mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 14:41:06 -07:00
Addresses: #12571 - Added the following installers through CMake files: - Windows NSIS. - Windows MSI. - Windows zip. - MacOs tarball. - Linux tarball. - Linux Deb package. - Tweaked pipeline CPack commands to build using new CMakeLists.txt configuration file. - Added icons and relevant packaging files. - Updated notes.md to reflect new installation instructions. This isn't meant to be the perfect solution, it's simply a first pass at using a simple packaging system to build Windows installers. A Debian package has also been added since it's very easy but other packages have been left out due to limiting the scope. Hopefully we can build further upon this and improve it over time with code signing, better icons and more user-friendly installation graphics and so on.
171 lines
5.3 KiB
171 lines
5.3 KiB
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$env:CONFIGURATION -match '^(?<compiler>\w+)_(?<bits>32|64)(?:-(?<option>\w+))?$'
$compiler = $Matches.compiler
$compileOption = if ($Matches -contains 'option') {$Matches.option} else {''}
$bits = $Matches.bits
$cmakeBuildType = $(if ($env:CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -ne $null) {$env:CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} else {'RelWithDebInfo'});
$buildDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$(pwd)")
$depsCmakeVars = @{
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = $cmakeBuildType;
$nvimCmakeVars = @{
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = $cmakeBuildType;
DEPS_PREFIX=$(if ($env:DEPS_PREFIX -ne $null) {$env:DEPS_PREFIX} else {".deps/usr"});
if ($env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR -eq $null) {
$env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR = ".deps";
$uploadToCodeCov = $false
function exitIfFailed() {
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
exit $LastExitCode
if (-not $NoTests) {
node --version
npm.cmd --version
if (-Not (Test-Path -PathType container $env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR)) {
write-host "cache dir not found: $($env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR)"
mkdir $env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR
} else {
write-host "cache dir $($env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR) size: $(Get-ChildItem $env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR -recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum | Select -expand sum)"
if ($compiler -eq 'MINGW') {
if ($bits -eq 32) {
$arch = 'i686'
elseif ($bits -eq 64) {
$arch = 'x86_64'
if ($compileOption -eq 'gcov') {
$nvimCmakeVars['USE_GCOV'] = 'ON'
$uploadToCodecov = $true
$env:GCOV = "C:\msys64\mingw$bits\bin\gcov"
# Setup/build Lua coverage.
$env:USE_LUACOV = 1
$env:BUSTED_ARGS = "--coverage"
# These are native MinGW builds, but they use the toolchain inside
# MSYS2, this allows using all the dependencies and tools available
# in MSYS2, but we cannot build inside the MSYS2 shell.
$cmakeGenerator = 'Ninja'
$cmakeGeneratorArgs = '-v'
$mingwPackages = @('ninja', 'cmake', 'diffutils').ForEach({
# Add MinGW to the PATH
$env:PATH = "C:\msys64\mingw$bits\bin;$env:PATH"
# Avoid pacman "warning" which causes non-zero return code. https://github.com/open62541/open62541/issues/2068
& C:\msys64\usr\bin\mkdir -p /var/cache/pacman/pkg
# Build third-party dependencies
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --verbose --noconfirm -Syu" ; exitIfFailed
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --verbose --noconfirm --needed -S $mingwPackages" ; exitIfFailed
elseif ($compiler -eq 'MSVC') {
$cmakeGeneratorArgs = '/verbosity:normal'
if ($bits -eq 32) {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 15 2017'
elseif ($bits -eq 64) {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64'
if (-not $NoTests) {
python -m ensurepip
python -m pip install pynvim ; exitIfFailed
# Sanity check
python -c "import pynvim; print(str(pynvim))" ; exitIfFailed
gem.cmd install --pre neovim
Get-Command -CommandType Application neovim-ruby-host.bat
npm.cmd install -g neovim
Get-Command -CommandType Application neovim-node-host.cmd
npm.cmd link neovim
if ($compiler -eq 'MSVC') {
# Required for LuaRocks (https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/issues/1039#issuecomment-507296940).
$env:VCINSTALLDIR = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/"
function convertToCmakeArgs($vars) {
return $vars.GetEnumerator() | foreach { "-D$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }
cmake -G $cmakeGenerator $(convertToCmakeArgs($depsCmakeVars)) "$buildDir/third-party/" ; exitIfFailed
cmake --build . --config $cmakeBuildType -- $cmakeGeneratorArgs ; exitIfFailed
cd $buildDir
# Build Neovim
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G $cmakeGenerator $(convertToCmakeArgs($nvimCmakeVars)) .. ; exitIfFailed
cmake --build . --config $cmakeBuildType -- $cmakeGeneratorArgs ; exitIfFailed
.\bin\nvim --version ; exitIfFailed
# Ensure that the "win32" feature is set.
.\bin\nvim -u NONE --headless -c 'exe !has(\"win32\").\"cq\"' ; exitIfFailed
if ($env:USE_LUACOV -eq 1) {
& $env:DEPS_PREFIX\luarocks\luarocks.bat install cluacov
if (-not $NoTests) {
# Functional tests
# The $LastExitCode from MSBuild can't be trusted
$failed = $false
# Run only this test file:
# $env:TEST_FILE = "test\functional\foo.lua"
cmake --build . --config $cmakeBuildType --target functionaltest -- $cmakeGeneratorArgs 2>&1 |
foreach { $failed = $failed -or
$_ -match 'functional tests failed with error'; $_ }
if ($uploadToCodecov) {
if ($env:USE_LUACOV -eq 1) {
& $env:DEPS_PREFIX\bin\luacov.bat
bash -l /c/projects/neovim/ci/common/submit_coverage.sh functionaltest
if ($failed) {
exit $LastExitCode
# Old tests
# Add MSYS to path, required for e.g. `find` used in test scripts.
# But would break functionaltests, where its `more` would be used then.
$OldPath = $env:PATH
$env:PATH = "C:\msys64\usr\bin;$env:PATH"
& "C:\msys64\mingw$bits\bin\mingw32-make.exe" -C $(Convert-Path ..\src\nvim\testdir) VERBOSE=1 ; exitIfFailed
$env:PATH = $OldPath
if ($uploadToCodecov) {
bash -l /c/projects/neovim/ci/common/submit_coverage.sh oldtest
# Ensure choco's cpack is not in PATH otherwise, it conflicts with CMake's
if (Test-Path -Path $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\cpack.exe) {
Remove-Item -Path $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\cpack.exe -Force
# Build artifacts
cpack -C $cmakeBuildType