect
if async=true
• bufnr (number|nil): Restrict formatting to the clients
attached to the given buffer, defaults to the current
buffer (0).
• filter (function|nil): Predicate used to filter clients.
Receives a client as argument and must return a boolean.
Clients matching the predicate are included. Example: • >
-- Never request typescript-language-server for formatting
vim.lsp.buf.format {
filter = function(client) return ~= "tsserver" end
• async boolean|nil If true the method won't block.
Defaults to false. Editing the buffer while formatting
asynchronous can lead to unexpected changes.
• id (number|nil): Restrict formatting to the client with
ID ( matching this field.
• name (string|nil): Restrict formatting to the client with
name ( matching this field.
formatting({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.formatting()*
Formats the current buffer.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) Can be used to specify FormattingOptions. Some
unspecified options will be automatically derived from the
current Neovim options.
See also: ~
formatting_seq_sync({options}, {timeout_ms}, {order})
Formats the current buffer by sequentially requesting formatting from
attached clients.
Useful when multiple clients with formatting capability are attached.
Since it's synchronous, can be used for running on save, to make sure
buffer is formatted prior to being saved. {timeout_ms} is passed on to the
|vim.lsp.client| `request_sync` method. Example: >
vim.api.nvim_command[[autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_seq_sync()]]
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) `FormattingOptions` entries
{timeout_ms} (number|nil) Request timeout
{order} (table|nil) List of client names. Formatting is
requested from clients in the following order: first all
clients that are not in the `order` list, then the
remaining clients in the order as they occur in the
`order` list.
formatting_sync({options}, {timeout_ms})
Performs |vim.lsp.buf.formatting()| synchronously.
Useful for running on save, to make sure buffer is formatted prior to
being saved. {timeout_ms} is passed on to |vim.lsp.buf_request_sync()|.
autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync()
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
{timeout_ms} (number) Request timeout
See also: ~
hover() *vim.lsp.buf.hover()*
Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating
window. Calling the function twice will jump into the floating window.
implementation({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.implementation()*
Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the
quickfix window.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
incoming_calls() *vim.lsp.buf.incoming_calls()*
Lists all the call sites of the symbol under the cursor in the |quickfix|
window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple items, the user can pick one
in the |inputlist|.
list_workspace_folders() *vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()*
List workspace folders.
outgoing_calls() *vim.lsp.buf.outgoing_calls()*
Lists all the items that are called by the symbol under the cursor in the
|quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple items, the user
can pick one in the |inputlist|.
range_code_action({context}, {start_pos}, {end_pos})
Performs |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()| for a given range.
Parameters: ~
{context} (table|nil) `CodeActionContext` of the LSP specification:
• diagnostics: (table|nil) LSP`Diagnostic[]` . Inferred from the current position if not provided.
• only: (table|nil) List of LSP `CodeActionKind`s used to
filter the code actions. Most language servers support
values like `refactor` or `quickfix`.
{start_pos} ({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the start of the last visual selection.
{end_pos} ({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the end of the last visual selection.
range_formatting({options}, {start_pos}, {end_pos})
Formats a given range.
Parameters: ~
{options} Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries.
{start_pos} ({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the start of the last visual selection.
{end_pos} ({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the end of the last visual selection.
references({context}, {options}) *vim.lsp.buf.references()*
Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix
Parameters: ~
{context} (table) Context for the request
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
See also: ~
Remove the folder at path from the workspace folders. If {path} is not
provided, the user will be prompted for a path using |input()|.
rename({new_name}, {options}) *vim.lsp.buf.rename()*
Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
{new_name} (string|nil) If not provided, the user will be prompted
for a new name using |vim.ui.input()|.
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• filter (function|nil): Predicate used to filter clients.
Receives a client as argument and must return a boolean.
Clients matching the predicate are included.
• name (string|nil): Restrict clients used for rename to
ones where matches this field.
server_ready() *vim.lsp.buf.server_ready()*
Checks whether the language servers attached to the current buffer are
Return: ~
`true` if server responds.
signature_help() *vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()*
Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a
floating window.
type_definition({options}) *vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()*
Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• reuse_win: (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already open.
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
workspace_symbol({query}, {options}) *vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol()*
Lists all symbols in the current workspace in the quickfix window.
The list is filtered against {query}; if the argument is omitted from the
call, the user is prompted to enter a string on the command line. An empty
string means no filtering is done.
Parameters: ~
{query} (string, optional)
{options} (table|nil) additional options
• on_list: (function) handler for list results. See
Lua module: vim.lsp.diagnostic *lsp-diagnostic*
get_namespace({client_id}) *vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace()*
Get the diagnostic namespace associated with an LSP client
Parameters: ~
{client_id} (number) The id of the LSP client
on_publish_diagnostics({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
|lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
See |vim.diagnostic.config()| for configuration options. Handler-specific
configuration can be set using |vim.lsp.with()|: >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
-- Enable underline, use default values
underline = true,
-- Enable virtual text, override spacing to 4
virtual_text = {
spacing = 4,
-- Use a function to dynamically turn signs off
-- and on, using buffer local variables
signs = function(namespace, bufnr)
return vim.b[bufnr].show_signs == true
-- Disable a feature
update_in_insert = false,
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|).
Lua module: vim.lsp.codelens *lsp-codelens*
display({lenses}, {bufnr}, {client_id}) *vim.lsp.codelens.display()*
Display the lenses using virtual text
Parameters: ~
{lenses} (table) of lenses to display (`CodeLens[] | null`)
{bufnr} (number)
{client_id} (number)
get({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.codelens.get()*
Return all lenses for the given buffer
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer number. 0 can be used for the current buffer.
Return: ~
(table) (`CodeLens[]`)
on_codelens({err}, {result}, {ctx}, {_})
|lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/codeLens`
refresh() *vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()*
Refresh the codelens for the current buffer
It is recommended to trigger this using an autocmd or via keymap.
autocmd BufEnter,CursorHold,InsertLeave <buffer> lua vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()
run() **
Run the code lens in the current line
save({lenses}, {bufnr}, {client_id}) **
Store lenses for a specific buffer and client
Parameters: ~
{lenses} (table) of lenses to store (`CodeLens[] | null`)
{bufnr} (number)
{client_id} (number)
Lua module: vim.lsp.handlers *lsp-handlers*
hover({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config}) *vim.lsp.handlers.hover()*
|lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/hover" >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.hover, {
-- Use a sharp border with `FloatBorder` highlights
border = "single"
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Configuration table.
• border: (default=nil)
• Add borders to the floating window
• See |nvim_open_win()|
signature_help({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
|lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/signatureHelp". The active
parameter is highlighted with |hl-LspSignatureActiveParameter|. >
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/signatureHelp"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help, {
-- Use a sharp border with `FloatBorder` highlights
border = "single"
Parameters: ~
{config} (table) Configuration table.
• border: (default=nil)
• Add borders to the floating window
• See |vim.api.nvim_open_win()|
Lua module: vim.lsp.util *lsp-util*
apply_text_document_edit({text_document_edit}, {index}, {offset_encoding})
Applies a `TextDocumentEdit`, which is a list of changes to a single
Parameters: ~
{text_document_edit} table: a `TextDocumentEdit` object
{index} number: Optional index of the edit, if from a
list of edits (or nil, if not from a list)
See also: ~
apply_text_edits({text_edits}, {bufnr}, {offset_encoding})
Applies a list of text edits to a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{text_edits} (table) list of `TextEdit` objects
{bufnr} (number) Buffer id
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32
See also: ~
apply_workspace_edit({workspace_edit}, {offset_encoding})
Applies a `WorkspaceEdit`.
Parameters: ~
{workspace_edit} (table) `WorkspaceEdit`
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 (required)
buf_clear_references({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.buf_clear_references()*
Removes document highlights from a buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer id
buf_highlight_references({bufnr}, {references}, {offset_encoding})
Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number) Buffer id
{references} (table) List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to
{offset_encoding} (string) One of "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-32".
See also: ~
character_offset({buf}, {row}, {col}, {offset_encoding})
Returns the UTF-32 and UTF-16 offsets for a position in a certain buffer.
Parameters: ~
{buf} (number) buffer number (0 for current)
{row} 0-indexed line
{col} 0-indexed byte offset in line
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of `buf`
Return: ~
(number, number) `offset_encoding` index of the character in line
{row} column {col} in buffer {buf}
convert_input_to_markdown_lines({input}, {contents})
Converts any of `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent` into a
list of lines containing valid markdown. Useful to populate the hover
window for `textDocument/hover`, for parsing the result of
`textDocument/signatureHelp`, and potentially others.
Parameters: ~
{input} (`MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent`)
{contents} (table, optional, default `{}`) List of strings to extend
with converted lines
Return: ~
{contents}, extended with lines of converted markdown.
See also: ~
convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines({signature_help}, {ft}, {triggers})
Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown lines.
Parameters: ~
{signature_help} Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp`
{ft} optional filetype that will be use as the `lang` for
the label markdown code block
{triggers} optional list of trigger characters from the lsp
server. used to better determine parameter offsets
Return: ~
list of lines of converted markdown.
See also: ~
Can be used to extract the completion items from a `textDocument/completion` request, which may return one of `CompletionItem[]` , `CompletionList` or null.
Parameters: ~
{result} (table) The result of a `textDocument/completion` request
Return: ~
(table) List of completion items
See also: ~
get_effective_tabstop({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.get_effective_tabstop()*
Returns indentation size.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} (number|nil): Buffer handle, defaults to current
Return: ~
(number) indentation size
See also: ~
jump_to_location({location}, {offset_encoding}, {reuse_win})
Jumps to a location.
Parameters: ~
{location} (table) (`Location`|`LocationLink`)
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 (required)
{reuse_win} (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is
already opened.
Return: ~
`true` if the jump succeeded
locations_to_items({locations}, {offset_encoding})
Returns the items with the byte position calculated correctly and in
sorted order, for display in quickfix and location lists.
The result can be passed to the {list} argument of |setqflist()| or
Parameters: ~
{locations} (table) list of `Location`s or `LocationLink`s
{offset_encoding} (string) offset_encoding for locations
Return: ~
(table) list of items
lookup_section({settings}, {section}) *vim.lsp.util.lookup_section()*
Helper function to return nested values in language server settings
Parameters: ~
{settings} a table of language server settings
{section} a string indicating the field of the settings table
Return: ~
(table or string) The value of settings accessed via section
make_floating_popup_options({width}, {height}, {opts})
Creates a table with sensible default options for a floating window. The
table can be passed to |nvim_open_win()|.
Parameters: ~
{width} (number) window width (in character cells)
{height} (number) window height (in character cells)
{opts} (table, optional)
• offset_x (number) offset to add to `col`
• offset_y (number) offset to add to `row`
• border (string or table) override `border`
• focusable (string or table) override `focusable`
• zindex (string or table) override `zindex`, defaults to 50
Return: ~
(table) Options
Creates a `DocumentFormattingParams` object for the current buffer and
cursor position.
Parameters: ~
{options} (table|nil) with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
Return: ~
`DocumentFormattingParams` object
See also: ~
make_given_range_params({start_pos}, {end_pos}, {bufnr}, {offset_encoding})
Using the given range in the current buffer, creates an object that is
similar to |vim.lsp.util.make_range_params()|.
Parameters: ~
{start_pos} number[]|nil {row, col} mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the start of the last visual selection.
{end_pos} number[]|nil {row, col} mark-indexed position.
Defaults to the end of the last visual selection.
{bufnr} (number|nil) buffer handle or 0 for current,
defaults to current
{offset_encoding} "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32"|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of `bufnr`
Return: ~
{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = { start =
`start_position`, end = `end_position` } }
make_position_params({window}, {offset_encoding})
Creates a `TextDocumentPositionParams` object for the current buffer and
cursor position.
Parameters: ~
{window} number|nil: window handle or 0 for current,
defaults to current
{offset_encoding} (string) utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of
Return: ~
`TextDocumentPositionParams` object
See also: ~
make_range_params({window}, {offset_encoding})
Using the current position in the current buffer, creates an object that
can be used as a building block for several LSP requests, such as
`textDocument/codeAction`, `textDocument/colorPresentation`,
Parameters: ~
{window} number|nil: window handle or 0 for current,
defaults to current
{offset_encoding} "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32"|nil defaults to
`offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of
Return: ~
{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = { start =
`current_position`, end = `current_position` } }
Creates a `TextDocumentIdentifier` object for the current buffer.
Parameters: ~
{bufnr} number|nil: Buffer handle, defaults to current
Return: ~
See also: ~
make_workspace_params({added}, {removed})
Create the workspace params
Parameters: ~
open_floating_preview({contents}, {syntax}, {opts})
Shows contents in a floating window.
Parameters: ~
{contents} (table) of lines to show in window
{syntax} (string) of syntax to set for opened buffer
{opts} (table) with optional fields (additional keys are passed
on to |vim.api.nvim_open_win()|)
• height: (number) height of floating window
• width: (number) width of floating window
• wrap: (boolean, default true) wrap long lines
• wrap_at: (number) character to wrap at for computing
height when wrap is enabled
• max_width: (number) maximal width of floating window
• max_height: (number) maximal height of floating window
• pad_top: (number) number of lines to pad contents at top
• pad_bottom: (number) number of lines to pad contents at
• focus_id: (string) if a popup with this id is opened,
then focus it
• close_events: (table) list of events that closes the
floating window
• focusable: (boolean, default true) Make float focusable
• focus: (boolean, default true) If `true`, and if
{focusable} is also `true`, focus an existing floating
window with the same {focus_id}
Return: ~
bufnr,winnr buffer and window number of the newly created floating
preview window
parse_snippet({input}) *vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet()*
Parses snippets in a completion entry.
Parameters: ~
{input} (string) unparsed snippet
Return: ~
(string) parsed snippet
preview_location({location}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.util.preview_location()*
Previews a location in a floating window
behavior depends on type of location:
• for Location, range is shown (e.g., function definition)
• for LocationLink, targetRange is shown (e.g., body of function
Parameters: ~
{location} a single `Location` or `LocationLink`
Return: ~
(bufnr,winnr) buffer and window number of floating window or nil
rename({old_fname}, {new_fname}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.util.rename()*
Rename old_fname to new_fname
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table)
set_lines({lines}, {A}, {B}, {new_lines}) *vim.lsp.util.set_lines()*
Replaces text in a range with new text.
CAUTION: Changes in-place!
Parameters: ~
{lines} (table) Original list of strings
{A} (table) Start position; a 2-tuple of {line, col} numbers
{B} (table) End position; a 2-tuple of {line, col} numbers
{new_lines} A list of strings to replace the original
Return: ~
(table) The modified {lines} object
stylize_markdown({bufnr}, {contents}, {opts})
Converts markdown into syntax highlighted regions by stripping the code
blocks and converting them into highlighted code. This will by default
insert a blank line separator after those code block regions to improve
This method configures the given buffer and returns the lines to set.
If you want to open a popup with fancy markdown, use
`open_floating_preview` instead
Parameters: ~
{contents} (table) of lines to show in window
{opts} dictionary with optional fields
• height of floating window
• width of floating window
• wrap_at character to wrap at for computing height
• max_width maximal width of floating window
• max_height maximal height of floating window
• pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top
• pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom
• separator insert separator after code block
Return: ~
width,height size of float
symbols_to_items({symbols}, {bufnr}) *vim.lsp.util.symbols_to_items()*
Converts symbols to quickfix list items.
Parameters: ~
{symbols} DocumentSymbol[] or SymbolInformation[]
text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items({result}, {prefix})
Turns the result of a `textDocument/completion` request into
vim-compatible |complete-items|.
Parameters: ~
{result} The result of a `textDocument/completion` call, e.g. from
|vim.lsp.buf.completion()|, which may be one of
`CompletionItem[]`, `CompletionList` or `null`
{prefix} (string) the prefix to filter the completion items
Return: ~
{ matches = complete-items table, incomplete = bool }
See also: ~
trim_empty_lines({lines}) *vim.lsp.util.trim_empty_lines()*
Removes empty lines from the beginning and end.
Parameters: ~
{lines} (table) list of lines to trim
Return: ~
(table) trimmed list of lines
Accepts markdown lines and tries to reduce them to a filetype if they
comprise just a single code block.
CAUTION: Modifies the input in-place!
Parameters: ~
{lines} (table) list of lines
Return: ~
(string) filetype or 'markdown' if it was unchanged.
Lua module: vim.lsp.log *lsp-log*
get_filename() *vim.lsp.log.get_filename()*
Returns the log filename.
Return: ~
(string) log filename
get_level() *vim.lsp.log.get_level()*
Gets the current log level.
Return: ~
(string) current log level
set_format_func({handle}) *vim.lsp.log.set_format_func()*
Sets formatting function used to format logs
Parameters: ~
{handle} (function) function to apply to logging arguments, pass
vim.inspect for multi-line formatting
set_level({level}) *vim.lsp.log.set_level()*
Sets the current log level.
Parameters: ~
{level} (string or number) One of `vim.lsp.log.levels`
should_log({level}) *vim.lsp.log.should_log()*
Checks whether the level is sufficient for logging.
Parameters: ~
{level} (number) log level
Return: ~
(bool) true if would log, false if not
Lua module: vim.lsp.rpc *lsp-rpc*
format_rpc_error({err}) *vim.lsp.rpc.format_rpc_error()*
Constructs an error message from an LSP error object.
Parameters: ~
{err} (table) The error object
Return: ~
(string) The formatted error message
notify({method}, {params}) *vim.lsp.rpc.notify()*
Sends a notification to the LSP server.
Parameters: ~
{method} (string) The invoked LSP method
{params} (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
Return: ~
(bool) `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not
request({method}, {params}, {callback}, {notify_reply_callback})
Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response.
Parameters: ~
{method} (string) The invoked LSP method
{params} (table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
{callback} (function) Callback to invoke
{notify_reply_callback} (function|nil) Callback to invoke as soon as
a request is no longer pending
Return: ~
(bool, number) `(true, message_id)` if request could be sent, `false`
if not
rpc_response_error({code}, {message}, {data})
Creates an RPC response object/table.
Parameters: ~
{code} (number) RPC error code defined in
{message} (string|nil) arbitrary message to send to server
{data} any|nil arbitrary data to send to server
start({cmd}, {cmd_args}, {dispatchers}, {extra_spawn_params})
Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client object to
interact with it. Communication with the server is currently limited to
Parameters: ~
{cmd} (string) Command to start the LSP server.
{cmd_args} (table) List of additional string arguments to
pass to {cmd}.
{dispatchers} (table|nil) Dispatchers for LSP message types.
Valid dispatcher names are:
• `"notification"`
• `"server_request"`
• `"on_error"`
• `"on_exit"`
{extra_spawn_params} (table|nil) Additional context for the LSP
server process. May contain:
• {cwd} (string) Working directory for the LSP
server process
• {env} (table) Additional environment variables
for LSP server process
Return: ~
Client RPC object.
• `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|
• `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|
• {pid} (number) The LSP server's PID.
• {handle} A handle for low-level interaction with the LSP server
process |vim.loop|.
Lua module: vim.lsp.sync *lsp-sync*
Returns the range table for the difference between prev and curr lines
Parameters: ~
{prev_lines} (table) list of lines
{curr_lines} (table) list of lines
{firstline} (number) line to begin search for first difference
{lastline} (number) line to begin search in old_lines for last
{new_lastline} (number) line to begin search in new_lines for last
{offset_encoding} (string) encoding requested by language server
Return: ~
(table) TextDocumentContentChangeEvent see
Lua module: vim.lsp.protocol *lsp-protocol*
Gets a new ClientCapabilities object describing the LSP client
Creates a normalized object describing LSP server capabilities.
Parameters: ~
{server_capabilities} (table) Table of capabilities supported by the
Return: ~
(table) Normalized table of capabilities