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synced 2024-12-19 10:45:16 -07:00

Problem: "NOTE"s, inline Vim script code, and links ending in digits may not be highlighted correctly within the :Tutor. Solution: set an explicit value for ":syntax iskeyword" that includes digits. Do it after ":syntax include"s, so the included syntax/sh.vim doesn't mess with the value. Increase screen test width so all text within the conclusion section is visible. Co-authored-by: Sean Dewar <6256228+seandewar@users.noreply.github.com>
80 lines
3.2 KiB
80 lines
3.2 KiB
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn include @VIM syntax/vim.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn include @TUTORSHELL syntax/sh.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn include @VIMNORMAL syntax/vimnormal.vim
syn iskeyword @,-,_,48-57
syn match tutorLink /\[.\{-}\](.\{-})/ contains=tutorInlineNormal
syn match tutorLinkBands /\[\|\]\|(\|)/ contained containedin=tutorLink,tutorLinkAnchor conceal
syn match tutorLinkAnchor /(.\{-})/ contained containedin=tutorLink conceal
syn match tutorURL /\(https\?\|file\):\/\/[[:graph:]]\+\>\/\?/
syn match tutorEmail /\<[[:graph:]]\+@[[:graph:]]\+\>/
syn match tutorInternalAnchor /\*[[:alnum:]-]\+\*/ contained conceal containedin=tutorSection
syn match tutorSection /^#\{1,6}\s.\+$/ fold contains=tutorInlineNormal
syn match tutorSectionBullet /#/ contained containedin=tutorSection
syn match tutorTOC /\ctable of contents:/
syn match tutorConcealedEscapes /\\[`*!\[\]():$-]\@=/ conceal
syn region tutorEmphasis matchgroup=Delimiter start=/[\*]\@<!\*\*\@!/ end=/[\*]\@<!\*\*\@!/
\ concealends contains=tutorInlineCommand,tutorInlineNormal
syn region tutorBold matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\*\{2}/ end=/\*\{2}/
\ concealends contains=tutorInlineCommand,tutorInlineNormal
syn keyword tutorMarks todo note tip attention exercise
syn keyword tutorMarks Todo Note Tip Excersise
syn region tutorCodeblock matchgroup=Delimiter start=/^\~\{3}.*$/ end=/^\~\{3}/
syn region tutorShell matchgroup=Delimiter start=/^\~\{3} sh\s*$/ end=/^\~\{3}/ keepend contains=@TUTORSHELL concealends
syn match tutorShellPrompt /\(^\s*\)\@<=[$#]/ contained containedin=tutorShell
syn region tutorInlineCode matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\\\@<!`/ end=/\\\@<!\(`{\@!\|`\s\)/ concealends
syn region tutorCommand matchgroup=Delimiter start=/^\~\{3} cmd\( :\)\?\s*$/ end=/^\~\{3}/ keepend contains=@VIM concealends
syn region tutorInlineCommand matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\\\@<!`\(.*`{vim}\)\@=/ end=/\\\@<!`\({vim}\)\@=/ nextgroup=tutorInlineType contains=@VIM concealends keepend
syn region tutorNormal matchgroup=Delimiter start=/^\~\{3} norm\(al\?\)\?\s*$/ end=/^\~\{3}/ contains=@VIMNORMAL concealends
syn region tutorInlineNormal matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\\\@<!`\(\S*`{normal}\)\@=/ end=/\\\@<!`\({normal}\)\@=/ nextgroup=tutorInlineType contains=@VIMNORMAL concealends keepend
syn match tutorInlineType /{\(normal\|vim\)}/ contained conceal
syn match tutorInlineOK /✓/
syn match tutorInlineX /✗/
hi def tutorLink cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=lightblue guifg=#0088ff
hi def link tutorLinkBands Delimiter
hi def link tutorLinkAnchor Underlined
hi def link tutorInternalAnchor Underlined
hi def link tutorURL tutorLink
hi def link tutorEmail tutorLink
hi def link tutorSection Title
hi def link tutorSectionBullet Delimiter
hi def link tutorTOC Directory
hi def tutorMarks cterm=bold gui=bold
hi def tutorEmphasis gui=italic cterm=italic
hi def tutorBold gui=bold cterm=bold
hi def link tutorExpect Special
hi def tutorOK ctermfg=green guifg=#00ff88 cterm=bold gui=bold
hi def tutorX ctermfg=red guifg=#ff2000 cterm=bold gui=bold
hi def link tutorInlineOK tutorOK
hi def link tutorInlineX tutorX
hi def link tutorShellPrompt Delimiter
let b:current_syntax = "tutor"